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    1. What is or isn't allowed in tags?

      I was posting a something earlier and tried to use an apostrophe in a tag, and it told me off for doing so. Well, kind of, it didn't mention what was wrong, but it was pretty easy to deduce. Can...

      I was posting a something earlier and tried to use an apostrophe in a tag, and it told me off for doing so. Well, kind of, it didn't mention what was wrong, but it was pretty easy to deduce. Can the "tags: Invalid tags" maybe point/link somewhere about what is or isn't allowed?

      (also I'm just really curious, what are the limits? I just found out accents [or at least 'tést'] aren't allowed either)

      15 votes
    2. Putting the name on the bottom of the comment

      Did you consider putting the name on the bottom of the comment? As tildes invites for high quality discussions witch tend to incent longer comments than elswhere i think it might be better suited...

      Did you consider putting the name on the bottom of the comment? As tildes invites for high quality discussions witch tend to incent longer comments than elswhere i think it might be better suited to have the name on the end of the comment.

      This has some advantages:

      • It's easier to notice the autor of a good long text
      • When starting to read a comment you don't now the autor yet, so its easier to rate the content instead of the person
      • It looks a lot more like a letter, which suits tildes well I think

      Maybe it's just me coming from reddit where you close to never meet the same autor twice, so reading the names of the autors does not really matter, and as tildes uses a very similar design I just never seem to notice the name and always have to scroll back up afterwards.

      14 votes
    3. What's your favorite metal album right now?

      Mine is Epica - The Divine Conspiracy, been listening to it every day for the past week as I fall asleep. You might not think metal works as sleep-music, but it does for me haha :) Here's a song...

      Mine is Epica - The Divine Conspiracy, been listening to it every day for the past week as I fall asleep. You might not think metal works as sleep-music, but it does for me haha :)

      Here's a song off of the album https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRR-eLW1lXw

      8 votes
    4. Discrimination based on English (and accent)

      I posted an article yesterday about name-blind hiring processes, and it got me thinking of discrimination slightly differently. I actually don't feel that we run into outright racial...

      I posted an article yesterday about name-blind hiring processes, and it got me thinking of discrimination slightly differently.

      I actually don't feel that we run into outright racial discrimination as much nowadays. Instead it's more subtle. It's not about technical merit, but about cultural fit. Often times, distilling down to one skill - English (both spoken and written).

      It brings up questions such as:

      • Can a candidate communicate verbally for the job? (Technical, though sometimes this may be judge harder than for a native English speaker that isn't always clear)
      • Do they "get" jokes and other subtleties? (Cultural fit)
      • Do they have an accent? How heavy is it?

      I believe this is for a couple reasons:

      • Candidate just can't display enough charm or charisma during the hiring process
      • Raise doubts about a candidate's education/upbringing. This in itself is discriminatory (though location is not a protected class), but some regions are though to train their students in more blunt force manners than skills in problem solving

      What do you all think?

      11 votes
    5. What is your favorite "drug", and why?

      [I'm tagging this as "adult", for purposes of open discussion, with apologies to anyone who may consider the topic inflammatory or sensationalistic.] Based on discussion of loneliness elsewhere,...

      [I'm tagging this as "adult", for purposes of open discussion, with apologies to anyone who may consider the topic inflammatory or sensationalistic.]

      Based on discussion of loneliness elsewhere, I'm curious as to what adaptive measures people undertake to promote life satisfaction in the face of environmental/cultural/social stressors.

      The word "drug" is used very loosely here, and basically refers to any strategy for purposefully altering neurochemistry - in addition to licit or illicit substance intake, it could be endorphin-boosting exercise, going out with friends, naps, particular reading genres, a good meal, games, direct brain stimulation, meditation, sexual activity, long walks in the country, or whatever.

      I'm also taking for granted the proposition that intentionally seeking beneficial neurochemical states is a human activity that everyone participates in, whether they're aware of it or not, and desirable as long as it harms no one.

      This is not an attempt to incite, advocate for, or excuse breaking any applicable laws, but a request for information on what people actually do and prefer. If you're concerned about potential legal implications of confessing to an illicit favorite, please discuss in terms of "a friend/someone I know, likes substance/activity x because y".

      "Favorite" excludes strategies you've found harmful or destructive, but discussion and/or warning is worthwhile if you feel like it.

      I'll start off by saying I have an acquaintance who finds psilocybin micro-dosing very effective at inducing positive emotional balance, mental focus and good sleep regulation.

      23 votes
    6. koeël.

      been sitting on two of these most of the day, might be a little messy. i feel like it's a little stale since i left it waiting, and i'm significantly more sober than when i usually write. as...

      been sitting on two of these most of the day, might be a little messy.

      i feel like it's a little stale since i left it waiting, and i'm significantly more sober than when i usually write.

      as always, comments welcome. or ignore this entirely if you're not feeling it<3



      also this one gets somewhat graphic, gonna start leaving these trigger warnings up top - drugs, alcohol, suicide, covers it i think, let me know if i should add anything else

      been smoking and drinking
      just so i can cope
      gave her the ring
      she put me on the ropes
      new girl show up but
      i don't got no hope
      my heart is still sinking
      i'm trying to float like

      Gretel, baby, where did you go?
      no crumbs left I can throw
      Hansel in the forest alone
      put me out of house and my home
      hands full of green and some blow
      no drinks left but the coke
      she's laughing now - am I the joke?
      turned my heartthrob into a stroke -

      your bedside's left wide
      open to the moonlight
      head high, red eye
      stranded on the roadside
      you kissed, i cried,
      while i watched papaw die
      No sleep, four nights
      you told me it's alright
      helped me keep my head high
      helped me say my goodbyes
      then you hit me blindside
      didn't get a goodbye

      peace, bye, next flight,
      right into his arms like
      you've been biding time,
      waiting for the day to strike me




      Left me tied strapped to the bed
      Headphones looping what you said
      Promises we could stay friends.
      Cool ones pour down my head
      I know the river Styx runs red
      Little siren told me "Baby, dive in"
      Closed eyes, woke up dead.
      Didn't know God's a raven.

      Now you got your Raybans
      and your black Timbs
      Got your new Amex,
      one in the black print
      Hope it was worth it
      on your conscience
      that you lied through your teeth
      and he fucking lost it


      Must be nice right?
      If it's not on the bill
      it don't have a price
      Fuck being nice,
      Fuck doing what's right,
      What's another sad white
      boy taking his life?

      Masochistic statistic
      when his legs kick
      Fuck vacation,
      Fuck a new chick
      Cool one rain straight
      to the forehead
      One less problem
      to deal with. Lord, yes.

      Gretel, baby, where did you go?
      no crumbs left I can throw
      Hansel in the forest alone
      put me out of house and my home
      hands full of green and some blow
      no drinks left but the coke
      she's laughing now - am I the joke?
      turned my heartthrob into a stroke -

      4 votes
    7. Guidelines for Tildes

      Hello there! I just received my invite a few minutes ago and I'm happily exploring the site right now. As many others, I came over from Reddit looking for a better alternative. I tried to find...

      Hello there!

      I just received my invite a few minutes ago and I'm happily exploring the site right now.
      As many others, I came over from Reddit looking for a better alternative.
      I tried to find some information about the current guidelines but wasn't really able to find anything of substance.

      Apart from being civil with each other, what's the official ruleset and how can we as testers contribute?

      6 votes
    8. The loneliness thread

      There is a tendency nowadays for public officials to characterise loneliness as a public health crisis. I agree that it's a pervasive condition. However, the human condition is not fully...

      There is a tendency nowadays for public officials to characterise loneliness as a public health crisis. I agree that it's a pervasive condition. However, the human condition is not fully medicalizable. I believe we can speak about it just as who we are, according to our full experience, in our capacity as first-person narrator, as witness, as who are the closest to their own struggles.

      But it can be really hard to be open, and hence vulnerable, to difficult emotions. In times of distress, our own internal communication can get jammed, and it natural that opening up to the external world may feel as if an insurmountable difficulty.

      Nevertheless, the great force of nature, evolution, has given us the ability to listen and be listened to. Its greatest strength may be manifest at the time of greatest need.

      Which is why I'd like to have this thread. This thread is for you, if you're feeling lonely at the time, or if you want to share your experience with loneliness, or if you would like to give support to our community members, or just to speak up, or just to listen.

      Let us tune in to each other's expressions in caring consideration. We don't have to be perfect in self-expression or empathy -- this is not a contest. This is a fireside chat, a place to rest, reflect, and understand, before moving on.

      Are you willing to join the conversation?

      38 votes
    9. Any game developers here? Share your projects and insights

      I'm curious if we have any game devs on Tildes, either professional or amateur. If so, share your games, experiences, or advice for any aspiring developers. I briefly dabbled with game development...

      I'm curious if we have any game devs on Tildes, either professional or amateur. If so, share your games, experiences, or advice for any aspiring developers.

      I briefly dabbled with game development in the past, which amounted to a goofy helicopter combat game made from the Ogre framework. I've been trying to get it running again, and it's inspiring me to get back into hobbyist game development.

      20 votes