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    1. What are your thoughts on wholesomeness?

      To me, they're another case of something nice ruined by the quick adoption of a casual majority. Finding rare wholesome content was nice and it felt genuine. With the rise of the wholesome...

      To me, they're another case of something nice ruined by the quick adoption of a casual majority. Finding rare wholesome content was nice and it felt genuine. With the rise of the wholesome network, suddenly it started to feel fake and devoid of the original genuiness. Plus, being so common, it's rather annoying, instead of a nice find. It's yet another thing ruined by the masses.

      What do you think? What would you like its place to be on Tildes?

      23 votes
    2. Username mentions in comments now send notifications

      Another feature update courtesy of open-source contributors - @Celeo was brave and took this complex update on as a first contribution to the Tildes code. Mentioning a username in a comment will...

      Another feature update courtesy of open-source contributors - @Celeo was brave and took this complex update on as a first contribution to the Tildes code.

      Mentioning a username in a comment will now send them a notification. Any of the following formats work:

      It won't send a notification if you mention yourself, or if you mention someone that already would have gotten a notification for the comment anyway (the author of the parent topic/comment).

      Edits should be handled as well, so if you edit in a mention that wasn't there previously it will generate the notification at that point, and if you edit one out it will delete that notification (whether the user has seen it yet or not).

      Please let me know if you notice any issues or strange behavior (and please don't use this maliciously to annoy people).

      85 votes
    3. Anybody "hobonichi" or bullet journal?

      I own a hobonichi, which is really just a hipster day-planner. The key feature for me is the river paper, which allows water colouring. I try to water colour everyday. Started that way at the...

      I own a hobonichi, which is really just a hipster day-planner. The key feature for me is the river paper, which allows water colouring.

      I try to water colour everyday. Started that way at the beginning of the year, and after a few months, now pretty much use it as a day-planner. Of course, I would love to get back to it, and will make an effort to at least catch up over the weekends.

      Would love to hear how you journal and any habits that work for you.

      12 votes
    4. What games have you guys been playing lately? Yall stick to a certain genre or play anything?

      Hello ~games! Like most of us, I spend way too much time gaming. Lately i've been playing Islands of the Nyne because PUBG hasn't been fun the past few patches. I normally play one genre at a time...

      Hello ~games!

      Like most of us, I spend way too much time gaming. Lately i've been playing Islands of the Nyne because PUBG hasn't been fun the past few patches. I normally play one genre at a time such as RTS, BR, MMO etc until i move onto a whole new genre of games.

      What games or genre's have you been playing lately? Anything to recommend?

      29 votes
    5. Serial Experiments Lain

      Any of you guys ever watch it? It had its 20th anniversary two months ago and I was surprised to find out how many people hadn't heard of it, even in my group of weebish friends. It's definitely...

      Any of you guys ever watch it? It had its 20th anniversary two months ago and I was surprised to find out how many people hadn't heard of it, even in my group of weebish friends. It's definitely strange, but it's also really exciting to try and figure things out or anticipate what happens next when you're watching. It has a weird mix of mystery and philosophy that's paced slowly but keeps you invested. It's pretty hard to explain in a meaningful way.

      Maybe some of you haven't been exposed to it yet, or haven't given it a shot. If you have the time, check it out--even if you're not a huge anime fan. Given how diverse the front page of Tildes is, you may be just that until you get hooked on Lain.

      16 votes
    6. blute.

      grüße - i bins. it's bishop. its german. enjoy. i blut jo i blut seit i hab was vermutet sie hat mi verlassen nach wi teilten like two years zusammen i rauch ja fach um zu verbringen die zeit so...

      grüße - i bins.

      it's bishop.

      its german.


      i blut
      jo i blut
      seit i hab was
      sie hat mi
      nach wi teilten
      like two years
      i rauch ja
      fach um zu
      die zeit so
      dass ich wer-
      de ni mi

      vleicht kreig
      i ein paare
      face tats
      oder bath bombs
      weil i kan ni
      mehr lebn
      ohne dich
      nebn meiner seit
      i will einfach
      kiffen bis
      meiner lunge
      seit du bis
      ni mehr hier
      i kampfe
      to find purpose

      im not worth it.

      so viele leude
      habn ihr probleme,
      auf deiner sorg'
      im not worth it
      i wunsch nach'm
      tag wrauf
      i sterb i'm
      in a hurry

      i hofe

      i hofe.

      i hofe
      die tagen
      komn gleich und
      du zruckkomst
      die rinnerung'n
      leben noch ja
      in mei'm kopf von
      when i knew you
      i höft dass
      du würdst ni
      alles we been through
      aber i hab's
      's machst di
      keine sorgn nach
      what i go through.

      nowadays it all me
      no you

      im not worth it

      im not worth it.

      2 votes
    7. RSS/Atom feeds for groups?

      Could we have RSS or Atom feeds that correspond to a given view? There could be two kinds of feeds, one that links to the comments page, and one that follows the link itself. The comments feed for...

      Could we have RSS or Atom feeds that correspond to a given view?

      There could be two kinds of feeds, one that links to the comments page, and one that follows the link itself. The comments feed for ~comp could be https://tildes.net/~comp?rss=comments, and the link feed could be https://tildes.net/~comp?rss=link, or something like that. Ideally this could apply to tags as well, so if I just wanted to see posts in ~comp tagged web, I could view https://tildes.net/~comp?tag=web&rss=comments.

      Several similar sites have this ability, so it's nice to be able to browse them all in one place. (On Reddit you can put .rss at the end of a subreddit for a feed, and on Hacker News and Lobsters it's just /rss).

      What do you think?

      15 votes
    8. How's your attention span?

      Most of you are probably used to reading short, decisive posts that provide instant gratification--I know I am. Websites like (but not limited to) Facebook, Reddit and Twitter have a focus on...

      Most of you are probably used to reading short, decisive posts that provide instant gratification--I know I am. Websites like (but not limited to) Facebook, Reddit and Twitter have a focus on making content easily consumable so that they don't lose your attention. A consequence of this is that we sacrifice a lot of details to compress a bigger picture; it's easy to lose the plot when you only see half the story.

      Personally, I've recently noticed that I have serious trouble internalizing more involved articles or textbooks and I'm hoping to get out of this academic funk. Reading was a huge passion of mine for years, but after I hit a rough spot in my life medically I stopped entirely. Now I have to make a conscious effort to remember key details. Bought the hard cover of Persepolis and its sequel and I've burned through the first pretty quickly, but picking it back up every day can be a struggle when YouTube is also an option.

      Do you have a poor attention span? Do you know why, or have any ideas for fighting it?

      29 votes
    9. What's your game that you'd really like to see made?

      For me, that'd be a multiplayer war sandbox. Take a big map, plop down resources, population centers and factories, spawn a lot of players who then have to organize to fight a war. To add...

      For me, that'd be a multiplayer war sandbox. Take a big map, plop down resources, population centers and factories, spawn a lot of players who then have to organize to fight a war.

      • To add espionage, you'd not hard-code a lot about the way teams organize(think removing the guild mechanics from WoW), so one could sign up with one side, then run to a different side (who do not know you already signed up with the first) and do ye olde double agent.
      • Research could be modelled as being done by NPC civilians, which produces documents detailing the results. These documents must be on-site whenever the research is being used (i.e. present at factories), so it could be stolen.
      • No need to go factorio on the production chains. Their purpose is mostly to enforce cooperation to reach better hardware for the guys in the field.

      So, what's your crazy dream game that's never going to be built?

      37 votes
    10. What do you guys think about Sacha Baron Cohen's "Who Is America?"

      IMDb YouTube Teaser So far I haven't been able to see anything except what's visible on YouTube. Like all of his content, the show has SBC put people into bizarre situations. But it seems to me...

      IMDb YouTube Teaser

      So far I haven't been able to see anything except what's visible on YouTube. Like all of his content, the show has SBC put people into bizarre situations. But it seems to me this show is more about the bizarre world we're already living in than it is how strange SBC can act.

      27 votes
    11. General plans for the week

      For my fellow Canadians, Happy, uh... Regatta Day / Terry Fox Day / Saskatchewan Day / British Columbia Day / Natal Day / Simcoe Day / New Brunswick Day / Colonel By Day / Heritage Day / Joseph...

      For my fellow Canadians, Happy, uh... Regatta Day / Terry Fox Day / Saskatchewan Day / British Columbia Day / Natal Day / Simcoe Day / New Brunswick Day / Colonel By Day / Heritage Day / Joseph Brant Day / Benjamin Vaughan Day. For everyone else, Happy Monday.

      Here are my overall plans for this week, in no particular order:

      On Friday, your own user page had topics/comments views added, and has been paginated. Sometime in the next few days, I'm intending to extend this to other users' pages. I haven't finished deciding yet which privacy options (if any) will be available as part of this, so feel free to add your input in that thread if you haven't already.

      There are multiple open-source contributions for features in progress, so there should be a few more things coming in shortly from there. I'll make separate changelog posts for anything particularly major, but one that was added over the weekend (contibuted by @what again) was some special appearance/behavior for "nsfw" and "spoiler" tags on topics. They'll stand out more, always be displayed at the start of the tags list, and the "spoiler" tag makes sure that text posts don't have their excerpt displayed in the listing (but can still be clicked to expand).

      @cfabbro did a massive rework and update of the Docs site that I want to get applied this week. There's a ton of new information in there that should help a lot as we keep bringing more people into the site.

      On that note, there's also a new official invite-request thread in /r/tildes on reddit, so we'll probably have a decent number of new registrations this week as that gets worked through. I've also topped everyone back up to 5 invite codes (available here: https://tildes.net/invite), so please feel free to invite people yourselves as well (and as always, if you need more codes, just send me a message and ask).

      I think that should cover the main plans, any extra time I find above that will probably go into various random things on the backlog (and if I have time to work on a major feature, probably basic search).

      Thanks for being here, and please let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions.

      42 votes
    12. Should we allow movie trailer posts?

      EDIT: Alright, this ended up veering off in the direction that I was hoping it wouldn't. My apologies if I pushed things in the wrong direction from the outset. I want to make very clear from the...

      EDIT: Alright, this ended up veering off in the direction that I was hoping it wouldn't. My apologies if I pushed things in the wrong direction from the outset.

      I want to make very clear from the outset of this post that I am not calling anyone out for posting this type of content, and I do not want to criticize any individuals for making such posts. This is intended to be a high level discussion of what general types of content are worthwhile here, to see if we can define some of the community specific goals about relevant content. And I know this comes at the risk of being yet another meta post about tildes content (feel free to move this post elsewhere if others think it is better suited, I mainly chose to post here to work on being more community specific about our goals).

      This question comes up because a quick glance at the current ~movies page shows a whole bunch of movie trailer posts. The majority of them have zero discussion. Of the ones that do have discussion, most of that is pretty low effort. So part of the question to address is: do movie trailer posts ever generate good discussion in the first place? Looking at reddit, the answer is almost always no, and the posting of movie trailers is often a race among karma farmers with little actual interest in what they are posting. Part of the problem I see there is that it primarily leads towards a discussion of the movie itself rather than the trailer. Since the movie hasn't come out yet when the trailer is posted, that discussion is entirely speculative, and leads to some sticky situations like with the Ghostbusters remake, where more outrage was generated over the female leads casting than any discussion of the film's own merits.

      There are, very occasionally, trailers that are in and of themselves interesting pieces of artistic expression; so part of me says that a universal ban on trailers being posted would be overkill. But in those cases it may be beneficial to enforce that the discussion should focus on the presentation of the trailer itself. Though countering my own argument, trailers are fundamentally designed to draw attention towards the movie, so perhaps isolated discussion does not make sense. But that would again point to a desire to simply omit all trailers being posted. Possibly unless it is for a movie that has already been released, in which the trailer could serve as merely a marker to open discussion on the movie itself.

      So what does everyone else think? I'm totally okay if everyone says they like seeing the movie trailers on here, but I thought it would be a good time to discuss it.

      12 votes