25 votes

Timasomo 2024: Roll Call

October 1st has already hit in some parts of the world, so Timasomo has officially begun!

Posting in this topic is your official entry into Timasomo. Let everyone know what your actual plans are: what are you going to make?

Anyone who was not already on the notification list will be added with a comment in this topic.

Once the date turns over to October 1st wherever you are in the world, feel free to start creating!


What is Timasomo really though?

Timasomo is "Tildes' Make Something Month": a creative community challenge that takes place in the month of October. It is a chance to create something/anything!

There are no restrictions on what you can choose to make.

The best way to get a feel for Timasomo is to check out our previous Showcase topics, where creators share their creations with the community at the end of the event:

Can I participate?

Yes! Timasomo is open to anyone on Tildes! Please make sure you are subscribed to ~creative.timasomo.

The greater Tildes community is also encouraged to participate in discussion threads even if you are not actively working towards a creative goal. This is meant to be an inclusive community event -- all are welcome!

If you are interested in participating but do not have a Tildes login, please e-mail the invite request address here for an invite to the community.

If you do not want to create something but still want to check out the showcase, let me know in a comment here and I will add your name to a separate notification list that I will ping for the showcase topic only.

How do I sign up?

Make sure you are subscribed to ~creative.timasomo and/or are included in my notification list (simply comment on this topic to be added).

On October 1st, there will be a Roll Call thread. By posting your plans to participate in that thread, you have formally signed up for Timasomo!

Didn't it used to be in November?

Yes. Timasomo was originally inspired by NaNoWriMo, the National Novel Writing Month, which takes place in November.

Initially, I wanted people participating in NaNoWriMo to be able to share their work with Timasomo as well. In the entire time it has run, however, no participant has publicly submitted any work from NaNoWriMo to Timasomo. Instead, Timasomo has gained its own identity independent of NaNoWriMo (which, after recent events, is probably for the best).

Many participants from previous years have shared that October would be a better month for them personally, so we moved the event to October.

Also, the event was so fantastically popular that it regularly upstaged American Thanksgiving, thus we only felt it fair that Canadian Thanksgiving be targeted as well.

What are the rules?

Timasomo is self-driven and its goals are self-selected.

On October 1st, participants will commit to a creative project (or projects) that they plan to complete within the month of October.

There is no restriction on the methods/products of creativity: writing, painting, code, food, photos, crafts, songs -- if it's creative expression for you, it works for Timasomo!

Though most will be participating individually, collaborations are welcome too!

What is the schedule?

Timasomo begins October 1st and ends October 31st.

All creative output towards your goal(s) should be confined to this time.

This week prior to the start of October is for planning. There will be a few days at the beginning of November given to "finishing touches" before we have our final thread, which will be a showcase of all the completed works.

Below are the dates that I will be posting weekly threads:

Tuesday, October 1, 2024: Roll Call Thread
Tuesday, October 8, 2024: Update Thread #1
Tuesday, October 15, 2024: Update Thread #2
Tuesday, October 22, 2024: Update Thread #3
Tuesday, October 29, 2024: Final Update Thread
Tuesday, November 5, 2024: Timasomo Showcase Thread

Do I have to share my creation(s) publicly?

Tildes is a privacy-respecting site, and you are not obligated to share your creation here if you do not want to. We'd still love to hear about it though, if you're willing to share process and details!

Is it Timasomo or TiMaSoMo?


I personally use "Timasomo" because I think it looks cleaner and because too much time on the internet has made my brain incapable of reading "TiMaSoMo" as anything other than sarcasm, but go with whichever you prefer.

The best option, however, is “𝑻𝑰𝑴𝑨𝑺𝑶𝑴𝑶” for reasons that are self-evident.


  1. kfwyre
    Pinging all Timasomo participants/conversationalists: here’s the official start of Timasomo 2024! Notification List @0d_billie @Akir @alp @Aran @Areldyb @arqalite @AugustusFerdinand...

    Pinging all Timasomo participants/conversationalists: here’s the official start of Timasomo 2024!

    Notification List


    If you would like to be removed from the list, let me know.

    Anyone not on the list but commenting on this topic will automatically be added. If you would prefer not to be added, please let me know.

    16 votes
  2. [2]
    (edited )
    Space Channel 5 is a repeat-after-me rhythm game for Dreamcast and PS2. You play as Ulala (as in, ooh-la-la!), a news reporter in space who uses her groovy dance moves to fight aliens and rescue...

    Space Channel 5 is a repeat-after-me rhythm game for Dreamcast and PS2. You play as Ulala (as in, ooh-la-la!), a news reporter in space who uses her groovy dance moves to fight aliens and rescue Space Michael Jackson.

    StepMania is a venerable bring-your-own-songs Dance Dance Revolution clone for PC.

    I think these two things should meet.

    My plan is to port Space Channel 5 to a set of StepMania simfiles, using recorded gameplay footage for the music and background video and mapping the in-game actions to four-panel arrows. The whole game is almost certainly too much for me to take on this month, but I'd like to at least get the first level done (likely as a three-song set).

    11 votes
    1. Omnicrola
      Link Parent
      Looking forward to seeing how this turns out!

      Looking forward to seeing how this turns out!

      3 votes
  3. first-must-burn
    I am going forward with the Leia Halloween costume for my daughter: sewing the robe, modeling the blaster, and making it operate with the electronics from a toy ray gun. I found a silver belt that...

    I am going forward with the Leia Halloween costume for my daughter: sewing the robe, modeling the blaster, and making it operate with the electronics from a toy ray gun. I found a silver belt that is stylistically aligned for less than the materials I would need to make it myself, so I'll be buying that part.

    10 votes
  4. WiseassWolfOfYoitsu
    Big project is a 3D Printer Rebuild. Got a Voron 1.8 I am rebuilding in to a Voron Trident. Also starting a project with my Dad. He recently acquired a 40s Rock-Ola jukebox that's only partially...

    Big project is a 3D Printer Rebuild. Got a Voron 1.8 I am rebuilding in to a Voron Trident.

    Also starting a project with my Dad. He recently acquired a 40s Rock-Ola jukebox that's only partially working. With all the expertise of someone who watches Technology Connections, I plan on helping rebuild the guts while he works on cosmetic restoration. However this project is going to be a lot more than the month!

    9 votes
  5. AugustusFerdinand
    Being that I don't have my cars to work on, but do have my anvil, forge, tongs, hammers, and other tools, it's going to be a blacksmithing 𝑻𝑰𝑴𝑨𝑺𝑶𝑴𝑶 for me. This also coincides well with the...

    Being that I don't have my cars to work on, but do have my anvil, forge, tongs, hammers, and other tools, it's going to be a blacksmithing 𝑻𝑰𝑴𝑨𝑺𝑶𝑴𝑶 for me. This also coincides well with the month-o-spoop we are now in and my anniversary (we got married on Halloween for a reason). So my wife will be getting hand forged spoop for our anniversary, you'll get to come along for the ride, and since the primary ethos of blacksmithing is need-a-tool? make-a-tool get to see any tools I need to make in the process.

    At the moment I intend to make pumpkins and ghosts with the idea (and my ideas tend to be a little overzealous) that they get larger as I go so that perhaps they can be lawn art outside. I made a ghost for my wife last year (or the year before) and while she loves it, I'm not super pleased with it, so hope to improve on that .Oh, and I'll try to make the legs for the vampire flamingos.

    Haven't had the chance to hit anything hot in a little while, so it'll be nice to get back at it and this will be a lead up to something greater that I'm not quite ready to discuss just yet.

    9 votes
  6. DefinitelyNotAFae
    I'm going to dig out my yarn from the move and knit something

    I'm going to dig out my yarn from the move and knit something

    8 votes
  7. mat
    I have done a little pricing of materials and some rough sketches and assuming the stars align when it comes to purchasing wood - I am going to build a bed. Our spare bedroom/library is in fairly...

    I have done a little pricing of materials and some rough sketches and assuming the stars align when it comes to purchasing wood - I am going to build a bed. Our spare bedroom/library is in fairly dire need of refactoring and the first stage of that is building a new bed. So... built in four poster, with storage and (ideally) inbuilt lighting/phone charging/etc. Design to accommodate the rest of the room build later too, which is entirely shelves because we don't call that room "the library" for nothing. I'll be happy if I manage to have something guests can sleep on by the end of the month though. If some sort of miracle happens then I'd really like to do the shelving too, but that's around seventy metres of built-in shelving that I have no budget for or idea how to implement yet.

    I do enjoy a big room refurb/furniture project, and timasomo is as good an excuse as any to get something ticked off my long-term "I'll do it one day" project list. Budget is next to nothing because we're saving hard for a new van, which makes it a more interesting challenge at least. I think I can do the bed for under £100, at least for the basics. I do have an existing one to pillage for parts so that helps.

    Thanks as ever to the excellent @kfwyre for organising this.

    8 votes
  8. RheingoldRiver
    I will be starting my project next week but I'm going to try and put in at least a solid two weeks into building my /r/fantasy bingo connections card!

    I will be starting my project next week but I'm going to try and put in at least a solid two weeks into building my /r/fantasy bingo connections card!

    7 votes
  9. HEBV5
    Y'know what, I think I'm in. Been playing in a band over a year, it's high time I contribute with a new song or tune.

    Y'know what, I think I'm in. Been playing in a band over a year, it's high time I contribute with a new song or tune.

    7 votes
  10. [2]
    I'm in. Gonna work on the story idea I have called City of NPCs. Hopefully I'll get enough done to start posting it somewhere this month!

    I'm in. Gonna work on the story idea I have called City of NPCs. Hopefully I'll get enough done to start posting it somewhere this month!

    7 votes
    1. hungariantoast
      Link Parent
      The idea sounded really cool and I’m looking forward to reading more about/of it

      The idea sounded really cool and I’m looking forward to reading more about/of it

      5 votes
  11. SloMoMonday
    Will try my best this month to rebuild my tank game in godot. Haven't done any game dev in a few years with work and the new baby and as I was getting back in, the Unity mess sort of killed any...

    Will try my best this month to rebuild my tank game in godot.
    Haven't done any game dev in a few years with work and the new baby and as I was getting back in, the Unity mess sort of killed any motivation I had. Been tinkering with Godot a bit since but think I need a goal to work towards.

    The tank game is a simple but fun project I used to test new systems, ideas and tools so I should have a good enough grasp on the core logic. Plan is to rebuild it in its original 2D top down prototype form, complete with the basic AI and janky ms paint assets. If I finish early, I'll start bolting on all the enhancements like a functioning UI and all the supporting mechanics.

    Not the most ambitious project, but got to start somewhere.

    7 votes
  12. Weldawadyathink
    (edited )
    I am in! I made a long post about my thoughts in the last thread, so I won’t repeat it all of it here. My goal is to bake bread using only my stove, since I don’t have an oven available right now....

    I am in! I made a long post about my thoughts in the last thread, so I won’t repeat it all of it here. My goal is to bake bread using only my stove, since I don’t have an oven available right now. The main goal is to bake a loaf that is of similar quality to the French bakery down the street.

    I will also consider it a success if I figure out for sure that it’s not possible or feasible to bake bread on a stove. My goal is experimentation and creativity, and trying something new. While I would love to get a nice end result, the end result isn’t the only goal.

    I didn’t find any good cast iron Dutch ovens at the flea market I went to on Sunday, so I found one for decently cheap on amazon, only 35€. The lid also doubles as a pan. Having multipurpose dishes is a pretty big benefit, since my living space right now is tiny. I also think having the Dutch oven inverted will be better for baking. I can have the pan as a relatively flat surface to lay the bread on while baking. The pot part can go over the top to make an oven. I am also thinking I can preheat the pot section separately on my second burner to get some more radiant heat to the top of the loaf. Once Amazon finally gets that to me (prime 2 day seems to be an outright lie now), I’ll be able to start.

    Edit: I am going to add an unrelated stretch project. I have for a long time been frustrated with the options available for downloading and cracking audible books. There are some great options for manual library management. I have used both OpenAudible and Libation in the past. OpenAudible has some sketchy history with how it interacts with the open source community, but it is a fantastic product otherwise. Libation is newer, has no open source shenanigans (that I know of), and is also a fantastic product. However neither of them are well suited to what I want. I want something I can run in a docker container that is set and forget. It should automatically check audible for new items in my library and download them. Both OpenAudible and Libation can kinda do that, but in my experience are not well suited to that setup. I just want something that is primarily a server and automatically keeps my local library up to date. It doesn’t even need a user interface, although an optional one would be nice.

    I have actually already started building my own project for this. I conceptualized it as a JavaScript server running in a docker container with a react fronted. The server is basically just a wrapper around the fantastic audible-cli project and ffmpeg for decryption. It is currently nextjs running on bun, hopefully deployed to a docker container. However I just looked at the code again after 2 months, and a lot of it is a mess. I spent so much time trying to work around nextjs that I think I just want to ditch it. I liked nextjs for my other projects, but I just think it’s poorly suited for this project.

    Deno 2 RC was released recently with a bunch of really nice features. I think I want to try and port the entire thing over to deno. I will almost certainly still use vite for the front end. For the back end, I am debating using hono or trying to see if tRPC can work on deno 2. I really have liked tRPC in my other projects, and the integration with react query is super useful. I think hono has a client library that functions similarly to tRPC, so that might be an option, but I definitely want react query, so I am not sure if that is possible. I may just avoid tRPC and do a shared ts file with the server return types.

    Anyway my goal for this project is to complete it to the level of a 1.0 and release it.

    7 votes
  13. 0d_billie
    This year's TiMaSoMo is a lot more open-ended and vague for me. I am simply trying to spend more time in acts of creation, specifically in the written form, ahead of an attempt at this year's...

    This year's TiMaSoMo is a lot more open-ended and vague for me. I am simply trying to spend more time in acts of creation, specifically in the written form, ahead of an attempt at this year's NaNoWriMo. The idea being that I am stretching and warming up my writing muscles.

    So, I am fleshing out a conlang and world history for my fantasy world in which all of my homebrew RPG adventures take place. I don't expect either of these to have a finished result by the time we hit Halloween, but I do hope to have some things that I can showcase by then, though the form that takes is to be decided.
    Elsewhere, I'm planning to finish off a series of blog posts I stalled in the writing of, relating to my coming out as transgender, and possibly (if time allows) to start a new one, consisting of slightly shorter form discussions of a number of important life lessons I try to live by.

    Today I am writing up some backstory for the particular adventure my D&D group is playing through, as well as putting together a bit more of the timeline for the game itself.

    7 votes
  14. Carrie
    I have 2.5 projects I keep mulling over: *A pendulum *A book (ironically, perhaps I can use this to cheat into NaNoWriMo) *Completing a project for the sake of Collaboration, for the sake of...

    I have 2.5 projects I keep mulling over:

    *A pendulum

    *A book (ironically, perhaps I can use this to cheat into NaNoWriMo)

    *Completing a project for the sake of Collaboration, for the sake of collaboration.

    7 votes
  15. NaniTheHuman
    I'm going to paint my shower curtain. I have a polyester one now. I bought a new one. I need to get acrylic fabric medium since I already have loads of acrylic paint. I don't know if I'll be able...

    I'm going to paint my shower curtain. I have a polyester one now. I bought a new one. I need to get acrylic fabric medium since I already have loads of acrylic paint.

    I don't know if I'll be able to finish it by the end of the month. But I'll try.

    Last year I said I would build a cat house or something of that sort and I didn't finish it within the month. But I did eventually make one within the year. It's busted now though.

    The cat has fully made use of it and destroyed it. Love that she enjoyed it at least.

    So if I don't finish by the end of the month, I do hope to finish it close to it at least. I'll try really hard though.

    Although I'm starting next week because I have a deadline at the end of this week.

    7 votes
  16. arqalite
    I'm in, and I'll be writing a guide for a Yu-Gi-Oh! deck named Fire King. The strategy around it is really fun, you start with this cute little baby phoenix and destroy your cards with card...

    I'm in, and I'll be writing a guide for a Yu-Gi-Oh! deck named Fire King.

    The strategy around it is really fun, you start with this cute little baby phoenix and destroy your cards with card effects in order to add more cards to the field. Think of a phoenix dying and resurrecting out of its ashes, that's the central theme.

    Most knowledge around the deck is scattered in its Discord server (plus a slightly outdated combo sheet for a variant of the deck that I don't play) and I really want to compile it in one place for quick reference, and to consolidate my own knowledge.

    It'll be written in mdBook, the software used by the Rust programming language for their books. It seems perfect for the job, minus the fact that I need to write some custom HTML to align things the way I need them to be.

    The plan is to introduce the individual cards of the strategy and discuss their role in the deck, maybe talk about some non-archetypal cards and staples that are important, then talk about the combos you would want to perform in a game (depending on your starting hand) and end with a short description of the various variants people have been experimenting with besides the pure version that I'm focusing on.

    6 votes
  17. [2]
    For people (like me) wondering: TiMaSoMo = Tildes' Make Something Month

    For people (like me) wondering: TiMaSoMo = Tildes' Make Something Month

    6 votes
    1. kfwyre
      Link Parent
      I could have sworn that info was in the FAQ, but it turns out it wasn't. Sorry! I've now added it.

      I could have sworn that info was in the FAQ, but it turns out it wasn't. Sorry! I've now added it.

      4 votes
  18. alp
    It begins—good luck, everybody! I hope it's a really fulfilling month for every one of you. I'll be making a new second section to my song "Comes the Isle"; this section will be hefty enough to...

    It begins—good luck, everybody! I hope it's a really fulfilling month for every one of you.

    I'll be making a new second section to my song "Comes the Isle"; this section will be hefty enough to fil this month quite easily, I think. It'll be a build from the current ambient intro to the climax that follows it, and it'll take a lot of musical development that's been always beyond me! No more excuses, time to learn and experiment and love. :)

    6 votes
  19. PnkNBlck71817
    I will hopefully get started today on knitting this As You Wish shawl. I picked out some amazing yarns dyed by my LYS last week that I feel represent colors from The Princess Bride (black for...

    I will hopefully get started today on knitting this As You Wish shawl. I picked out some amazing yarns dyed by my LYS last week that I feel represent colors from The Princess Bride (black for Westley, red for Buttercup, flaxen gold for Buttercup's hair, and green for the giant hill Westley rolls down) and I should be picking them up tonight. My LYS is having a Stitch Flix event at the end of the month - they rented out a theater screen and we're going to watch The Princess Bride and knit/crochet/craft in the theater. My goal is to be finishing the project at the movie!

    6 votes
  20. Interesting
    This is probably the most pathetic entry ever, but I'm going to try and get my apartment clean. The last year has been a wreck for me for a variety of reasons, and "adult daily living" tasks often...

    This is probably the most pathetic entry ever, but I'm going to try and get my apartment clean. The last year has been a wreck for me for a variety of reasons, and "adult daily living" tasks often went to the bottom of my priority list.

    I made some progress today -- I ran the dishwasher, unloaded what came out clean, and then ran it again. I got my laundry out of the bathroom, the paper towels and TP that was in my living room put away, my couch cleared off so that more than one person could sit on it, and a variety of some of the items scattered around the kitchen and living room floor put away.

    6 votes
  21. IsildursBane
    My goal is to edit a picture a day for this month from my backlog of photography. I went camping this past weekend and got some new photos that need to be edited (including some nice pictures of...

    My goal is to edit a picture a day for this month from my backlog of photography. I went camping this past weekend and got some new photos that need to be edited (including some nice pictures of some elk), so I am excited to do that. I will not be able to edit a photo every day though, as I will have to take a break over thanksgiving weekend.

    I also still have the tentative plan of building a mic preamp, but I still have not researched it so it is a secondary goal that may not happen.

    5 votes
  22. kfwyre
    Guaranteed deliverable: I'll be making a new set of categories to be used for Backlog Bingo for the upcoming Backlog Burner event in November. I'm going to go in a different direction than the...

    Guaranteed deliverable: I'll be making a new set of categories to be used for Backlog Bingo for the upcoming Backlog Burner event in November. I'm going to go in a different direction than the categories from last time in hopes of offering up both for the event and letting people choose what they're most interested in.

    Not a deliverable, but some additional creative faffing about: Alongside the above, I'll also be editing the previous Backlog Bingo list to spruce it up a bit and remove some pain points, as well as drafting some preliminary category lists for possible future non-Backlog Burner events I have in mind. @Wes made an incredible Bingo tool for the Backlog Burner, and I think it has potential utility outside of just that event!

    Stretch goal deliverable: I have two personal blog post ideas that have been under my skin for a while. I'd like to sit down and get them out, but I genuinely don't know if I'll have the time. I'd like to make this happen, but I'm going to file it under maybe just so I'm not locking myself into it and then failing to deliver (as I have for the past several Timasomos).

    4 votes
  23. eve
    (edited )
    Ah hell, fine, I'll do it. I'm going to aim to finish a book nook kit I got for Christmas last year. It's the Sakura Densya train kit. I've been putting it off but I already have an idea on the...

    Ah hell, fine, I'll do it. I'm going to aim to finish a book nook kit I got for Christmas last year. It's the Sakura Densya train kit. I've been putting it off but I already have an idea on the spot I want to put it. I have never built any sort of kit thing before so I'm looking at this as a slow paced, deep, deep learning process.

    4 votes
  24. ShroudedScribe
    So I was toying with joining, and apparently replying to someone else's comment put me on the list, so I'll do it! TL;DR: Put server equipment in "custom" rack, get fiber internet installed, and...

    So I was toying with joining, and apparently replying to someone else's comment put me on the list, so I'll do it!

    TL;DR: Put server equipment in "custom" rack, get fiber internet installed, and get a couple new pieces of networking equipment. Eventually (post-October) get Ethernet drops in the house and for PoE cameras.

    Finally decided on where all the server and networking hardware is going to live in the house. I want to make it look nice, be quiet, have sufficient airflow, and eventually provide some wired drops to key locations. That includes ceiling mounts for APs.

    I bought a wardrobe on Amazon to use as my makeshift server rack. Not much will be rack mounted, but probably going to buy a small rack to mount to the top for a patch panel the wired drops will connect to.

    Technically I assembled the wardrobe before Oct 1, but I haven't moved any server equipment yet. I didn't install the back as I want to put some mesh for better airflow, and it still seems stable. Next steps involve reinforcing the bottom more to ensure it can hold the weight of a UPS, and then moving everything in.

    4 votes
  25. knocklessmonster
    Day late, not a dollar short. GameBoy EP. IDK what it'll sound like, I already got half-way through a track tonight. I'll have updates as I go, but already like what's coming along. My plan is to...

    Day late, not a dollar short.

    GameBoy EP. IDK what it'll sound like, I already got half-way through a track tonight. I'll have updates as I go, but already like what's coming along. My plan is to track them on my Analogue Pocket, render each track individually into Bitwig, mix it all down, and it'll be ready.

    I was going to do it on the Dirtywave M8, but none of its chip sounds hit quite right, even the Analogue Pocket's FPGA (on low impedance audio mode) sounds nice and fat, so I'll be using that. I also feel that with the 4 drum kits, noise channel modes, and limited channels, that I'll be more creative and less fiddly.

    4 votes
  26. Tygrak
    I am in! I am going to do Ludum Dare this weekend, and depending on how much I like the game I'll decide whether I'll do more with it or if I'll do some other creative stuff instead.

    I am in! I am going to do Ludum Dare this weekend, and depending on how much I like the game I'll decide whether I'll do more with it or if I'll do some other creative stuff instead.

    2 votes