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    1. Suggestion: Find a new name for "Vote" button

      Vote seems to imply a choice between two or more things. I like how there are no downvotes, but having one option sounds a bit odd to me to be called a vote. Also, having a unique term may help it...

      Vote seems to imply a choice between two or more things. I like how there are no downvotes, but having one option sounds a bit odd to me to be called a vote. Also, having a unique term may help it stand out from other sites.

      Some suggested alternatives:

      • Increment
      • Boost
      • Bump
      • Rise
      • Hike

      Anyone else have any ideas?

      31 votes
    2. ASOIAF/Game of Thrones fans?

      Do you have a favorite theory? Most hated theory? Books, show only, or both? We're coming up on the 7th anniversary of the release of ADWD and I'm just trying to gather us all up for the...

      Do you have a favorite theory? Most hated theory? Books, show only, or both?

      We're coming up on the 7th anniversary of the release of ADWD and I'm just trying to gather us all up for the inevitable sobbing next month.

      9 votes
    3. Programming Challenge: Given a triangle of numbers, find the path from the top to the bottom of the triangle with the largest sum.

      This problem is based on the Project Euler problem here. Goal: Given some input describing a triangle of numbers, find the path starting from the top-most row of the triangle and ending at the...

      This problem is based on the Project Euler problem here.

      Goal: Given some input describing a triangle of numbers, find the path starting from the top-most row of the triangle and ending at the bottom-most row of the triangle that contains the largest sum of all of the numbers along the path. You may only move downward and you must select an adjacent position to move to. Efficiency is not a requirement for completion.


      • The first line of input for a triangle will be a single integer telling you how many rows the triangle will have.
      • Each following line of input will be the next row of the number triangle, starting at the first row.
      • For each line describing the number triangle, the individual numbers will be separated by a single space.

      Note: The constraints above are to keep hard-coded triangles out of submitted solutions while also ensuring that all languages can equally handle this problem without annoying workarounds for lower-level languages. The consistency also makes it easier for beginners to review and understand someone else's code, and makes it easier to receive help if you get stuck. They're not necessarily required, but are highly encouraged.

      Example input:

      3 2
      4 5 6
      7 8 9 10

      Corresponding triangle:

        3 2
       4 5 6
      7 8 9 10

      Expected result: 19 (1 + 2 + 6 + 10)

      Extra Credit: As noted on the Project Euler page, you can solve this using a brute force method, but it's incredibly inefficient. Specifically, a brute force solution would be O(2n) time (exponential). There exists a solution that can be solved in O(n2) time (quadratic). Find this solution.

      13 votes
    4. A deep dive into the reclassification of gender incongruence by the WHO

      It’s one thing to read an article or see a reaction and another to find the source. I was curious myself so I dug through the World Health Organization’s website and here’s what I found. Gender...

      It’s one thing to read an article or see a reaction and another to find the source. I was curious myself so I dug through the World Health Organization’s website and here’s what I found.

      Gender incongruence, meanwhile, has also been moved out of mental disorders in the ICD, into sexual health conditions. The rationale being that while evidence is now clear that it is not a mental disorder, and indeed classifying it in this can cause enormous stigma for people who are transgender, there remain significant health care needs that can best be met if the condition is coded under the ICD.

      For mental health conditions, ICD codes are especially important since the ICD is a diagnostic tool, and thus, these are the conditions that often garner much of the interest in the ICD. These include gaming disorder, which evidence shows is enough of a health problem that it requires tracking through the ICD. Other addictive behaviours such as hoarding disorder are now included in ICD-11, and conditions such as ‘excessive sexual drive’ has been reclassified as ‘compulsive sexual behaviour disorder’.


      8 votes
    5. Metaphysics of web forums and avoiding death by entertainment

      Hi folks, I've seen a few posts and comments discussing "what is tildes.net all about?" or even "what does Tildes want to be about?" and I thought I'd throw in a related topic I've been thinking...

      Hi folks,

      I've seen a few posts and comments discussing "what is tildes.net all about?" or even "what does Tildes want to be about?" and I thought I'd throw in a related topic I've been thinking about recently. I am interested in the medium of communication itself, in addition to the goals and general philosophy of Tildes.

      To start, the question of "what makes Tildes different from Reddit?" is interesting. One concern about Reddit is the huge proportion of either low-quality posts or attention-chasing memes. And a lot of Tildes users seem to be asking why that is the case; and whether a site like Tildes can be different.

      Some say that Reddit is a victim of the profit cycle. As a commercial entity, Reddit must aim to bring in as many users as possible, thereby increasing advertisement revenue. And lowering the bar to new user entry means that you get more and more people who aren't really concerned with making thoughtful, high-value contributions to the discussions.

      And there's certainly some truth to that. So by this model, Tildes should be different. It is non-commercial, not profit-driven, and it has mechanisms in place (and in development) that are specifically designed to weed out low-value contributions/contributors.

      But still, even at this early stage, when the userbase is small and has been more selectively accumulated, some users are expressing concern that Tildes is showing signs of becoming just another Reddit. True or not -- I don't know.

      Beyond the profit goal, another dimension for analysis is the medium itself. "Medium", as in the tools of communication; as in radio vs. print vs. television vs. web forum, etc. In 1985, Neil Postman wrote an interesting book called "Amusing Ourselves to Death" that reiterated Marshall McLuhan's idea that messages are partly shaped (and constrained) by the medium over which they are transmitted. And by extension, some media are better at communicating some types of ideas than others.

      Postman was writing in 1985 when television was the dominant medium. He argued that the image-oriented medium of television was best suited for entertainment rather than rational argument or intellectual discourse. And thus the use of television (particularly commercial television) as a medium drifts away from thoughtful, intellectual engagement of the consumer, and toward gripping, decontextualized video clips that imprint ideas on the viewer and keep them coming back for more.

      Television is just not as good as print media for communicating deep, complicated ideas that the consumer can engage with. (This isn't to say tv can't do it, but it's just not as good at it.)

      So what about web forums like Reddit and Tildes? This is what I've been thinking a lot about recently, and I wonder what other Tildes users think about it.

      Web forums are different than television for sure, in that they are mostly text-based, and users can interact with them by both posting text and responding to what others have posted.

      But web forums are different from ye olde fashioned books too, in the sense that web forums seem to eschew longer, more highly-structured arguments. (Speaking of that, I hope this post isn't too long!) There seems to be a "king of the mountain" syndrome in web forums, in which posters vie for attention, while watching as posts rise to the top and are quickly replaced by newer, catchier posts.

      Is this the fundamental dynamics or metaphysics of web forums? --the rapid turnover of attention-seeking, short posts?

      If so, will Tildes get pulled down into that same whirlpool?

      I don't think it has to be that way, but I believe it is a strong warning that we have to think hard about how the structure of the medium itself channels the type of content we will see here.

      Stepping back further in Postman's argument is his deep concern about the effect of the dominant medium on popular discourse in a society.

      When mainstream media is reduced to commercial jingles and quick, entertaining memes, the very foundation of liberal democratic society is at risk. People become uninformed about the important issues of the day, and become disengaged from the democratic process. As that disengagement increases, special interest groups (read: corporate lobbyists) fill the void of providing direction to governing bodies. Citizens then become more disillusioned and even more disengaged. This is a well-documented phenomena called "the death spiral of democracy", and it scares the shit out of me.

      When I first read Deimos' "Announcing Tildes" blog post, I saw a motivating philosophy that I feel is one of the most important issues of our time. We don't live in a perfect world right now, but we're in a world that appears to be on the edge of tragic yet avoidable decline; a world in which the values I assume many Tildes users would like to promote are being paved over by entities that only value profit.

      I think that Tildes can be really, really important, and it needs the user base to deeply engage in the analysis of what will make it work. What is it about the web forum as "medium" that shapes the content we are exposed to here? And how can we devise the mechanisms that prevent it from degrading into another Reddit? Is a shared motivating philosophy enough, or do we need to re-engineer the medium itself?

      So into the discussion of "what should Tildes be about?", this post is a long-winded way of saying that I think part of it should be about discussing how we can we construct a sustainable new form of media that improves society and supports our highest values. What does this next generation medium look like?

      Note: just to be clear, Deimos has already put a lot of great thought into this (cf. https://docs.tildes.net/). I'm just arguing that the topic of the medium and the mechanics of the medium should be a topic that all Tildistas engage with.

      39 votes
    6. Daily Tildes discussion - "trial" groups?

      I've been thinking a bit about this post about groups that @Kiloku made yesterday, and about how we'll be able to figure out when it's the right time to create a new group. I had an idea (inspired...

      I've been thinking a bit about this post about groups that @Kiloku made yesterday, and about how we'll be able to figure out when it's the right time to create a new group.

      I had an idea (inspired somewhat by how StackExchange's "Area 51" works), and just want to see if you all think it's worth trying sometime, or if there are reasons that you think it wouldn't work very well.

      Every week or two, we could have a thread for "group proposals", where people suggest groups that they think would be good to add and likely to be active enough. If there's enough support from other users (for some meaning of "enough"), we create the group and then give it a while (maybe 2-4 weeks) to see if it actually builds up a reasonable level of activity. If it does, great. If not, we could remove the group and move the posts back into another group with an appropriate tag.

      So for example, if someone suggested a group for fantasy novels and a decent number of other users express interest, we could create ~books.fantasy as a trial. A few weeks later, if it doesn't seem to be working out, we move all the posts from it back into ~books with a "fantasy" tag (and can always try it again in the future).

      I don't know if we'd want to do this anytime soon, but I thought it would make for an interesting discussion anyway, so let me know what you think of the general idea.

      54 votes
    7. Untitled

      I've been noticing a lot of initial comments nitpicking titles lately. I'm not sure how to improve this, but I believe these posts are generally low effort and negative. Of course if a title is...

      I've been noticing a lot of initial comments nitpicking titles lately. I'm not sure how to improve this, but I believe these posts are generally low effort and negative. Of course if a title is outright incorrect or misleading, it should be pointed out. But where's the line?

      Anyone else notice this? Thoughts? Suggestions?

      14 votes
    8. What have you been playing, and what do you think of it?

      Hey ~ers, I'd like to keep a weekly discussion going on this topic (every Wednesday or so?). Let me know if this isn't something you want to see in the future, I always liked these, but maybe not...

      Hey ~ers, I'd like to keep a weekly discussion going on this topic (every Wednesday or so?). Let me know if this isn't something you want to see in the future, I always liked these, but maybe not everyone does? Last one got a lot of interesting posts, let's see how it goes this time!

      I've been playing Grim Dawn quite a bit lately. I've kickstarted it back in the day, but never got around to really playing it after the early access period. I was burned out on Diablo clones at the time: Torchlight 2, Victor Vran, Van Helsing, etc. I think the break did me good, as playing it fresh is quite enjoyable. There's a good variety of classes and builds, fun abilities, and tons of gear number crunching (playing thunder smashing shaman now). Just the way I like it! I'm hoping to snag one of the DLCs once I reach a high enough level and play with my friends on one of the unlocked hardcore difficulties.

      24 votes
    9. Who was the most influential teacher in your life? And how did they influence you?

      We're finishing up the graduation season which has me thinking about some of the impactful teachers in my life. Who's someone that made a big impact on you? What lessons did they teach you or...

      We're finishing up the graduation season which has me thinking about some of the impactful teachers in my life. Who's someone that made a big impact on you? What lessons did they teach you or passions did they instill?

      7 votes
    10. Is anyone else excited for Gorillaz new album?

      Gorillaz has a new album coming out next week, is anyone else really excited? Some of the singles already released from the album: Humility - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5yFcdPAGv0 Sorcerez -...

      Gorillaz has a new album coming out next week, is anyone else really excited?
      Some of the singles already released from the album:
      Humility - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5yFcdPAGv0
      Sorcerez - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40xG4bMr9F4
      Fireflies - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCet4yrfp4o
      Lake Zurich - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68JpPpSc7bs
      Hollywood - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgwE94KZJ7E

      Of them, I think Fireflies has to be my favorite. What's yours?

      9 votes
    11. Any hobbyist gamedevs interested in working on a project together?

      I've been trying to get back into game dev recently and I'd love to work with someone if you're up for it. I'm also down to join existing hobbyist projects, although I have a thing I'm currently...

      I've been trying to get back into game dev recently and I'd love to work with someone if you're up for it. I'm also down to join existing hobbyist projects, although I have a thing I'm currently building at the moment.

      If you make games for fun and are looking for a partner, feel free to send me a PM or just reply to this.

      Similarly, I'd like to also suggest a Tildes ~LFG (looking for group) or other meeting-ish area.

      12 votes
    12. [Language Learning] Telegram groups for practicing languages

      I'm an user of group of chat groups called Polyglossia Network, where you can speak with both native and learners from a given languages (and it has lots of languages) So if you wanna join, just...

      I'm an user of group of chat groups called Polyglossia Network, where you can speak with both native and learners from a given languages (and it has lots of languages)

      So if you wanna join, just send a message to @polyglossia_bot (PG's bot) on Telegram and click "Group Links", it'll show you links to every group. I'll leave a list here with the groups from more popular languages just in case, but it might get outdated as sometimes links are changed (to see the full list, send a message to the bot @polyglossia_bot)

      16 votes
    13. The Browns will win the Super Bowl this year

      The Browns have the best receiving corps in the league right now (upgraded from the worst last year), the Browns have a Journeyman QB who doesn't throw picks (Thanks Kizer), and we have a...

      The Browns have the best receiving corps in the league right now (upgraded from the worst last year), the Browns have a Journeyman QB who doesn't throw picks (Thanks Kizer), and we have a under-study QB who may be franchise QB in the future.

      Furthermore, we have a better than average backfield with receiving backs and "downhill" runners (god I hate that term, it's like corporate speak for "let's circle back"....cliche cliche)...

      4 votes
    14. Anyone here play squash?

      The community here on Tildes is very small just like the Squash playing community. Wanted to see if there is any overlap. So anyway where are you from? How regularly do you play? What's you skill...

      The community here on Tildes is very small just like the Squash playing community. Wanted to see if there is any overlap. So anyway where are you from? How regularly do you play? What's you skill level? What's your main motivation behind playing squash? Favourite player?

      5 votes