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    1. Shooting occurred at UNC Charlotte

      Local live news: https://www.wcnc.com/live-video https://www.wsoctv.com/live-stream Currently there are 2 confirmed dead and 4 injured, 3 of who are in critical condition. The shooter is in...

      Local live news:



      Currently there are 2 confirmed dead and 4 injured, 3 of who are in critical condition. The shooter is in custody and police are currently sweeping the buildings.

      I can see the helicopters from my dorm.

      Some news articles:





      https://www.npr.org/2019/04/30/718852278/2-dead-and-4-injured-in-shooting-at-university-of-north-carolina-charlotte-campu (text version: https://text.npr.org/s.php?sId=718852278)


      Update: The campus is still on lockdown while the rest of the buildings are cleared. A candlelight vigil has been planned for May 1 (tomorrow) at 6 PM.

      Update 2: Today was the last day of classes, with exams starting Thursday. All exams before next Sunday will be canceled (not sure if they'll be rescheduled yet).

      Update 3: As of 5:20 AM, the lockdown has been lifted and campus is all clear. The names of the injured have been released.

      The shooter has been charged with:

      • 4 counts of attempted first degree murder

      • 4 counts of assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury

      • 1 count of discharge of a firearm on education property

      • 1 count of possession of a gun on educational property

      • 2 counts of murder (they did not specify which degree)

      All of these are felony charges.

      It should be noted that the shooter was arrested before he even had the chance to leave the classroom. That was an extremely fast police response.

      Edit 4: Due to exams being cancelled through Sunday, all exams are now optional. Looks like I might only have to worry about 1 final now.

      20 votes
    2. What is, in your opinion, missing on Tildes?

      Pretty much the title. What do you think is missing on tildes? What is something that you'd like to see on tildes that is currently lacking? It could be discussion wise, a feature, or anything...

      Pretty much the title. What do you think is missing on tildes? What is something that you'd like to see on tildes that is currently lacking? It could be discussion wise, a feature, or anything else really.

      48 votes
    3. Markdown preview is now available when writing topics/comments/etc.

      Continuing to work my way through (long overdue) merging of open-source contributions, today we've got another much-requested one that was implemented by @wirelyre: a preview function for...

      Continuing to work my way through (long overdue) merging of open-source contributions, today we've got another much-requested one that was implemented by @wirelyre: a preview function for markdown.

      Anywhere that you're writing markdown now (comments, topics, messages, user bio), there will be two "tabs" above the text field for "Edit" and "Preview". You can flip back and forth between them to see what the result of your markdown will be while you're writing, which should make it a lot easier to work on some of the tricky formatting like tables.

      Like so many other features, there are still a few little weird interface oddities with it, but I wanted to get it live on the site and will probably do a few more minor tweaks to it today. Let me know if you notice anything particularly strange or broken with it.

      And thanks again, @wirelyre!

      99 votes
    4. Hand to God

      Father God I've got a favor to ask of you. . It is said you can justify the hell I knew. . So now I raise my tired eyes to the morning blue. . God above, I've got a favor to ask of you. . If I...

      Father God

      I've got a favor

      to ask of you.


      It is said

      you can justify

      the hell I knew.


      So now I raise

      my tired eyes

      to the morning blue.


      God above,

      I've got a favor

      to ask of you.


      If I don't wake up

      dead in the morning

      could you stand by me

      if just for a moment

      give pause to the pain

      put a break to the moaning

      while I'm stuck in this mind

      and I just can't control it.


      If you're gonna drag me out

      of my bed in the morning

      then I ask I wake in

      a place I feel at home and

      I can pour a little brown, light

      a green, and get to hoping

      that I'll find good work,

      good love, and consoling.


      Ya Allah

      Ana mish aerif

      Ana riyeh feyn.


      My head

      is clouded, dark

      and the sky is grey.


      I've found

      I hate the sun,

      and dance in the rain.


      And at night,

      I close my eyes,

      dream of the grave.


      If you're gonna drag me out

      of my bed in the morning

      then I ask I wake in

      a place I feel at home and

      I can pour a little brown, light

      a green, and get to hoping

      that I'll find good work,

      good love, and consoling.

      8 votes
    5. Recommendation: BoJack Horseman (2014—)

      My previous recommendations: Person of Interest Psych So, I just finished binging all five seasons, and I think I can safely recommend this series to an audience that enjoys adult humor and series...

      My previous recommendations:

      So, I just finished binging all five seasons, and I think I can safely recommend this series to an audience that enjoys adult humor and series that juggle between the very funny and very serious.

      BoJack Horseman is a series that starts slow and doesn't really seem to truly find itself until Season 3. I personally didn't enjoy the first half of Season 1 at all (got very bored). The second half of Season 1 got me to keep watching purely on the humor and the gags, which pretty consistently increase in quality as the show continues.

      I especially got drawn in on all the "animal" gags. The series at some point early on becomes very comfortable going all out on visual&storytelling gags based on the animal playing them (BJH is an otherwise-normal universe where a significant part of the population is half-animal half-human). The humor is pretty high quality, I would easily compare it to the humor in Arrested Development (early seasons).
      It is a series that makes fun of itself, without relying too much on gimmicks or breaking the fourth wall too much. With that said, Seasons 3 and 4 introduce more experimental episodes (including an entirely mute one, similar to the excellent Hush from Buffy, as well as another that only consists of a beautiful entire 22 minute monologue). None of them bored me. I was always extremely impressed with the execution and the quality.

      What really gets me to recommend this series is its later seasons. Seasons 3 and 4 are of exceptionally high quality and the show becomes… very dark. But not without losing its humor. BoJack Horseman made me cry three times. I'm not talking about tearing up, I'm talking about the full waterworks like I've done only a couple of times in my entire adult life.
      It's a show that punches you in the gut not by having grand romantic storylines; not by having heroic moments with epic music; not sympathetically by having manly characters tear up; not even by killing off beloved characters like Game of Thrones. It's a show that hits you because it's too fucking real.

      In many ways, I would say that I enjoyed BJH for similar reasons that I enjoyed early GoT: It's unforgiving to its characters. But I don't want this to put anyone off from watching; it's a unique series to which I have a very hard time finding parallels. Its humor sits between Arrested Development, Futurama and Rick & Morty and is very much its own thing. Very reminiscent of Adult Swim.

      BoJack Horseman is available on Netflix. Come for the gags, stay for your own reasons.

      24 votes