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    1. I've created a temporary sub-group for Advent of Code 2020, subscribe if you're interested!

      As we did last year, I've set up a temporary sub-group that we can use for this year's Advent of Code at ~comp.advent_of_code Some discussion and solutions were starting in this thread, but it...

      As we did last year, I've set up a temporary sub-group that we can use for this year's Advent of Code at ~comp.advent_of_code

      Some discussion and solutions were starting in this thread, but it will be easier to organize inside a devoted sub-group, and also makes it simpler for people to both find and avoid the relevant topics.

      If you posted solutions in that topic, please move them into the threads for Day 1 and Day 2.

      I automatically subscribed everyone that commented in or voted on that original topic, as well as everyone that posted a comment in any of last year's topics, but nobody else. So if you're interested in participating in Advent of Code or discussing it, please subscribe to the sub-group. Posts from the sub-group won't be shown to logged-out users by default either, so any logged-out users that want to observe will need to visit the sub-group directly (or you're welcome to email me and request an invite so you can register and subscribe).

      I've also set up scheduled posts to happen automatically as each day's puzzle unlocks.

      25 votes
    2. What programming/technical projects have you been working on?

      This is a recurring post to discuss programming or other technical projects that we've been working on. Tell us about one of your recent projects, either at work or personal projects. What's...

      This is a recurring post to discuss programming or other technical projects that we've been working on. Tell us about one of your recent projects, either at work or personal projects. What's interesting about it? Are you having trouble with anything?

      10 votes
    3. Alternative to TeamViewer for LAN?

      Currently, controlling one of my PCs from another requires me to manually log into Windows on the remote computer so I can get the TeamViewer pw and then connect from the host. Is there another...

      Currently, controlling one of my PCs from another requires me to manually log into Windows on the remote computer so I can get the TeamViewer pw and then connect from the host. Is there another program that will launch at Windows startup so I log into Windows on the remote computer from the host? I don't need internet remote control and I'd prefer a free alternative that doesn't require an account or internet access to enable this type of feature (which I believe TeamViewer does). Remote computer is on Win 8, host on Win 10. EDIT: I was wrong, see below.

      9 votes
    4. Timasomo 2020 Thread #5: Final Update Thread

      IMPORTANT INFORMATION Deadlines The creative portion for Timasomo ends at 11:59:59 PM on November 30, 2020, relative to wherever you are. The showcase will be next Sunday, December 6th (probably...



      The creative portion for Timasomo ends at 11:59:59 PM on November 30, 2020, relative to wherever you are.

      The showcase will be next Sunday, December 6th (probably posted around 18:00:00 GMT).

      Next Steps

      Finish up your project in the next two days. You have the following week to prepare your showcase. This means you can edit, add polish, find hosting, etc. It's your week to get your project ready for however you're wishing to present it! And if you have to cram in a little creativity in that time too, well, I won't say anything. :)

      Showcase Logistics


      You can see last year's Timasomo showcase here. It will look fairly similar, but there are going to be a few changes this year based on feedback from last year:

      • The Showcase will be hosted in ~talk, not ~creative, to expose the projects to the wider Tildes audience.
      • Participants will post their own projects in the comments rather than me posting them within the topic (this is so people don't have to ping creators, and to give participants better control of their showcase entries)

      Preparing Your Showcase

      • Give your project a title, and use the # markdown to make it stand out in the showcase thread!
      • Link to your project in whatever way works best for your project.
      • Give an "creator statement" that contextualizes what your project is.

      Showcase FAQ

      Do I have to share my whole project?

      Nope! Only share what you're comfortable with! Snippets, excerpts, screenshots, or even just a summary from you are all fine. Tildes is a privacy-respecting site, and that extends to Timasomo! :)

      What if I have more than one project to showcase?

      Awesome! Make more than one entry in the showcase!

      What if I didn't meet my goal?

      It's up to you if you want to participate in the showcase. Even if you didn't meet your goal but still feel you want to share what you did accomplish, that's fine! If not, no worries!

      What if I need hosting for files/images?

      Please ask here! There are plenty of people here who can help with that.

      What if I have a question not covered here?

      Please ask here or by PM!

      Timasomo FAQ

      What is Timasomo?

      Timasomo is "Tildes' Make Something Month": a creative community challenge that takes place in the month of November. It was inspired by NaNoWriMo, the National Novel Writing Month. The first ever Timasomo took place last year. You can see the threads for the previous Timasomo using the timasomo tag, and you can see the final showcase thread of creations here.

      What are the rules?Timasomo is self-driven and its goals are self-selected. On November 1st, participants will commit to a creative project (or projects) that they plan to complete within the month of November. There is no restriction on the methods/products of creativity: writing, painting, code, food, photos, crafts, songs -- if it's creative expression for you, it works for Timasomo!

      Though most will be participating individually, collaborations are welcome too!

      What is the schedule?

      Timasomo begins November 1st and ends November 30th. All creative output towards your goal(s) should be confined to this time. This week prior to the start of November is for planning, and there will be a few days at the beginning of December given to "finishing touches" before we have our final thread, which will be a showcase of all the completed works. Below are the dates that I will be posting weekly threads:

      Sunday, October 18, 2020: Announcement Thread
      Sunday, October 25, 2020: Planning Thread
      Sunday, November 1, 2020: Roll Call Thread
      Sunday, November 8, 2020: Update Thread #1
      Sunday, November 15, 2020: Update Thread #2
      Sunday, November 22, 2020: Update Thread #3
      Sunday, November 29, 2020: Final Update Thread
      Sunday, December 6, 2020: Timasomo Showcase Thread

      This announcement will be posted in ~tildes. All Timasomo process threads will be hosted in ~creative. The final Timasomo Showcase thread will be posted in ~talk.

      Can I participate?

      Yes! Timasomo is open to anyone on Tildes! The greater Tildes community is also encouraged to participate in discussion threads even if you are not actively working towards a creative goal. This is meant to be an inclusive community event -- all are welcome! If you are interested in participating but do not have a Tildes login, please e-mail the invite request address here for an invite to the community.

      Participants will formally announce their plans to enter into Timasomo on Sunday, November 1st, in the Roll Call thread. If you are planning to participate or just want to follow the event, please make sure you are subscribed to ~creative where all of the update threads will be posted.

      What if I have ideas for how to run the event?

      Please share them here! I am facilitating the event, but I am completely open to feedback and suggestions to make this the best event possible. I want this to be Tildes' event, not kfwyre's!

      14 votes
    5. How can I buy some Marvel comic books for my Swedish nephew?

      So my nephew is Swedish and lives in Gothenburg. He’s 5. Apart from small kids' stuff, my sister says she never saw comic books being sold in her town. My nephew’s favorite superhero is...

      So my nephew is Swedish and lives in Gothenburg. He’s 5. Apart from small kids' stuff, my sister says she never saw comic books being sold in her town. My nephew’s favorite superhero is Spider-Man. On his last trip to Brazil, he loved my comic books. He cannot read yet, but my sister reads for him (she will skip anything inadequate for his age, of course. He can always reread later). She thinks he would prefer getting several small issues (48 pages usually I believe?) than a single book with the same page count (it's "more stuff" in his mind :P). The preferred languages are Swedish and Brazilian Portuguese (not European Portuguese). I would send him some in Portuguese but shipping would be slow and super expensive.

      So, are Marvel’s monthly issues even published in Swedish? If so, how can she acquire those?

      7 votes
    6. Vimeo is not very good

      (This is kind of a rant about Vimeo's website. It might be better in ~tech, or ~comp. Feel free to move it.) I've always preferred using Vimeo to YouTube for finding interesting videos because...

      (This is kind of a rant about Vimeo's website. It might be better in ~tech, or ~comp. Feel free to move it.)

      I've always preferred using Vimeo to YouTube for finding interesting videos because it's more oriented towards artists than people just uploading random stuff. As mentioned in the recent What Creative Projects Have You Been Working On? thread, I had some nature videos I shot of hummingbirds and wanted to upload them somewhere. My spouse had uploaded videos to Vimeo before, so I thought I'd put them there rather than YouTube because I don't like dealing with Google.

      The site is a hot mess. I've hit the following problems after lightly using it for 2 days. I uploaded a single video and set it to be public:

      • No way to enter keywords or tags. Searching will only find your video if you mention the search terms in your title (and maybe your description).
      • Some of their own pages are broken or missing. If I go to "categories" and click on "documentary" it shows me an error message saying the page doesn't exist. If I click on "arts" or "music" I go to that category and see videos available.
      • No information on how to add your video to a given category. Is it done automatically? Is it done by someone on the staff noticing and adding it? I have no idea!
      • My video has gotten a few views from people here, so it is uploaded and available for anyone to see. But if I search for "hummingbird" and limit the search to videos uploaded in the last 7 days, my video is not displayed. Why not? Who knows?
      • I ran the iOS app without logging in and it showed my account but said I had no videos, even though others were able to see them. Logging in shows the videos and confirms that they are set to allow anyone to view them. WTF?
      • I attempted to send them a message telling them about the broken links. When you go to the help section and click on "Contact Us," you get a fake chat window that's just a bot that will pick keywords out of your question and reply with articles that don't answer your question. In fact, they even ask below each one, "Does this answer your question?" with a button for yes and nothing else. There's no way to say, "No, this was unhelpful." If you scroll to the bottom of the list of articles they recommend, there's a button to send a message to their tech support.
      • I'm on the free tier, so I wasn't expecting any sort of answer to my help question, but still wanted to let them know so they could fix it. But that didn't work either. They have enough sense to copy your question from the chat bot into the tech support form (nice!) but it strips out any URLs. (Thanks! Very useful since I was trying to report a broken URL!) But it doesn't matter anyway because after you choose a category (none of which are correct) and attempt to submit your form, nothing happens. You press "Next" and the button turns into a spinner for a few seconds, and then stops and turns back into the "Next" button. Nothing appears to have been submitted, but no error is presented.
      • The site is full of dark patterns. I get that they want upgrade revenue coming in, and I have no problem with that. But they do things like have a blinking icon in your video's settings for "interaction tools." These are things you can do to monetize your video, or whatever. Stuff I will never need. All the options in this section require a paid upgrade and there's no way to turn off the blinking beacon (except, I assume, by upgrading).

      I was considering upgrading to their bottom-tier paid account, but after seeing how much is broken, I have to wonder if they're circling the drain? I get using chat bots and forms to make it easier for their support people, and making sure users know about ways to upgrade, but this is ridiculous. Anyone else run into this?

      26 votes