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    1. Inktober

      So once a year artists all over the internet settle down and attempt Inktober, where we abandon our digital tools and attempt to put out paper-and-ink drawings once a day for the full month of...

      So once a year artists all over the internet settle down and attempt Inktober, where we abandon our digital tools and attempt to put out paper-and-ink drawings once a day for the full month of October! There's "official" prompt sheets and the like, but a lot of us focus on just getting the art made rather than going by a list of ideas to draw.

      I never make it the full month, but we're three days in now and I'm currently 3 for 3!

      Anyone else taking part? I'd love to see what you've made!

      21 votes
    2. Fucked Up - Dose Your Dreams (2018)

      Apple Music BandCamp Spotify Canadian hardcore punk outfit Fucked Up is back with their first new full length since 2014. The group has been known for their art rock output as of late, concept EPs...

      Apple Music

      Canadian hardcore punk outfit Fucked Up is back with their first new full length since 2014. The group has been known for their art rock output as of late, concept EPs they put out years following the Chinese Zodiac. The band is known for disliking each other, sometimes to the point of physical altercations. It is likely a side effect from both the front man and one of the guitarists being songwriters and lyricists, resulting in butting heads. But the result is hard to argue with, Fucked Up has been adored by critics since they came on the scene.

      This album sees one of those two songwriters, lead vocalist Damian Abraham, take a back seat. His vocals don't even appear in ever song on this album. Instead, the whole group does leads at various points throughout the record. It's much more experimental and broad in its genre, employing a lot of pop influences. This results in an album that some how continues the art rock sound they had been cultivating and challenging the listener, while at the same time being very poppy. With a mammoth 18 tracks, the album gives the band plenty of room to explore this new space they find themselves in.

      Like the past couple Fucked Up albums, it's also concept. It has a story and follows a main character in rock opera-like fashion. Their anti-capitalist message comes through in the magical reality of the story of a factory worker that is shown the drudgery of modern life by a sorceress.

      It's ambitious, fun and at the end of day, still very much punk. Super enjoyable, in my opinion. A good introduction to the band if you've never heard them, though you may find their past work a little more one dimensional.

      4 votes
    3. Visual ~creative prompt for the weekend (2018-0727)

      In honor of starving artists everywhere, the topic for this thread is "scant". Feel free to open it up to interpretation as literal or loose as you'd like Whatever medium works best for you! Even...

      In honor of starving artists everywhere, the topic for this thread is "scant".

      • Feel free to open it up to interpretation as literal or loose as you'd like
      • Whatever medium works best for you! Even though I labelled the thread as "visual", it would be great to see work from any writers or musicians if any would like to participate as well.
      • Entry should be your own work
      • Multiple entries are great if you feel inclined

      @userexec won the last round of the Visual Weekly Activity. I don't want to steal the glory, but I also got ants in my pants. So this is an unofficial thread and hopefully userexec will chime in with a new official thread when they have time.

      Edit: moved the user tag down so the main topic is more visible.

      11 votes
    4. Storyboards, outlines and concept art for unproduced Adventure Time episodes

      The first few seasons of Adventure Time are very dear to my heart, I watched them as a teenager when they first aired and I still revisit them from time to time when I'm bored or am having a bad...

      The first few seasons of Adventure Time are very dear to my heart, I watched them as a teenager when they first aired and I still revisit them from time to time when I'm bored or am having a bad day and need a pick-me-up. I recently came across a bunch of outlines and concepts for unproduced episodes from season 1, and some of them are really good!

      Full Storyboards:


      BROTHERS IN INSOMNIA (This one's good)


      BOXCARS & BINDLES (I really like this one)

      HAND (It's a board artist's worst nightmare!)






      TREE PROBLEM (This is an outline for "Brothers in Insomnia")

      Story Notes:




      Adventure Time series presentation

      3 votes
    5. Weekly Visual Activity REVIVED July 10th to July 16th.

      I'M ALIVE!!!!! Sorry about that; my get up and go got up and went without me. I wandered out of funkland today just in time to be a week and a day late. <_< For this week, you may use any media...

      I'M ALIVE!!!!!
      Sorry about that; my get up and go got up and went without me. I wandered out of funkland today just in time to be a week and a day late.

      For this week, you may use any media you like - photos, sketches, paints, collage, et. al. to portray BLUE. In any sense of the word. Posting and up voting will cease when the 16th is over and done with.

      If you end up with the most votes appreciating your piece(s), you will have the honour to decide the theme to the next week's thread! If that's not enough I'm sure I can find a gif of people grovelling in your magnificent wake. \o/

      14 votes