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    1. If you could completely refresh something and rebuild it from the ground up, what would it be and why?

      A lot of things we live with have significant technical debt because they were designed and implemented without modern knowledge and understanding. Knowing what we know now, in the present moment,...

      A lot of things we live with have significant technical debt because they were designed and implemented without modern knowledge and understanding.

      Knowing what we know now, in the present moment, what would you be interested in fundamentally redesigning if you could?

      This does NOT have to be technology related, by the way, though it certainly can (anyone want to talk about redesigning usernames and passwords -- please?). It can pretty much be anything: NASCAR races, art criticism, specific social norms, sunglasses, etc.

      In your explanation, don't just share what you're interested in tearing down, but how you would rebuild it for the better. What improvements would your methods bring to the table?

      39 votes
    2. How do you pick what sources of news you listen to?

      I've recently been getting into RSS reading and well, I usually just went with whatever was given in a forum (like Tildes for example). Although, I've recently been looking into news organizations...

      I've recently been getting into RSS reading and well, I usually just went with whatever was given in a forum (like Tildes for example). Although, I've recently been looking into news organizations I follow to see if I should actually trust them.

      Factors that came to mind to be important was looking at past controversies regarding them to see where they might fail in the future and who owns them. It made me realize that most sources I had actually might not be who I want to follow for news but then well, not many are left and while I do want to cut down on the amount of news I get because it's overwhelming, I also don't want to miss important news.

      So how do you pick what sources of news you listen and what are some news you trust and why?

      22 votes
    3. Any motorcyclists here?

      I live in Colorado and I love cycling along twisty mountain roads. The experience of being on a bike rather than in a car is a completely different way of experiencing the state. I'm always going...

      I live in Colorado and I love cycling along twisty mountain roads. The experience of being on a bike rather than in a car is a completely different way of experiencing the state.

      I'm always going like 40 mph slower than the cars that pass me though, and I can only go so far before I'm completely exhausted, so I'm considering getting a motorcycle (It seems like I'd actually be safer, since at least I'm going the same speed as the people trying to kill me now). I'm signed up for an MSF class next week to get my endorsement.

      I'd love to hear people's opinions on first motorcycles if anyone has them. I don't think the type of motorcycles people normally recommend (Suzuki TU250X etc) will work for me because of the large amount of steep road riding I'm planning to do, so I think I need something with a bit more torque. Something like the Triumph Street Scrambler seems like a good idea!

      I'm also looking for advice about whether it's completely insane to store such a bike outside. I don't have a garage, but I do have a driveway behind my house in an alley where mostly only the residents of the block ever go. I can also block my bike in with my car when I'm not using it. Is this situation plus a disc brake and a cover enough to keep my motorcycle safe-ish from theft?

      6 votes
    4. Why do you wanna be a parent?

      I really don’t have much to say, that’s 100% an honest question about something I truly fail to understand. I’m not opposed to having children if it seems right for some reason, but this is not a...

      I really don’t have much to say, that’s 100% an honest question about something I truly fail to understand. I’m not opposed to having children if it seems right for some reason, but this is not a dream or project of mine. When I ask people about it, I get vague answers or stuff I cannot relate to at all. And some people seem to want to get married and have children just because they think they’re supposed to.

      I’m really not in a position to judge, but I will probably politely ask further questions for my own education.

      If that’s a sensitive topic for you and you don’t wish to indulge my curiosity, maybe this post is not for you! Everything surrounding parenthood tends to generate gratuitous animosity, so please be patient with my earnest ignorance.

      17 votes
    5. Fitness Weekly Discussion

      What have you been doing lately for your own fitness? Try out any new programs or exercises? Have any questions for others about your training? Want to vent about poor behavior in the gym? Started...

      What have you been doing lately for your own fitness? Try out any new programs or exercises? Have any questions for others about your training? Want to vent about poor behavior in the gym? Started a new diet or have a new recipe you want to share? Anything else health and wellness related?

      6 votes