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    1. Changed the default theme to use a white background, moved theme-selection to Settings page

      Okay, okay. The default site theme is now less beige/tan/yellow. This was a bit of a quick-and-dirty way of doing it, so the other colors are all still the Solarized ones for now, but I may change...

      Okay, okay. The default site theme is now less beige/tan/yellow. This was a bit of a quick-and-dirty way of doing it, so the other colors are all still the Solarized ones for now, but I may change them around some later.

      The other themes are still available, and can now be selected on the Settings page—if you want the beige back, that's "Solarized Light". I also added a theme with a full-black background (I don't think it looks very good, but it's there).

      11 votes
    2. Daily Tildes discussion - limits/restrictions on viewing user history?

      Currently, Tildes user pages only show one "page" of the user's history—their most recent 20 topics and/or comments. This wasn't really a deliberate choice, I just haven't added pagination yet...

      Currently, Tildes user pages only show one "page" of the user's history—their most recent 20 topics and/or comments. This wasn't really a deliberate choice, I just haven't added pagination yet (it's a bit tricky because of the combination of topics and comments). But I wanted to talk about the general idea of being able to look through users' histories and see if there's anything we should consider doing differently.

      In some ways, being able to look through user histories is nice. Sometimes I find a user that makes good posts, and I like to go back and see what else they've posted. However, a lot of people use it in a malicious way, going back through people's posts to find "dirt", or even sometimes using it as a way to doxx them. This happens a lot on Twitter especially, where attention will land on someone for some reason, and people will dig through years of their previous tweets to find things to attack them with.

      Even reddit (unintentionally) puts a limit on how much history you can look back through because of their 1000-item limit on any listings. That's not a limitation that I'm going to have, so adding pagination will mean that it's possible to view all of any user's previous posts.

      Do you think we should add some restrictions to how much history is visible to try to reduce these bad uses, or is that futile/unnecessary?

      11 votes
    3. Comment Permalinks

      I'm sorry if I'm just blind, but there doesn't seem to be a way to permalink to a particular comment in a thread or to "go to comment" from the Comment Replies in your profile. For larger threads...

      I'm sorry if I'm just blind, but there doesn't seem to be a way to permalink to a particular comment in a thread or to "go to comment" from the Comment Replies in your profile.

      For larger threads when someone responds, getting the larger context is quite useful so it'd be nice to "go" to my comment in a thread vs just responding from the inbox, especially if I want to reference other comments made in the discussion.

      8 votes
    4. Daily Tildes discussion - comment tags, and how they feel to use

      Today's daily topic comes out of a discussion in this thread yesterday - people are currently feeling a bit weird/rude about using the comment tags (described here, if you haven't read this...

      Today's daily topic comes out of a discussion in this thread yesterday - people are currently feeling a bit weird/rude about using the comment tags (described here, if you haven't read this already).

      So the questions are:

      • Does it just feel rude because we're currently very small-scale, where any negative action feels more personal?
      • Are there any ways that we could try to reduce that feeling a bit?
      • Should we just remove comment tags until the site is larger, since they're not very useful at this point anyway?

      Feel free to add any other thoughts/discussions about comment tags as well.

      10 votes
    5. Warrant Canary

      Hey, Just a thought. I'm not sure what the legal standing of warrant canaries (i.e. being compelled to lie) are in Canada, but given the privacy level afforded by the site the key component to...

      Hey, Just a thought. I'm not sure what the legal standing of warrant canaries (i.e. being compelled to lie) are in Canada, but given the privacy level afforded by the site the key component to that privacy is trust.

      You're doing a lot to make sure private data is treated as harmful, and with the open source code being visible, but that's still not a guarantee that the server is actually running the code that will be open sourced.

      Tildes could probably benefit from a warrant canary given that it's a platform for user generated content and if it gets prominent enough it may be subject to LEO scrutiny. Compliance with LEO is a given since the website operates under Canadian Jurisdiction, but given the... nature of some requests (Gag Orders / Etc...) a canary could be a privacy positive move for users of Tildes.

      7 votes
    6. Daily Tildes discussion - missing information?

      I'm doing some writing (and re-writing/editing) for the Docs site today, to prepare for trying to spread the word about Tildes more in the near future. To help with that, what information,...

      I'm doing some writing (and re-writing/editing) for the Docs site today, to prepare for trying to spread the word about Tildes more in the near future. To help with that, what information, explanations, or answers do you feel are missing or insufficient right now?

      For example, the discussion we had the other day on moderation was a perfect example—there was no information really laid out about "how does moderation work?" I'm sure there are quite a few other subjects that also feel like mysteries for now.

      So, especially for people that only found out about Tildes recently, what other gaps are there where you feel like, "I don't understand how Tildes is planning to ____________"?

      11 votes