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    1. Tildes Book Club - Voting thread 2 results - requesting feedback from library users

      Thanks for your participation. We got three solid winners from this voting thread, Terry Pratchett Small Gods, Neil Gaiman Ocean at the End of the Lane, Amal El Mohtar and Max Gladstone This is...

      Thanks for your participation. We got three solid winners from this voting thread, Terry Pratchett Small Gods, Neil Gaiman Ocean at the End of the Lane, Amal El Mohtar and Max Gladstone This is How you Lose the Time War.

      Library users please check availability and reply to this thread if any of these three should be sorted to the end of the schedule. We still have the Dispossessed and Project Hail Mary to read in May and June before starting these new books. After receiving feedback I will set a schedule for the summer.

      Somehow Anathem made it through the screening process and is unfortunately nearly a thousand pages which does not fit a monthly book club structure. We will vote again in the Fall.

      19 votes
    2. How do you take notes while reading? Do you have a “marginalia” process? What has helped you learn better and retain new knowledge?

      I aspire to better equip myself as a researcher and writer. As part of this, for me at least, I think that developing a note-taking (or marginalia) system would be useful. I read a ton of...

      I aspire to better equip myself as a researcher and writer. As part of this, for me at least, I think that developing a note-taking (or marginalia) system would be useful. I read a ton of nonfiction and have especially been into history, economics, and geopolitics lately…but my “system” tends to just “highlight” insightful stuff in my Kindle and then…everything kinda falls off the map for me. I should probably start going back, reviewing the highlights, and making notes in a separate notebook/app/document for later research and writing purposes.

      I thought it might be interesting to learn more about everyone’s reading/studying routine and specifically note-taking processes. I’m especially curious about those who blog/publish writings, and how they work to gather their thoughts and information as they are reading.

      If you don’t mind sharing a bit about your note taking process or systems, here are some questions for discussion:

      1. What is your process, generally? (Do you read print/digital/audio? Does your note taking change depending on different formats? Do you highlight with specific colors for certain reasons? What do you find yourself notating most frequently?)

      2. Do you use pen/paper or is there a specific app you like to use for note-taking/research purposes?

      3. If you use an app, what is your process for book notes? Do you take notes on paper and then transfer it to the digital app later when you’re reviewing? Do you take notes directly into the app?

      4. Any other advice for someone looking to improve their learning/knowledge through more focused and intentional reading and note taking?

      31 votes
    3. May 2024 Backlog Burner: Week 1 Discussion

      The blaze has officially ignited! The May 2024 Backlog Burner is officially live. Use this topic to post about the games that you play. Etiquette: It is fine to make multiple top-level posts...

      The blaze has officially ignited!

      The May 2024 Backlog Burner is officially live. Use this topic to post about the games that you play.


      • It is fine to make multiple top-level posts throughout the week.

      • It is also fine to respond to your own posts.

      • If you are playing Backlog Bingo, you can share your table either by markdown or through screenshots.

      Gameplay guidelines:

      • Goals for this event (if any) are entirely individual and self-determined.

      • You do NOT need to finish games unless you want to. The point is to try out games and have fun, not force ourselves to play things we're not interested in.

      Backlog Bingo: It's back and better than ever!

      Backlog Bingo is a completely optional way of participating in the Backlog Burner. You can generate a random bingo card with different gaming categories such as Has a fishing minigame or Your friend loves it. You then play a game that meets a given category and fill in that square.

      A conventional bingo win happens when you have filled in a full row, column, or diagonal. If you complete a full bingo with time to spare, you can go for another one on the same card. You can also choose to play with the "blackout" win condition if you're feeling extra adventurous, which means that you need to fill every square on the board to win.

      In order to help out with this, our amazing @Wes has singlehandedly made an open-source Backlog Bingo web app from scratch! (and here's the GitHub repo, for those interested).

      The site will:

      • Generate a random bingo card for you
      • Save your bingo card state as you enter games
      • Export your bingo card to markdown for easy copy/pasting into the discussion thread

      But wait, there's more!

      • It has both Standard and Golf rulesets, as well as completely custom rules
      • It allows for resizing the bingo card, so you can play a 3x3 or a 7x7 if you want
      • You can choose which categories you want to allow on your card
      • The categories now have groupings which limit similar ones from appearing on the same cards

      Wes could have stopped there, but he didn't:

      • The site is private by design; all user data is kept in local storage and does not touch the server
      • The site can import custom JSON files so that people can make their own custom categories
      • Because of this, people can use the tool for other events: a yearly reading challenge; an anime bingo month, etc.

      What's that? You thought Wes was done? Nope. He kept going:

      • It supports "dynamic" entries which allow for randomization within specific categories (e.g. "a game you've had for more than RANDOM[2,7] years")
      • It has both light and dark modes
      • It looks great in screenshots, so if you hate markdown tables you can post pictures of your card instead
      • It has some other fun surprises as well

      We've also updated the category list for this year to hopefully make it even better than the last. So, try it out! Generate a card and get gaming!

      Let's burn through these backlogs!

      Backlog Bingo FAQ

      Important: All data for your Backlog Bingo card is stored on your device, not the server. Clearing your browser data will irrecoverably delete your card.

      Is the Backlog Bingo site privacy-friendly?

      Yes! The site is coded by our very own @Wes who made it private by design. It is open source, all data is stored client-side, and the only information entered is the names of games. It does not require an account nor link to your Tildes username.

      My browser deletes data on exit. How do I save my card between sessions?

      You need to whitelist data from wescook.ca in your browser. PLEASE test this before committing to a card. Once a card is deleted it cannot be recovered.

      What is the difference between the "Standard" and "Golf" modes?

      In Standard Mode, each square on the bingo card corresponds with one single game. Duplicate games cannot be entered into different squares. A winning card would have a row of five different games that each filled in one square.

      In Golf Mode, duplicates are not only allowed -- they are encouraged! The purpose of Golf mode is to try to find a single game that will fill multiple categories at the same time. For example: Stardew Valley might fulfill You got it on sale, A solo-dev project, and Has romanceable characters all at the same time. A winning card would have all twenty five squares filled, but possibly only six or seven different games.

      What is the star space in the middle?

      That is the "wildcard" or "free space."

      In Standard Mode, there are no requirements to fill it. You can choose any game you want! Anything goes!

      In Golf Mode, it does not need to be filled. Because Golf is all about stacking up categories on a single game, any game used in Golf would fill it automatically, meaning it has no real function. As such, the square will be pre-filled for you if you play in Golf mode.

      Can I make my own custom categories?

      Yes! The Backlog Bingo site generates its categories from a JSON file. We prepared a default one for the event that everyone can use, but you are welcome to create your own JSON file with whatever categories you want and use that instead!

      If you are interested in doing this, you can find documentation in the wiki and use an example JSON category file. You can also ask for help in the topic!

      Can I use the Backlog Bingo site for something other than games?

      Yes again! Because it will accept custom categories, you can use it for books, anime, movies, recipes -- anything!

      If you are interested in doing this, you can find documentation in the wiki and use an example JSON category file. You can also ask for help in the topic!

      Backlog Burner FAQ

      What exactly is the Backlog Burner?

      Your "backlog" is all those games you've been meaning to play or get around to, but never have yet. This event is an attempt to get us to collectively dig into that treasure trove of experiences, scratch some long-standing itches, and knock a few titles off our to-play lists.

      How do I participate?

      Once the event starts on May 1st:

      • Choose some games from your backlog and play them.
      • Then tell us about your experiences in the discussion thread for the week.

      That's it!

      Optionally: you can play Backlog Bingo which is a fun way of cutting down the choices you have to make and playing games you might not have normally selected on your own.

      Is Backlog Bingo a requirement to participate?

      No! You can choose or play games however you like.

      Do I need to finish the games that I play?

      Nope! Not at all.

      There aren't really any requirements for the event so much as this is an incentive to get us to play games we've been avoiding starting up, for whatever reason. Play as much or as little as you like of a given game.

      Try out dozens for ten minutes each or dive into one for 40 hours. There's no wrong way to participate!

      What's the timeline?

      The event begins on May 1st and runs through May 31st. I will post an update thread weekly, each Wednesday.

      The next Backlog Burner event will be in November 2024.

      Can I make multiple posts in the same topic?

      Yes! Each discussion thread stays live for a full week, so feel free to make multiple comments in the topic as you play different games. This isn't considered noise -- it's considered valuable participation in the event!

      Do I need to sign up?

      No. You don't have to do anything to officially join or participate in the event other than post in these threads! Participate in whatever way works for you.

      Do I need to wait until May to get started?

      Technically yes but I won't police it. The first official discussion thread will go up on Wednesday the 1st, but feel free to kick things off here if you're wanting to pre-game the month!

      23 votes
    4. An equitable solution to a problem at work regarding sick leave and staffing?

      Please bear with me as I'm not terribly sure if this is the right place for this, if I'm phrasing it right, or if I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill. I work at a childcare center - a private...

      Please bear with me as I'm not terribly sure if this is the right place for this, if I'm phrasing it right, or if I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill.

      I work at a childcare center - a private school marketed as "the best in the area". By most metrics, we are exactly that. I've worked here for nearly 15 years in a variety of roles, namely as a prek teacher for over half of that time. I have a good relationship with my directors and the schools owners, despite some issues in the past (I'm eager to champion more rights and privileges for employees).

      This week was the sickest I have been in years, and it was the same for several other staffers as well. We couldn't call in, however, because none of us had fevers, vomiting, or diarrhea (the "big three" for what's acceptable to call in for). We all had flu-like symptoms, though those of us who went to the doctor tested negative for anything. Dozens of students had been getting ill with STREP, Influenza A/B, and Fifths in the weeks prior. It just took its time in reaching the staff!

      I co-teach in my class and my co-teacher and I both lost our voices for days. Others had full-body aches, tremendous coughing fits, extreme lethargy... It was terrible. However, almost none of us got the time off that we needed to recover. Why? Staffing. The owners/directors don't want to close a room due to illness, even if both teachers in the room are horrendously sick. I spent days with the kids, barely able to talk or move, just trying to get through the day. My coworkers were the same.

      Does that seem right?

      The directors/owners essentially picked those who were deemed "sickest" to take a day off. While in the moment I understand that decision, it doesn't seem like a terribly good way to handle it either. I want to bring up my grievances about this with the owners (I already have with the directors, they don't disagree with me but "that's just the way it is") but I also know that showing up with a problem and no solution won't go over well. I also know they don't want to close a classroom at all costs, which is my preferred solution. The last time one was closed was when 5/6 teachers in another room had COVID simultaneously and we were mandated to close the room.

      Anyone have any thoughts? Even if it's to show me a side I may not be considering here? Thank you for your insight.

      22 votes
    5. Most bingeable book series?

      Warning: this post may contain spoilers

      Forget highbrow literature and critics for a moment. What's a book series that stayed engaging and enjoyable throughout?

      Bonus points if you don't have to provide a disclaimer for those one or two books in the series that are "a bit of a slog but still really good!"

      My top nominations are:

      1. Red Rising: Never read anything quite like it. As an ADHD haver, reading something more than once is the bane of my existence. Not for this series. Endlessly re-readable and highly engaging throughout. Starts out as Roman hunger games in space, turns into peak Game of Thrones in space. God, it's so good.

      2. Harry Potter: Not sure I need to explain this one. Plenty to hate about this series and the author, but they aren't popular for no reason. I find the world to be magical, whimsical, and the story to be very engaging. The later books are particularly good.

      3. The Bobiverse: this is the most fun series on my list. The name and premise will turn most people away from this one and it's a real shame. I could not stop reading these and I'm dying for more. If this story went on forever and maintained its current quality, I don't think I'd ever get bored of hearing it on audiobook.

      66 votes
    6. New Music Fridays: Sunday (1994), Terminal Nation, and more

      Editor's note: posting a bit late, sorry. Albums typically release on Fridays. This is a thread to discuss week of May 03, 2024 releases that have recently arrived on our doorstep, or been...

      Editor's note: posting a bit late, sorry.

      Albums typically release on Fridays. This is a thread to discuss week of May 03, 2024 releases that have recently arrived on our doorstep, or been announced for the future. Feel free to share albums, singles, EPs or reissues that have caught your eye and interest, or share your thoughts about any new music that you've had the chance to listen to this week. I suppose let's try to keep the focus mostly on stuff that was released or announced this week, since we already have a "What have you been listening to?" thread.

      Discussion Points
      Is there anything you've been looking forward to listening to?
      Any releases that have surprised you?
      Have you listened to any new music recently? What are your thoughts?
      What have you enjoyed from these artists in the past? How does their latest work compare?

      Pitchfork - Out This Week
      AllMusic - All New Releases
      Stereogum - New Music
      Shreddit Release Tracker
      New Metal and Hardcore Releases - Lambgoat
      Heavy Metal Album Release Calendar - Heavy Music HQ
      Upcoming albums - Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives

      3 votes
    7. Weekly Israel-Hamas war megathread - week of April 29

      This thread is posted weekly - please try to post all relevant Israel-Hamas war content in here, such as news, updates, opinion articles, etc. Extremely significant events may warrant a separate...

      This thread is posted weekly - please try to post all relevant Israel-Hamas war content in here, such as news, updates, opinion articles, etc. Extremely significant events may warrant a separate topic, but almost all should be posted in here.

      Please try to avoid antagonistic arguments and bickering matches. Comment threads that devolve into unproductive arguments may be removed so that the overall topic is able to continue.

      14 votes
    8. Any older bikers here? Thinking about getting another bike...

      I rode a V65 Magna for 20 years til a minivan took me out in 2005 and nearly killed me. After that I hung up my leather gloves for quite awhile and lately have only ridden a small dirt bike. But...

      I rode a V65 Magna for 20 years til a minivan took me out in 2005 and nearly killed me. After that I hung up my leather gloves for quite awhile and lately have only ridden a small dirt bike. But the idea of getting back on big bike keeps popping up.

      But Im already in my 60s. Comfort means a LOT at this point. And yet I dont really want to be riding an big ol' Aspencade either. So it seems like an older sport tourer would fit the bill. Like a Honda ST1300 or a BMW R1200RT or maybe a Yamaha FJR1300. Something with plenty of torque but still enough power and comfort that I can bring the wife along on the occasional ride. I also still have a mini trailer that I used to pull behind the Magna so I might want to use that again, although my tenting days will probably give way to staying at more hotels.

      The biggest comfort feature on my bike was the day I got a Corbin saddle, but I can imagine that now Id definitely want heated grips and maybe a heated seat, heated vest. And Im tall so the adjustable fairings are a bonus for sure.

      Anyone drive any of those bikes and have an opinion? Seat comfort? Buffeting/wind noise? Smoothness? Handling?

      12 votes
    9. Any tips for Barcelona and Lisbon in June/July?

      Hey Tildes, My husband and I are planning a trip to Barcelona and Lisbon at end of June. I'm looking for any tips and things to know about Spain/Portugal. Any thing I should get in advance like...

      Hey Tildes,

      My husband and I are planning a trip to Barcelona and Lisbon at end of June.

      I'm looking for any tips and things to know about Spain/Portugal.

      Any thing I should get in advance like museum tickets or tours. Looking for a night life scene that isn't so much of a tourist trap. Also, any ettiquete I should know about. This would my second time in Europe, so any advice would be appreciated.

      20 votes
    10. Can old, poorly wired electrical outlets cause a PC to freeze?

      Fellow PC builders, here's a fun one for you. I took some "old" and no-longer-used PC parts and built my sister-in-law a gaming PC for her and her stepdaughter to use. It was a Christmas gift so...

      Fellow PC builders, here's a fun one for you.

      I took some "old" and no-longer-used PC parts and built my sister-in-law a gaming PC for her and her stepdaughter to use. It was a Christmas gift so the stepdaughter could play the Sims.

      She has called me three times to tell me it's completely frozen - like hard locked, dead freeze, screen is displaying the last frame it was on but you can't interact with the PC in any way until you reset it with the power button.

      She let it sit for an hour before she gave up. Two times this happened while stepdaughter was playing the Sims 4 and once it happened while my brother-in-law was watching YouTube videos.

      Obviously, I went through the usual things you'd think in this situation and I had her bring the PC over so I could do some digging. Fully expecting to find a hardware issue, I tried the following:

      1. I ran the Sims while also watching multiple YouTube videos in the background. Couldn't replicate the issue after about two hours.

      2. I obviously checked the temperatures while gaming and YouTubing, checked the usual performance metrics and everything was great.

      3. Ran OTTC stress tests - all of them. Under heavy loads, this thing was doing fine. Even at 100% utilization, the memory, graphics card, and cpu were fine. Did a power test too, fine. Did a "combined" stress test and all was fine.

      4. Ran mem86, no issues with the memory, no bad sectors or errors.

      5. Played Skyrim on ultra for several hours. This was a really fun way to troubleshoot.

      6. Checked the event log from the day she had freezes. I can see where the event happened because leading up to the unexpected "power off" event, there were a ton of events related to various processes timing out. Seems like it was unable to connect with services and run certain background processes while it was frozen? I didn't see anything that really stood out to me as being a possible cause except...

      7. in the event viewer, there were a few events related to Microsoft family safety. I set this up at the request of SIL so stepdaughter wouldn't get into anything she shouldn't. In the Event Viewer, it seems like maybe it wasn't verifying something correctly or didn't have permissions it needed? Upon Googling, I found some other folks with this error but I couldn't find anything about whether it caused freezing or not. Seems like one of the many events that just gives a warning but doesn't have any effect. One guy who had this issue had his computer freeze but disabling the family safety entirely did nothing. People in the comments thought it probably wasn't related. I also found another event that Google wasn't very helpful with. Might have been related to sound card but my sound card drivers are up to date and again, I have not been able to replicate the issue even when gaming and watching videos, so I don't know if it's related.

      8. I ran the Windows System Files Checker and found no issues related to my Windows install.

      I can't figure out why this would be happening only at her house. She says it froze after one hour of use every time. This brings me to the title of this post. My SIL moved into a really old house with sketchy wiring. My FIL told her the wiring is so bad that she needs to get it fixed immediately or risk a fire, so she's working on that. This house has a butler stairway, asbestos, and plaster/lathe walls if that tells you what we're dealing with here. This is the ONLY thing I can think of that would possibly be different between the two setups and maybe explain the freezing, but it just seems so unlikely to me that this is the cause.


      21 votes
    11. What do I do if I don't have any clothes?

      No, I don't just mean "I don't really like my clothes" or "my clothes aren't universal enough" or whatever. I literally have almost no clothes: maybe like 5 T-Shirts in total, 2 pairs of jeans,...

      No, I don't just mean "I don't really like my clothes" or "my clothes aren't universal enough" or whatever. I literally have almost no clothes: maybe like 5 T-Shirts in total, 2 pairs of jeans, some socks and underwear. The issue is not just with me disliking my clothes - the issue is that half of the time I'll wake up and find out that I have zero clean clothes to wear.

      Luckily, this is not a financial issue, and I can afford to get clothes. However, I have absolutely no idea where to start. Most of the information online exists with the assumption that you already have some sort of a wardrobe that you want to expand. I tried just going to a mall and going into every clothing store, but I end up not liking most of the stuff there and only buying like a single shirt. I know that that's how most people buy clothes, but again, those people usually already have enough clothing, so buying a single shirt is fine for them.

      At this point, even just thinking about any clothing-related activities immediately trigger severe anxiety and dread in me. I feel very lost and don't know what to do.

      Can anyone please suggest what to do in a situation like this?

      Edit: I live in Russia, so well known brands aren't that easy to buy

      34 votes
    12. Offbeat Fridays – The thread where offbeat headlines become front page news

      Tildes is a very serious site, where we discuss very serious matters like double lives, bird flu.h5n1 and cannabis. Tags culled from the highest voted topics from the last seven days, if anyone...

      Tildes is a very serious site, where we discuss very serious matters like double lives, bird flu.h5n1 and cannabis. Tags culled from the highest voted topics from the last seven days, if anyone was studious.

      But one of my favourite tags happens to be offbeat! Taking its original inspiration from Sir Nils Olav III, this thread is looking for any far-fetched offbeat stories lurking in the newspapers. It may not deserve its own post, but it deserves a wider audience!

      7 votes