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    1. Looking for Guild Wars 2 players on StormBluff Isle to help me and my friends get into WvW

      Me and a few buddies have recently picked up Guild Wars 2 (playing on Stormbluff Isle) and we haven't really done much WvW. We all enjoy Open World PvP, and I believe there is a lot of potential...

      Me and a few buddies have recently picked up Guild Wars 2 (playing on Stormbluff Isle) and we haven't really done much WvW. We all enjoy Open World PvP, and I believe there is a lot of potential there, but we need a larger group to really get into it. Anyone on ~ that plays GW2 on SB Isle that has a group to roam WvW?

      3 votes
    2. Request for spoiler, strike-through and underline formatting for text posts and comments

      My apologies if this has been addressed already. I'd like to have spoiler format available for text posts and comments similar to reddit, where the spoiler part is a black box (white in night...

      My apologies if this has been addressed already. I'd like to have spoiler format available for text posts and comments similar to reddit, where the spoiler part is a black box (white in night mode) that you click on to see what it says. Strike-through and underline (which reddit doesn't have) would be really nice to have also.

      15 votes
    3. Tildes hierarchy structure

      Hi, first post - be gentle. I don't know whether this has been mentioned but I couldn't find it anywhere else. I worked on a hierarchical tree before (for customer support scripts) and after a...

      Hi, first post - be gentle. I don't know whether this has been mentioned but I couldn't find it anywhere else.

      I worked on a hierarchical tree before (for customer support scripts) and after a while the wealth of material became increasingly complex. One problem that presented itself was the difficulty of 'multiple points of entry'. There are many ways of approaching the same topic.

      In the context of Tildes, I would give a simple example of music (since that was used already). If you have a top level called ~music, your next level may be .folk, then say .Macedonia. This is how you categorise the topic.

      However, if I'm in ~Macedonia then I should be able to visit .music and then .folk but arrive at the same discussion group as above.

      By default, any two groups with the same set of identifiers, whatever the order, should point to the same location. In fact, there should be an infinite number of ways to get to any group, in theory.

      Do we want a group called ~history.Renaissance.artists.Italy.LeonardoDaVinci and also have a different group ~science.engineering.history.LeonardoDaVinci, along with 50 others about the same individual? An ability to merge disparate tildes might be useful.

      In addition, I would imagine trying to perfectly map the world of ideas and discussion into a single hierarchy is a Quixotic task, that way madness lies - especially for the nitpicky Reddit crowd. I've seen plenty discussion on this already. If it was a bit looser, we'd get to the discussion quicker, without all the 'meetings to decide on a working group name'.

      Just throwing it out there for discussion. Thanks.

      5 votes
    4. Automatically mark as read when replying

      Automatically* dammit auto-correct! I often use the notifications to reply to comments directly, opening the context link in another tab if needed. I after replying I have to explicitly 'Mark as...

      Automatically* dammit auto-correct!

      I often use the notifications to reply to comments directly, opening the context link in another tab if needed. I after replying I have to explicitly 'Mark as read'. I think it makes sense to automatically mark a notification as read when replying to it.

      If this is a common use I will happily create an issue for it on GitLab.

      6 votes
    5. Communities in other languages?

      I'm new here, so apologies if this question has already been discussed. I was wondering if there were any plans to accommodate groups that are not English-speaking? I do a decent part of my...

      I'm new here, so apologies if this question has already been discussed. I was wondering if there were any plans to accommodate groups that are not English-speaking? I do a decent part of my reditting in french and am wondering if I could eventually move completely to Tildes.

      4 votes
    6. Suggestion for next stage of new groups, ~Advice

      So this is based on experience from Reddit. I see there is ~talk , which is great, but talk is distinct from advice I think, which is more focussed and potentially a bit more serious. You could...

      So this is based on experience from Reddit. I see there is ~talk , which is great, but talk is distinct from advice I think, which is more focussed and potentially a bit more serious. You could consider ~talk.advice but i think you might have a culture/trust clash between them a bit. I think having them distinct allows for ~advice to be given in a safer space while ~talk stays more open and flexible.

      I suspect, from my experience, that you would have different behavioural patterns, conventions and broad rules in the two trees of tildes.

      5 votes
    7. Keep the votes, but lose the vote count?

      I know similar topics have been discussed, but I'd like to talk about removing the vote count OR, having the count appear after you've voted. To be clear, I'd like to keep the voting mechanism...

      I know similar topics have been discussed, but I'd like to talk about removing the vote count OR, having the count appear after you've voted. To be clear, I'd like to keep the voting mechanism as-is, just reduce the visibility of the actual number of votes.

      It's not foolproof, but it might reduce the "bandwagon" voting we're trying to avoid. I realize that vote count could still be guessed based on sorting by "most votes," but I think this is a worthwhile discussion to have.

      *Edit 2: Removed the joke I made about spamming as I think it detracts from the conversation.

      20 votes
    8. Wynncraft

      Recently I picked up Wynncraft again, and it's sad it's a minecraft server because at times the quality can feel like an actual standalone game during some of the better quests.

      7 votes
    9. Tell me about your favorite D&D character!

      I want to hear stories about your beloved characters that you've created. What's their backstory, their style, their hooks, their interesting achievements, etc. Got a pic? Post it! Wrote a lengthy...

      I want to hear stories about your beloved characters that you've created. What's their backstory, their style, their hooks, their interesting achievements, etc. Got a pic? Post it! Wrote a lengthy history? Share it!

      I'll post mine too in a bit. After a character death in Curse of Strahd, my DM and I decided to reveal Rictavio's secret identity as my new character, a Water Genasi Tempest Cleric :)

      On that note, no Strahd spoilers please!

      9 votes
    10. Ux: Do you guys think it is hard to navigate comments on mobile?

      Personally I have a small screen and pressing on [-] button is sometimes hard. Would be much easier if pressing on that whole title bar or even better the whole comment collapsed that chain. What...

      Personally I have a small screen and pressing on [-] button is sometimes hard. Would be much easier if pressing on that whole title bar or even better the whole comment collapsed that chain. What do you guys think?

      Edit: On Reddit mobile tapping on next to title collapsed the comments.

      5 votes
    11. Just want to give a shoutout to whoever designed tildes for mobile

      Was on my bathroom break and figured might as well try tildes on my phone. Using iPhone 8+ and tried on firefox for iphone and safari. Was pleasantly surprised how clean and fast it feels,...

      Was on my bathroom break and figured might as well try tildes on my phone.
      Using iPhone 8+ and tried on firefox for iphone and safari.

      Was pleasantly surprised how clean and fast it feels, everything was very responsive. It's well adapted to my phone screen size. The UI is clean and simple, it feels very familiar, gives the same feeling as tildes on desktop while keeping everything on a smaller screen. It's something that reddit never got right, the closest thing we had was reddit compact mode, but it wasn't nearly as good.

      61 votes
    12. I'm interested in attempting to talk about your beliefs and opinions surrounding religion, spirituality, and "God"

      I've been enjoying reading peoples conversations on Tildes. There's been in-depth discussions and debates and open dialogue with a genuine attempt at understanding the other side's opinions. I...

      I've been enjoying reading peoples conversations on Tildes. There's been in-depth discussions and debates and open dialogue with a genuine attempt at understanding the other side's opinions. I really enjoy discussing spirituality with all angles of beliefs, so I thought it could be fun to try that here :)

      I think it will be important to understand while discussing this that we all have different understandings and definitions of loaded words when referring to things that, by definition, are indefinable. I think it'll help to keep that in mind. One person may use the word "God" and have a picture in their head of a literal being in the clouds with a robe and beard. Another may use the word "God" and it means something else entirely. Like the creative power behind the ongoing evolution of the universe.

      Two very different things.

      I'll start with a little bit about my own beliefs, and where I'm coming from.

      I was raised conservative christian, being taught to believe in a literal 6-day creation, with God resting on the 7th. And we took the commandment to also rest on the 7th day very seriously. Seventh-Day Adventist. We were right in our interpretation of the bible, and everyone else was wrong and in danger of going to hell, including all other religions.

      I had an experience about 7 or 8 years ago that shifted my perspective completely. Essentially, I fell into a state of samadhi, had a kundalini awakening, became one with god. Whatever the words used to describe it, or the belief structures that have been built around it, I was there. My body and mind fell away into stillness, and it was just conscious awareness of Peace and Love. No thoughts about it, or physical sensations in my body, just awareness of.

      Since then, I've been opened up to an understanding about the universe that's bigger than beliefs. I see my experience and the "Truth" reflected in all sorts of religious texts and beliefs, as well as in non-religious things. I've said to many people while talking about these topics that I believe there are atheists who have a closer "relationship" with god. Looking into the makeup of the universe with curiosity. It's great. I don't believe anyone needs a belief in god or religious theology to be headed in the "right" direction. And at the end of the day I think that's where we're all at. Headed on a path. We've all got our own personal journey and having compassion and love for others where they are at is what Jesus was talking about and trying to teach to people who had no understanding of that level of understanding.

      My wife and I are reading a book right now called Unbelievable: Why Neither Ancient Creeds Nor the Reformation Can Produce a Living Faith Today - by John Spong

      My wife was raised conservative christian and is just starting the exciting journey of questioning all of it. We're reading it together. So far the author's understanding of spirituality, god, etc. seem to line up closely with mine.

      In the book he speaks about the inability to use limited human language to discuss this sort of thing, and why christianity has gotten it so confused over the years, as it's hard to put into words, and then have others read it and understand it. Experience vs Belief. Very different things.

      Anyhow, I think I've rambled enough. I'd love to see the kind of discussion we can get going about such a typically decisive topic :)

      Tell me what you know...

      30 votes
    13. Tildes Code of Conduct

      As instructed when creating my account, I went through and read the Tildes Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, since the prompt said they were short and plainly worded. I also clicked on the 'Tildes...

      As instructed when creating my account, I went through and read the Tildes Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, since the prompt said they were short and plainly worded. I also clicked on the 'Tildes Code of Conduct' that was linked, just to cover all my bases.

      Congratulations, you got a genuine audible laugh out of me with those simple, straight to the point, first five words: "Don't act like an asshole"...

      Well played.

      15 votes
    14. Link topics don't directly engage users.

      It seems to me that link topics don't directly engage the user, we're just putting something out there and hoping for a response. And who is the user responding to when they comment on the topic?...

      It seems to me that link topics don't directly engage the user, we're just putting something out there and hoping for a response. And who is the user responding to when they comment on the topic?

      Shouldn't the poster have the option (at least) to express something - aside from in the title of course - about the link they are posting be it a statement or a question, to elicit a discussion in response?

      I know that when I see a link topic my first thought is usually 'What are you trying to tell me?', so I just pass it by. Whereas if there was a question attached to it that I could respond to, or a statement attached to it that I can engage with, I don't think I would be so quick to dismiss it.

      10 votes