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    1. Would you consider it healthy to talk to your subconscious?

      I'm having a hard time wording any of this, so I apologize if this is rambly, badly titled, and especially if it's not qualifying quality Most people occasionally talk to themselves, I'm sure, and...

      I'm having a hard time wording any of this, so I apologize if this is rambly, badly titled, and especially if it's not qualifying quality

      Most people occasionally talk to themselves, I'm sure, and I've seen cases on reddit where people develop different personalities to talk to (tulpas mainly). But what I'm talking about doesn't feel like the same thing as that. I remember reading this article in school about this debate in psychology, it was suggested that what we consider us, isn't the only one there. There's this instinctual 'black box' thing there that also has a say in the matter, but we never know its there (unless things go wrong)

      Then I found out about when some patients are given a corpus callosotomy (that thing where they cut the wire between the two halves of the brain) they begin to exhibit some strange behaviors that are completely out of their control. But that isn't even the whole story because technically all they lost was the ability to rationalize what their "alien hand" was doing. If the hemispheres weren't split, they'd have still moved their hand but they would know exactly why, and wouldn't be freaked out by it.

      Long story short, I grew up with the impression that "me" is some wacky tag team of consciousness. Whenever I remember something out of the blue, or whenever I improvise some answer in college, or even when I notice myself eyeing up the fridge more than usual; I'll actually 'have a little chat' with myself in my head. Sometimes it's pure amazement and praise, other times its reminders to be disciplined. Nothing is ever said back, obviously, I'd be worried something was.

      I'm not even sure why I made this post. I suppose I'm just curious if any of this had the potential to backfire (negative feedback loop) or be a harmful way of thinking, as well as hear your thoughts on subconsciousness.

      13 votes
    2. I'm tracking state sponsored propaganda online, and I need your help.

      Hey, tildes! A few weeks ago, I brought attention to Russian propaganda being shared on reddit. I deleted my reddit accounts, but I'm still tracking propaganda being shared on social media. The...

      Hey, tildes!

      A few weeks ago, I brought attention to Russian propaganda being shared on reddit. I deleted my reddit accounts, but I'm still tracking propaganda being shared on social media. The midterms are approaching quickly, so I'm asking for your help with the project I'm working on.

      1. Help with code: Improve what exists and add more features, heck, even documentation would be an improvement (I'm not a programmer).

      2. Find more propaganda sites: Right, left, Russian, Jamaican, whatever.

      3. Spread the word: Social media, irl friends, media, politicians, etc.

      78,143 reddit posts total.
      16,831 deceptive Russian reddit posts.
      5,588 deceptive Iranian reddit posts.
      1,416 tweets total.

      Here's the full output. Check the 'Overview' tab first.

      Happy to answer questions if you have any.

      44 votes
    3. Global warming is going to lead to massive disruption and loss of life in our lifetimes. What can someone do to avoid the impending doom?

      I think it is a given that we are going to experience massive social disruption as the effects of global warming manifest. These will include the loss of edible sea life from ocean acidification,...

      I think it is a given that we are going to experience massive social disruption as the effects of global warming manifest. These will include the loss of edible sea life from ocean acidification, the loss of potable water from desertification, and famine as crops fail and pests that were previously kept in check by winter temperatures proliferate. Storms and wildfires will become more intense. These events will lead to social unrest and a migration crisis that makes what Europe is experiencing seem like a family member overstaying their holiday welcome.

      Not a rosey picture, certainly, but if anything the analysis is superficial and understated.

      That said, it's likely some areas will fare better than others. How can we identify these oases? Some characteristics I think could give an area a good chance:

      • Equatorial - regions near the equator will see less temperature rise. An increase of two degrees C near the equator translates to something like 12 degrees C near the poles. Equatorial regions should see less temperature change.

      • 'Eternal spring' climate - found in high altitudes near the equator, it's about 20 degrees C (70 degrees F) year-round with dry and wet seasons. However wet seasons will probably get worse too, so maybe this is not ideal.

      • Water independence - should have access to potable water that does not rely on public infrastructure. Wells, springs, streams, etc.

      • Food independence - should have access to game or growing conditions that will not negatively be effected by global warming. Should not rely on fish for most protein needs.

      • Social cohesion - strong social bonds are ideal, however an openness towards outsiders is also ideal. I would write off most of the US right off. Too many guns and we can't even agree people have a right to healthcare when things are relatively good. At the same time, I might not fare well in a country like Japan where nobody even litters, but they also don't trust foreigners.

      • Not New Zealand - apparently this is where the rich people are going. No thanks, unless guillotine expertise makes me eligible for a worker visa.

      What else would you look for? Does anywhere fit the bill? Maybe we can create a post-Apocalyptic community dedicated to high-quality content and discussion.

      7 votes
    4. What makes an open collaboration project successful?

      For those unfamiliar an open collaboration is just a broader term than open source describing non software related projects like Wikipedia. I have been thinking a lot about how much potential...

      For those unfamiliar an open collaboration is just a broader term than open source describing non software related projects like Wikipedia.

      I have been thinking a lot about how much potential exists in open collaboration and somewhat confused we don't see more of it. I know that at least in open source software a significant portion of projects die or lose support. Why is this?

      5 votes
    5. Mobile use

      I got the new iPhone and my home screen shortcut to Tildes was removed. Found myself back on Reddit and just had an experience that reminded me how much distaste I have for their culture. Made me...

      I got the new iPhone and my home screen shortcut to Tildes was removed. Found myself back on Reddit and just had an experience that reminded me how much distaste I have for their culture.

      Made me wonder if we’ll ever have a native mobile app for Tildes. It’s really the biggest reason I’m not here far more often.

      I’m sure it’s been discussed and I know there are tons of competing priorities- only sharing my perspective :).

      12 votes
    6. If you had to choose only one meal to eat for every meal for the rest of your life what would it be?

      For me, its Eggs Benedict. Perfectly hand poached eggs, fresh scratch made hollandaise, fresh baked english muffins, ham steak (maybe add some spinach to make a Benedict/Florentine hybrid) served...

      For me, its Eggs Benedict.

      Perfectly hand poached eggs, fresh scratch made hollandaise, fresh baked english muffins, ham steak (maybe add some spinach to make a Benedict/Florentine hybrid) served with potatoes O'Brien and an espresso. mmmm.....

      9 votes
    7. Analyzing a drunken mind.

      have i ever done post-drunken poetry before? i've got to be breaking some sort of rule with the amount i've been spamming this site over the last four hours. I'm gonna go make breakfast and take a...

      have i ever done post-drunken poetry before?

      i've got to be breaking some sort of rule with the amount i've been spamming this site over the last four hours.

      I'm gonna go make breakfast and take a few days away to compensate.

      sorry. thanks for listening.

      much love

      i woke up after
      three hours of sleep
      took a look around my room
      and everything was tinted green
      had a sobering reminder about
      why i shouldn't drink
      i get caught up in the moment
      and try too hard not to think.

      i'd do anything to go numb,
      i'm afraid of that side of me.
      it's hard, i hate myself
      when in the middle of sobriety.
      the room is tinted yellow as
      the sunlight slips in quietly
      i'm at a fork in the road,
      man, i gotta choose carefully.

      to the left a road of headaches,
      heartache, a masochistic fantasy
      take everything the hard way.
      drunken, spinning memories
      thinking of the good days,
      accepting they're behind you
      and your options won't change.
      you're numb but somehow bitter
      life is shorter, and it starts to fade.

      off right a path of effort and torment,
      pushing through the years of shit
      that you drink just to forget.
      the subtle kisses on your forehead
      are bullets of a war chest
      you're naked and afraid and
      your perspective's all distorted
      tryna shake your obsession with the morbid
      it's been about a year since you last felt worth it.

      and say you choose the better
      of the two, here's the evil thing.
      the second road is always there,
      quiet, calm, and glistening.
      internal scars and all the
      hurt will start to dissipate
      just share another secret,
      close your eyes, and disintegrate

      you're still quite young,
      there's time to do the right thing.
      maybe depression in aesthetic
      isn't really worth you dying
      and you won't find steady love
      by telling everyone you're crying
      that just attracts the broken, you
      need something solid and inspiring
      to all of you who noticed,
      heard my wishes and my wailing

      i'll switch to water, hope
      that better starts prevailing

      3 votes
    8. Why do you lock your smartphone?

      I'm genuinely curious. I'm a late adopter FWIW and am still rocking an older iPhone that doesn't support any face recognition or finger prints. But I don't use a pass code either, and never have,...

      I'm genuinely curious. I'm a late adopter FWIW and am still rocking an older iPhone that doesn't support any face recognition or finger prints. But I don't use a pass code either, and never have, and doubt I ever will. I just don't get it... what are folks afraid of happening if they don't lock their phone? I suppose the "nightmare" scenario would be someone steals your phone and then messages your contacts asking for $. Is that it?

      I've always practiced greater digital security than physical security (counting the phone unlock as physical) as I think it much more likely that a ne'er-do-well would attack some large company than to single me out in person. I mean if the FBI or some hacker is going through my garbage then I probably have larger problems, right?

      For me it's cost/benefit - swiping/fingerprinting/face IDing multiple times a day is not worth the slim chance that my phone is stolen by someone who going to use the info in it for something nefarious. I wouldn't lock my car if I was in/out of 20x a day, I just wouldn't leave anything terribly valuable in it.

      Please let me know why locking your phone is/isn't important to you.

      EDIT: To be clear, I have one banking app and it requires an additional password to get in. It's an app so there isn't a saved password for it anywhere.

      EDIT2: Made this as a comment below, but thought I'd add it up here as well - "I find it strange that people in general seem to be OK with putting up with an inconvenience (even though minor to many) that affects them multiple times a day, but we hold large companies almost wholly unaccountable for major data breaches. "

      EDIT3: This just occurred to me. We lock our phones, but not our wallets/purses. The argument that a pass-code is a protection against identity theft rings sort of hollow when we consider we have much of the same info on an ID card that we keep unprotected. Some states will even list the SSN on a driver's license.

      EDIT4: I'm convinced everyone thinks their personal lives are terribly interesting to strangers and my suspicion is they're not. Only two real cases of bad things happening when a phone is unlocked that I've counted so far: 1) long distance calls 2) pokemon themed contacts.

      EDIT5: That said, sounds like the fingerprint scanner is the way to go for convenient security. I'll be checking that out. Sincere thanks!

      EDIT6: Some folks said that edit 4 came off as condescending. Not my intention. I was trying to tie in the idea of "everyone being the main character in their own story." I'm definitely not implying that people should leave their phones unlocked because others wouldn't find their lives uninteresting.

      I think many have a personal connection to their devices that I do not feel. Intellectually I find that very interesting as this seems less a monetary issue and more a privacy issue. It'd be as if a stranger picked up a lost diary and started reading. I fear my diary would be more like a ship captain's logbook and wholly uninteresting. If I were to have my phone stolen I'd simply change a couple passwords and buy a new one.

      32 votes