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  • Showing only topics with the tag "help". Back to normal view
    1. Compassion is power, but I'm power-averse

      This is a tricky personal conundrum of mine. I'll try to articulate it clearly. I believe in compassion, and I want to live in harmony with compassionate tendencies inside. But at the same time,...

      This is a tricky personal conundrum of mine. I'll try to articulate it clearly.

      I believe in compassion, and I want to live in harmony with compassionate tendencies inside. But at the same time, in the act of extending compassion, there appears to be an in-built power gradient: the "giver" is somehow in an "advantaged" position, and the receiver a more disadvantaged one.

      An example. I was once in a fast-food restaurant, waiting to order, and I saw the order-taker was obviously new and very nervous and skittish at her job. So after I placed my order I expressed how much I appreciate her service and that I thought she was doing a good job. It was truly what I wanted to say, and I thought she took this well, like, she looked more relaxed as she beamed.

      But then there was a power gradient. I gave her something that she wouldn't/couldn't have given me. She was the more distressed one, and this power gradient emphasized that. I don't mean that bystanders were made more conscious of her distress. I mean, it had the potential to make me more conscious of my privilege and her her lack thereof.

      And I'm aversive to power. I can be highly sceptical and critical of power. I don't feel easy to have power over someone else. I have had troubled relations with power figures in my life. I easily confuse the natural, benign activation of power with the reflexive, defensive, "shields-up" reaction that I often find myself in. To explain a bit, the latter is really a form of anxiety, perhaps a trauma from experiences of hypercompetition, isolation, and emotional neglect in the past.

      In the end, I thirst after commonality, equality, brothersisterhood, close and meaningful contact with others as they are, as human beings, on level ground, side by side, sharing the common condition in our vulnerabilities... But there's this aspect of my character, i.e. the tendency to get tense and look for a "higher ground" and occupy there, just to be on the safe (more powerful!) side. There's this haughty, difficult-to-approach, high-brow me, that I feel get in the way.

      I fee sad and somewhat confused about this. I think I'm partly venting, partly asking about your similar experiences. Please consider this topic fairly open-ended. If you have something to say about it, I'm eager to listen to you.


      7 votes
    2. A question about Jedi

      Do Jedi study warfare and tactics? I know they study dueling, but do they also look at more large-scale battles? I was thinking about the Clone Wars revival today and I was kinda wondering why the...

      Do Jedi study warfare and tactics? I know they study dueling, but do they also look at more large-scale battles? I was thinking about the Clone Wars revival today and I was kinda wondering why the Republic entrusted their military power to what were essentially warrior monks. Was it just a case of “there’s literally no one else”?

      12 votes
    3. Need help dispelling myths about how hackers access websites

      I hope I’m posting this in the correct place. I’ve been having a disagreement with someone over the abilities of hackers. I kinda hope Deimorz pops in because he wrote automod. I said that the...

      I hope I’m posting this in the correct place. I’ve been having a disagreement with someone over the abilities of hackers. I kinda hope Deimorz pops in because he wrote automod.

      I said that the only way for someone to gain access to a subreddit to make changes is if they steal a moderator’s account password or they are added to the mod team. The person I’m having a disagreement with believes that adding text to the wiki for users to view (like the extensive wiki r/skincareaddiction has) would make it easier for hackers to insert malicious code in order to gain access to the sub. This person also mentioned being able to change the subreddit through browser tools. She insists the sidebar and wiki are potential access points for scripting attacks. Automod just so happens to be enabled which is why I mentioned Deimorz.

      I’m not an IT professional. My brothers currently are which helped me learn most of what I know. I’ve supplemented that over the years with whatever info I came across online. What she’s saying sounds like crazy town to me. But since I’m not a hacker, is there a way to use the sidebar or wiki area to hack into a subreddit?

      Thanks in advance to anyone who pities me by providing a detailed answer to this thinly veiled request to help me win an internet argument 🙇🏾‍♀️.

      10 votes
    4. How does the comment removing work?

      Someone posted comment, I wrote a response (here), but when I wanted to send it, I got this message: Comment not found (or it was deleted). After I refreshed, the comment was gone, not even...

      Someone posted comment, I wrote a response (here), but when I wanted to send it, I got this message: Comment not found (or it was deleted). After I refreshed, the comment was gone, not even something like [deleted comment].

      Do someone know how the comment removing work?

      9 votes
    5. Have we talked about alts? Are they OK to have?

      Hi, I have but two accounts on Reddit; one for posting stuff I make, having fun discussions, and maybe small debates about stuff that doesn't matter (games, movies, etc.); and another for...


      I have but two accounts on Reddit; one for posting stuff I make, having fun discussions, and maybe small debates about stuff that doesn't matter (games, movies, etc.); and another for political discussion/debates, because sadly, my progressive views (and admittedly abrasive tendencies when the party I'm talking to is themselves abrasive) tend to get me enough negative attention that I've been doxxed twice (admittedly over the course of 12 years, so not much).

      Are alts allowed? If so, doesn't that just provide me with another 5 invites (that I will totally not abuse on account I've only used but one of the ones I've got/don't know enough friends to care about leaving Reddit)?

      If not, totally understandable-- I'll just avoid posting stuff I make in the event I find myself getting into a political debate.

      Thanks for the time/info either way,

      9 votes
    6. File sharing over a network

      Me and my friend arrive at an arbitrary place, we have access to a network from there. Now, we want to share a file and the network connection is all we have. The challenge: make the file go from...

      Me and my friend arrive at an arbitrary place, we have access to a network from there. Now, we want to share a file and the network connection is all we have. The challenge: make the file go from my device to my friends device in a pure p2p setting. If you know, for sure, that incoming connections are allowed this is very simple but here i want to explore which solutions exist that do not assume this.


      • Same network altough possibly different access points (one might be wired and the other wireless)
      • We have no prior knowledge about the network, incoming traffic might be blocked (outgoing isn't for sure)
      • No extra machines can aid in the transaction (no hole punching etc)
      • Should work reliably for any kind of device that you have free -- as in freedom -- control over. that is PCs, android phones/tablets and macs. most of Apple's other hardware can be excluded because they don't allow for anything anyway.
      • hard mode: We are both digitally illiterate


      • Send a file, p2p, from one party to another.

      Me (MSc cs) and my friend (PhD cs) tried to do this last week. And it appears to be among the hardest problems in CS. I would like to discuss this and hear which solutions you might have for this problem.


      1. this is not an assignment
      2. Added some specifics to the assumption set
      3. we're looking for practical solutions here.
      4. more specs
      10 votes
    7. Have any of you set up GPU passthrough for a virtual machine?

      Right now I dual boot windows 10 and fedora, windows for gaming, fedora for everything else. I'm considering running linux as my only native operating system, and running windows in a virtual...

      Right now I dual boot windows 10 and fedora, windows for gaming, fedora for everything else. I'm considering running linux as my only native operating system, and running windows in a virtual machine for gaming. This will be more convenient than restarting my pc every time I want to play a game, and I'll feel better about having windows sandboxed in a VM than running natively on my computer.

      To get gaming performance out of a virtual machine, I'm planning to have two gpus. One for linux to use, and one reserved exclusively for the virtual machine.

      Have any of you set up a computer like this before? What was your experience like? How was the performance?

      16 votes
    8. Show Number of New Comments on Previously Visited Posts?

      Would there be a way to show the number of new posts on a topic since the last time you read it? I find a lot of threads tend to linger for a couple days, and I forget how many comments there were...

      Would there be a way to show the number of new posts on a topic since the last time you read it? I find a lot of threads tend to linger for a couple days, and I forget how many comments there were the last time I checked. It would be awesome if it could display something like '10 Comments (2 new)' on a topic I'd visited before.

      It would also be awesome if there was a way to highlight the new comments on the page when you click through as well to make it easier to find them.

      P.S.: Sorry if this has been covered somewhere else. Still not sure what the best way to find old topics without manually reading every post is.

      2 votes
    9. What is or isn't allowed in tags?

      I was posting a something earlier and tried to use an apostrophe in a tag, and it told me off for doing so. Well, kind of, it didn't mention what was wrong, but it was pretty easy to deduce. Can...

      I was posting a something earlier and tried to use an apostrophe in a tag, and it told me off for doing so. Well, kind of, it didn't mention what was wrong, but it was pretty easy to deduce. Can the "tags: Invalid tags" maybe point/link somewhere about what is or isn't allowed?

      (also I'm just really curious, what are the limits? I just found out accents [or at least 'tést'] aren't allowed either)

      15 votes
    10. Full blown SSH servers within Docker containers?

      Trying to get a sense on how the networking would go down? If I had one public IP address and say 4 Docker containers on the host, how would the SSH connections work? Would I have to reserve ports...

      Trying to get a sense on how the networking would go down?

      If I had one public IP address and say 4 Docker containers on the host, how would the SSH connections work? Would I have to reserve ports for each container?

      7 votes
    11. Help! Can't concentrate while reading

      So I am currently reading books to pass time but they aren't fictional books; rather they are books on philosophy, religion, politics, state formation and history. They do require some level of...

      So I am currently reading books to pass time but they aren't fictional books; rather they are books on philosophy, religion, politics, state formation and history. They do require some level of concentration as they contain concepts of varying complexity and most content is invariably causally linked to the previous content but I just can't concentrate. Like at all. I'd read a sentence four or five times and still wouldn't know what's in it because I lose concentration mid sentence. This not only slows me down considerably but is also annoying and causes me to lose interest. I have a bachelors in EE and didn't have considerable problems (only an year ago) reading course books and understanding what was in them and applying the concepts so I don't really understand what's wrong with me. Can someone kindly help me? Thanks.

      11 votes
    12. What's in a git repo?

      Okay, I know the obvious answer is the history of the files. But how can I, from the command line, really understand what is hiding inside that .git directory? Today I was doing one of my periodic...

      Okay, I know the obvious answer is the history of the files. But how can I, from the command line, really understand what is hiding inside that .git directory?

      Today I was doing one of my periodic disk space audits, trying to figure out where my usage goes. This comes from having a 64GB drive mounted as /home on my Linux laptop. I found some 15G of old video files to delete today, so I'm no longer as pressed for space. But my interest was piqued by one thing I have downloaded from Github that is ~120 megs for a very simple program. Poking around further I find that most of that usage is a single file:

      $ ls -lh withExEditorHost/.git/objects/pack/pack-df07816cd15fb091439112029c28ebc366501652.pack
      -r--r--r-- 1 elijah elijah 102M Mar 14 23:28 withExEditorHost/.git/objects/pack/pack-df07816cd15fb091439112029c28ebc366501652.pack
      $ file withExEditorHost/.git/objects/pack/pack-df07816cd15fb091439112029c28ebc366501652.pack
      withExEditorHost/.git/objects/pack/pack-df07816cd15fb091439112029c28ebc366501652.pack: Git pack, version 2, 299 objects

      Is there a unzip or tar xzf equivalent for Git pack files? Naive usage of git unpack-file is only generating errors for me.

      17 votes
    13. Angular with PureScript

      I have to do an assignment for university soon-ish, and it requires Angular. I'm not very fond of that framework specifically, but I would be interested in making it more interesting as a learning...

      I have to do an assignment for university soon-ish, and it requires Angular. I'm not very fond of that framework specifically, but I would be interested in making it more interesting as a learning project. I've also recently discovered PureScript, which I have no experience with right now.

      Searching online, I've purescript-angular, which hasn't been updated in years. I also couldn't find much else. Of course, I may be missing something simple (for instance, it's actually supported by default in Angular these days), so I wanted to ask if any of you know if this is possible, and if so, how?

      6 votes
    14. What happened to my Tildes bookmark on my Android phone?

      I'm using an Android phone with Chrome 65.0.3325.109 installed. There's an option in this browser to add a page to the home screen. This creates a shortcut on my home screen. When I tap on that...

      I'm using an Android phone with Chrome 65.0.3325.109 installed.

      There's an option in this browser to add a page to the home screen. This creates a shortcut on my home screen. When I tap on that shortcut, it opens the saved page in Chrome.

      I had done this with Tildes. However, I deleted the shortcut and made it again. The behaviour has now changed.

      Previously, this shortcut opened Tildes as a tab within Chrome. Now, it opens Tildes as its own separate "application". It's not in Chrome. That means I don't get the functionality that comes with Chrome, such as opening a link in a new Chrome tab. In this pseudo-application version, I'm stuck with only one window. I can't open other tabs. I can't simply copy links from one Chrome tab (news website) to another Chrome tab (Tildes).

      Did you change something in the past week or so? Can you please change it back? I want a shortcut to a web page to open something that behaves like a web page, not a stand-alone application.

      6 votes
    15. Components involved for flashing a custom Android ROM. Am I understanding things correctly?

      I'm going to be flashing a custom ROM on my Nexus 5X device, and I was just curious if I'm understanding all the components involved. I currently have CopperheadOS on my device, but that ROM may...

      I'm going to be flashing a custom ROM on my Nexus 5X device, and I was just curious if I'm understanding all the components involved. I currently have CopperheadOS on my device, but that ROM may be dead based on current events. I'm not switching because of this news, but mainly because I just want to try something else for the hell of it. I think I'm going to make the switch to Lineage, but there are way more options involved versus flashing CopperheadOS.

      It seems the main components to consider when flashing are the following:

      • The ROM itself (CopperheadOS, Lineage, PureNexus, etc.)
      • The custom recovery (TWRP, etc.)
      • The kernel (ElementalX, Franco, etc.)
      • root (magisk, etc.)
      • Play Services (OpenGApps, etc.)

      CopperheadOS was kind of it's own package, so I didn't have to consider all of these other options.

      My understanding is the minimum decisions I need to make if I want a custom ROM, is picking the ROM itself, and a custom recovery. In my case I'm going for LineageOS and TWRP.

      Choosing a custom kernel seems to be optional. I think I might go with Franco on this one based on the little research I've done. But to flash a custom kernel, I think I need root, right? So now I'll need to get root access which requires another tool. I was going to go with Magisk based on not much. Just seems to be common. So that's 4 main things there. The ROM (LineageOS), the recovery (TWRP), the kernel (Franco), and root (Magisk). I personally don't want any Google services on my device, so I'm fine with skipping that part. I currently don't have any installed, and I'm doing fine without them.

      So does my view on this seem correct? Are all the things I mentioned necessary for what I want to do? If I want LineageOS then I need a custom recovery right? If I want a custom kernel, then I need root which requires a separate tool, right? Just making sure I'm not doing more than I need to if I decided to go through with this. As a side convo, please recommend whatever ROMs, kernels, or root tools that you want. I have a Nexus 5X, and I'm hoping it doesn't bootloop after I'm done doing all this flashing =)

      9 votes
    16. Password recovery / reset email clarity issues

      Hi there. The account recovery page mentions that password resets are performed by emailing a specific Tildes address from your own specified recovery address. But as far as I can see, that Tildes...

      Hi there. The account recovery page mentions that password resets are performed by emailing a specific Tildes address from your own specified recovery address. But as far as I can see, that Tildes reset address that's supposed to be sent to.. is unlisted anywhere on the website. I could be mistaken, of course, but in any case it's not easily visible. Also unlisted is what string should be placed in the Subject field, alongside any body content this sent email should contain.

      As to the reason for the inquiry:

      So when I registered for Tildes, I generated a password and stored it in my KeePass database like a responsible person. Except... like an idiot, I restarted my computer at some point without remembering to actually save my KP database (I promise this is only like the second time this has happened in 2 years or so), so I'm in the curious position of still being logged in but not actually being able to change my password. Naturally, I explored account recovery options, and registered my email address with the recovery page, but as I described above, I can't seem to find the address I'm supposed to send an email to in order to reset my password as part of the recovery process.

      6 votes
    17. Deleted topics

      Are users supposed to be able to continue to comment in topics that have been deleted? Once deleted, topics are no longer visible to the group, but the topic is still accessible by URL and users...

      Are users supposed to be able to continue to comment in topics that have been deleted? Once deleted, topics are no longer visible to the group, but the topic is still accessible by URL and users can continue to comment. I just want to clarify if this is the intended functionality or a bug.

      Example: https://tildes.net/~test/280/deleted_topic

      7 votes
    18. Best Android Alternative to iOS Continuity

      The one good thing, imo, that iOS does is its continuity and handoff with other devices. What are the best ways you've found to emulate this on your devices? Like if I'm actively working on a...

      The one good thing, imo, that iOS does is its continuity and handoff with other devices. What are the best ways you've found to emulate this on your devices? Like if I'm actively working on a document or on web pages how can I seamlessly continue using them on my tablet/phone without having to re-open all the tabs or docs again?

      Has anyone found a better way?

      At the moment I get around this a couple ways:
      -Google drive is my primary basic filesystem on all my main computer (desktop/documents/downloads/pictures/videos folders)
      -Google Photos on all devices
      -PulseSMS for the texting
      -Google Chrome which offers a somewhat fix to webbrowsing

      But the actual feature of my devices popping up and letting me "carry on" with what I was doing exactly where I was doing it with the click of the button isn't there. Also, the Google Chrome "continuity" is simply the ability to let me go see recent tabs open on my devices and click to reopen them. If anyone knows a way to sync tabs across all my devices (desktop/laptop/phone/tablet) and make them open/close altogether that would be great.

      6 votes
    19. Are there any good dark browsers for IPhone 4?

      I've just used Tildes on my phone for the first time and FUCK! MY EYES! I know I can't change the color of Safari, so I looked in the app store but couldn't find anything. Can you reccomend me a...

      I've just used Tildes on my phone for the first time and FUCK! MY EYES! I know I can't change the color of Safari, so I looked in the app store but couldn't find anything. Can you reccomend me a good browser with a dark theme?

      5 votes
    20. What about AZERTY users?

      I'm from Belgium. Belgium is one of the two countries in the world, along with France, that uses AZERTY. The big problem with an AZERTY keyboard is that there is no tilde key. So, in orde to use...

      I'm from Belgium. Belgium is one of the two countries in the world, along with France, that uses AZERTY. The big problem with an AZERTY keyboard is that there is no tilde key. So, in orde to use the key or tag a sub (ex. ~fantasy, like you'd do /r/fantasy), AZERTY users have to manually copy the tilde every single time they want to use it. Usually this isn't that big of a problem, but when the tilde is such a key feature on a website, I think it does become a bit of a problem.

      For reference, France has a population of 67M, while Belgium has around 11M.

      12 votes
    21. How do you see all the past read notifications or replies

      Hello, https://tildes.net/notifications/unread shows only the unread notifications. If I have marked all comment replies are read, that link will show me an empty page. So I thought that visiting...


      https://tildes.net/notifications/unread shows only the unread notifications.

      If I have marked all comment replies are read, that link will show me an empty page.

      So I thought that visiting https://tildes.net/notifications/ should show me all the past replies to my comments, but that's returning 404.

      So, is there a place where I can see all the read notifications/replies?

      7 votes