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    1. Trip report Death Valley - Ash Meadows wildlife refuge

      We are just back from a first ever trip to Death valley national Park to check out the wild flowers. We saw fields carpeted in bright yellow. We also saw more sparse purple flowers. We also drove...

      We are just back from a first ever trip to Death valley national Park to check out the wild flowers.

      We saw fields carpeted in bright yellow. We also saw more sparse purple flowers. We also drove through areas of the park that were as dry and dessicated as you can imagine. This is the wettest season of the year and it is still the desert.

      Some of the highlights for me were the rock formations. We had planned a second day to explore more and hike, but weather prevented it. We still saw very impressive sights. Shout-out to a helpful ranger at the information desk who helped us choose.

      One of the best experiences was outside the park. We would have missed this entirely without advice from Tildes. We visited Ash Meadows wildlife refuge where we saw the pupfish. We also saw a roadrunner, a large grey snake on the road, (we were driving) and a very pale raptor, possibly an osprey.

      Thank you @chromebby and @worldasis.

      Thanks also @skybrian. We drove through Panamint but stayed in Tecopa.

      Death valley has not changed my top three so far US national parks but it is beautiful and impressive. I would go back to explore more but not in summer.

      17 votes
    2. Proving the Earth is round at home

      I am looking for practical ways to prove the Earth is round using materials accessible to the average person. I have zero interest in disproving Flat Earth folks. I am inspired by Dan Olson's...

      I am looking for practical ways to prove the Earth is round using materials accessible to the average person. I have zero interest in disproving Flat Earth folks.

      I am inspired by Dan Olson's (Folding Ideas) excellent video where he is able to do this measuring the curvature of a lake near his home that has a very specific geography that lends itself to this sort of experiment. I've seen all sorts of ways to prove this measuring shadows and poles, using gyroscopes, etc. and wanted to know if there are any practical guides for proving once and for all that the Earth is round for yourself relying on nothing more than experimentation.

      What I'm not looking for:

      • Math relying on flight times/charts
      • Video/picture evidence
      • Deductive proofs built on agreed upon premises
      • Expensive tests
      • Extremely time consuming projects
      • Underwhelming results (relying on a probabilistic argument for a round Earth from the evidence.)

      What I am looking for:

      • Practical experiments
      • Things I could potentially do without spending much money
      • Tests that aren't largely comprised of accepting someone else's research
      • Potentially math-heavy evidence
      • Results that are strong and conclusive

      I've thought of finding some easy to test version of Eratosthenes' proof using two poles. I've also thought about using a balloon and sending something to space like what is done in this Tom Scott video. Nothing seems well documented in such a way as for me to be able to follow it at home.

      TL;DR: I think it would be a meaningful experience to have the power to prove the Earth is round by myself, for myself. I can only compare this desire to the desire a child with a telescope has when wishing to observe Saturn or Mars themselves for the first time. It's not to prove anything or to settle doubts, but for the personal value of independently observing this astronomical fact oneself.

      17 votes
    3. TV Tuesdays Free Talk

      Warning: this post may contain spoilers

      Have you watched any TV shows recently you want to discuss? Any shows you want to recommend or are hyped about? Feel free to discuss anything here.

      Please just try to provide fair warning of spoilers if you can.

      7 votes
    4. Midweek Movie Free Talk

      Warning: this post may contain spoilers

      Have you watched any movies recently you want to discuss? Any films you want to recommend or are hyped about? Feel free to discuss anything here.

      Please just try to provide fair warning of spoilers if you can.

      8 votes
    5. Given the well-known difficulties for men to maintain friendships as they age, has anyone managed to make new friends after their 40s?

      dear mods A lack in friendships is a well-known issue that affects adult males in particular. Please don't move this post to ~life. Thanks. As I age, my ambivalence towards social interactions...
      dear mods

      A lack in friendships is a well-known issue that affects adult males in particular. Please don't move this post to ~life. Thanks.

      As I age, my ambivalence towards social interactions becomes clearer. I can't really sustain the doom and gloom facade, as it is entirely obvious that, if I ever achieve "solitary utopia", the first thing I would do would be to find someone to talk about how great it is to be alone.

      I used to have an awesome way to do things where I saw my friends 5 or 6 times a year. It was enough for me. Unfortunately, that group is imploding since mid-pandemic, and I don't think there's a way back.

      This is made worse by the fact that most men I know are either completely ignorant, downright hostile, or intentionally removed from anything relating kids or fatherhood. Sometimes it feels like I am carrying some kind of virus, and spending time with me will make them become fathers by association.

      It's hard to not feel jealous of the kind of support my wife gets from her female friends.

      Given the current situation, I feel inclined to ask. Has anyone managed to make meaningful friendships in their 40s or early 30s? And by that I don't mean just someone to play videogames with, but someone with whom you can share stuff?

      I am not really opposed to friendships with women, but that is kinda covered already.

      49 votes
    6. Tildes Minecraft Survival - GG no re (End of an era)

      I'm planning to wind down our server at tildes.nore.gg. Over the last couple of months playtime has dropped significantly. Servers don't last forever unless you have a sufficient stream of new...

      I'm planning to wind down our server at tildes.nore.gg. Over the last couple of months playtime has dropped significantly. Servers don't last forever unless you have a sufficient stream of new players.

      I'll keep the lights on for the rest of the month. After that point the map will be released as a download.

      76 votes
    7. What programming/technical projects have you been working on?

      This is a recurring post to discuss programming or other technical projects that we've been working on. Tell us about one of your recent projects, either at work or personal projects. What's...

      This is a recurring post to discuss programming or other technical projects that we've been working on. Tell us about one of your recent projects, either at work or personal projects. What's interesting about it? Are you having trouble with anything?

      9 votes
    8. Have you ever "homebrewed" fermented beverages?

      A few questions for those who have tried homebrewing (and general thread on homebrewing in general) Have you ever tried homebrewing? What were lessons learned? Did you regret the up-front...

      A few questions for those who have tried homebrewing (and general thread on homebrewing in general)

      • Have you ever tried homebrewing?
      • What were lessons learned?
      • Did you regret the up-front investment?
      • Do you bottle or keg?
      • What are your favorite recipes?
      • What is your setup like?

      Feel free to answer only one question, all of them, or none of them and share an anecdote!

      26 votes
    9. Movie of the Week #23 - Moonstruck

      Warning: this post may contain spoilers

      We are starting the month with female leads with Moonstruck from 1987 starring Cher in the leading role as Loretta. A role than won her an Academy Award for Best Actress.


      Besides any thoughts on this movie, what did you think of Cher's performance in this?

      The rest of the schedule for April is:

      • 8th: The Silence of the Lambs
      • 15th: Run Lola Run
      • 22nd: Aliens
      • 29th: Fargo
      5 votes
    10. I can't cry for some reason

      The last time I cried was probably like 3 years ago. I have no idea why. I know that not being able to cry can be a result of depression, or some sort of trauma, or having to suppress your...

      The last time I cried was probably like 3 years ago. I have no idea why. I know that not being able to cry can be a result of depression, or some sort of trauma, or having to suppress your emotions for a long time - but I never experienced any of that. I just suddenly stopped being able to cry and it sucks because crying is a great emotional outlet and sometimes I really feel like I want to cry but just can't for some reason.

      Has anyone else dealt with the same thing?

      21 votes
    11. Which anime or manga transcend the boundaries of genre and medium?

      Which anime or manga, in your opinion, transcend their genre and medium? Something that is not just a good example of their genre or medium, but a truly worthy piece of fiction you're glad to have...

      Which anime or manga, in your opinion, transcend their genre and medium? Something that is not just a good example of their genre or medium, but a truly worthy piece of fiction you're glad to have experienced? Something that touched you deeply or changed your mind about certain things in life. And, without spoiling anything, what are the reasons?

      15 votes