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    1. How do you use Tildes' labels?

      One of the unique feature of Tildes when it comes to content moderation is the usage of "labels". While there are guidelines, there are no hard and fast rules as to when to use one label or the...

      One of the unique feature of Tildes when it comes to content moderation is the usage of "labels". While there are guidelines, there are no hard and fast rules as to when to use one label or the other (nor should there be!). I am curious what criteria you all use when deciding whether or not to apply a label to a comment, and also how frequently you find yourself labeling things. For reference, the current labels are:

      • Exemplary
      • Offtopic
      • Joke
      • Noise
      • Malice

      Are there labels you find yourself using more than others? Are there some you think are unclear? I feel like this is an often overlooked and underused feature, but that may just be because I personally do not use them that frequently. For example, I have only given a few Exemplary tags, a few noise, and I don't think any of the others.

      17 votes
    2. 1917 editor Lee Smith reveals the truth about Sam Mendes' one-shot film

      1917 editor Lee Smith reveals the truth about Sam Mendes' one-shot film This is my favourite passage from this article: He asked [a journalist] how long the film shoot was; she looked at her...

      1917 editor Lee Smith reveals the truth about Sam Mendes' one-shot film

      This is my favourite passage from this article:

      He asked [a journalist] how long the film shoot was; she looked at her notes, said four months. How many days a week? Five.

      Do you think they never turned the camera off, he said; just do the maths. "And she went, 'Oh, right'."

      8 votes
    3. British Airways flight breaks subsonic JFK to Heathrow speed record due to Storm Ciara—reaches London in 4 hours 56 minutes

      @flightradar24: Fastest across the Atlantic tonight from New York to London so far is #BA112 at 4hr56m. #VS4 in 4:57, and #VS46 in 4:59. https://t.co/gfYoHGV3Y6 https://t.co/kMhjCqdEtt If we're not mistaken, BA now retakes the fastest subsonic NY-London crossing from Norwegian.

      13 votes
    4. What have you been watching / reading this week? (Anime/Manga)

      What have you been watching and reading this week? You don't need to give us a whole essay if you don't want to, but please write something! Feel free to talk about something you saw that was...

      What have you been watching and reading this week? You don't need to give us a whole essay if you don't want to, but please write something! Feel free to talk about something you saw that was cool, something that was bad, ask for recommendations, or anything else you can think of.

      If you want to, feel free to find the thing you're talking about and link to its pages on Anilist, MAL, or any other database you use!

      9 votes
    5. What programming/technical projects have you been working on?

      This is a recurring post to discuss programming or other technical projects that we've been working on. Tell us about one of your recent projects, either at work or personal projects. What's...

      This is a recurring post to discuss programming or other technical projects that we've been working on. Tell us about one of your recent projects, either at work or personal projects. What's interesting about it? Are you having trouble with anything?

      10 votes
    6. Did anybody catch the XFL games?

      I'm in the middle of the Seattle vs DC game. It's great to see a more polished XFL back. For the unaware, the XFL has modified traditional NFL rules to prioritize a faster, leaner game. A 25s play...

      I'm in the middle of the Seattle vs DC game. It's great to see a more polished XFL back.

      For the unaware, the XFL has modified traditional NFL rules to prioritize a faster, leaner game. A 25s play clock (down from 45s with the NFL), a modified kick off where teams are five yards apart, with the kicker and receiver on their respective 35 yard line (teams wait until the receiver touches the ball before they can move.)

      All in all, this game is pretty fun. The pace isn't crazy fast compared to the NFL, but you definitely have fewer long breaks.

      The broadcast is also great. They're constantly detailing the differences in play. They also have more interaction with coaches and players, which is fun.

      Here's a full set of rule changes

      3 votes
    7. Recruiting for a panel for an LGBT-focused Q&A session on Tildes

      A recent conversation resurfaced an idea I've had for a while now, and I've decided to move forward with it. The Idea: a thread along the lines of "What's something you've always wanted to know...

      A recent conversation resurfaced an idea I've had for a while now, and I've decided to move forward with it.

      The Idea: a thread along the lines of "What's something you've always wanted to know about being LGBT but were afraid to ask?" I want to encourage people to specifically ask questions that might be uncomfortable, or questions that might be seen as too forward or invasive in other contexts. Crucially, I also want to have a diverse panel of LGBT people ready and willing to answer those types of questions in the thread. I'm using LGBT here in the Tildes-preferred umbrella manner, so this is open to all who identify with a minority gender identity or sexual/romantic orientation.

      The Location: I feel like hosting it in ~talk would be best so that we are visible to people who do not subscribe to ~lgbt, who are more likely to have questions about our experiences.

      The Panel: I have thought about just putting up the thread with no preparation and letting people respond as they see fit, but I've always held back because I think it's important to be able to have lots of different voices, identities, and experiences represented. As such, I figure assembling a panel of willing respondents prior to the thread would be good, hence this planning topic! We can list the names and short bios about the panel participants in the top level of the topic, which then lets participants know who is responding to them, as well as giving them the opportunity to ask questions to specific individuals should they wish to do so.

      The Time: I am thinking next Monday, Feb. 10 would be a good time to get this up and running, but that is flexible. I expect the thread to be active for about one to three days.

      Next Steps

      If you are willing to be a part of the panel and answer questions:

      • let me know either by commenting here or sending me a PM,
      • include how you identify yourself,
      • include what your preferred pronouns are, and
      • include a short bio about yourself that will be posted in the thread.

      An example of what panelists' introductions will look like in the Q&A thread:

      Name Identity Preferred Pronouns Bio
      kfwyre gay cis male he/him/they/them Teacher. Happily married. Living in the US, and grew up in a very conservative Christian area. Came out in my 20s and dealt with severe depression and fallout with family.

      The bio can include anything you think might be relevant for context, or that you think people might want to ask about.

      Signing on to participate in the panel does NOT mean you must answer every question asked. Panel participants can choose which questions they answer, as well as how much they choose to share. Signing on simply means you're agreeing to participate in the topic to the best of your ability and comfort level.

      Finally, if you have any feedback or ideas for how this should run, let me know!

      23 votes