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    1. Feature Idea Survey and Discussion - Browse by Topic Tag List - please vote in the comments

      This feature already exists to a large extent thanks to Deimos's implementation of discovery by clicking a topic's tag. However, it might also be useful to list all of the topic tags aside from...

      This feature already exists to a large extent thanks to Deimos's implementation of discovery by clicking a topic's tag. However, it might also be useful to list all of the topic tags aside from specific topics as a user may not find a topic with their favorite tags very easily. As I understand it, Deimos wants to keep the group list from growing too quickly, and this would allow another way to discover one's micro-interests.

      Mockup of the 1 button added in the sidebar.

      On click of that button the user would go to a page similar to https://tildes.net/groups - but it would list topic tags. In place of subscribers count, there could be a total count of topics with that tag. In place of subscribe/un-subscribe buttons could be Filter/Un-filter buttons. I think that the list should be sorted by count of related topics, descending.
      1 This new tildes.tld/tags page would likely require pagination, and maybe a text input for a super-simple filter/search that would just change the SQL query where clause.

      Once the user clicks the name of the topic tag the user would go to the existing page tildes.tld/?tag=tag-name. example: https://tildes.net/?tag=linux

      What do you all think of this? Any other ideas on implementation? Any issues I did not consider?

      As in my last post in this group, please vote on the comment which best reflects your views on the feature. Then add any comments as to why you feel that way, or qualifications on your vote in a reply. If you have questions or ideas prior to voting, please make another top-level comment.

      If you want me to add an Ambivalent vote, let me know, but I thought that it was not that useful of a metric last time.

      edit: added 1

      edit2: Took a while to bring it back home, but:

      The impetus for making this feature proposal was this new user's topic. This user was looking for specific content which did exist on Tildes, but it was not obvious to them. It was only organized by tag, and they were looking for it by group. How were they to find it in the current top-level org? Specifically, here is my comment that relates to this feature.

      12 votes
    2. Search function on Tildes?

      Recently, I remembered reading a thread on Tildes about CCleaner that convinced me to stop using it. I wanted to find the thread to see what the suggested alternatives were. I can't see any search...

      Recently, I remembered reading a thread on Tildes about CCleaner that convinced me to stop using it. I wanted to find the thread to see what the suggested alternatives were. I can't see any search functionality on the site and it seems laborious to browse by tags. I tried doing a site search on Duck Duck Go "ccleaner site: https://tildes.net" with no results.

      I don't know if this has been brought up before, I can't find any information. I looked in the Docs to see if its mentioned anywhere but didn't come up with anything. Is there a plan to include search functionality on tildes?

      21 votes
    3. Remember display theme preferences even after cookie clearing

      For those of us have our browsers set to clear all cookies upon exit find it annoying to login in the middle of the night only to get our eyes blasted with the white theme. Settings need to dug...

      For those of us have our browsers set to clear all cookies upon exit find it annoying to login in the middle of the night only to get our eyes blasted with the white theme. Settings need to dug around with to switch is to something darker every time. This could be avoided by having the server remember the theme preferences of the users.

      If this is something that's already discussed previously or planned to be worked on internally, please correct me below. Thank you

      10 votes
    4. Anonymity on Tildes

      I had a thought, which I'm not sure I agree with, but figured it would be a good conversation. So much of our social discourse, and exploitation of our social platforms, can be associated with...

      I had a thought, which I'm not sure I agree with, but figured it would be a good conversation.

      So much of our social discourse, and exploitation of our social platforms, can be associated with anonymity. Given the divisiveness of our times, it feels like it's almost a pre-req for a platform like this (this has already been discussed in other threads).

      A slightly different question: Is there ever a place for folks that want to announce their identity, and go through something like a Twitter verification process? This could feed into the future trust/reputation feature.

      24 votes
    5. A precedent for answering your own questions

      One rule I really like on askreddit is that you can't out your own answer within the body of your question post. Rather, you're encouraged to answer in a comment. It prevents soap-boxing and...

      One rule I really like on askreddit is that you can't out your own answer within the body of your question post. Rather, you're encouraged to answer in a comment. It prevents soap-boxing and "story time", and allows discussion of your answer to be nicely compartmentalised from discussions of everyone else's answers.

      While I don't at all think this should be a rule for ask-style posts on Tildes, I think it's a great guideline. I always try to do this myself, and I thought I should put it out there and see if it's something the rest of our community would adopt. Thoughts?

      10 votes
    6. Suggestion: list of recent comments in the topic sidebar (mockup inside)

      See image for what I mean: https://imgur.com/BGzLKGq Basically, it can be hard to track new comments made in an old topic. In the recent one about tulpas, I checked in every so often to follow...

      See image for what I mean: https://imgur.com/BGzLKGq

      Basically, it can be hard to track new comments made in an old topic. In the recent one about tulpas, I checked in every so often to follow ongoing discussions but had to keep skimming the entire topic every time just to spot the new comments.

      If there could be a kind of "recent comments" in the sidebar, it would save a lot of time and make it much easier to stay on top of evolving discussions: just click the comments you haven't seen.

      13 votes
    7. The unread notifications page now has a "Mark all read" button

      There are a few updates coming in today, and I'm going to make separate posts for each of them. This is the first one, added by James Southern (I don't know if he wants his Tildes account named)...

      There are a few updates coming in today, and I'm going to make separate posts for each of them. This is the first one, added by James Southern (I don't know if he wants his Tildes account named) as an open-source contribution:

      Your unread notifications page now has a "Mark all read" button at the top, just to the right of the title. Clicking it will mark all notifications on the page as read so that you don't need to do them each individually.

      It works in a way that makes sure that it only marks ones that are on the page, and won't affect any new ones that came in after the page was loaded. If you have the "Automatically mark all notifications read when you view the Unread Notifications page" setting enabled, it won't show up (because you don't need it).

      Please post with any feedback or issues you notice with it. Thanks, James!

      41 votes
    8. What is the prefered image hosting on tildes?

      Hi, for example, on reddit the prefered image hosting is imgur (at least, most of the non reddit hosted images are hosted on imgur). What is the prefered hosting here? If not yet, will we have a...


      for example, on reddit the prefered image hosting is imgur (at least, most of the non reddit hosted images are hosted on imgur).
      What is the prefered hosting here?
      If not yet, will we have a hosting for tildes(so that users can send images directly to tildes)?

      33 votes
    9. Links opening a new window?

      Is there some configuration that will cause links on ~tildes to open new tabs. Is this user configurable (Firefox on Gentoo) or is it server configurable, or account preference configurable? I'd...

      Is there some configuration that will cause links on ~tildes to open new tabs. Is this user configurable (Firefox on Gentoo) or is it server configurable, or account preference configurable? I'd like to be able to click once and have the content open in a new tab so I can return to the main page without having to reload.

      3 votes
    10. Tildes maxing out cpu use on pageload

      This is a bit odd. Recently I've thought typing into tildes input boxes sometimes felt laggy but today I noticed my fan spinning up when I loaded the site (until today it's been so hot my fan was...

      This is a bit odd. Recently I've thought typing into tildes input boxes sometimes felt laggy but today I noticed my fan spinning up when I loaded the site (until today it's been so hot my fan was spinning all day). I checked Chrome's task manager and yes, tildes.net is using 100% cpu. If I wait 2-3 minutes, usage will drop back down to the expected 0-1% and remain there. This happens every pageload. If I load a page, wait for the cpu use to drop, then either reload that page or click an in-site link, the cpu ramps up again for 2-3 minutes.

      Chrome Version 68.0.3440.106 (Official Build) (64-bit) on Debian testing, which is up to date as of midnight GMT 10/08/18. I even rebooted my machine just to be extra sure. Happens on all tildes pages. No other site that I regularly visit seems to do this.

      Posted here rather than to the issue tracker for visibility, to see if this is affecting anyone else before raising an issue about it.

      3 votes
    11. Per Tilde Tag Based Background Reading Links (wikipedia?)

      If tildes wants to foster deeper discussions I wonder if there should be some mechanism for linking off to external background knowledge. This could possibly be semi-automatic based on the...

      If tildes wants to foster deeper discussions I wonder if there should be some mechanism for linking off to external background knowledge. This could possibly be semi-automatic based on the containing tilde & topic tags.

      If we end up with news discussions around topics like say Israel & Palestine in order for anyone to begin to understand wtf is going on (and so reasonably discuss the current news topic) there's a load of relevant history. It seems like it would be nice to have a link so that a topic from poltics.news with the tag Israel could automatically get some further reading links.

      Wikipedia has the advantage that it's another user driven org so this could have the added benefit of motivating people to fact check & improve it.

      19 votes
    12. Embedded video player

      Hi, It would be nice to have a privacy aware youtube/vimeo/etc video player (by this i mean, not the official one), not sure if this is feasible, but it would be a really good feature (i remember...


      It would be nice to have a privacy aware youtube/vimeo/etc video player (by this i mean, not the official one), not sure if this is feasible, but it would be a really good feature (i remember that there was a website that implemented an opensource player, but i don't recall the name)

      7 votes
    13. What if replying to a comment forced upvoting of the comment being replied to?

      This would help, but not completely fix, two issues that seem to be inherent in the Tildes design: \1 Voting is mostly treated as an "I agree" button. You'll see this in pretty much any thread...

      This would help, but not completely fix, two issues that seem to be inherent in the Tildes design:

      \1 Voting is mostly treated as an "I agree" button. You'll see this in pretty much any thread where there's back and forth discussion. When you reply to a comment you're implicitly saying "this comment is worth engaging with," in which case an upvote is warranted.

      Same thing for topics: leaving a top-level comment should force an upvote for the topic.

      \2 It encourages non-engagement with comments that maybe shouldn't be engaged with. For example, one hot topic of this week has been the calling out of low-effort posts and how the community ought to chill out a bit. By forcing an upvote, it discourages replying to said posts, which makes it more likely that such comments will be ignored and drift to the bottom of a topic.

      Edit: Whether this idea is implemented or not, as long as Voting = "I Agree" this site will become an even bigger echo chamber than Reddit because there are no downvotes to balance out the "I support the message of this topic/comment" crowd.

      19 votes
    14. Can we try to talk like normal people?

      If there’s one thing that kind of makes me annoyed with this site is the non stop navel gazing and iamverysmart style of writing. Like dude don’t you don’t need to write like this is a essay in a...

      If there’s one thing that kind of makes me annoyed with this site is the non stop navel gazing and iamverysmart style of writing. Like dude don’t you don’t need to write like this is a essay in a English class, just relax and chat.
      Most probably won’t understand where I’m coming from but maybe a few will.
      Relax and have fun, you aren’t some special unique person that’s better than all redditors.

      31 votes
    15. URL Cleaning

      Would it be possible to have kind of automatic cleaning of submitted URLs? AMP links would be the obvious candidates, but I imagine you can find other cases where URLs contain embedded tracking or...

      Would it be possible to have kind of automatic cleaning of submitted URLs? AMP links would be the obvious candidates, but I imagine you can find other cases where URLs contain embedded tracking or other fluff.

      10 votes
    16. Black theme?

      Hi, will (or do) we have a night theme? On reddit i used RES for night theme on old design, but here i find nothing

      6 votes
    17. Public access unix server for tildes.net?

      Reading about tilde.club and cmccabe's excellent post about public access unix servers has made me want one for tildes.net. I realize that there are several alternatives, like tildes.team and...

      Reading about tilde.club and cmccabe's excellent post about public access unix servers has made me want one for tildes.net. I realize that there are several alternatives, like tildes.team and sdf.org, but I think it would be really cool to have one specifically for the people here, and once the API is done, it could even integrate with the site.

      10 votes
    18. Tackling the Comment Voting Problem

      I took a break from Tildes for a week and came back to look at things again with a fresh perspective. One of the things I immediately noticed was how the earliest comments are the ones that get...

      I took a break from Tildes for a week and came back to look at things again with a fresh perspective.

      One of the things I immediately noticed was how the earliest comments are the ones that get the upvotes to the top of the comment list, and tend to stay there, even when better comments and chains flow below.

      I started thinking about why this is so pervasive. Not just on tildes, but everywhere. Reddit and tumblr both suffer this issue to a degree. At the end of the day, going through any comments requires a certain amount of time, and a certain approach to the existing library of commentary. If we lock in the amount of time an average person will examine comments (which...is not much), we’re left with the only thing to address: the approach to going through the existing library.

      Plenty of proposals (mostly already done) come to mind. Perhaps you go by most active or most recent comments. Controversial perhaps, or sorting by newest, rather than most popular. Maybe some secret mix of it all (the reddit “hot” formula). What about complete and utter randomness? ...yeah remember that Certain Amount of Time we discussed earlier? It’ll only be a couple posts before the user will switch back to another sort method.

      So what should we try? What HASN’T been tried?

      What about multiple panes? User-selectable, arrangable, 1-4. Vertical columns of different views, updated dynamically synchronously or asynchronously for the most controversial, new, and active. You could see all the views at once, side by side, so that your time switching between views and waiting for page loads evaporates and 100% of that limited attention span is spent on the comments in each of the sorts.

      Having the more rapidly-changing columns (newest, active) update synchronously (every # seconds, configurable) would allow a user to engage those comments in time for the next refresh. The less-rapidly changing columns could be set to be asynchronous- updating as the orders change (top, controversial). This can also be tweaked as the site gets either more or less active as a whole. So what might need to be asynchronous now while things are quiet, can be made synchronous later.

      Again, all of this is just a possibility, or perhaps starting point for a way to address the overall issue of the first comments being the most voted on.

      36 votes
    19. What are your thoughts on wholesomeness?

      To me, they're another case of something nice ruined by the quick adoption of a casual majority. Finding rare wholesome content was nice and it felt genuine. With the rise of the wholesome...

      To me, they're another case of something nice ruined by the quick adoption of a casual majority. Finding rare wholesome content was nice and it felt genuine. With the rise of the wholesome network, suddenly it started to feel fake and devoid of the original genuiness. Plus, being so common, it's rather annoying, instead of a nice find. It's yet another thing ruined by the masses.

      What do you think? What would you like its place to be on Tildes?

      23 votes
    20. Username mentions in comments now send notifications

      Another feature update courtesy of open-source contributors - @Celeo was brave and took this complex update on as a first contribution to the Tildes code. Mentioning a username in a comment will...

      Another feature update courtesy of open-source contributors - @Celeo was brave and took this complex update on as a first contribution to the Tildes code.

      Mentioning a username in a comment will now send them a notification. Any of the following formats work:

      It won't send a notification if you mention yourself, or if you mention someone that already would have gotten a notification for the comment anyway (the author of the parent topic/comment).

      Edits should be handled as well, so if you edit in a mention that wasn't there previously it will generate the notification at that point, and if you edit one out it will delete that notification (whether the user has seen it yet or not).

      Please let me know if you notice any issues or strange behavior (and please don't use this maliciously to annoy people).

      85 votes
    21. RSS/Atom feeds for groups?

      Could we have RSS or Atom feeds that correspond to a given view? There could be two kinds of feeds, one that links to the comments page, and one that follows the link itself. The comments feed for...

      Could we have RSS or Atom feeds that correspond to a given view?

      There could be two kinds of feeds, one that links to the comments page, and one that follows the link itself. The comments feed for ~comp could be https://tildes.net/~comp?rss=comments, and the link feed could be https://tildes.net/~comp?rss=link, or something like that. Ideally this could apply to tags as well, so if I just wanted to see posts in ~comp tagged web, I could view https://tildes.net/~comp?tag=web&rss=comments.

      Several similar sites have this ability, so it's nice to be able to browse them all in one place. (On Reddit you can put .rss at the end of a subreddit for a feed, and on Hacker News and Lobsters it's just /rss).

      What do you think?

      15 votes
    22. General plans for the week

      For my fellow Canadians, Happy, uh... Regatta Day / Terry Fox Day / Saskatchewan Day / British Columbia Day / Natal Day / Simcoe Day / New Brunswick Day / Colonel By Day / Heritage Day / Joseph...

      For my fellow Canadians, Happy, uh... Regatta Day / Terry Fox Day / Saskatchewan Day / British Columbia Day / Natal Day / Simcoe Day / New Brunswick Day / Colonel By Day / Heritage Day / Joseph Brant Day / Benjamin Vaughan Day. For everyone else, Happy Monday.

      Here are my overall plans for this week, in no particular order:

      On Friday, your own user page had topics/comments views added, and has been paginated. Sometime in the next few days, I'm intending to extend this to other users' pages. I haven't finished deciding yet which privacy options (if any) will be available as part of this, so feel free to add your input in that thread if you haven't already.

      There are multiple open-source contributions for features in progress, so there should be a few more things coming in shortly from there. I'll make separate changelog posts for anything particularly major, but one that was added over the weekend (contibuted by @what again) was some special appearance/behavior for "nsfw" and "spoiler" tags on topics. They'll stand out more, always be displayed at the start of the tags list, and the "spoiler" tag makes sure that text posts don't have their excerpt displayed in the listing (but can still be clicked to expand).

      @cfabbro did a massive rework and update of the Docs site that I want to get applied this week. There's a ton of new information in there that should help a lot as we keep bringing more people into the site.

      On that note, there's also a new official invite-request thread in /r/tildes on reddit, so we'll probably have a decent number of new registrations this week as that gets worked through. I've also topped everyone back up to 5 invite codes (available here: https://tildes.net/invite), so please feel free to invite people yourselves as well (and as always, if you need more codes, just send me a message and ask).

      I think that should cover the main plans, any extra time I find above that will probably go into various random things on the backlog (and if I have time to work on a major feature, probably basic search).

      Thanks for being here, and please let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions.

      42 votes
    23. The first time I have seen a locked post on tildes and frankly Im scared it's the start of the 'reddit-fication' of Tildes

      I just saw this post: NY Times defends hiring of editorial writer after emergence of past racial tweets. Now the article is a whole discussion in itself and just to openly reveal any bias I might...

      I just saw this post: NY Times defends hiring of editorial writer after emergence of past racial tweets. Now the article is a whole discussion in itself and just to openly reveal any bias I might have I personally do think the comments that were made are very much racist as they generalise a large group of people based on their skin colour in a negative light. I also consider myself a centrist (That's in UK terms, very much a supporter of the democrats in the US), although this information isn't crucial and not strictly relevant I feel biases should be known and taken into consideration.

      My issue with the post wasn't with the article that was good and provided good discussion that I feel suites Tildes perfectly, it's a controversial and divisive subject and generally online this would be a atrocious thing to debate. Yet I view Tildes as a place of openness and willingness to debate that doesn't resort to generalisations and sweeping statements. This is the kind of post that would be great for Tildes as it would allow discussion that wasn't a complete mess, it's a rare place where you are able to talk about such topics that are debates not fights.

      11 Hours after the post went live it was locked by Deimos.

      This is frankly shameful and appalling. Now I don't blame Deimos. As far as I'm aware he's the only one currently moderating so I can only imagine the difficulty to moderate such a topic, yet I feel rather disappointed, I don't see any justification or reasoning for the post being locked and in future I would like some statement explaining why. In a perfect world I would prefer no post to be locked but I'm aware that's difficult with lack of moderators. No post should ever just be locked with no reason given.

      Now, I must confess I am unaware of any comments being removed and I must assume there must of been to lead to the post becoming locked which would help be understand as to why it happened, this is purely speculation and would greatly appreciate a direct statement from Deimos explaining why even just a sentence saying there was lots of hate.

      Although I think this is a issue I can understand why this happened in the early days of Tildes, it's still being developed on and I get the vibe he enjoys creating a community and a place for discussion not moderating and removing comments. Later on I do not expect or want this to happen.

      My main issue though arises from the users. Looking in the comments there was a specific comment that stood out as being especially un-Tildes like:

      I think Ms. Jeong's tweets about white people are hilarious. The fact that she annoys conservatives is reason enough to hire her.

      Although the first half I disagree with it's the user expressing their opinion, that's OK. My main issue is the second half "The fact that she annoys conservatives is reason enough to hire her" that one sentence alone infuriates me. It's such a ignorant statement. The comment provides little input into the discussion and just feeds the us vs them mentality of politics which thrives in today's political debates everything is now a black and white issue. I view Tildes as a place that looks past meaningless statements like this, the comment also had 7 votes. Thankfully the response criticising this had 20 votes which does suggest the majority of the community dislike the comment as well.

      Although I selected this comment as I felt it best represented the problem but there were a noticeable presence of low input comments which merely just resulted in people passively aggressively arguing with each others comments and very little comments focusing on the actual article itself.

      Perhaps this is what people want, but it's the first time on Tildes I have seen a noticeable presence of low effort and poor comments. Admittedly maybe I just have the wrong opinion on Tildes and I'm in the minority but to me it felt very much unlike what Tildes should be. It feels there's a growing minority of Reddit like comments. I must acknowledge that a lot of the comments I disagree with had few votes and perhaps there just wasn't enough comments to drown them out, low effort comments are easier to make and more frequent than good quality comments, and maybe once the user base increases so will the high quality comments.

      In summery I think locked posts should be clearly shown why they are locked, perhaps it's time moderation increased to prevent this in the future, this is a whole issue in in itself. More crucially I think we need to keep an eye on users that post low quality comment and call them out on it for being un-tildes like, If nothing is done It's a threat to the quality discussion that tildes is based on.

      33 votes
    24. Is the Tildes section model compatible with injokes and microcultures?

      Something you see frequently on Reddit are subreddits that have developed their own slang, jokes and references. That's part of the reason why Reddit feels like a collection of communities more...

      Something you see frequently on Reddit are subreddits that have developed their own slang, jokes and references. That's part of the reason why Reddit feels like a collection of communities more than one website divided into sections, which is what Tildes look like right now.
      The question is, do we want that sort of stuff here?

      10 votes
    25. Does anybody else find themselves lurking a lot more on Tildes?

      On Reddit I'm a fairly active user, commenting a lot even it it doesn't really need to be commented, but on Tildes I find that a lot of the time I will not comment if it seems like it isn't...

      On Reddit I'm a fairly active user, commenting a lot even it it doesn't really need to be commented, but on Tildes I find that a lot of the time I will not comment if it seems like it isn't needed, and I'll spend time actually reading other comments to see if what I wanted to say has been said before.

      To me it feels like Tildes is a more mature(IMO) and better place for discussion instead of just random quips.

      48 votes
    26. Is there any way to move the text box for topic replies to the top of the page rather than after all the comments?

      It took me a while to find where to post a reply to a post, and it was a little annoying to scroll past all the comments to write my own. On the other hand, it does encourage reading the other...

      It took me a while to find where to post a reply to a post, and it was a little annoying to scroll past all the comments to write my own.

      On the other hand, it does encourage reading the other posts before replying, but I feel like that hopefully won't needed on this site.

      7 votes
    27. Building "Board Culture" for each separate group through scrapping the 'front page' view

      Partially inspired by @Amarok's comment on culture specific to /r/listentothis and some thoughts I've been having: how can we make sure that each group (and sub-, and sub-sub-groups, etc) each...

      Partially inspired by @Amarok's comment on culture specific to /r/listentothis and some thoughts I've been having: how can we make sure that each group (and sub-, and sub-sub-groups, etc) each have a sort of identity of their own? In my own experience and opinion having a cohesive identity as a subgroup helps the content quite a bit, as opposed to "just being a subgroup".

      And I have a suggestion: If we scrap the front page as is, and we don't show all the subgroups' content mixed through each other, but stick to either a "classic" forum view, or like 4chan's view where you have to click through to a subforum, people would be forced to visit just that subgroup, and do so consciously. Thoughts?

      7 votes
    28. Feature Idea - Notify users when a comment which they had interacted with is edited.

      Mockup - see the top item. I would love to be notified when a comment which I had interacted with has been edited. I have seen it mentioned by others a while back as well. My suggested...

      Mockup - see the top item.

      I would love to be notified when a comment which I had interacted with has been edited. I have seen it mentioned by others a while back as well. My suggested implementation is a pretty minor UI change.

      On https://tildes.net/notifications/unread there would be an additional listing type which begins with "Comment was edited on "

      Any comment which the current user has replied to, or has upvoted, and has been edited would appear here.

      I am experimenting with a simple survey below using comments, please upvote the one that best reflects your view. Of course, also feel free to discuss anything further in a normal comment, just trying to keep things organized.

      22 votes
    29. Given our Non-Profit nature, wouldn't having a "Gold" option make sense?

      Forgive me if this has been posted before, I am still pretty new here. Coming here having the option to "Gild" was something I kinda just assumed would be a thing. Obviously it wouldn't need to be...

      Forgive me if this has been posted before, I am still pretty new here.

      Coming here having the option to "Gild" was something I kinda just assumed would be a thing.

      Obviously it wouldn't need to be call "Gold" or "Gilding", those are just terms from some other site that I know all of us will understand.

      I have always liked the idea of users buying made up medals for topics and comments they felt the need to reward. It gives the users a sense of accomplishment/reward and gets the devs little micro donations.

      Currently the most valuable material in existence is antimatter, so maybe a little "AM" medal?

      EDIT: Something I also meant to mention, but forgot, was the badge system on DeviantART.

      dA has always had these little pixel llama badges that I thought were really cool. The basic concept was/is that you can gift someone a little llama if you think they or their art is cool or for any reason you want. These llamas stack on your profile. People can additionally gift gear for existing llamas and the site occasionally gives out rare llamas (and other badges) for milestones, events or promotions.

      I think a hybrid of reddit's gilding system and a badge system (like dA's) could be really cool.

      27 votes
    30. General plans for the week

      As mentioned last week, I've stopped making the official Daily Discussion posts, but I'd still like to have this general weekly one on Mondays to talk a bit about my overall intentions for the...

      As mentioned last week, I've stopped making the official Daily Discussion posts, but I'd still like to have this general weekly one on Mondays to talk a bit about my overall intentions for the upcoming week.

      This week, my main focus is definitely going to be working through more open-source-related tasks, especially reviewing the open merge requests that people have contributed. It's been great to see people diving right in and contributing significant features already, there's some really exciting stuff in there—username notifications, post saving, 2-factor authentication support, and even more. So I want to try to get through reviewing most or all of those in the near future (and deploy some when they're ready).

      Beyond that, there's still a fair amount of documentation and other things related to the open-sourcing that I'd like to do, and (as mentioned last week), I've now got most of the work for user-page pagination done but haven't quite had a chance to finish it up yet. There are also some company-side things that need attention, including looking into applying for some grants that I should be eligible for now that the code has been open-sourced.

      I think we also need to bring in another significant-size group of users fairly soon. Some people have been giving out invites on reddit in /r/tildes and other locations where the site's been brought up, and I expect we'll also do one of the official invite threads this week too (which tends to bring in a lot). To help with that a bit, I've given everyone 5 invite codes again (you can get them here), but if you have some way that you'd like to invite more people through and need more codes, just send me a message and let me know.

      40 votes
    31. Migration of sub-tags/communities

      Was asked to post here about this: Is there a plan for migrating sub-tags (or top-level groups too)? The scenario I'm thinking of is that things may either fork, or change their name unanimously....

      Was asked to post here about this:

      Is there a plan for migrating sub-tags (or top-level groups too)? The scenario I'm thinking of is that things may either fork, or change their name unanimously.

      Let's say a tech product changes its official name from XX to be YY, Would there be a way to migrate
      ~tech.XX.stuff to ~tech.YY.stuff?

      I can't say that this will be a common occurrence, but may affect historical usefulness of the tagging system, as people looking for things in the past won't be able to easily - plus it may divide communities once existing (do they keep posting in the old tag or the new one?).

      For now, this isn't too important as @Deimos (from what it seems?) is in charge of creating new topics and presumably modify them too, but for the future (according to this) we may start having user created groups pop-up.


      3 votes
    32. Two-Factor Auth / Security

      I’m still in awe of what’s happening here and wish I had a crystal ball to see the change this type of community will drive in broader social discourse. If that goal is realized, there will be...

      I’m still in awe of what’s happening here and wish I had a crystal ball to see the change this type of community will drive in broader social discourse. If that goal is realized, there will be very sophisticated folks looking to disrupt that progress.

      As a security guy (especially in light of Reddit’s recent announcement) I had a few questions!

      1.) How open are we to integrating some type of optional 2FA for users? Maybe a simple TOTP integration?
      2.) Are the admins of the site implementing the right amount of fundamental controls for the backend? I’m 100% happy to provide thoughts on this if necessary! The decisions you make now, could impact us 5-6 years from now. And they’re oh-so-easy to change this early :-D.

      16 votes
    33. Reddit's bot ecosystem - Any good lessons for features on Tildes?

      I may be one of the least qualified people here to discuss this topic, but I find two reddit bots pretty useful: https://www.reddit.com/user/autotldr...

      I may be one of the least qualified people here to discuss this topic, but I find two reddit bots pretty useful:


      https://www.reddit.com/user/alternate-source-bot (this is my recent favorite)

      What do you all think features like the two above being integrated into Tildes in some fashion, via bot or otherwise? Are there any other bot behaviors that you like which would have a good impact here, or are bots that produce comments the scourge of Reddit?

      Sorry if this has been discussed before, if so let me know and I will delete this topic.

      22 votes
    34. Saving topics with the ability to add Your Tags

      I see there is an issue open to add a saving feature for topics, which is great! I would like to make a suggestion for this feature. Do you think it would be possible to give users the ability to...

      I see there is an issue open to add a saving feature for topics, which is great! I would like to make a suggestion for this feature.

      Do you think it would be possible to give users the ability to add their own tags to a saved topic?

      A lot of times I search for content related to a project I am working on, and it would be nice if I could tag the topics I find as "project-xyz", as this would allow me find them easily when I come back to reference something. This tag would be useless to anyone else, but having our own personal tags, that only we can see, would be very useful in curating content.

      One way this could be done is by having a new section named "Your Tags" that appears under the existing "Tags" one, in the sidebar for a topic. Then on the Saved page, the sidebar could list all your unique tags, and clicking one would filter the topics.

      Anyway, just throwing out an idea. I can add a comment to that GitLab issue, if this is a possibility and something people are interested in.

      11 votes
    35. Will Tildes ever implement a rule that posts require the OP to start the discussion in the text section?

      I find posts that are just links or simple questions without any additional input from the poster to be low-effort and don't tend to garner meaningful discussion. I've noticed that there are a...

      I find posts that are just links or simple questions without any additional input from the poster to be low-effort and don't tend to garner meaningful discussion. I've noticed that there are a fair amount of those posts on this site although they're definitely the minority. There are some subreddits I follow that have implemented mandatory discussion by the OP as a rule and it really did a lot of good for discussion and thread contribution. Even something as simple as writing why you think the link you're sharing is interesting / important / etc would be enough to kick things off and invite discussion, I think.

      What are you guys' thoughts on this?

      13 votes
    36. Editing "grace period" for comments and topics increased to 5 minutes

      This is an extremely minor change and I don't know if it's even really worth posting about, but I think it's probably good to make people aware: I've just increased the "grace period" for editing...

      This is an extremely minor change and I don't know if it's even really worth posting about, but I think it's probably good to make people aware: I've just increased the "grace period" for editing both comments and topics to 5 minutes (previously it was only 2 minutes). That is, any edits inside the first 5 minutes after it was posted won't mark the post with the (edited ... ago) text.

      Currently, all older posts that were edited between 2-5 minutes after posting will still be marked as edited, but I'll probably go back and un-mark those as well.
      Updated all old posts now as well.

      90 votes
    37. Idea that could change Tildes - Agree/Disagree buttons

      At first I didn't want to post this idea, because its pretty big change, but I think I'll post my idea here, thanks to @kiyoshigawa. Here is my comment that pretty much sums up my idea. My idea...

      At first I didn't want to post this idea, because its pretty big change, but I think I'll post my idea here, thanks to @kiyoshigawa. Here is my comment that pretty much sums up my idea.

      My idea is, that when people read something, and they agree/disagree with it, they want to express their agreement/disagreement (this is covered in this thread). When you want to express disagreement, you have to, because it's no downvote here, comment to disagree with some opinon. But when you want express agreement, and you don't want to comment (or simple 'I agree' wouldn't add anything to the debate), you just hit the upvote button. And that's problem, as the Vote button should serve as "quality content here" indicator, not "popular content" indicator. We've seen it on Reddit, where the effect is even larger because of the downvote button.

      So my idea is - Add agree/disagree buttons. These buttons doesn't have to do something - I even think, that it'll be better if they didn't do anything. But they'll help users express themselves, so when someone agrees with me, but doesn't want to simply say "I agree", he can hit the 'I agree' button - and he won't hit the vote button. This way, popularity won't affect the "quality" score of the post.

      Edit: As @Kat, @Kijafa, and others said, maybe add only agree button - not the disagree one. I think they might be right, disagree button might have negative effect, as now users have to express disagreement via comments.

      Edit 2: Thank you all for discussion. You made me change my mind about disagree buttons, you are right - it'd be used as downvote and would probably suppress discussion. However, I'm still curios about the "I agree" button and if it would decrease of usage Vote button to express agreement.

      28 votes
    38. The ~ character is not in my keyboard. Can you see Tildes expanding when most people can't write the URLs?

      Even if Tildes is an English-only community, I can see how it been "US keyboard layout"-only might stop other users from using the site. I understand that the character is even in the site's icon...

      Even if Tildes is an English-only community, I can see how it been "US keyboard layout"-only might stop other users from using the site. I understand that the character is even in the site's icon and name, and it feels pretty aesthetically and brand-crucial, but I don't think it is related to the main idea of the site/community or its functionality; and being still in alpha is not too late to make a change that could help it expand and get more users (or at the very least, not limite it).

      What do you think?

      28 votes
    39. Quotes should have more contrast (default light theme)

      Quotes serve two purposes: 1) Replying to a specific part of someone else's comment, and 2) introducing new information from an external source. Replying to a specific part When replying to...

      Quotes serve two purposes: 1) Replying to a specific part of someone else's comment, and 2) introducing new information from an external source.

      Replying to a specific part

      When replying to someone, the current low-contrast black-on-gray style makes sense because it's redundant info.

      However, when quoting an external source, my eyes tend to gloss over the quote, which is unfortunate. Current workarounds are: mild editorializing by bolding certain words; or paraphrasing the source, which is often a waste of time or can be misleading if someone misread the original.

      In summary, my inner thoughts say:

      I suggest we make quotes higher contrast, so that the ones introducing new info can add to the conversation, rather than be ignored due to visual de-emphasis.

      Quotes from external sources often imply authority and that their author has given a topic a lot of thought. Therefore they are valuable to include in a conversation and should carry the same weight as text written by any random user.

      Edit: Screenshot of this post using light theme: https://i.imgtc.com/wVdoFN6.png

      3 votes
    40. Four new groups added (and everyone subscribed): ~anime, ~enviro, ~humanities, and ~life

      A couple weeks back, we had a thread for people to propose some new groups, and then I got too involved in open-sourcing and some other tasks to follow up on it properly. Thanks again for all the...

      A couple weeks back, we had a thread for people to propose some new groups, and then I got too involved in open-sourcing and some other tasks to follow up on it properly. Thanks again for all the suggestions and the patience with the long delay - I've finally gotten around to going through the thread now and selected 4 groups from the suggestions to try adding. If I didn't select a group you suggested or were excited about, it doesn't necessarily mean I don't think it was a good idea, I just don't want to add too many groups too quickly, and I think these ones have some interesting possibilities.

      I decided to auto-subscribe everyone to the new groups, but if you're not interested, you can easily unsubscribe from them through the groups page: https://tildes.net/groups

      Here are the new groups:

      • ~anime - this is one that I'm really iffy about from a hierarchy perspective, so I think it'll be interesting to experiment with because of that. It's unusual because it will probably contain posts that technically could have fit into ~tv, ~movies, ~games, and other existing groups, but having the anime subject split across all of those groups doesn't seem great either. There will probably be some interesting possibilities to play with here, like possibly making ~anime.games and ~games.anime basically point to the same "location".
      • ~enviro - we've had a fair number of topics being posted about recycling, alternate energy, and other related topics, so I think this will be a good one to try.
      • ~humanities - this should be able to cover a wide range of the topics that have mostly ended up in ~misc so far (and I'll probably move some previous ones here) - history, ethics, philosophy, etc.
      • ~life - the proposal for this one was named ~personal, but I think that term has some other implications that might be a little off, so I decided to go with ~life. This is intended to be a group for discussing and posting about general life topics - work, school, families/parenting, and those kind of things.

      Let me know what you think, and if any of the names or descriptions of the groups (in the groups page and in their sidebar) are confusing or should be rewritten, I'd appreciate suggestions.

      69 votes