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    1. ~music Listening Club 14 - Public Strain

      We're at week 14, friends. Here we've got this week's user-voted record: Public Strain by Women! Taken from @Cleb's pitch: Noisy post-punk that sounds exactly like the image the cover depicts:...

      We're at week 14, friends. Here we've got this week's user-voted record: Public Strain by Women!

      Taken from @Cleb's pitch:

      Noisy post-punk that sounds exactly like the image the cover depicts: Marching your way through a cold wasteland in the middle of a blizzard. It builds a wonderfully hopeless atmosphere and comes together so well.

      Here's the place to discuss your thoughts on the record, your history with it or the artist, and basically talk about whatever you want to that goes along with Public Strain. Remember that this is intended to be a slow moving thing, feel free to take your time and comment at any point in the week!

      If you'd like to stream or buy the album, it can be found on most platforms here.

      5 votes
    2. Some thoughts on "Humans"

      So I've spent nearly the entire weekend watching Humans and I wanted to share what I think of it and maybe get some discussion going. For those who are not familiar with it, the basic premise is...

      So I've spent nearly the entire weekend watching Humans and I wanted to share what I think of it and maybe get some discussion going.

      For those who are not familiar with it, the basic premise is an alternate reality present day where "synths" - robots that replaced humans in most menial tasks - are part of everyday life to the point of being a common household item. Within the first episode we learn that there are a handful of synths that are sentient - thinking, feeling individuals. The show explores the implications of that - how previously-servile machines becoming sentient would impact society. There are many parallels to contemporary issues around racism, xenophobia, fear, and I think the show does good job of handling the topic. It is a smart, well-written sci-fi drama.

      So, did anyone else here watch it? What do you think of it?

      PS: While the post itself doesn't have any spoilers, the comments do.

      9 votes
    3. What have you been listening to this week?

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something! Feel free to give recs or discuss anything about each others'...

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something!

      Feel free to give recs or discuss anything about each others' listening habits.

      You can make a chart if you use last.fm:


      Remember that linking directly to your image will update with your future listening, make sure to reupload to somewhere like imgur if you'd like it to remain what you have at the time of posting.

      14 votes
    4. lunadontlovegood.

      i mean come on how often do i write something upbeat eh? bishop. esskeetit. takin off rocketship falling in a krater look around supernova feeling upgraded on the moon turned into rocks i'm...

      i mean come on how often do i write something upbeat eh?



      takin off
      falling in a krater
      look around
      feeling upgraded
      on the moon
      turned into rocks
      i'm integrated
      i'm goin up never
      coming home don't
      lose your patience
      takin off
      falling in a krater
      look around
      feeling upgraded
      on the moon
      turned into rocks
      i'm integrated
      i'm goin up never
      coming home don't
      lose your patience

      baby mama trauma
      got me all
      only ever feel
      myself when i
      get sedated
      on some tony
      robbins shit my
      giant awakened
      hope we're
      witnessing another
      legend in the making

      keep the dream alive
      i'll make a home
      out of chicago
      get a new girl
      some better friends
      and pop some bottles
      tryna climb this
      fucking mountain and
      i cannot let go
      thank god i
      got my heart broken
      by that model.

      you called me a snake
      and then you took my
      heart to battle
      grab my neck and threw
      my body down
      into the gravel
      buried me, in
      the dirt found
      oil and fossils
      didn't think i'd
      build a rocket and
      then have a blastoff

      takin off
      falling in a krater
      look around
      feeling upgraded
      on the moon
      turned into rocks
      i'm integrated
      i'm goin up never
      coming home don't
      lose your patience
      takin off
      falling in a krater
      look around
      feeling upgraded
      on the moon
      turned into rocks
      i'm integrated
      i'm goin up never
      coming home don't
      lose your patience

      7 votes
    5. Linking related topics together - like a futher reading list

      Could we have a feature where similar posts can be linked/tagged and showup somewhere obvious, so you can access both posts from each other, linking the two. Something anyone visiting the topic...

      Could we have a feature where similar posts can be linked/tagged and showup somewhere obvious, so you can access both posts from each other, linking the two. Something anyone visiting the topic can do.

      So there is a link from post A to B but also B to A. You then kind of get a chain of relevant posts, like a further reading list. Maybe only showing topics that are two-three links deep, idk that's just details.

      I really like the way r/AskHistorians does it where because of the moderation it's always very easy to find the comment that links previous discussion, but again that solution is not reversible, from the linked topics I can't get to the current topic.

      It encourages people to look over previous posts and engage in those discussions, and to participate in a larger discussion across the site. Potentially with one topic link you can get 4-5 other topics.

      It should help with answering frequent questions or concerns as it's easy to connect relevant discussion. But also pretty much any other discussion, say nuclear energy is discussed extensively here, and follow the links to the other places people have discussed it, give readers the site context for a topic, and a convenient way to look for further discussion.

      I mostly see it being used by a poster who has already answered a question in a previous post and will link the reply in a comment, but this way it's far more accessible to anyone viewing the topic and not lost in the comments. Or maybe someone was interested enough to look further themselves and I've got to believe they would feel generous enough to bother linking the two topics they spent time looking for. Making it just more convenient for everyone.

      Take for example this foss topic, I posted basically a follow-up topic about specific foss software.

      So a comment can be posted linking the relevant topic but that can easily get lost in the fray and does nothing to link the original topic to the new one. Yeah if someone was really interested they could search the foss tag and easily find it but it's much more convenient with it linked and only one person needs to go through the process of searching.

      I kind of like the idea but can see how it's very similar to the tag system and groups. In practice though I just use tags and groups to filter out stuff I don't want to see and sometimes to help with searching.
      This would be a feature that focuses to continuing the discussion, and making it more convenient to do so.

      15 votes
    6. BBC investigation of Cameroon killings

      @bbcafrica: THREAD In July 2018, a horrifying video began to circulate on social media. 2 women & 2 young children are led away by a group of soldiers. They are blindfolded, forced to the ground, and shot 22 times. #BBCAfricaEye investigated this atrocity. This is what we found...

      17 votes
    7. Pretty Terrible Story About Death or Something

      I don’t know about you, but I’d always been taught one of 2 things about death. Either You die and that’s that, nothing else happens and you slowly turn to unthinking dust or You die and get...

      I don’t know about you, but I’d always been taught one of 2 things about death. Either
      You die and that’s that, nothing else happens and you slowly turn to unthinking dust or
      You die and get transported to some mystical outside realm, either a heaven, hell, or purgatory where your immortal soul spends an infinite amount of time

      Now, these aren’t nearly the only interpretations in this wide world, but if you grew up as a middle class white kid in suburban America, this is likely all you heard.

      It took until my 30th year for one of these to be the official accepted scientific theory on the afterlife. Finally, after all these years, science had an answer for what happened after death, and it was-


      Actually, it’s not really what happens after, per se. No, this perception could not occur after death. There simply was no way any living thing could continue to perceive after death, either any way of defining life we have would be thrown out the window. Instead, this was an explanation for those pernicious near-death experiences that pop up every now and again. Rather than being dead and having moved on, these were all visions people have in the moments prior to death.

      Essentially, the afterlife was all a dream put on by the brain in a vain attempt to keep itself happy and alive.

      This led to a thought. What was the limits of these dreams? Would they continue forever? Would the occupant of the dream believe they could still die in the dream, or would they be an immortal thought, a ghost of firing neurons? Is the brain capable of nesting time ad infinitum, or is the clock speed of the brain too slow for that?

      All signs seemed to point towards the brain giving the occupant infinite joy. Citing coma patients who believed they lived millenia in only a few weeks, the majour scientists of the day claimed a way to cheat death. After all, the only limiting factor here was how fast a bolt of electricity could move across, and since that was basically light speed, time didn’t really matter.

      It didn’t really matter.

      This of course led to a massive increase in suicides throughout the globe. It seemed the main limiting factor for many was whether suicide may lead to a unpleasant scenario. Even those who hadn’t, prior to the discovery, had a single suicidal thought cross their mind jumped at the chance of eternal joy. It wasn’t until much later any sense came into people.

      See, it seems most people are born without a fear of the infinite. I won’t assume, of course, but would you truly find an infinite heaven scary? I would. Infinite time leads to infinite scenarios leads to infinite amounts of both joy and pain. Any amount of fun, after a sufficiently long time, gets boring.

      So, the world was whipped into a global frenzy of life. Wars ended as neither side could really justify it anymore. People finally began to help each other.

      And then, just as quickly as this afterlife frenzy started, it was announced the initial findings were incorrect. Perhaps a decimal slipped, so the official story was death was finite and there was no afterlife.

      That was the official story, of course. The unofficial story…


      Imagine you’re trying to do infinite things in two seconds. If you could split your time infinitely, you could complete all infinite things in two seconds. But all the same, everything would be done in two seconds.

      Imagine now you’re trying to do those infinite things in two seconds again, but you have to work against your hands slowly disappearing. Much more difficult, and now you’re less likely to complete those infinite things, but a more finite set. If you think this whole scenario is ridiculous, it’s all based off an account by a Survivor.

      The Survivors were a test group who were used to poke and prod at their afterlives until it could be fully explored. They’re who first discovered the effects of cell death on the afterlife.

      As a body dies, the cells begin to die at a rate of 10 millimeters every second. The initial researchers thought this irrelevant, as the speed of the brain was too fast for it too matter. What they didn’t factor in was that he brain is one of the first parts of the body to die. Sure, electricity moving across perfectly kempt brain cells moved near light speed, but add in broken highways of neurons and suddenly it grew much, much slower.

      The first Survivor to discover this recounted the sky slowly darkening and a void suddenly appearing on the horizon. They were lucky, as the test was ended prior to any majour brain damage. One less so had their memories scanned to reveal their perfect paradise being reduced to a one by one meter square and their representation writhing on the floor in apparent pain. They were not recovered.

      Of course, the researchers were horrified. Only weeks prior had they stressed how painless death should now be, and here was a gauntlet thrown at their feet. So they did the only sensible thing: Lie to prevent a mass hysteria ending in the death of all humans.

      And so it’s seemed to work. Just remember, if you see an empty horizon, this is the explanation:
      Death has always been with us.
      Nobody cheats Death.
      Death will always win in a cosmic tug of war.
      And, most importantly, It’s already too late It's already too late
      It’s already too late
      It’s already too late
      It’s already too late
      It’s already too late
      It’s already too late
      It’s already too late
      It’s already too late
      It’s already too late
      It’s already too late
      It’s already too late
      It’s already too late
      It’s already too late
      It’s already too late
      It’s already too late
      It’s already too late
      It’s already too late
      It’s already too late
      It’s already too late
      It’s already too late
      It’s already too late
      It’s already too late
      It’s already too late
      It’s already too late

      6 votes
    8. What are some of your favorite albums that have less than a 3.00 on rateyourmusic?

      I don't put a ton of stock in rateyourmusic's numbers, but I do think it's fun to check in every once in a while to see how my tastes line up with the votes from the userbase. Occasionally I'll...

      I don't put a ton of stock in rateyourmusic's numbers, but I do think it's fun to check in every once in a while to see how my tastes line up with the votes from the userbase. Occasionally I'll find an album I love that, for whatever reason, has a particularly low score.

      For example, I was listening to Something to Die For by The Sounds and was surprised to see that it has a 2.88 rating. I love pretty much all of The Sounds' output, and everything else of theirs was well-received by the site. This album, however, was not.

      The same goes for Glasvegas's Euphoric Heartbreak which sits at 2.93. Granted, the title is terrible (it has unnecessary slashes that I couldn't figure out how to format right), and it strays from their debut, but I still thoroughly enjoy it.

      What are some of your low-rated favorites?

      EDIT: If you've never used rym, you can search for any artist in the search field on the top right. That will pull up a list of all artists with that name (or a similar name). Select your desired artist from the list and you'll be taken to their discography page which will show the average rating for each release, as well as the number of ratings and reviews.

      11 votes