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    1. Suggestion: tag limiting

      Gotta limit the tags; I added maybe 5-6 tags on a submission, I know Instagram has a limit of 30 or so hashtags, if tags are going to be searchable or used for surfacing content in other contexts,...

      Gotta limit the tags; I added maybe 5-6 tags on a submission, I know Instagram has a limit of 30 or so hashtags, if tags are going to be searchable or used for surfacing content in other contexts, limiting the hashtags would limit abuse of it.

      Or maybe this already exists and I just haven't hit the limit... ;p

      7 votes
    2. Topic reply notifications added

      A few people have expressed surprise to me that there weren't any notifications when someone replied to their topics (only comments), so I've added a basic version of topic reply notifications now...

      A few people have expressed surprise to me that there weren't any notifications when someone replied to their topics (only comments), so I've added a basic version of topic reply notifications now as well. You'll get one when someone makes a new top-level comment on a topic that you posted, and they're combined in with the comment replies and shown in the same "unread notifications" page for now.

      Most of the other weirdness mentioned when I added comment replies is still around, and I'll definitely want to add some sort of "stop sending me replies for this topic" toggle eventually, but I don't think it's a big concern for now since the comment volume is still very low.

      17 votes
    3. Topic-tagging updates

      A couple of fairly minor updates to topic-tagging (that mostly came out of discussion in this thread the other day): When you're entering tags, you now need to separate them with commas. Spaces...

      A couple of fairly minor updates to topic-tagging (that mostly came out of discussion in this thread the other day):

      1. When you're entering tags, you now need to separate them with commas. Spaces will be kept as part of the tag, instead of working as a separator. So you can tag something like music, soundtrack, full album and get 3 tags out of that.

        (Side note that I doubt anyone cares about: spaces are converted to underscores internally, so using a space or an underscore in a tag is now the same)

      2. I added a tags field to the "new topic" page, so you can tag while you're posting the topic now, instead of needing to do it separately afterwards.

      Most of you have probably already read it (especially since I spammed you all with a message that has a link to it), but there's a bit more info about topic-tagging here as well: https://docs.tildes.net/mechanics#topic-tags

      10 votes
    4. Daily Tildes discussion - annoyances so far?

      Not a very "deep" discussion topic, but I think I'll try to leave more formal ones for weekdays since that tends to be when people are around more. So just a general question: in the short time...

      Not a very "deep" discussion topic, but I think I'll try to leave more formal ones for weekdays since that tends to be when people are around more.

      So just a general question: in the short time you've been using the site so far, is there some pesky thing that's already annoying you? Something that takes too many clicks, information where you don't expect it, etc.?

      11 votes