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    1. Given our Non-Profit nature, wouldn't having a "Gold" option make sense?

      Forgive me if this has been posted before, I am still pretty new here. Coming here having the option to "Gild" was something I kinda just assumed would be a thing. Obviously it wouldn't need to be...

      Forgive me if this has been posted before, I am still pretty new here.

      Coming here having the option to "Gild" was something I kinda just assumed would be a thing.

      Obviously it wouldn't need to be call "Gold" or "Gilding", those are just terms from some other site that I know all of us will understand.

      I have always liked the idea of users buying made up medals for topics and comments they felt the need to reward. It gives the users a sense of accomplishment/reward and gets the devs little micro donations.

      Currently the most valuable material in existence is antimatter, so maybe a little "AM" medal?

      EDIT: Something I also meant to mention, but forgot, was the badge system on DeviantART.

      dA has always had these little pixel llama badges that I thought were really cool. The basic concept was/is that you can gift someone a little llama if you think they or their art is cool or for any reason you want. These llamas stack on your profile. People can additionally gift gear for existing llamas and the site occasionally gives out rare llamas (and other badges) for milestones, events or promotions.

      I think a hybrid of reddit's gilding system and a badge system (like dA's) could be really cool.

      27 votes
    2. Struggling to find a new TV show to watch? Check out my Google doc detailing shows I've watched, shows I'm currently watching, and shows I want to watch. All with IMDB links and ratings.

      Link to Google doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Hc-Ti6Pff_qUZLAfzzL7WjhFNh2m_XPvMkdYBL6mLzI/edit?usp=sharing I created this document a while back and update it every couple months....

      Link to Google doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Hc-Ti6Pff_qUZLAfzzL7WjhFNh2m_XPvMkdYBL6mLzI/edit?usp=sharing

      I created this document a while back and update it every couple months. There's an Introduction tab with guidance on how to browse the spreadsheets, which I've copied below for reference:

      (1) This document outlines various TV shows and is broken up into 3 tabs: Watched, Watching, and Want to Watch.

      Watched: Shows I've completed through series finale or given up on. Some of these were canceled early.

      Watching: Shows I'm actively watching day-to-day or shows in between seasons that will air new episodes in the future.

      Want to Watch: Shows I haven't started and want to watch. Many of them are recommendations I jotted down to avoid forgetting, so this list will sometimes be unalphabetized.

      (2) Certain columns of information were exported directly from IMDB, and the page for each show is linked in the rating from the IMDB column.

      (3) On the Watched and Watching tabs, there are columns for Recommend? and Notes to provide background that will help decide what to watch. Don't let any of my negative comments stop you from watching a show you're interested in.

      (4) The Recommended? column is divided into the following categories: Must Watch, Yes, Maybe, No. These are all based on personal opinion with extra discussion/information in the Notes column.

      (5) I've shared this with most people using View Only permissions, so download the Excel file (or copy to your Drive account) to filter columns by genre, rating, and personal recommendation.

      Disclaimer: not everyone will have the same tastes as me - that's okay. I welcome any disagreement about how I've rated shows and hope to get some discussion going.

      • What shows have I missed that I need to watch?

      • What shows did I strongly recommend that you didn't like?

      • What shows did I give up on too early?

      I expect to take some heat for quitting Brooklyn 99 around season 3.

      • What shows haven't come out that I should keep an eye out for?

      Like Jack Ryan which debuts this month.

      • How can I improve the document?

      I considered including a column with the show's network or where it can be legally streamed, but this is pretty tedious given the nature of broadcast rights.

      35 votes
    3. sometimes in life its enjoyable to take a step back and realize that everyone is a protaginst in their own little world.

      I notice this from time to time. That mailman? He probably is holding this job to feed his family. Same with the 40 year old man at your local grocery store. Its just mind boggling, the scale and...

      I notice this from time to time. That mailman? He probably is holding this job to feed his family. Same with the 40 year old man at your local grocery store. Its just mind boggling, the scale and scope of this world; we retreat into our own little world at times yet the world is not small, its huge.

      also i spelled protagonist wrong oops

      21 votes
    4. General plans for the week

      As mentioned last week, I've stopped making the official Daily Discussion posts, but I'd still like to have this general weekly one on Mondays to talk a bit about my overall intentions for the...

      As mentioned last week, I've stopped making the official Daily Discussion posts, but I'd still like to have this general weekly one on Mondays to talk a bit about my overall intentions for the upcoming week.

      This week, my main focus is definitely going to be working through more open-source-related tasks, especially reviewing the open merge requests that people have contributed. It's been great to see people diving right in and contributing significant features already, there's some really exciting stuff in there—username notifications, post saving, 2-factor authentication support, and even more. So I want to try to get through reviewing most or all of those in the near future (and deploy some when they're ready).

      Beyond that, there's still a fair amount of documentation and other things related to the open-sourcing that I'd like to do, and (as mentioned last week), I've now got most of the work for user-page pagination done but haven't quite had a chance to finish it up yet. There are also some company-side things that need attention, including looking into applying for some grants that I should be eligible for now that the code has been open-sourced.

      I think we also need to bring in another significant-size group of users fairly soon. Some people have been giving out invites on reddit in /r/tildes and other locations where the site's been brought up, and I expect we'll also do one of the official invite threads this week too (which tends to bring in a lot). To help with that a bit, I've given everyone 5 invite codes again (you can get them here), but if you have some way that you'd like to invite more people through and need more codes, just send me a message and let me know.

      40 votes
    5. Migration of sub-tags/communities

      Was asked to post here about this: Is there a plan for migrating sub-tags (or top-level groups too)? The scenario I'm thinking of is that things may either fork, or change their name unanimously....

      Was asked to post here about this:

      Is there a plan for migrating sub-tags (or top-level groups too)? The scenario I'm thinking of is that things may either fork, or change their name unanimously.

      Let's say a tech product changes its official name from XX to be YY, Would there be a way to migrate
      ~tech.XX.stuff to ~tech.YY.stuff?

      I can't say that this will be a common occurrence, but may affect historical usefulness of the tagging system, as people looking for things in the past won't be able to easily - plus it may divide communities once existing (do they keep posting in the old tag or the new one?).

      For now, this isn't too important as @Deimos (from what it seems?) is in charge of creating new topics and presumably modify them too, but for the future (according to this) we may start having user created groups pop-up.


      3 votes