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    1. Tildes app ?

      Any plans for a tildes app?. I’m often on mobile and an app would probably run better than the website on browser

      19 votes
    2. How can we betray each other less on the Internet?

      I was thinking about having a general purpose thread about internet drama venting, but that seems like a very bad idea if all the top level threads are different gripes and one in particular gets...

      I was thinking about having a general purpose thread about internet drama venting, but that seems like a very bad idea if all the top level threads are different gripes and one in particular gets out of control, so here's mine and this can be dealt with as needed.

      There was this recent issue in left adjacent Twitter of a notable YouTube person inviting someone else to read a quote for a bigger project. Invitee had controversial views on gender dysphoria, the host defended their decision, and details aren't super important for what I want to talk about.

      I see where Natalie is coming from if she wants to make a point about Tolerance and Outgroups. I think this was the wrong way to do that, #BuckisWrong, but I don't think brigading her on Twitter and asking her social group to disavow her is appropriate, however, I don't have any skin in the game outside of being an anxious cis white male who thinks Twitter enables and thrives off of toxic discourse.

      I get that this is all some of you are willing to talk about but I want to talk about the meta and the behavior here, so please pretend they're all Martians for the time being.

      What I want to talk about is how the internet specifically reacted, asking the creator's circle to walk back any endorsement of them, holding them to a fire and how much it kind of fits in into a pattern of isolation featured earlier in Lindsay Ellis' presentation about being shamed online, and propose that what makes an internet outrage mob is kind of values neutral.

      Obviously, your -ism of choice would factor into an internet hate mob and make it into the Eternal Tire Fire that the internet is known for birthing these days, but the key spark seems to be a betrayal of trust. You thought someone or something was in your corner/was values neutral/shared your politics and when that is not the case, you simply want it gone. It was kind of always in the discussion with "Cancel Culture Concern," but it hasn't really clicked until now for me that it's such a common thread.

      So, assuming we can't nor want to make it impossible to betray one another or make the Internet a safe space for everybody and for all sensibilities, can we cut down on this outcome, is it incentivised through engagement metrics, and/or is it just something that comes with the ability to mass broadcast and mass response?

      9 votes
    3. Take care of a minor task you've been putting off, then tell us about it here.

      This is sort of a "backlog post" but for real-life: take care of something small that, for whatever reason, you've left unaddressed for too long. Maybe it's something that keeps ending up on your...

      This is sort of a "backlog post" but for real-life: take care of something small that, for whatever reason, you've left unaddressed for too long.

      Maybe it's something that keeps ending up on your to-do list but never gets resolved. Maybe your desk is cluttered. Maybe you haven't vacuumed your carpet in a while. Maybe your fridge could use a cleanout. It doesn't have to be cleaning themed, but that's what's coming to mind for me right now, so you can probably guess what mine will be.

      Whatever it is, take a few minutes to resolve the issue, then tell us about it here.

      • What was the issue?
      • Why do you think it kept getting put off?
      • How do you feel now that it's done?
      17 votes
    4. I dare you to try OpenStreetMap!

      I dare you to try OpenStreetMap but also (probably most importantly) contribute! But first, some introduction, What even is OpenStreetMap? Okay well, OpenStreetMap is a database, licensed under...

      I dare you to try OpenStreetMap but also (probably most importantly) contribute!

      But first, some introduction,

      What even is OpenStreetMap?

      Okay well, OpenStreetMap is a database, licensed under ODBL, to create maps basically.

      It's kind of like Wikipedia with how the data is crowdsourced from well, anyone. The data can then be used for well, basically anything.

      Research? Sure.
      Wanna make your own map? Sure.
      Wanna just use it for navigation without relying on anyone else? Hell yeah you can.

      Basically anything you want as long as you share people's work under ODBL and well, attribute them of course.

      How do I use it? Well, for navigation, on desktop :
      • Gnome Maps
      • GraphHopper
      • Qwant Maps

      On mobile :

      • OSMand
      • Maps.me
      • Maps (on F-droid)
      • Navmii

      You can also find other choices on the OSM wiki

      Okay so now that you know how to use it for yourself, let's get contributing!

      For this, since it's most likely going to be new users editing, we will use iD, it's available right under the edit button on OpenStreetMap's website!

      Well, I would explain how to use it and all but thankfully, since iD is pretty userfriendly, there's a walkthrough to get you started.

      Please DO NOT copy data from Google Maps or other services, it would violate their licenses. Only add information you personally know from local knowledge or aerial footage which you can use, iD thankfully lets us use most of the available ones which we have the rights to use for OSM.

      If you need any kind of help,
      the wiki is there which has tons of information but which also has links to mailing lists, IRC, Discord and other services. Oh and of course, feel free to comment below too.

      If you're already using OSM or contributing, feel free to talk about your experience below too!

      Happy Mapping!

      46 votes
    5. Proposal and interest survey for Timasomo: Tildes' Make Something Month

      UPDATE: Be on the lookout for Timasomo Post #0 on Friday, October 25! November, the month of NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month, is coming up. I was thinking we could run a parallel event,...

      UPDATE: Be on the lookout for Timasomo Post #0 on Friday, October 25!

      November, the month of NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month, is coming up. I was thinking we could run a parallel event, though slightly more open in scope.

      My idea is to use November here as a "Make Something Month" with pretty much wide open parameters. Write a novel, write poetry, paint landscapes, craft pottery, create delicious recipes, homebrew, code a game, contribute to open source software, do something clever with a Raspberry Pi. Whatever it is you're interested in doing creatively, go for it! I envision something quite self-directed, with the challenge being meeting the parameters you set for yourself rather than any external criteria we come up with. It also doesn't have to be limited to a single project, so maybe you want to tackle a weekly or even daily challenge.

      My current vision for how this will work:

      I'll post weekly recurring posts (or see if Deimos can schedule them), starting one week before November begins (for planning), continuing through the month with check-ins and feedback and support, and ending with a final showcase post in December where everyone can share their creative works with everyone else.

      If this is something that you'd like to participate in, please let me know! Also, if anyone has any ideas for how to run it, please share.

      24 votes