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  • Showing only topics with the tag "microsoft". Back to normal view
    1. Does the Oracle v. Google court case mean that Wine/DXVK is illegal?

      I've been thinking about this but based on the current rulings in the Oracle v. Google court case, it would seem that APIs are indeed copyrightable. This would mean that Wine would be infringing...

      I've been thinking about this but based on the current rulings in the Oracle v. Google court case, it would seem that APIs are indeed copyrightable.

      This would mean that Wine would be infringing on Microsoft's copyright of the Windows API and system calls. Of course it wouldn't matter until Microsoft actually does something about it. But as Wine gets better and better and its market share higher and higher, I worry that Microsoft might set their sights on Wine now that they have the law on their side.

      15 votes
    2. An error message in Windows 10 is a mistake from 1974

      @foone🏳️‍⚧️: It is 2018 and this error message is a mistake from 1974.This limitation, which is still found in the very latest Windows 10, dates back to BEFORE STAR WARS. This bug is as old as Watergate. pic.twitter.com/pPbkZiE57t

      Twitter: foone🏳️‍⚧️
      32 votes
    3. What are the positive aspects of Microsoft's acquisition of GitHub, if any?

      As someone who is relatively removed from the programming world (I do basic Python scripting and not much else), I'm curious to see an argument opposing what I perceive as the majority viewpoint....

      As someone who is relatively removed from the programming world (I do basic Python scripting and not much else), I'm curious to see an argument opposing what I perceive as the majority viewpoint. Those against the acquisition have cited examples of Microsoft "ruining" services such as Skype and Minecraft.

      21 votes