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    1. will.

      apathetic. hardly wanna move, too depressed to drink pathetic. see a demon's hand on your closet door forget it. possession and a hell- bound sentence better than remembrance. my uncle got so...

      hardly wanna move, too
      depressed to drink
      see a demon's hand
      on your closet door
      forget it.
      possession and a hell-
      bound sentence better
      than remembrance.
      my uncle got so fucked
      up that he passed, guess
      it's genetic.

      tryna make depression
      beautiful, poetic.
      tired of this dance
      between lethargic,
      brain on sober
      tweakin every minute
      schizophrenic. all
      the thoughts i'm
      barely eatin tryna live
      up to aesthetics.

      tired of my fucking
      skin, a serpent's wish
      to shed it.
      i saw all the flags
      drenched in red
      how prophetic.
      baphomet in
      female form, they said
      you'd be angelic.
      my single dying wish
      you'd be a little


      don't come
      don't come
      to my funeral.

      don't cry
      don't cry
      at my funeral.

      just know i
      thought you
      were beautiful.

      even with your
      knife at my throat


      where to go
      no one's home,
      honey can i call?

      every day
      feed the night
      it's insatiable

      i never thought
      i'd come to say it
      maybe its your fault.

      i cant believe ive
      come so low to say
      that its your fault.


      i hope you kiss me,
      hope you hold me,
      when i see you in hell.
      cuddle closely
      and console me
      when i see you in hell.
      girl dont push me
      will he? wont he?
      boy how many pills?
      all his poems,
      magnum opus, testa-
      ment and will.

      if i cant know you
      lay beside you
      then somebody will.
      dont wanna own you
      or control you, you
      do what you will.
      i'll just sit here in
      the cold, alone, and
      write my will.
      bottoms up a
      litre wine a couple
      hands of pills

      3 votes
    2. Doctor Who S11E05 'The Tsuranga Conundrum' discussion thread

      What did you think of this week's episode of 'Doctor Who'? Previous discussions: Doctor Who S11E04 'Arachnids in the UK' Doctor Who S11E01 'The Woman Who Fell To Earth' Doctor Who S11E02 'The...

      What did you think of this week's episode of 'Doctor Who'?

      Previous discussions:

      5 votes
    3. Black Mirror S04E04 “Hang the DJ” Discussion Thread

      Previous episode | Index thread | Next episode Black Mirror Season 4 Episode 4 - Crocodile Paired up by a dating program that puts an expiration date on all relationships, Frank and Amy soon begin...

      Previous episode | Index thread | Next episode

      Black Mirror Season 4 Episode 4 - Crocodile

      Paired up by a dating program that puts an expiration date on all relationships, Frank and Amy soon begin to question the system's logic.

      Black Mirror Netflix link

      Warning: this thread contains spoilers about this episode! If you haven't seen it yet, please watch it and come back to this thread later.

      You can talk about past episodes, but please don't discuss future episodes in this thread!

      If you don't know what to say, here are some questions to get the discussion started:

      • How does the title relate to the episode itself?
      • Are there any similarities between real life events and the episode?
      • Are there any references or easter eggs in the episode, such as references to past episodes?

      Please rate the episode here!

      17 votes
    4. A Song For Every Mood - Introduce Your Favorite Artist.

      Saw a pic on Lil Peep's subreddit that listed out a song of his for every mood you could have. I thought the list was a pretty good showcase of his work, and served as an awesome introduction to...

      Saw a pic on Lil Peep's subreddit that listed out a song of his for every mood you could have.

      I thought the list was a pretty good showcase of his work, and served as an awesome introduction to Peeper.

      Copy my template or make your own and comment below with links of your favorite artist! Show off the range of their work and showcase some of your favorite tracks in the comments downstairs!

      A Peep song for when:

      (Don't wanna kill the whole list? * = must hear.)

      you're overthinking - Overdose ft. Lil Tracy

      you're heartbroken - nothing to u

      you're really lonely - Praying To The Sky

      *you feel hype as fuck - Witchblades

      *you have a crush - Star Shopping

      you miss your ex - Gym Class

      *you're going through shit - Lil Jeep

      you're in love - Worlds Away

      you hate yourself - OMFG

      you're high af - White Wine ft. Lil Tracy

      *you're in a toxic relationship - (also leave pls) "Wake Me Up"

      your ex moved on - Love Letter

      you're gettin freaky - sex (last nite)

      no one wants you - Not The One

      you don't give a shit (in a good way) - Save That Shit

      everything's falling apart - Nose Ring

      you got hurt - driveway

      they mean the world to you - High School

      you're mad at the world - Life

      you thought they loved you - Beat It

      you want to scream and pull your hair out - Move On, Be Strong

      *you're fresh out of a relationship - Awful Things

      welcome to Peeper! what'd you think? what'd you love, what'd you hate? let me know!



      8 votes
    5. iPhone user to Pixel 3 - Let's talk phones

      Hello, ~tech! I've been really interested in the Google Pixel 3 (non XL) for quite some time, mainly due to my boredom of the Apple ecosystem. I've been primarily an iPhone user since 2014...

      Hello, ~tech!

      I've been really interested in the Google Pixel 3 (non XL) for quite some time, mainly due to my boredom of the Apple ecosystem. I've been primarily an iPhone user since 2014 (currently stuck on the iPhone 6S) and I've recently been eager to make a switch to Android. The Pixel 3 seems to be exactly what I'm looking for. Stock Android experience, a beautiful camera, modern device, and I'm already pretty integrated into Google's ecosystem of services, and I feel the transition will be very smooth.

      So, for any Google Pixel 3 users, non XL or otherwise, what do you love and/or hate about your device? Were you in my shoes as well?

      10 votes
    6. The Winchester Mystery Mansion

      Hey. I just listened to the Stuff You Should Know podcast about the Winchester mystery mansion and I kind of just wanted to talk about it. Anyone been there? Have any cool facts? Things like that....

      Hey. I just listened to the Stuff You Should Know podcast about the Winchester mystery mansion and I kind of just wanted to talk about it. Anyone been there? Have any cool facts? Things like that. I just think it's a really cool and interesting place.

      7 votes
    7. The endings of Far Cry 5

      TLDR at the bottom I played Far Cry 5 some time ago, and remember it as a good, albeit conventional, open-world FPS which freshened up the Far Cry formula and simplified it, for the better of the...

      TLDR at the bottom

      I played Far Cry 5 some time ago, and remember it as a good, albeit conventional, open-world FPS which freshened up the Far Cry formula and simplified it, for the better of the game. I also remember that while I enjoyed myself through it's entirety, the endings (as I immediatelly replayed the final mission to see the other ending) left such a sour taste in my mouth that it ruined the rest of the game's experience for me. I immediately uninstalled it and promised myself to never touch the game again. Both endings had completely ruined it for me. I wasn't there for the story, I was there to enjoy myself while hunting and exploring in rural Montana and occasionally killing people who deserved it (the cult is evil, the game makes this very clear).

      Then you get to the end, after dispatching of Joseph's lieuteants; Faith, John and Joseph in missions, that were started through terrible scripted sequences of you being hunted down. And as it turns out, no matter what you choose (engage Joseph in combat or walk away), you can't save your friends (in fact if you walk away it is implied that you kill them yourself because of sheer bad luck) or kill Joseph, for that matter. Your silent protagonist listens to his boring and frankly infuriating monologues after locking you into cutscene, even though you came to the mission wielding an array of very deadly weapons, ranging from assault rifles to rocket launchers to a shovel. But Far Cry 5 doesn't care, you get locked into a cutscene and you are disbarred from shooting the prime antagonist, the man that admitted to you personally that he smothered his infant daughter, the man who leads the cult which kills, kidnapps, tortures and most likely rapes the inhabitants of Hope County. And you don't even get to shoot him in his fucking arrogant face, you just get to listen to his monologue. You totally could! You still have your guns, actually, you pull them out immediately after the cutscene if you choose to engange in a boss fight! But it's a game and nothing makes sense.

      So Joseph shows you that he somehow captured your allies again, even though, to even engage him, you have to liberate the entire county from the grip of Eden's Gate, so realistically, there shouldn't be anyone left to capture your friends. The cultists are all dead, killed by bullets or your shovel.

      Ultimately, you get to pick between taking three of your friends, leaving the rest behind and driving away, only for the driver to turn on the radio, where it just so happens to play the song which was, during the story, implanted in your brain to send you on a murderous, uncontrollable rage. Or you fight Joseph, who, after the fight ends (WHERE YOU STILL DON'T KILL HIM) reveals, that he was right all along, just as atom bombs start falling from the sky. And even then, Joseph, on his own, manages to overpower all your friends and kill them, because for some reason he's the only one not affected in any way by the atom bomb that just detonated in the distance (it is implied that it was another country that dropped the bomb, not Eden's Gate, but then, who would bomb some random county in Montana in the US without any strategical value?), locks you and himself into a bunker (which had a very capable, armed to the teeth, inhabitant living in it, which Joseph somehow kills off screen even though he marched in there unarmed) probably to brainwash you. Of course, the only right choice would be to take the secret ending, but that means not playing the game at all, and still puts the atom bombs into question and if they would still explode, and all the inhabitants of Hope County at the mercy of an evil doomsday cult.

      As it turns out, in the world of Far Cry 5, the world is on the edge of starting world war 3, however, no one tells you this, there are only tidbits you hear on the radio if you drive to areas you've liberated. So everyone who turned off the radio didn't hear those. You could say that the world itself is a bit of foreshadowing, considering that everyone and their grandmother were building bunkers, but I thought that was another jab at the classic US rednecks the game parodied a lot, I missed that entirely. Apparently when you take drugs in the game, the hallucinations also hint at a looming world war, but I didn't take the drugs at all, so, barring the bunkers, the hints were too small to be noticed and gave the player something to think about.

      The ending sparked a lot of discussion and speculation(one even going as far as claiming that the protagonist is Jesus) on the internet, mutiple discussion on Reddit and other sites, most people seemed to very much dislike the ending because precisely it felt that everything you did in the game was for nothing, which is an ending you can pull off (See Spec Ops: The Line) but the game has to earn with a very good plot and fitting gameplay. My major problem with Far Cry 5 is that it didn't feel earned at all. There was too much of a disconnect between gameplay and narrative (narrative which on it's own wasn't good enough for such a conclusion) to warrant such a bleak ending and pull it off in a way that didn't send the player into a salty rage. There are also theories floating around the net saying that the entire atom bombs ending was one big hallucination, considering your (and your allies) exposure to Bliss at the start of the boss fight. Honestly, I think Ubisoft could've saved some grace if the post-launch content and the DLC were maybe more focused on apocalyptic content (perhaps one big DLC which turned Hope County into a Fallout-esque desert), I actually thought that such content was part of the game, considering that the main menu changes massively after the atom bomb ending. It would've really saved the game: A classic WTF into oh no you just did not! into Oh they actually didn't. You could've even had most of the characters survive, because there were bunkers everywhere in Hope County. Instead we got lackluster post-launch DLC and content, as all three of the DLCs had a very mediocre reception.

      The pcgamer article I linked makes a lot of points about how to make the game better, and ultimately I agree with them. It would've made a lot more sense if the entire plot had more gravitas from the beginning, if it were pictured more clearly that the world is in fact going bonkers, but also if the characters were a bit more realistic, both the villians and allies. You can't make a parody of rural America, structure the entire thing as a fun, wild, action-packed ride and then suddenly start dropping atom bombs and declare world war 3 at the end. People will feal cheated.

      I'm interested in what the community here on Tildes thinks of Far Cry 5 and if we could get a discussion going.

      TL;DR: Summing up, I don't think Far Cry 5 did enough to pull off the ending it gave us. For me and a lot of other people, it even went so far as to ruin the entire game, as everything I did was completely invalidated, all the time I spent on the game and with the characters I've grown to like (they were caricatures, but lovable ones) felt wasted, because there wasn't a single thing I could've to save anyone (except get the secret ending and don't play the game at all and even then, everything is still open). What are your thoughts?

      7 votes
    8. döner macht schöner aber ich ess nie

      When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a black horse and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. a beer in my hand then a...

      When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a black horse and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.

      a beer in my hand
      then a piss in a bush
      xans in the bedroom
      geeked off the kush
      half past nine, running dry
      you came thru
      bought an 18 pack
      and we split it in two
      didnt know what we
      were getting up to
      cuddled on the couch, you
      were watching cartoons
      slowly got up, said i
      got something to do
      headed outside, took
      a piss off the roof

      two more shots then i
      broke the seal, looked up
      at the sky saw the devil
      on a black horse
      headed right for me
      flying in a crash course
      spoke into my ear, and
      his voice was all coarse

      his fork-tongued words
      hit my ears like sand
      and he spoke in a language
      that i didn't understand
      my stomach felt tight
      pale white in my hands
      and i went back in at his command

      then i didn't sleep
      for the next three nights
      and i didn't eat shit
      popcorn, white rice
      dancing damning dreams of
      baby looking at me nice
      sugar plums withered to
      a kiss, a hug, and a good night


      soothe-speaking visions of
      your eyes like a blue quartz
      watching slowly, clouds morph
      devil on a pale horse
      memories in full force
      time has come, no recourse
      white wedding dressed corpse
      wicca phase task force


      as she spoke, her eyes became green
      stomach butterflies and weak knees
      god has sent an angel for me
      her hands crawled in my chest slowly
      said, "it's your heart which i'm holding"
      gently smiled and exposed her teeth
      then ate it whole, as a wild beast
      a soft call in the distance spoke in peace
      with arms open lovingly
      and i fell


      7 votes
    9. European Soccer - This week results (11.05.2018) - *Includes Carabao Cup, Copa del Rey, DFB-Pokal, Coupe de la Ligue and today's EPL and LaLiga matches*

      English Premier League - Matchweek 11 Match Score Statistics Huddersfield-Fulham 1-0 29' Schindler C. Arsenal-Liverpool 1-1 82' Lacazette A.; 61' Milner J. Bournemouth-Manchester United 1-2 11'...

      English Premier League - Matchweek 11

      Match Score Statistics
      Huddersfield-Fulham 1-0 29' Schindler C.
      Arsenal-Liverpool 1-1 82' Lacazette A.; 61' Milner J.
      Bournemouth-Manchester United 1-2 11' Wilson C.; 35' Martial A., 90+2' Rashford M.
      Cardiff-Leicester 0-1 55' Gray D.
      Chelsea-Crystal Palace 3-1 32', 65' Morata A., 70' Pedro; 53' Townsend A.
      Everton-Brighton 3-1 26', 77' Richarlison, 50' Coleman S.; 33' Dunk L.
      Manchester City-Southampton 6-1 6'(OG) Hoedt W., 12' Aguero S., 18' Silva D., 45+2', 67' Sterling R., 90+1' Sane L.; 30'(Pen) Ings D.
      Newcastle-Watford 1-0 65' Perez A.
      West Ham-Burnley 4-2 10' Arnautovic M., 68', 84' Anderson F., 90+2' Hernandez J.; 45' Gudmundsson J., 77' Wood Ch.
      Wolves-Tottenham 2-3 68'(Pen) Neves R., 79'(Pen) Jimenez R.; 27' Lamela E., 30' Lucas, 61' Kane H.

      English Football League Cup (aka Carabao Cup) - 1/8 Finals

      Match Score Statistics
      Arsenal-Blackpool 2-1 33' Lichtsteiner S., 50' Smith-Rowe E.; 66' O'Connor P.
      Bournemouth-Norwich 2-1 39' Stanislas J., 72' Cook S.; 70' Hernandez O.
      Burton-Nottingham 3-2 52'(OG) Janko S., 82' Hesketh J.; 70' Grabban L.
      Chelsea-Derby County 3-2 5'(OG) Tomori F., 21'(OG) Keogh R., 41' Fabregas C.; 9' Mrriott J., 27' Waghorn M.
      Manchester City-Fulham 2-0 18', 65' Diaz B.
      Middlesbrough-Crystal Palace 1-0 45+3' Wing L.
      West Ham-Tottenham 1-3 71' Perez L.; 16', 54' Son Heung-Min, 75' Llorente

      LaLiga - Matchweek 11

      Match Score Statistics
      Espanyol-Athletic Bilbao 1-0 41' Iglesias B.
      Betis-Celta Vigo 3-3 33' Loren, 57' Junior F., 87' Canales S.; 63', 84' Gomez M., 69' Mendez B.
      Eibar-Alaves 2-1 89' Jordan J., 90+1' Diop P.; 4' Jony
      Huesca-Getafe 1-1 50' Etxeita X.; 90+1' Molina J.
      Leganes-Atlético Madrid 1-1 82' Carrillo G.
      Rayo Vallecano-Barcelona 2-3 35' Pozo, 57' Garcia A.; 11', 90' Suarez L., 87' Dembele O.
      Real Madrid-Valladolid 2-0 83' Junior Vinicius, 88'(Pen) Ramos S.
      Real Sociedad-Sevilla 0-0
      Valencia-Girona 0-1 48' Paco A.
      Villarreal-Levante 1-1 90+2' Alfonso; 76'(OG) Mori R.

      Copa del Rey - 1/16 Finals - 1st leg

      Match Score Statistics
      Alaves-Girona 2-2 63' Sobrino R., 88' Aguirregabiria M.; 18' Alcala P., 90+6' Montes A.
      Almeria-Villareal 3-3 52'(Pen) Chema N., 86', 90+1' Gassama S.; 67' Cazorla S., 78'(OG) Callejon F., 83' Chukwueze S.
      Cadiz CF-Espanyol 2-1 1' Lekic D., 41' Azamoum K.; 36' Puado J.
      Celta Vigo-Real Sociedad 1-1 58' Aspas I.; 89' Juanmi
      Cordoba-Getafe 1-2 26'(OG) Gonzalez B.; 45+1'(Pen), 90' Mata J.
      Gijon-Eibar 2-0 54' Djurdjevic U., 86' Manzambi N.
      Leonesa-Barcellona 0-1 90+1' Lenglet C.
      Mallorca-Valladolid 1-2 67' Buenacsa A.; 8', 35' Verde D.
      Melilla-Real Madrid 0-4 38' Benzema K., 45+1' Asensio M., 79' Odriozola A., 90+2' Gonzalez C.
      Santander-Betis 0-1 8'(Pen) Leon S.
      Villanovense-Sevilla 0-0

      Serie A - Matchweek 11

      Match Score Statistics
      Bologna-Atalanta 1-2 3' Mbaye I.; 57' Mancini G., 70' Zapata D.
      Chievo-Sassuolo 0-2 42' Di Francesco F., 90+4' Giaccherini E.
      Fiorentina-AS Roma 1-1 33'(Pen) Veretout J.; 85' Florenzi A.
      Inter-Genoa 5-0 14', 49' Gagliardini R.,16' Politano M., 90+1' Joao Mario, 90+4' Nainggolan R.
      Juventus-Cagliari 3-1 1' Dybala P., 38'(OG) Bradaric F., 87' Cuadrado J.; 36' Joao Pedro
      Lazio-Spal 4-1 26', 35' Immobile C., 59' Cataldi D., 70' Parolo M.; 28' Antenucci M.
      Napoli-Empoli 5-1 9' Insigne L., 38', 64', 90+3' Mertens D., 90' Milik A.
      Parma-Frosinone 0-0
      Sampdoria-Torino 1-4 65' Quagliarella F.; 12', 43'(Pen) Belotti A., 56' Falque I., 78' Izzo A.
      Udinese-AC Milan 0-1 90+7' Romagnoli A.

      Bundesliga - Matchweek 10

      Match Score Statistics
      Augsburg-Nurnberg 2-2 11' Finnbogason A., 59' Schmid J.; 54' Fuchs A., 8' Muhl L.
      Bayer Leverkusen-Hoffenheim 1-4 30' Bellarabi K.; 19' Nelson R., 34', 73' Joelinton, 49'(Pen) Grifo V.
      Bayern Munich-Freiburg 1-1 80' Gnabry S.; 89' Holer L.
      Borussia Monchengladbach-Dusseldorf 3-0 48'(Pen), 82' Hazard T., 57' Hofmann J.
      Hertha Berlin-RB Leipzig 0-3 7', 53' Werner T., 75' Cuhna M.
      Mainz-Weder Bremen 2-1 25' Mateta J., 51' Gbamin J.; 78' Pizarro C.
      Shalke04-Hannover 3-1 57'(Pen) Bentaleb N., 71' Embolo B., 85' Uth M.; 70' Weydandt H.
      Stuttgart-Eintracht Frankfurt 0-3 11' Haller S., 32' Rebic A., 89' Muller N.
      Wolfsburg-Borussia Dortmund 0-1 27' Reus M.

      DFB Pokal - 1/16 Finals

      Match Score Statistics
      Arminia Bielefeld-Duisburg 0-3 12' Vorhoek J., 39' Schnellhardt F., 45' Oliveira-Souza C.
      Augsburg-Mainz 3-2 (a.e.t.) 40'(OG) Bell S., 86' Gregoritsch M., 105' Caiuby; 19' Mwene P., 45' Quaison R.
      Borussia Monchengladbach-Bayer Leverkusen 0-5 5' Brandt J., 45+1' Jedvaj T., 67', 74' Bellarabi K., 80' Volland K.
      Borussia Dortmund-Union Berlin 3-2 (a.e.t.) 40' Pulisic C., 73' Philipp M., 120'(Pen) Reus M.; 63', 87' Polter S.
      Chemie Leipzig-Paderborn 0-3 18', 60' Gueye B., 28' Hunemeier U.
      Darmstadt-Hertha Berlin 0-2 64' Ibisevic V., 88' Mittelstadt M.
      FC Koln-Schalke04 1-1 (Schalke04 win on penalties 6-5) 43' Cordoba J.; 88'(Pen) Bentaleb N.
      Hannover-Wolfsburg 0-2 20' Mehmedi A., 90' Weghorst W.
      Hansa Rostock-Nurnberg 2-2 (Nurnberg win on penalties 4-6) 35' Breier P., 94' Hildebrandt J.; 90' Zrelak A., 103' Palacios-Martinez F.
      Heidenheim-Sandhausen 3-0 8'(Pen) Schnatterer M., 20', 86' Dovedan N.
      Holstein Kiel-Freiburg 2-1 26' Serra J., 79' Kinsombi D.; 1' Petersen N.
      RB Leipzig-Hoffenheim 2-0 48', 56' Werner T.
      SC Weiche08-Werder Bremen 1-5 27' Ilidio; 8' Pizarro C., 37' Kainz F., 44'(Pen) Klaassen D., 76', 80' Harnik M.
      Rodinghausen-Bayern Munich 1-2 49' Meyer L.; 8' Wagner S., 13'(Pen) Muller T.
      Ulm-Dusseldorf 1-5 1' Morina A.; 15', 70' Ducksch M., 33' Hennings R., 37' Lukebakio D.
      Wehen-Hamburger SV 0-3 11', 51' Lasogga P., 90+7' Santos D.

      Ligue 1 - Matchweek 12

      Match Score Statistics
      Caen-Rennes 1-2 90+1' Crivelli E.; 60' Hunou A., 69' Sarr I.
      Dijon-Nimes 0-4 5', 65' Bouanga D., 30' Savanier T., 86' Briancon A.
      Lyon-Bordeaux 1-1 45' Aouar H.; 73' Cornelius A.
      Montpellier-Marseille 3-0 51', 62' Laborde G., 70' Lasne P.
      Nantes-Guingamp 5-0 43'(Pen), 84' Sala E., 63' Rongier V., 70' Toure A., 78' Girotto A.
      Nice-Amiens 1-0 38'(OG) Gouano P.
      PSG-Lille 2-1 70' Mbappe K., 84' Neymar; 90+3'(Pen) Pepe N.
      Reims-Monaco 1-0 24' Cafaro M.
      Saint Etienne-Angers 4-3 26' Diony L., 45+1' Debuchy M., 73'(OG) Manceau V., 89' Hamouma R.; 24' Pavlovic M., 45+3' Tait F., 71' Bahoken S.
      Strasbourg-Toulouse 1-1 51' Mothiba L.; 72' Gradel M.

      Coupe de la Ligue - 1/16 Finals

      Match Score Statistics
      Dijon-Caen 3-1 4', 80' Said W., 7' Sliti N.; 51' Khaoui S,
      Guingamp-Angers 0-0 (Guingamp win on penalties 3-2)
      Le Havre-Troyes 2-0 25' Lekhal V., 30'(Pen) Bonnet A.
      Metz-Amiens 1-2 71' Riviere E.; 6'(OG) Niane I., 73' Otero J.
      Montpellier-Nantes 0-3 58' Coulibaly K., 80' Majeed W., 90+4' Sala E.
      Nice-Auxerre 3-2 17' Maolida M., 41', 80'(Pen) Walter R.; 57' Dugimont R., 82' Philippoteaux R.
      Reims-Orleans 1-1 (Orleans win on penalties 3-2) 89' Ojo S.; 63' Tell J.
      Toulouse-Lorient 0-1 74' Bila A.
      Strasbourg-Lille 2-0 13' Fofana Y., 81' Lienard D.
      6 votes