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    1. What are some very easy to make meal kits/prepared food that are accessible?

      As mentioned before my partner is a new paraplegic. He was a chef before becoming disabled a decade ago and the primary cook at home until the more recent injury. He's struggling to make sure he...

      As mentioned before my partner is a new paraplegic. He was a chef before becoming disabled a decade ago and the primary cook at home until the more recent injury. He's struggling to make sure he eats in part because making a baloney sandwich is currently an ordeal. We expect that to get easier as he gets OT and more used to being in a chair, but I'm wanting to start with prepared meals and work up to easy meal kits that help him get back into cooking. Difficulty level is things that taste good and have a variety of foods, as well as, for the future, kits that require less manual dexterity.
      Recipes also welcome as well as any must have kitchen items. We have an air fryer, microwave, electric kettle and toaster he can use easily. Oven and stove that are a bit more tricky right now.

      ETA: in the United States and with a large variety of grocery stores around me.

      26 votes
    2. What do Tilderinos theorize regarding the Mandela Effect?

      I came across this phenomenon naturally once again when I saw an article asking why people thought a cornucopia was once a part of the Fruit of the Loom logo, going on to describe the Mandela...

      I came across this phenomenon naturally once again when I saw an article asking why people thought a cornucopia was once a part of the Fruit of the Loom logo, going on to describe the Mandela Effect. I was flabbergasted as my mother frequently bought me this underwear brand throughout the 90s and I distinctly remember the logo being that way. Specifically as rendered in this image. The company says this was never the case and yet thousands remember it to be true and more disturbing still, there are articles going back decades that describe the logo having a cornucopia. (Conspiracy theorists call this 'residue', or the lingering of the 'truth' after some psychic or interdimensional catastrophe)

      Now with other cases of this phenomenon, I'm skeptical. So what if so many kids misremembered how a childhood book series was spelled (Berenstein/Berenstain) or misattributed when a famous person died.

      This Fruit of the Loom one rocked my world. Is this mass hysteria? Government conspiracy? Time traveler interference? Parallel universes colliding?

      I'm not really sold on any of it and normally I'm a skeptic who believes in rationality and generally agrees with Occam's Razor. This underwear logo though...it scared me.

      33 votes
    3. How does one draw in a community for their Minecraft server?

      I'm kind of withdrawn and I don't talk a lot but I want to curate a community of chill people to play with. I just started my server and I've got 3 people whitelisted, of which 2 have shown up and...

      I'm kind of withdrawn and I don't talk a lot but I want to curate a community of chill people to play with. I just started my server and I've got 3 people whitelisted, of which 2 have shown up and those two are family members. And one person who tried to join but wasn't whitelisted, but idk how they got the ip since they're not in the discord.

      I have around 300 subscribers where I posted the link, but only 3 people joined the discord (one being another subscriber, bc one of my family members hasn't accepted the discord invite yet but is whitelisted anyway bc duh). I'm just kind of feeling like the kid who invited his whole class to his birthday party but only 2 people showed up. I'm not sure what I've done wrong or if I missed an important step.

      16 votes
    4. TweetDeck replacements?

      The only sane way to use Twitter was to follow a bunch of cool artists, set up TweetDeck, filter it to "tweets with images only", and just look at pretty pictures. And now that's been completely...

      The only sane way to use Twitter was to follow a bunch of cool artists, set up TweetDeck, filter it to "tweets with images only", and just look at pretty pictures.

      And now that's been completely removed. Does anyone know of any alternatives? I don't need any of the other features of TweetDeck, I just need that images-only filter...

      13 votes
    5. How do you organize yourself?

      As someone who deals with ADHD, I often have a lot of trouble keeping myself organized. I have so many different thoughts swirling around in my head, and things I want to do, but it's hard to plan...

      As someone who deals with ADHD, I often have a lot of trouble keeping myself organized. I have so many different thoughts swirling around in my head, and things I want to do, but it's hard to plan my time correctly. I often get the feeling that I'm wasting my day.

      I'm wondering if anyone else has this experience, and what you do to keep yourself organized.

      40 votes
    6. How do Reddit, Lemmy, Tildes, etc. process, store, and serve ranked threads/links?

      I'm familiar with how the ranking algorithms work on a high level. What I'm curious about is to how those algorithms are actually applied. How do these platforms actually apply the ranking...

      I'm familiar with how the ranking algorithms work on a high level. What I'm curious about is to how those algorithms are actually applied.

      How do these platforms actually apply the ranking algorithms so that the user sees the threads appropriately ordered? My knowledge is limited to PHP and MySQL, so I'm looking at it through the lense of those systems. I've thought of a few possible ways, but all of them seem pretty resource intensive.

      1. Maintain a table of threads with all relevant information required to calculate ranking, as well as ranking itself. A server side script executing on a routine basis every X minutes (cron job?) updates the rankings on all the threads, so they can be easily ordered. However, people most likely don't care about threads >Y days old, so those can be excluded or automatically deranked somehow.

      2. Maintain a table of threads with all relevant information required to calculate ranking. When a user visits, the last X threads (again, users probably don't care about really old stuff) are pulled out of the database and ran through a ranking and sorting algorithm, reordered and displayed to the user. This seems the most resource intensive?

      I am by no means a professional developer, but I've been dabbling recently and the concept of how these large quantities of data are ranked both perplexes and interests me.

      15 votes
    7. Viewing all tags

      Hi all. I was wondering if there was a way to see all the tags that have been created on Tildes and their popularity? It would help when working out what tag to use, etc. Maybe even a popularity...

      Hi all.

      I was wondering if there was a way to see all the tags that have been created on Tildes and their popularity? It would help when working out what tag to use, etc.

      Maybe even a popularity break down by group that the tag was posted into would help loads when selecting the correct tag.

      I can see that auto-complete for tags uses the 100 most commonly-used tags, not sure if this is by group or site wide, but even that list would be great to see.

      Many thanks!

      14 votes
    8. Australia's Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme has released its report. It describes the Scheme as "an illconceived, embryonic idea and rushed to Cabinet".

      Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Tabled_Documents/2743 Some summary quotes: From the Preface: It is remarkable how little interest there...

      Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme


      Some summary quotes:

      From the Preface:

      It is remarkable how little interest there seems to have been in ensuring the Scheme’s legality, how rushed its implementation was, how little thought was given to how it would affect welfare recipients and the lengths to which public servants were prepared to go to oblige ministers on a quest for savings. Truly dismaying was the revelation of dishonesty and collusion to prevent the Scheme’s lack of legal foundation coming to light. Equally disheartening was the ineffectiveness of what one might consider institutional checks and balances – the Commonwealth Ombudsman’s Office, the Office of Legal Services Coordination, the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner and the Administrative Appeals Tribunal – in presenting any hindrance to the Scheme’s continuance.

      From the Conclusion:

      The report paints a picture of how the Robodebt Scheme (the Scheme) was put together on an illconceived, embryonic idea and rushed to Cabinet. If ever there were a case of giving an unproportion’d thought his act, this was it.

      The application of [public interest] immunity has also limited the Commission’s ability to reveal the entirety of the documentation concerning how the original proposal which became Robodebt, was passed and what was put to Cabinet thereafter. The salient points have been able to be made, but large parts of the relevant ministerial briefs, materials put before Cabinet and Cabinet minutes themselves have not been able to be revealed.

      One of the questions in the Terms of Reference is when the Australian Government knew or ought to have known that debts were not, or may not have been, validly raised. [...] Some DHS senior executives always had that knowledge; some DSS senior executives must have suspected it, at least by 2016. As to members of the Government, one Minister, Mr Morrison, took the proposal to Cabinet, knowing that it involved income averaging and that his own Department had indicated that it would require legislative change, but on the basis of the contrary indication in the NPP checklist, proceeded without enquiring as to how the change had come about.

      And... this ticking time-bomb from the covering letter:

      I have provided to you an additional chapter of the report which has not been included in the bound report and is sealed. It recommends the referral of individuals for civil action or criminal prosecution. I recommend that this additional chapter remain sealed and not be tabled with the rest of the report so as not to prejudice the conduct of any future civil action or criminal prosecution.

      Some news articles:

      20 votes
    9. Favorite blogs/publications for metal?

      For the metalheads here, wondering what you all are reading for news, releases, tour announcements, etc that's primarily focused on metal. I really enjoy black metal so would definitely be...

      For the metalheads here, wondering what you all are reading for news, releases, tour announcements, etc that's primarily focused on metal.

      I really enjoy black metal so would definitely be interested in sites/forums that focus on that!

      9 votes
    10. What have you been listening to this week?

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something! If you've just picked up some music, please update on that as...

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something! If you've just picked up some music, please update on that as well, we'd love to see your hauls :)

      Feel free to give recs or discuss anything about each others' listening habits.

      You can make a chart if you use last.fm:


      Remember that linking directly to your image will update with your future listening, make sure to reupload to somewhere like imgur if you'd like it to remain what you have at the time of posting.

      28 votes
    11. How to get rid of wasps?

      I have wasps building hives under the eves on my house. I'm looking for a way to kill them without Raid or other harsh chemicals. Right now there seems to be about 10 hornets starting on this...

      I have wasps building hives under the eves on my house. I'm looking for a way to kill them without Raid or other harsh chemicals. Right now there seems to be about 10 hornets starting on this hive. I see a number of other places they've made hives around the house that were removed before we moved in. My current options that I've found so far are spraying with dawn soap/water/garden sprayer or peppermint. It seems a little too high to get a garbage bag around them easily before pissing them off. Any other good ideas?

      15 votes
    12. Anyone here have a home carbonation system (SodaStream, DrinkMate, Aarke, etc.)?

      Do you have a home carbonation system? What do you carbonate with it? Just plain water? Flavored drinks? My girlfriend gave me a DrinkMate as an early birthday present, and I love it. I've been...

      Do you have a home carbonation system? What do you carbonate with it? Just plain water? Flavored drinks?

      My girlfriend gave me a DrinkMate as an early birthday present, and I love it. I've been going crazy with it.

      11 votes
    13. Criterion and other premium blu-ray and 4k releases

      Recently, I began revisiting some older films and purchased a few Criterion discs. My first one was Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (Pedro Almodóvar, 1988) but I’ve since purchased a few...

      Recently, I began revisiting some older films and purchased a few Criterion discs. My first one was Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (Pedro Almodóvar, 1988) but I’ve since purchased a few more and am slowly working my way through my small stack. The amount of special features is sometimes overwhelming! I’ve enjoyed some of the interviews (Carmen Maura from Women, Sheryl Lee from Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me) but have a lot more to get through. Many include a booklet, too.

      I also recently got my hands on two of Peter Greenaway’s films - The Draughtsman’s Contract through Kino-Lorber, and Drowning by Numbers in 4K through Severin. I’m a bit spoilt for choice at the moment but there are still films that I’d like to get the “premium treatment.”

      Do you enjoy premium/upgraded versions of movies?

      Which special features do you look for?

      Is there a film that you’d want to get the “premium treatment” or a 4K remaster?

      15 votes
    14. Are there any good mushroom (or veg) alternatives to cured meats?

      Hello, I am looking for mushroom or veg alternatives to cured meats, e.g., Capicola, Prosciutto, Salami, Pancetta, etc.). I have tried one (not sure of source or brand), but it was not...

      I am looking for mushroom or veg alternatives to cured meats, e.g., Capicola, Prosciutto, Salami, Pancetta, etc.). I have tried one (not sure of source or brand), but it was not particularly good.

      Wondered if someone here knew of any that are worth trying. Alternatively, recipes to make one's own.

      15 votes
    15. Anyone have a competition-winning cookie recipe?

      I need a really good recipe to win a baking competition this upcoming week. It doesn't matter if its hard to make or the ingredients are a little more expensive than usual. Anyone have a top-tier...

      I need a really good recipe to win a baking competition this upcoming week. It doesn't matter if its hard to make or the ingredients are a little more expensive than usual. Anyone have a top-tier cookie recipe they'd be willing to share?

      14 votes
    16. What is one food item that you absolutely hated initially but it slowly grew on you?

      For me, I had never tasted the salt and vinegar potato chips until I moved to America. The first I had it, I almost spit it out, but after a few months I bought it myself and felt it wasn’t ‘that...

      For me, I had never tasted the salt and vinegar potato chips until I moved to America.
      The first I had it, I almost spit it out, but after a few months I bought it myself and felt it wasn’t ‘that bad’.
      From that point, I went to picking it up every time I now get a sandwich.

      38 votes
    17. Recent analysis shows Iberian Copper Age tomb of high-status person in Spain was built for a woman

      “This study was undertaken as part of a broader research looking at the interplay between early social complexity and gender inequalities,” study co-author and University of Seville prehistorian...

      “This study was undertaken as part of a broader research looking at the interplay between early social complexity and gender inequalities,” study co-author and University of Seville prehistorian Leonardo García Sanjuán tells PopSci. “As part of this research, it became obvious that there is a serious problem in the identification of biological sex in prehistoric skeletons, which are often found in a poor state of preservation.”

      Now redubbed the “Ivory Lady,” this woman’s tomb was first discovered in 2008 in Valencia on Spain’s southeastern coast. The find dates back to the Copper Age, when the metal was used for construction, agriculture, and even creating engravings of owls that may have been toys. The grave is also a rare example of single occupancy burial at the time and the tomb was filled with the largest collection of valuable and rare items in the region. These treasures include high-quality flint, ostrich eggshell amber, a rock crystal dagger, and ivory tusks.

      All of these trinkets and single tomb initially indicated that the remains must belong to a prominent male, but peptides and DNA don’t lie.


      10 votes
    18. Why depression after traumatic brain injury is distinct — and less likely to respond to standard treatment

      Traumatic brain injury multiplies the risk of major depression eightfold. While the emotional trauma of whatever caused such deep damage may be understandable, from a blast in a war zone to a blow...

      Traumatic brain injury multiplies the risk of major depression eightfold. While the emotional trauma of whatever caused such deep damage may be understandable, from a blast in a war zone to a blow on the playing field, there’s a physiological component, too, that neuroscientists have long suspected but have been unable to identify.

      “As clinicians, a lot of us had a gut feeling that [TBI-associated depression] is a different disease,” said Shan Siddiqi, a Harvard Medical School assistant professor of psychiatry and a clinical neuropsychiatrist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. “Why did nobody detect it before? I think the reason is because unlike other psychiatric disorders, TBI caused a sort of structural reorganization of the brain.”


      16 votes
    19. What's a good way to test a website that runs on edge nodes?

      I have a little web app running on Deno Deploy and I want to see how it handles people connecting from multiple regions. There's a BroadcastChannel class that lets you send messages to any servers...

      I have a little web app running on Deno Deploy and I want to see how it handles people connecting from multiple regions. There's a BroadcastChannel class that lets you send messages to any servers running in other regions, but to test it, I need to make connections in multiple regions, so there's more than one server running.

      What are good ways to test this, either interactively or by writing tests? Maybe use a VPN? What's your favorite?

      4 votes
    20. What is your favorite internet radio station?

      Tailored music streaming apps seem to be all the rage now but does anyone still listen to internet radio stations? I used to enjoy a lot of alternative music stations but many of them have either...

      Tailored music streaming apps seem to be all the rage now but does anyone still listen to internet radio stations?

      I used to enjoy a lot of alternative music stations but many of them have either shut down now or switched to fully web based sites requiring accounts.

      Currently I've been listening to lots of Groove Salad from SomaFM which I find really relaxing.

      What are your favorites?

      62 votes