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    1. New Group Idea: JavaScript / Coding

      I'm working towards becoming a full time web developer and I would love to see a thread dedicated to sharing developer tools, tips, code help, etc. I have learned a lot from these type of...

      I'm working towards becoming a full time web developer and I would love to see a thread dedicated to sharing developer tools, tips, code help, etc. I have learned a lot from these type of subreddits and think they would be a great addition to Tildes.

      Getting help, I always need help lol, always inspires me to help others. I believe that to be a desired trait of this new community. It's my dream to become a web developer. On my journey I'd love more help and also have the ability to help others on Tildes!

      4 votes
    2. Click a message to mark it read?

      While I also appreciate the ability to read things without marking them as read, it took me a minute to figure out how to mark things as read and now I find it more of a burden than anything....

      While I also appreciate the ability to read things without marking them as read, it took me a minute to figure out how to mark things as read and now I find it more of a burden than anything. Would it be possible to implement functionality to mark things as read if you click on the message in your inbox?

      Sometimes I even reply out of my inbox and it keeps it unread. While I sometimes keep emails I've replied to as unread at work, I can't see any reason I'd want to do that on a social media website. Maybe that's another functionality that could be implemented?

      7 votes
    3. What have you been listening to this week?

      hey everybody, looks like it's been NINE whole days since the last one so here comes this week's. also, sorry for not commenting in the last one — i'm garbage :) if you ever notice it's been a...

      hey everybody, looks like it's been NINE whole days since the last one so here comes this week's. also, sorry for not commenting in the last one — i'm garbage :)

      if you ever notice it's been a week or so and nobody's posted one, feel free to post! just steal the description from the last one (credit to @whom for writing it in the first place) and post away.

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something!

      Feel free to give recs or dicuss anything about each others' listening habits.

      You can make a chart if you use last.fm:


      13 votes
    4. Thoughts on Path of Exile : Incursion League?

      I for one have been enjoying the hell out of this league, it hasn't let me down even a little. I've mainly been taking advantage of the trap meta and doing things like "Rain of Arrow" traps. How...

      I for one have been enjoying the hell out of this league, it hasn't let me down even a little.
      I've mainly been taking advantage of the trap meta and doing things like "Rain of Arrow" traps.

      How are you guys liking the league so far?

      3 votes
    5. Has anyone tried the keto diet? If so, would you recommend it?

      For the last three years at university I've been eating like crap, but luckily my metabilism is relatively high so it hasn't really become much of an issue. Despite this, I still want to make a...

      For the last three years at university I've been eating like crap, but luckily my metabilism is relatively high so it hasn't really become much of an issue. Despite this, I still want to make a complete change and try and live a much more healthier life as I'm not going to be this age forever. I already cycle a lot, but I know exercise is one part of the equation and so I want to try a complete overhaul of my diet as well. I've heard and read a few things about the keto diet but was wondering if any other users have already tried. If so, did it work effectively? How hard was it to shift your eating habits and change up what you normally eat? I'm pretty confident I could manage it I would just like to see if anyone already has some experience with the diet and whether they would recommend it or not.

      16 votes
    6. Ninja takes two-day break, loses 40,000 subscribers

      https://kotaku.com/ninja-takes-two-day-break-loses-40-000-subscribers-1826813300 Sometimes the volatility of current gaming trends, championed by twitch, really make me feel like I'm not even in...


      Sometimes the volatility of current gaming trends, championed by twitch, really make me feel like I'm not even in the same place as the rest of gamers anymore.

      8 votes
    7. What have you been playing, and what do you think of it?

      (I really liked the weekly /r/games stickies, would be nice to have similar discussions here) Prey (2017) - Spiritual successor to System Shock 2. An FPS-Survival Horror game with RPG elements. As...

      (I really liked the weekly /r/games stickies, would be nice to have similar discussions here)

      Prey (2017) - Spiritual successor to System Shock 2. An FPS-Survival Horror game with RPG elements. As a huge fan of the original system shock series, this was quite a treat. I've kept reading that this was the underrated game of that year, and after playing it for a dozen hours, I agree. Bioshock games didn't quite scratch that itch for me: exploration felt very 2-D and linear, environments didn't feel like the spaces they represented (living quarters, public squares, etc.), sometimes too much exposition, and it eschewed the detailed interface for a simpler menu. It's a blast to explore all the hidden nooks and crannies in Prey, sometimes getting more story bits, or just extra ammo; it's tense and and rewarding. Story so far is compelling and the twist at the start was 10/10. Here's hoping the rest of the game holds up.

      19 votes
    8. Two months post graduation, I am lost, confused and don't know how to go where I want to be.

      I feel so cheated- I went into college with no clue what my interests are and got a degree in something irrelevant that doesn't interest me ( BBA in digital marketing). I was too young when I made...

      I feel so cheated- I went into college with no clue what my interests are and got a degree in something irrelevant that doesn't interest me ( BBA in digital marketing).
      I was too young when I made the decision to get this degree and in the years since, I have discovered my passions are art and the environment- I can't see myself feeling fulfilled working in any other field.
      But now I don't have the qualifications or skills to get into either, and it seems like a bit of a stretch to go back to college and do another four years!

      I just don't know where to go from here, I feel demotivated and I wish that college was something that happened to us later in life. I would do things so differently!

      I'm taking some time off to figure out what to do next, but honestly...I don't have a clue.

      12 votes
    9. Thoughts on Rocheworld?

      Came across this title mentioned in one of Baen's free nonfiction collections. The basic world concept sounded intriguing from an astrophysics standpoint, but how is it to read?

      1 vote
    10. This is a popular question on askreddit, but since Tildes is a slightly different beast I am curious: Have you ever encountered a ghost or UFO before (or something similarly spooky/inexplicable)?

      I'm hoping for serious, honest responses - i.e. don't make up stuff just to troll or try to trick people, nor to just exercise your creative writing skills for entertainment. I am optimistic that...

      I'm hoping for serious, honest responses - i.e. don't make up stuff just to troll or try to trick people, nor to just exercise your creative writing skills for entertainment. I am optimistic that people can be respectful to those sharing stories that may be difficult to believe, or which might have mundane explanations.

      I've had an interest in the paranormal and unusual for a long time, but haven't delved as deeply as might be warranted. I do my best to keep an open mind, have had a few experiences that are on the fringe, and have met and known people who have recounted much stranger things and i always love hearing about them. Since Tildes is at a point presently where there aren't easy throwaways, and where reputation matters to an extent, I would suspect that tales shared here might have a bit more credibility than those shared pseudo-anonymously on reddit.

      So, any experiences you've had which just didn't have a completely satisfying explanation? Any spooks or strange places or times or sights? I invite you to share your experiences here. :)

      28 votes
    11. Any ex-pats/long time travelers out there? What's the biggest thing you miss about your home country?

      My husband and I moved to Japan from America in March due to a job opportunity. There are several things that we've noticed that we miss, mostly food items! I was curious if 1) there are other...

      My husband and I moved to Japan from America in March due to a job opportunity. There are several things that we've noticed that we miss, mostly food items! I was curious if 1) there are other ex-pats on the site and 2) what do you miss the most? Also, what is the best thing about your new home?

      12 votes
    12. Are Python virtual environments comparable to Docker containers?

      I've been trying to understand Docker and while also learning Python it occurred to me that virtual environments seem to be the same thing. They're probably not, but can anyone shed some light on...

      I've been trying to understand Docker and while also learning Python it occurred to me that virtual environments seem to be the same thing. They're probably not, but can anyone shed some light on this?

      6 votes
    13. Trying to become healthier

      Hey everyone. I keep a pretty rigorous watch on my calories and I am a vegetarian, so a lot of my meals consist of just vegetables. I am mostly healthy, but I have the hardest time kicking my only...

      Hey everyone. I keep a pretty rigorous watch on my calories and I am a vegetarian, so a lot of my meals consist of just vegetables. I am mostly healthy, but I have the hardest time kicking my only real vice: soda. I love it, and I may even be addicted. I gave it up last year for lent, but after my 40 days I immediately started drinking it again. I'm trying to cut back my sugar intake, and I keep finding ways to rationalize drinking it. Anyone out there with tips on how I can kick it for good?

      12 votes
    14. Best for Privacy: Local Recursive DNS vs Cloudflare's DNS over HTTPS

      I'm trying to decide what option I prefer here in terms of privacy. I'm curious of other's opinions on the issue, and if anyone has a better solution to offer more privacy. Option 1: Hosting a...

      I'm trying to decide what option I prefer here in terms of privacy. I'm curious of other's opinions on the issue, and if anyone has a better solution to offer more privacy.

      Option 1: Hosting a local recursive DNS

      I currently have a device running Pi-hole on my local network. I recently set it up as a recursive DNS server using unbound. This allows me to no longer rely on a public DNS such as GoogleDNS, OpenDNS, Cloudflare, etc. for my queries, and just point straight to the root servers.

      Pro: I removed a "pair of eyes" (Public DNS) out of the equation

      Con: All my queries are not encrypted so my ISP (and potentially others) can still see my DNS queries

      Option 2: Using DNS over HTTPS (DoH) using Cloudflare's client

      With this option I would use Cloudflare's cloudflared daemon they provide on their website. This would allow all my queries to be encrypted when sending them to Cloudflare.

      Pro: Encrypted DNS queries from my local network -> Cloudflare's servers. My ISP can no longer see my DNS queries

      Security Pro: Helps prevent MitM attacks

      Con: I now have a Public DNS back in the equation, which I have to put some trust into. Also, my queries are most likely only encrypted from my local network -> Cloudflare's network. When Cloudflare has to do the recursion, those queries may be not encrypted (my assumption is they will most likely be not encrypted)

      Possible Con: Does Server Name Indication (SNI) "leaking" apply to DNS queries at all? If so, then my query is revealed anyways right?

      As a note, I am nowhere near an expert on the specifics of DNS, so some of my assumptions on how things work may be super wrong!

      6 votes
    15. Daily Tildes discussion - thoughts on recruiting

      We've had a few topics related to recruiting new users come up over the last few days. I won't link to them specifically (and at least one has been deleted as well), but they've included ones that...

      We've had a few topics related to recruiting new users come up over the last few days. I won't link to them specifically (and at least one has been deleted as well), but they've included ones that recommend relying less on reddit, seeking out more people of different demographics, and a few other recommendations related to how and where we should be looking for more users.

      So for this topic, I wanted to ask to see if people have specific recommendations for reaching other potential users. Reddit is definitely the simplest from my perspective, because I have a fair amount of name-recognition there and also a lot of connections with mods and users. I'd love to reach out to other groups of people as well, but that often comes off as pretty spammy from someone that doesn't have a pre-existing relation, so I'm not sure how it could be done well.

      So any recommendations are appreciated, and I've also given all existing users 5 invite codes again, so feel free to invite some people if there's anyone you think would be a good fit. You can get them here (and as always, feel free to message me if you want more): https://tildes.net/invite

      Also, I haven't done it yet, but after this discussion the other day, I think I'm going to stop showing info about who users were invited by. Multiple people are saying that the current situation is preventing them from inviting others, and I don't think that's a good thing. I'll make another post in ~tildes.official once I've done that (should be today).

      41 votes
    16. Suggestion: Require explainations in order to tag a comment/post

      Tags [noise, troll, flame, off-topic] got abused and used as an "I disagree" function. What if Tildes requires an explaination/argument for why the comment/post is either noise, off-topic,...

      Tags [noise, troll, flame, off-topic] got abused and used as an "I disagree" function. What if Tildes requires an explaination/argument for why the comment/post is either noise, off-topic, trolling/flaming. This way we can hold taggers responsible and accountable for the tags and to some degree see if the tag is reasonable or misused. All the reasons for the tags can be gathered on a "discussion" page for the thread, a bit like Wikipedia's talk pages for each entry.

      If you've made it this far I'd love to hear your thoughs, reactions and critiques.
      And for those who've made it this far: Enjoy this photogenic cat

      4 votes