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    1. Evidence for bias of genetic ancestry in resting state functional MRI

      Conference paper: Evidence For Bias Of Genetic Ancestry In Resting State Functional MRI [blocked] Preprint (not peer-reviewed): Evidence for Bias of Genetic Ancestry in Resting State Functional...

      Conference paper: Evidence For Bias Of Genetic Ancestry In Resting State Functional MRI

      Preprint (not peer-reviewed): Evidence for Bias of Genetic Ancestry in Resting State Functional MRI
      [not blocked]

      Someone posted this on Reddit. It purports to be a study which shows that it is possible to identify a person's genetic ancestry (in other words, their "race") by observing their brain activity.

      Thereby, we demonstrated that genetic ancestry is encoded in the functional connectivity pattern of the brain at rest. We hypothesize that these observed differences are a result of known ethnicity-related variations in head and brain morphology

      This feels problematic, in that it gives support to the racist idea that different "races" think differently. But I don't know enough myself to believe this study or debunk it. I present it for more knowledgeable people than myself to dissect and discuss.

      6 votes
    2. metaphysical sigh.

      one day i will die one day so will you. the pictures on the wall will end up in the trash or old and tattered in an attic. our greatest of great-grandkids won't know our faces or how deeply we...

      one day

      i will die

      one day

      so will you.

      the pictures on the wall

      will end up in the trash

      or old and tattered

      in an attic.

      our greatest of great-grandkids

      won't know our faces or

      how deeply we were saddened

      to never see them grow

      to never learn the world they know

      to never speak their modern language

      or watch the trees around them


      for we'll be dead in the ground

      and we'll never hear a sound

      for what comes next ain't only silence

      it ain't blood and it ain't violence

      it just


      so for now we're killing time perhaps

      we'll get laid or

      learn to paint.

      but in the end, it all goes out

      into the trash

      into the dust

      and rest assured

      into the ground.


      if you choose to abuse me

      i'd rather hear threats for ever than

      hear no sound.

      because if you're still here to hurt me

      i can say that someone

      stuck around.




      before i'm buried in the ground.

      9 votes
    3. What did a fictional character say that stuck with you?

      Always loved some of the quotes from Harry Potter - Sirius Black and Dumbledore having the better ones. "If you want to know what a man’s like, judge him on the way he treats his inferiors, not...

      Always loved some of the quotes from Harry Potter - Sirius Black and Dumbledore having the better ones.

      "If you want to know what a man’s like, judge him on the way he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”
      — Sirius Black

      35 votes
    4. Astral Chain discussion thread

      Let's talk about recently released Neon Genesis Evangelion Astral Chain game. Developed by Platinum this Nintendo Switch exclusive had been a highlight for recent Nintendo Directs and gotten...

      Let's talk about recently released Neon Genesis Evangelion Astral Chain game. Developed by Platinum this Nintendo Switch exclusive had been a highlight for recent Nintendo Directs and gotten favorable reviews by critics and by the public.

      Have you played it?
      How do like it?
      What do you think about the Legion gameplay?

      Let's dive into it and try keeping spoilersto a minimum!

      9 votes
    5. What are some of the most emotionally affecting or resonant games you've played?

      Doesn't necessarily have to be that you cried, though it certainly can be. It can also be that you connected with the characters or plot, or maybe you clicked with the game's sense of humor. Maybe...

      Doesn't necessarily have to be that you cried, though it certainly can be. It can also be that you connected with the characters or plot, or maybe you clicked with the game's sense of humor. Maybe it creeped you out something fierce, or maybe it forced you into difficult ethical decisions. Any strong personal response counts.

      • Why was the game so meaningful for you?
      • How did the game use the medium to enhance its resonance?

      Please give adequate spoiler warnings!
      (You can use a <details> block to make a convenient collapsible section.)

      21 votes