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    1. The case against ~news

      The longer I use Tildes, the more I question the effectiveness of ~news. /r/news made sense on reddit, where they didn't have a robust cross-group tagging and filtering system. I think Tildes be...

      The longer I use Tildes, the more I question the effectiveness of ~news.

      /r/news made sense on reddit, where they didn't have a robust cross-group tagging and filtering system. I think Tildes be better served by eliminating ~news entirely and replacing it with a news tag with a date property, which would allow for nice chronological filtering for catching up on news stories, especially if the article date could be scraped somehow. Miss a week of news? Search the tag with a date range, get all news stories for last week, perhaps with a minimum comment threshold to see what sparked discussion.

      I think ~gov (or politics) would be needed as a replacement, as it's a major driver of most news stories, but there's so much more to politics than just news, and those discussions don't exactly fit anywhere nicely at the moment, esp if it's a random blog post relating to recent events in the news. Almost every other group serves as a nice catch-all for most other common news categories.

      The only issue I would see would be when ~gov would overlap with the other categories, which would likely happen a lot..but that happens with the current ~news too. I think that could be further mitigated by having a sort of x-post system blurring the lines of tags and groups even more, where ~gov would take precedence but posts would then also appear in the tagged groups for users not following governance otherwise.

      That's actually a foundation of my more insane idea of completely eliminating traditional groups by letting people build their own groups in the form of prioritized tags, but that's another post for another time.

      17 votes
    2. Daily thread for news/updates/discussion of George Floyd protests - June 18

      This thread is posted daily - please try to post relevant content in here, such as news, updates, opinion articles, etc. Especially significant updates may warrant a separate topic, but most...

      This thread is posted daily - please try to post relevant content in here, such as news, updates, opinion articles, etc. Especially significant updates may warrant a separate topic, but most should be posted here.

      8 votes
    3. Tower of God - Final

      Hi all, So Tower of God just finished. Any thoughts. Personally, I enjoyed it, but wouldn't recommend it. I liked the art direction. It looked a bit rough, which was different in a good way. The...

      Hi all,

      So Tower of God just finished. Any thoughts.

      Personally, I enjoyed it, but wouldn't recommend it. I liked the art direction. It looked a bit rough, which was different in a good way. The animation was also fairly strong throughout - expecially for large creatures: the bull and eel. The camera movement was a bit lackluster and the choreography could have been better in my opinion. None of the fights felt physical in any real sense. Instead they felt more like on character using an ability then another character using theirs, with the camera failing to capture the whole scene. So visually, I'd say it was a bit better than average.
      I liked the k-pop opening and ending, but the main composition wasn't noticeable for the most part. It was ambient, though not grating.
      Story-wise, there were some strong points and some weak ones. Most of the characters were either one note or shrouded in mystery, with no real inner struggle ever happening (beyond what has already been done). The rules to the different levels were a bit too much at times. It's the same as in HxH. I feel like there's too much explanation for the pay-off. However, the mystique of the tower was good. I though character progression was well done, but the format a bit episodic, with each challenge being too arbitrary and unrelated to anything else to really click.
      Anyways. Those are my thoughts. What are yours?

      7 votes
    4. Podcast discussions & recommendations! What are you listening to?

      Tildes has had a couple of threads about podcast recommendations in the past, but most of them are over 18 months old now, and podcasts are always evolving, and we have new members who may not...

      Tildes has had a couple of threads about podcast recommendations in the past, but most of them are over 18 months old now, and podcasts are always evolving, and we have new members who may not have participated in those threads before—I certainly only picked up podcasts in the last few months.

      So. Three questions!

      • What podcasts are you listening to?
      • What podcasts have you dropped, or picked up, in that time?
      • If you had to recommend a couple of podcasts to others, which shows would you pick? Why do you recommend them? Got a favourite episode?
      28 votes
    5. Any experiences with AllSides for interpretation of news?

      I recently discovered AllSides and I'm wondering if anyone here has experience with it. If not, surely many people here will be interested in it. Seems like an amazing resource, almost too good to...

      I recently discovered AllSides and I'm wondering if anyone here has experience with it. If not, surely many people here will be interested in it. Seems like an amazing resource, almost too good to be true.

      A while back I tried cutting down all my news feeds to just Wikipedia current events, but that can lack the interpretation/commentary which is useful for understanding. I think this will help, as well as provide a quick and easy resource when you want to validate a headline.

      Their description:

      "AllSides strengthens our democracy with balanced news, diverse perspectives, and real conversation.

      We expose people to information and ideas from all sides of the political spectrum so they can better understand the world — and each other. Our balanced news coverage, media bias ratings, civil dialogue opportunities, and technology platform are available for everyone and can be integrated by schools, nonprofits, media companies, and more."

      4 votes
    6. How do you plan or outline a program?

      I’m currently studying Python Object Oriented programming and got to a point where logic and syntax are the least of my problems. I always get to a stage where I’m completely lost between modules,...

      I’m currently studying Python Object Oriented programming and got to a point where logic and syntax are the least of my problems. I always get to a stage where I’m completely lost between modules, classes, objects and a sea of “selfs”.

      I’m not doing anything too complicated, just small projects for practice, but I think I would benefit from planning. My mental processes are highly disorganized (ADHD) and I need all the help I can get with that.

      I don’t need an automated tool (even though it might come in handy) -- sketching things out on paper is probably enough.

      I only know about UML, which seems fine. Can anyone recommend a tutorial about this and other tools?

      Edit to link my last attempt at following a tutorial:

      This is the last tutorial I tried to follow, a Pygame project from the book Python Crash Course 2ed. Following tutorials is frequently mostly typing, so what I achieved there is not a real representation of my abilities -- I would not be able to do something like that on my own. In fact, I failed to answer the latest exercises, which were basically smaller versions of this project.

      My problem is not with syntax and the basics of how OOP works, but rather with memory and organization of information.

      10 votes
    7. Daily thread for news/updates/discussion of George Floyd protests - June 13

      This thread is posted daily - please try to post relevant content in here, such as news, updates, opinion articles, etc. Especially significant updates may warrant a separate topic, but most...

      This thread is posted daily - please try to post relevant content in here, such as news, updates, opinion articles, etc. Especially significant updates may warrant a separate topic, but most should be posted here.

      13 votes
    8. TV Tuesdays Free Talk

      Have you watched any TV shows recently you want to discuss? Any shows you want to recommend or are hyped about? Feel free to discuss anything here. Please just try to provide fair warning of...

      Have you watched any TV shows recently you want to discuss? Any shows you want to recommend or are hyped about? Feel free to discuss anything here.

      Please just try to provide fair warning of spoilers if you can.

      8 votes
    9. Food Escapades & Curry Fridays ! Classic Indian Green Curry / Chicken Handi

      Hello hello, sorry for being a bit late recently with these, been real tired hahah. Alas, I am still keeping the tradition and making these once a week, every Friday ! It's my little escape time,...

      Hello hello, sorry for being a bit late recently with these, been real tired hahah. Alas, I am still keeping the tradition and making these once a week, every Friday ! It's my little escape time, anyways :P Since I missed the writeup for last week, I'll be putting both on the same post for extra goodies for the fellow readers of this !

      June 5th:

      this week for my curry dish I have prepared a green indian curry ! Which, frankly, I didn't know existed in this form before.... If you know me, you know there are two foods that I really hate the most when raw, those being cilantro and yoghurt. So, when my dad sent me a green curry based on cilantro and yoghurt, I was a bit skeptical at first. I mean, surely combining both of my least hated ingredients together would make for a sensory disaster ! But, to my surprise, eating this was not as much of a pain as I thought it was going to be. No no, instead of being an awful pile of green mush, it ended up being quite nice chicken with a rich and tasty green sauce on top. Honestly, one of the most confusing and fun times of my life ! Cooking it was a bit of a hassle tho, since it did smell awful for me. But it was well worth it ! :P

      Picture of the dish: https://imgur.com/a/LNV3nAl
      Recipe: https://www.scrambledchefs.com/classic-indian-green-curry/

      June 12th:

      Hello hello, sorry for being a bit late recently with these, been real tired hahah. Alas, I am still keeping the tradition and making these once a week, every Friday ! It's my little escape time, anyways :P

      This week, I have prepared a dish I found on the channel Get Curried: Chicken Handi! It's a dish traditionally made in a special pan called a Handi, which I do not own! So I just used my trusty dutch oven pot. The recipe was a pretty simple curry, consisting of a mostly cream/yoghurt based sauce with a little tomato, varied spices, onion, and of course, chicken ! I think by it's own it was a pretty good recipe, but for me, what made it stand out was the fact that I used ghee for the first time in one of these. Took me 6 months to finally do it, but I bought a tub of ghee for this just to try it out. And...
      Oh My God.

      Ghee was an absolute game changer !!! The nutty, creamy flavour really propelled this dish into fantastic territories I didn't even know were possible ! I haven't been this ecstatic for a single ingredient in a while, but god damn. I truly believe ghee to be irreplaceable after this experience, I'll have to see if it impacts other dishes I've made a lot or not. But safe to say, this was such a great addition to my cooking ingredients. Will have to use again.

      On another note, here's a little anecdote about the whole cooking process from that day. Dad and I went to buy some yoghurt to make naan (which turned out quite amazing in the end), and he saw a tub of yoghurt that was on sale. Quite cheap, too. So without hesitation, he bought it. Once we got back home, he realized it was skim yoghurt, which wouldn't make for the best naan, but it's alright anyways. Once he started kneading the dough, he soon quickly realized that he had gotten... Vanilla yoghurt. So now, we had a whole batch of sugary naan dough which would definitely not work well with our curry and no yoghurt left for anything. In retrospect that was quite funny, lol.
      He did end up going for some yoghurt, though. We ended up making some pretty great naan, as I said before :P

      Anyhoo, great recipe that I'd REALLY recommend doing, especially if you're using ghee! But maybe don't use too much, we made the mistake of adding a bit much, which made a really big grease pool on top, which could be unappetising. But hey, you ain't hearing me complain about it :P

      Picture of the dish: https://imgur.com/a/uEi00Q9
      Recipe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO0issT0Rmc
      Question of the day: what foods have had a "click" in your lifetime? Perhaps something you have once hated, but then suddenly just finally understood. It's happened to me a few times, curious to see if anyone else has gotten that feeling hahahah.

      Have a great day and STAY SAFE ! <3
      Tomi, your friendly neighbourhood marshmallow~

      7 votes