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    1. Can we have a monochrome color theme, please?

      The "Black" theme looks pretty OK, but monochrome white/grey-on-black would be fantastic! Nothing against a few colored spots, as long as the text has a high contrast! All the vision-impaired...

      The "Black" theme looks pretty OK, but monochrome white/grey-on-black would be fantastic! Nothing against a few colored spots, as long as the text has a high contrast! All the vision-impaired users will thank you!

      9 votes
    2. AskComp: Reactive coding and splitting observables

      I was going to ask this on Stackoverflow but it seems like reactive programming is split into per-language questions (RxJava, RxJS, RxRuby, etc.) and this is a more generic question. How do you...

      I was going to ask this on Stackoverflow but it seems like reactive programming is split into per-language questions (RxJava, RxJS, RxRuby, etc.) and this is a more generic question.

      How do you stream items from one Observable to multiple Observers?

      I have a stream of CSV items, they're mapped to a dictionary/hash table, and then I want to:

      • get the maximum value from this stream
      • process the stream in a different way
      • sample the stream

      Can I call subscribe multiple times and then call the other operators?

      5 votes
    3. Thoughts on addressing the filter bubble (echo chambers & "fake news"), scalability & free speech

      Hi there! First things first, I just want to say thank you for the invite, but more importantly, thank you for taking the time to create this platform. I, as I imagine most people on here, have a...

      Hi there!

      First things first, I just want to say thank you for the invite, but more importantly, thank you for taking the time to create this platform. I, as I imagine most people on here, have a love-hate relationship with reddit. Clearly the site has had a tremendous impact, in many ways positive, but with many things structurally and fundamentally holding it back. I've been a subscriber to /r/RedditAlternatives/ for a while, and there have been very few sites that have compelled me to learn more and actively take part in them, and yours is of course one of them. I just got done reading all of the articles on your docs page and was very pleased - "finally", I thought, someone who's taken into account all of the articles on the internet that have been written about designing and building communities, from both a social and technical perspective, and put it into practice. You've addressed many issues that are often ignored by the platforms themselves and done it in a brilliant way so as to ensure that our voices are heard first and foremost, and I think that's just awesome.

      Okay, now that all the praise is out of the way... :P

      I did notice something that was not addressed in the docs pages, so I'll be blunt and simply ask: how do you plan to address the filter bubble, or rather, do you plan to address it at all? Maximizing user freedom regarding which communities you want to see content from seems obvious, but that inevitably ends up with users being stuck in their own bubble. reddit already has an infamous reputation of being an echo chamber, and gives users tools to make it an even bigger echo chamber. A long time ago, there was a commonly held belief that the internet would bring us closer together because it would force us to expand our worldviews and interact with people as people, not knowing where they're from or who they are (the "On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog" saying about anonymity). As reddit moves more and more toward becoming a social network like Facebook and less like the pseudonymous and anonymous internet discussion forums of old, this problem has only gotten worse, to the point of having real-world political and social consequences (especially with the increasing deluge of so-called "fake news"). I'd really like to hear your take on it.

      I do have other concerns, namely: scalability, and the stance on free speech. The donation model has worked well for Wikipedia, but, well, they're Wikipedia. They're an incredibly important resource and people have clearly valued their resource so as to have sustained their model, mass donation drives with Jimbo Wales' face plastered all over the site notwithstanding. If tildes becomes the Wikipedia of internet discussion platforms, I am sure many people will find it valuable enough to donate to, though I am still not sold on how sustainable it really is.

      The stance on free speech in the announcement blog post also has me concerned. As you mentioned, it is a difficult topic; that much is clear. I am mostly just curious as to where the lines are drawn in regards to how "threats, harassment, and hate speech" are defined. With an absolutist position like "we are 100% pro-free speech", things are very clear and simple, whereas any other position, I believe, comes down to the whim of the moderators/admins. Certainly most people will generally follow the golden rule and abide by basic common sense and decency (i.e. "don't be a dick"), but when discussions get heated I think it's important to not have a reasonable fear that you're going to get permabanned because you hurt someone's feelings (just as an example).

      All these issues aside, I am very excited about the development of tildes and hope you & the community can come up with excellent technical and social solutions to these difficult problems.

      Thanks for taking the time to read this!

      (p.s. apologies for not posting this in the daily discussion topic, thought it warranted its own topic)

      edit: formatting

      26 votes
    4. Suggestion: Make indicator for upvoted topics clearer

      When I upvote a post, it just goes form dotted border to solid border and a very slight change in color which makes recognizing if you already upvoted a post a little hard. Maybe inverting the...

      When I upvote a post, it just goes form dotted border to solid border and a very slight change in color which makes recognizing if you already upvoted a post a little hard.

      Maybe inverting the color of the box would be more suitable?

      18 votes
    5. Website accessibility

      Hi! This isn't a topic I know a ton about (beyond basics like the need for image descriptions for screen readers), but @nil's layout bug stemming from a very large font got me thinking about...


      This isn't a topic I know a ton about (beyond basics like the need for image descriptions for screen readers), but @nil's layout bug stemming from a very large font got me thinking about accessibility.

      Has accessibility been discussed and worked on so far?

      (If not, I'd like to suggest taking a look at online accessibility guidelines to see what would apply to tildes in particular. It's one of those things that's easiest to add towards the beginning of projects, and it takes making a conscious decision to include it.)

      11 votes
    6. Bug: layout

      It's probably just me, because I have to use a really big font, but the text in the group summary and in the topics overlaps and is very hard to read! I'll send a screenshot to Deimos. Also, the...

      It's probably just me, because I have to use a really big font, but the text in the group summary and in the topics overlaps and is very hard to read! I'll send a screenshot to Deimos.

      Also, the sidebar is at the bottom of the screen in my configuration.

      5 votes
    7. Suggestion: less real estate per topic

      It's probably just a personal preference, but I really enjoy that HN or reddit only use two lines per topic, which makes browsing much more efficient. I'd actually prefer one line per topic! Just...

      It's probably just a personal preference, but I really enjoy that HN or reddit only use two lines per topic, which makes browsing much more efficient. I'd actually prefer one line per topic! Just give me a list of topics and let me decide whether or not I want to bite. ;)

      What do you think?

      5 votes
    8. Let us post a link *and* text

      One of the biggest limitations of Reddit is that if you want to post a link, and comment on it yourself, you have to go make a comment on your own post after you've made it. It would be really...

      One of the biggest limitations of Reddit is that if you want to post a link, and comment on it yourself, you have to go make a comment on your own post after you've made it.

      It would be really useful to be able to fill in both the Link and the Text box, and have your text displayed under the link while you are viewing the comments.

      (Also, we should be able to edit posts after making them.)

      11 votes
    9. Westworld S2E4, "Riddle of the Sphinx"

      No spoilers here (since I'm not sure there is a mechanic for hiding them yet), but that was a fun episode last night. Between this and Legion, there are some legit-strange visuals on tv nowadays....

      No spoilers here (since I'm not sure there is a mechanic for hiding them yet), but that was a fun episode last night.

      Between this and Legion, there are some legit-strange visuals on tv nowadays. And it's not like they're strange in a horror or shocking way. They're just weird. I'm into it.

      10 votes
    10. Allow users to submit text (markdown) along with a link for new posts

      Currently you can only do one or the other, but I feel that this results in low efforts posts where a user simply post a link and walks away. If we can post text along with a link to, say, a news...

      Currently you can only do one or the other, but I feel that this results in low efforts posts where a user simply post a link and walks away. If we can post text along with a link to, say, a news article, the OP could then start some sort of discussion around that article without having to go into the comments and post whatever they were going to say.

      3 votes
    11. Suggestion: Weighted Subscriptions

      On Reddit, I can chose between two options - to be subscribed to a sub, or to not be subscribed. Right now, the situation is the same with Tildes. I would like to have more fine-grained control...

      On Reddit, I can chose between two options - to be subscribed to a sub, or to not be subscribed. Right now, the situation is the same with Tildes. I would like to have more fine-grained control over which posts show up on my homepage. For example, right now, a signficant proportion of my homepage is music. I don't know if that will continue to be the case as the site grows, but it serves as a good example for now. I like music, and want to see music related posts on my homepage, but ideally I would like to be able to use a slider or selector of some form to dampen the precedence of ~music, so that I only see the very best posts. Other tildes, like ~comp, I want to have higher precedence / weighting, so that their posts make their way onto my homepage with more ease - because it's the topic I care most about.

      I understand that this might be simply infeasible for server-load reasons, and I also could understand if it is felt that this would clash with the clean and simple mechanics of the site. However, I think this feature would be really useful, and moreover could serve as a good USP to attract users from other news aggregators who care about curated, high-quality content.

      21 votes