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    1. England/India First Test so far

      Urgh, this is not amazing cricket so far. There's been some good play in parts but overall it feels fairly scrappy from both sides. How many catches have the English slips dropped so far? (mind...

      Urgh, this is not amazing cricket so far. There's been some good play in parts but overall it feels fairly scrappy from both sides. How many catches have the English slips dropped so far? (mind you, the Indians dropped a few this afternoon too)

      My cricket coach at school was a delightfully gnarly old Yorkshire dude who would repeatedly drill into us "catches win matches lads, catches win matches" before making us do more catching drills.

      I feel like I've been defending Cooke's performance for too many years now, I can't believe we don't have someone else who can open the batting reliably. He doesn't need to hit out, just stay in. On the plus side, Sam Curran seems to be finding his feet. He's only 20 but I feel like he could go far. He might have saved this match for England today.

      OK, so I started writing this post while watching the highlights, just as England's second innings finished and now, just a few minutes later India are down five wickets, 84 needed to win, and England's bowling attack are on fire. It's all got very interesting all of a sudden.

      Non-cricket fans - the Test format is the one you guys generally seem to particularly baffling/frustrating. It's a five day match where nothing can happen for hours on end, and the game can end with no winner.

      6 votes
    2. Respect for flags and other national symbols

      So, I am currently attending a big scouting event in Europe and there are people from over 50 different countries. And I have noticed, that quite a lot of them are acting (at least for me) in a...

      So, I am currently attending a big scouting event in Europe and there are people from over 50 different countries. And I have noticed, that quite a lot of them are acting (at least for me) in a very disrespectful manner towards the flag. Starting with the smaller thinngs, most people have flag tied on a rope between their tents (the flag is tied in top left and top right corners). In my opinion, it should only be tied on the left side, while the right is hanging freely. But I can kind of understand that, because the flag is much more visible, it's easier and nicer to do it this way. However, it gets worse. Earlier today, when it started drizzling, I saw some people using their flag as head protection. And, in my opinion the biggest sign of disrespect, when we had the opening ceremony, there were people laying their flag on the ground and sitting on it, not caring who steps on it or anything.

      What are your thoughts on this topic? Is this just me overreacting? Or do you think this is a serious problem?

      12 votes
    3. What are your most trusted news sources and why?

      My personal favorites are Vox and The Guardian because they have detailed articles often showing different perspectives on the same issue and site sources I find reputable. Some other sites I...

      My personal favorites are Vox and The Guardian because they have detailed articles often showing different perspectives on the same issue and site sources I find reputable. Some other sites I really like are ProPublica and Five Thirty Eight (especially their politics podcast).

      27 votes
    4. What do you think of sites like Kialo.com?

      For those unfamiliar Kailo.com is a site somewhat similar to tildes in that it want to encourage rational discussion. Although it is also significantly different than tildes because it seeks more...

      For those unfamiliar Kailo.com is a site somewhat similar to tildes in that it want to encourage rational discussion. Although it is also significantly different than tildes because it seeks more to organize the discussion into claims that are evaluated independently.

      I tend to think the site has some potential and there might be ideas related to it that could benefit tildes. I'm interested in what aspects the community here likes about the site and what aspects might be worthwhile to incorporate.

      As a side note, do sites wanting to encourage rational thinking need more facilities to encourage the use of sources. One thing I've noticed about Kailo is that it's not every concerned with sourcing their claims with evidence.

      8 votes
    5. How do you discuss open minded topics with close minded people?

      On my way to work this morning, I saw a bumper sticker on a truck in front of me. It said "Ecology is not a religion", my first thought was this guy is an idiot, etc. etc. Then I began dismantling...

      On my way to work this morning, I saw a bumper sticker on a truck in front of me. It said "Ecology is not a religion", my first thought was this guy is an idiot, etc. etc. Then I began dismantling the entire bumper sticker in my head while I drove. "Of course ecology isn't a religion, it is a science! -ology denotes a field of study!" I don't know why, I guess to reassure myself the world wasn't falling to pieces. This brought up a question that often crosses my mind but I've never had an answer for: How do you discuss open minded topics with close minded people?

      This doesn't necessarily have to focus on ecology and environmental issues, any "controversial" issue that one side might become completely close minded to could qualify. Homosexuality, gender identity, gun rights, and privacy all come to mind. If you spend any amount of time on Internet forums and boards, you've come across someone like this. No matter how much scientific fact, evidence and truth you show them, they simply deny it. They cherry pick what you presented to make their point, they pull the fake news card, etc. How does one deal with this?

      In my mind, I don't think there is any way one can deal with it. How do you reason with someone who is explicitly rejecting reason? I'm not asking "how do you change their mind?", doing such a thing is quite difficult and shouldn't be the primary goal of a debate (though it could be a byproduct of a healthy debate). I don't like to attribute one's opinions on some topic to their entire personality. Just because I disagree with them doesn't make them bad, nor I to them. Sometimes, this is a hard pill to swallow. How do you a) converse or debate with these people with an end product being improved mindsets on both sides, and b) swallow the proverbial pill?

      In the end, we all need to talk to each other, or else we end up in 2018 where the sitting president rejects scientific fact, politicians are being elected on planks of homophobia, racism, and denial of science, and intolerance is the new norm it seems.

      36 votes
    6. How does language change our perception of reality? Does it reflect fundamental limitations of human understanding?

      After seeing some interest in philosophical discussion threads in this group last night, here's one for all of you. Ever since I watched the movie Arrival and saw this quote, I've had this set of...

      After seeing some interest in philosophical discussion threads in this group last night, here's one for all of you.

      Ever since I watched the movie Arrival and saw this quote, I've had this set of questions about humans and how our minds and our perception of reality is influenced by language. I'm going to throw some of those questions out below as a discussion starter and see where we end up. Sorry they're a bit general, feel free to restate any of them to be more specific or more interesting to you.

      How does language limit us? Is our inability to really understand and explain concepts such as quantum reality, existence past an event horizon, or a scenario without spacetime (e.g. prior to the big bang) a product of the limitations of language or is it a fundamental limitation of humanity? Can language evolve to be able to capture such concepts? If language does evolve, how will it affect our perception of reality?

      13 votes
    7. music.

      bishop. tw: death i remember the day that they died. you called me at work in the middle of my shift shooken up, you wailed and cried you were hours away divorce was on the horizon your mother she...


      tw: death

      i remember the day that they died.
      you called me at work in the
      middle of my shift shooken up,
      you wailed and cried
      you were hours away
      divorce was on the horizon
      your mother
      she went to get the last of her things
      brothers in tow, each under her wings
      wanting to grab their toys, their cars,
      living in an apartment, left the trampoline

      the pool's mostly empty now, and green.

      i was always taught that ghosts scream
      that any haunted house is a broken record
      out of a low-budget horror scene
      blood on the walls, ripped at the seams,
      what they never tell you in the movies
      is that the real scare is going to the house
      six months later and finding it empty

      and silent.

      all that's left is the memory of the violent
      no one left to water the yard
      grass is yellow, in the garden
      wilted violets
      and the paintings still hang on the walls.
      the lamp is still there on the nightstand
      the pots and pans are still in the kitchen
      the paper is still on the desk
      everything is still where it should be
      every item right where it was left
      except this sudden void in your soul
      and the unending feeling of being depressed
      and lost,


      a lost lamb in a land once shared
      a home where you would draw or write
      and now all that's left is light
      flittering in through the windows
      that just feels so out of place
      paintings on the floor covering up
      the holes where the bullets laid
      open casket you broke down
      at the sight of his little face

      god what a fucking monster

      two years now since the day you lost her
      and i have no idea how you are.
      i took it upon myself to watch over you, a foster
      and hoped to show you real love after this imposter
      came into your life and ripped it in pieces
      with this targeted hatred and ceaseless screaming
      god if i could go back in time.

      even still now i wish to trade their lives for mine

      even if it just meant another day,
      maybe one last time for you to
      share a smile or say goodbye
      to make peace and hug your mom
      or read harry potter to your brothers here
      in person and not occasionally from beyond
      the grave that plays that same god-fucking-forsaken
      song as the house does when you visit.


      why dont they play music in the graveyards.

      why dont they play music in the graveyards.

      7 votes
    8. Pope revises catechism to say death penalty is 'inadmissible'

      Current news: Catholic News Service: Pope revises catechism to say death penalty is 'inadmissible' British Broadcasting Corporation: Pope Francis declares death penalty inadmissible in all cases...

      Current news:

      Catholic News Service: Pope revises catechism to say death penalty is 'inadmissible'

      British Broadcasting Corporation: Pope Francis declares death penalty inadmissible in all cases

      Australian Broadcasting Corporation: Pope Francis changes teachings to oppose death penalty in all cases

      New York Times: Pope Declares Death Penalty Inadmissible in All Cases

      The lead-up:

      CNN (3 years ago): Death penalty showdown: The Pope vs. the Supreme Court

      America: The Jesuit Review of Faith & Culture
      (1 year ago): Pope Francis: The death penalty is contrary to the Gospel

      And... a contrary opinion from The Catholic World Report one year ago: Why the Church Cannot Reverse Past Teaching on Capital Punishment

      22 votes
    9. Two-Factor Auth / Security

      I’m still in awe of what’s happening here and wish I had a crystal ball to see the change this type of community will drive in broader social discourse. If that goal is realized, there will be...

      I’m still in awe of what’s happening here and wish I had a crystal ball to see the change this type of community will drive in broader social discourse. If that goal is realized, there will be very sophisticated folks looking to disrupt that progress.

      As a security guy (especially in light of Reddit’s recent announcement) I had a few questions!

      1.) How open are we to integrating some type of optional 2FA for users? Maybe a simple TOTP integration?
      2.) Are the admins of the site implementing the right amount of fundamental controls for the backend? I’m 100% happy to provide thoughts on this if necessary! The decisions you make now, could impact us 5-6 years from now. And they’re oh-so-easy to change this early :-D.

      16 votes
    10. Visual ~creative prompt for the weekend (2018-0727)

      In honor of starving artists everywhere, the topic for this thread is "scant". Feel free to open it up to interpretation as literal or loose as you'd like Whatever medium works best for you! Even...

      In honor of starving artists everywhere, the topic for this thread is "scant".

      • Feel free to open it up to interpretation as literal or loose as you'd like
      • Whatever medium works best for you! Even though I labelled the thread as "visual", it would be great to see work from any writers or musicians if any would like to participate as well.
      • Entry should be your own work
      • Multiple entries are great if you feel inclined

      @userexec won the last round of the Visual Weekly Activity. I don't want to steal the glory, but I also got ants in my pants. So this is an unofficial thread and hopefully userexec will chime in with a new official thread when they have time.

      Edit: moved the user tag down so the main topic is more visible.

      11 votes
    11. Is there appetite for a broader conversation on British news in particular, or UK Politics?

      I can see ~news becoming global or US specific and I think geolocational tildes would be useful. I do want to know if there is an appetite for this though - I recognise that there would be work...

      I can see ~news becoming global or US specific and I think geolocational tildes would be useful. I do want to know if there is an appetite for this though - I recognise that there would be work involved in moderating such a news tilde, so there has to be the interest.



      18 votes