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    1. Man says he doesn’t have to lodge tax returns because he’s not a ‘person’

      Man says he doesn’t have to lodge tax returns because he’s not a ‘person’ Based on his patterns of speech - "who stated his name was Glen, of the family Polglaise" - and his argument that he's a...

      Man says he doesn’t have to lodge tax returns because he’s not a ‘person’

      Based on his patterns of speech - "who stated his name was Glen, of the family Polglaise" - and his argument that he's a human being who waives his right to recognition as a person, he seems to be a "freeman on the land" (also known in the USA as a "sovereign citizen").

      18 votes
    2. Pet Shop Boys - On social media (lyric video) (2019)

      The Pet Shop Boys (my favourite band/artist ever) are releasing an EP this weekend. (Who even knew EPs were still a format?) It will include three satiricial songs and one sad song, which they're...

      The Pet Shop Boys (my favourite band/artist ever) are releasing an EP this weekend. (Who even knew EPs were still a format?) It will include three satiricial songs and one sad song, which they're posting progressively on YouTube throughout the week.

      I've heard the three satirical songs, and this one's my favourite. I also love the style of the video - it's a great meeting of form and function. And I thought it was appropriate for here. ;)

      On Social Media

      EDIT: Typo.

      5 votes
    3. Did you watch the State of the Union? Or the Democratic Response? What did you think?

      First let me say that I long considered myself an independent until I realized I always voted Democrat a number of years ago because I find they best represent my interests, so that's my POV...

      First let me say that I long considered myself an independent until I realized I always voted Democrat a number of years ago because I find they best represent my interests, so that's my POV coming into this. I consider myself generally liberal on most issues with a few exceptions (gun rights, against college for all, etc)

      Some observations:

      • There was much there to please Republicans regarding the economy, etc
      • There was much there that I'm not sure will play well with Trump's base: economic programs for women in other countries (Ivanka's influence?), criminal justice reform, lots of praise and visuals of black Americans including several guests, seeming to waffle a bit on the "wall" - I think he reduced it to fencing, did I get that right?, he stated several times he was in favor of legal immigration (something his actions have indicated otherwise and his base seems to be against)
      • We're going to make peace with the Taliban - that was a jaw-dropping moment for me and I could tell from the reaction of the Rs in the crowd that it didn't play well with them
      • Democratic women wearing white - smart political move and I didn't catch they did it during his first speech
      • Pelosi was great to watch. Calm as a cucumber. She had several little subversive moments where instead of immediately sitting down after clapping she shuffled some papers or pretended to read something, sending a clear message of what she thought of POTUS' remarks
      • Trump's anti-immigration push still isn't focusing on any facts...sigh.
      • Russia investigation was only mentioned once or twice so he didn't succumb to temptation there
      • I thought this was by far his best and most presidential speech
      • The Rs at work were not impressed so I thought that was interesting

      Regarding Stacy Abrams' response:

      • I was totally disappointed
      • She completely lacked energy and I had a hard time following along because of it
      • Kennedy was 100x better in his response (even with the excessive lip balm)
      • I don't have much else to say...it was bland

      What did you think?

      EDIT: Forgot he announced we're back in a nuclear arms race with Russia and China. And what was up with bringing in all of the Holocaust survivors and WWII vets? Was that a blatant appeal to the oldest members of his base or simply to recall the last "good" war the US fought?

      19 votes
    4. I've been trying to learn more about inequality. How should I go about it in a proper, structured way?

      This is my 2019 project, to gain some understanding of the subjects of income and wealth inequality. I've prepared a reading list but was just wondering if there is a proper way to go about it....

      This is my 2019 project, to gain some understanding of the subjects of income and wealth inequality. I've prepared a reading list but was just wondering if there is a proper way to go about it. I'm from a third world country and didn't go to college, if that's of any help.

      18 votes
    5. In need of streaming advice!

      Hey! Lately I've decided that after years of wanting to do stuff on the internet, I'm gonna try my best to start streaming video games. I'm rather excited to start trying to form a lil community...

      Hey! Lately I've decided that after years of wanting to do stuff on the internet, I'm gonna try my best to start streaming video games. I'm rather excited to start trying to form a lil community and I wanted to know if anyone here has tips/experience they would like to share. Any and all advice is welcomed and appreciated! I did a little test stream of Bioshock (using OBS) for some friends, but I'm currently using a wireless adapter so it didn't go very well for very long. I'm definitely picking up an ethernet cable before I try again. But in the meantime, I thought I'd ask for some wisdom.

      10 votes
    6. JavaScript toy that demonstrated a model of how demographics cluster

      A while back I saw a cool link on Tildes, I think it was before the save feature was implemented, which is why I've lost it. It was an article with an accompanying JavaScript toy to demonstrate...

      A while back I saw a cool link on Tildes, I think it was before the save feature was implemented, which is why I've lost it. It was an article with an accompanying JavaScript toy to demonstrate the point: if a system starts clustered, equality alone won't bring the system to equilibrium because the system has momentum. You have to swing hard in the other direction to get to actual equilibrium. (i.e. it was a defense of affirmative action.)

      Basically, you set some conditions meant to represent demographics. The people were represented by little squares in the simulation. The conditions were things like "start X% concentrated" and "squares must have 2/3/4 different colored neighbor squares."

      I think it was on Medium, but I'm not sure, and I can't for the life of me find it again even after scouring Tildes, Reddit, and Google. Anyone know what I'm talking about and where I can find it again?

      4 votes
    7. Looking for a third pal to play Apex Legends with on Xbox

      Hi, so my SO and I are looking for a third person to play Apex with. We're pretty casual and not the best skill wise but just playing it for fun. Having a third person to talk to would be cool. We...

      Hi, so my SO and I are looking for a third person to play Apex with. We're pretty casual and not the best skill wise but just playing it for fun. Having a third person to talk to would be cool. We typically play around 9pm EST for about an hour or two. If you're down you can add us on xbox and shoot us a message at Rocket Man and Bubblegum KMA

      7 votes
    8. What's the userbase of Tildes like? (+ some misc. Tildes questions)

      Hi, I just joined an hour ago or so. So far so good, site seems a welcome change as opposed to other certain content aggregators. I'm just wondering what the userbase is like: what's your age...

      Hi, I just joined an hour ago or so.
      So far so good, site seems a welcome change as opposed to other certain content aggregators.

      I'm just wondering what the userbase is like: what's your age group(not too specific if you want), occupation(again, vague is okay), continent of origin and gender? What draws you to this website as opposed to other social media? Do you expect Tildes to gain traction and grow to become a worthy Reddit(or other aggregator) competitor/successor?
      Just to get a taste of the crowd and what kind of people we'll find here.

      I'm in my 20's, currently studying engineering and living in western Europe. Applied to this website following a comment I saw that described the Tildes system compared to Reddit; seemed like a nice change on the clickbaity and sometimes not as fun-content on that website. Hoping this ends up a good place for discussion / quality content / fun chats, and also hope it can help me detox from social media by purposefully using a less active site(for now, of course).

      Small note: while the site is closed right now, it might be opened up later, which means this post might be visible to the internet whole. Please keep your personal info in mind and only share what you want others(including crawlers/scrapers) to know.

      35 votes
    9. today is a good day. how ya doin?

      emotionally abusive ex-girlfriend tried to reach out. blocked her number. started looking for therapists. i started following through FreeCodeCamp (more tech talk (MERN) at the bottom - i gots...

      emotionally abusive ex-girlfriend tried to reach out.

      blocked her number.

      started looking for therapists.

      i started following through FreeCodeCamp (more tech talk (MERN) at the bottom - i gots questions)

      i started flossing two weeks ago.

      i've been consistent this past week with learning japanese

      and right now i got one of my comfy outfits on, chilling at the house, and i just made a french press with some beans from a roaster i used to always buy from back when i lived downtown.

      i'm feelin' alright today. it's gonna be a few more months until i get where i want, but for now, i'm good.

      how bout you - how you doin?

      (if you stuck around for the tech stuff - here's that)

      1. what's a good book to follow up EloquentJS? i'm reading through that now, and i really want to get a good feel for the language itself. i know how to get something built, but i don't know how my tools work - and that's an issue for me.

      2. on a similar note - what are the best books on React? i've got a 2017 copy of Fullstack React, but someone told me that's outdated by this point, and i can't exactly afford the 2018 copy right now. anything else i should keep an eye out/save up for?

      3. and lastly, best reading on CSS3? i know (again) a good enough amount of Bootstrap to be able to get something up and running, but i want to get better at vanillaCSS, css animations, and making sure that my site is responsive and supported across across all browsers.

      18 votes