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    1. crollo.

      nowadays i dont really feel alive just blending day to day fuck around to pass the time sitting on my hands, eating snacks watching tv. waiting for a change pray an angel comes to lift me maybe...

      nowadays i dont
      really feel alive
      just blending day to day
      fuck around to pass the time
      sitting on my hands, eating
      snacks watching tv.
      waiting for a change
      pray an angel comes to lift me
      maybe this is penance
      yeah, the cost of all the sinning
      all pointing to the night
      when you did some heavy drinking.
      bottle to your lips
      knife at the wrist
      her essence in your head
      you can't recall her voice
      but you recant the promises

      chant them like a cultist
      while you watch the silver dance
      and your press to the beat
      of your alcoholic pants
      sweat fills your hair
      haze fills the mind
      love, pain, and anger
      made your soul unwind
      now it lays there,
      exposed to open air
      only to be trampled on
      by those who should be there
      in a spot of rage you
      threw the knife into the floor
      rose from your chair and
      opened up the closet door
      only to write in red upon the white
      "STOP ME" in bold, what foresight

      you whip your head around
      try to shake the thoughts out
      you can't recall her face,
      now an obscure grey cloud
      that radiates depression
      makes you feel alone
      spent years with a person
      they can't once pick up the phone
      spent years with a person
      yet you can't recall her voice
      we said we loved us to death
      i'm finding truth in that choice
      you've suffered spring and summer
      now you're heading for the fall
      you look about your broken mind
      god-damn it all
      you thought you'd built a home
      you were in it for the haul
      appalled it's all dissolved
      your heart it calls for more resolve
      you miss her love, your home, your dog
      you drove your car into a wall.





      bones fractured top to bottom
      are the mind manifest
      codeine sponsored dreams of
      laying your head on her chest
      instead you feel a tightness on your neck
      and this ringing in your head
      you've got a neck brace, your mom's here,
      you're in a hospital bed.
      what's your name, and your birthday,
      perfect sir, where are you at?
      another nurse coming through
      to make sure my mind is still intact
      rib cracked, pelvic fracture, hooked
      up to an iv and a piss-bag
      you wore a seat belt and dont know
      if that's something to thank god for
      or be pissed at
      isn't this the kind of story
      that you wanted after all?
      just to be so down and broken
      hope someone saved you from the fall
      have someone to hold you, stroke your hair
      and tell you you can beat it all
      needing that, having a lack thereof
      you drove your car into a wall.

      10 votes
    2. Australia's barbaric policy confronted by Boochani's prison memoir

      Summary The article is an interview with Behrouz Boochani, a Kurdish refugee who has been detained by the Australian government on Manus Island since 2015. Boochani discusses his experiences of...


      The article is an interview with Behrouz Boochani, a Kurdish refugee who has been detained by the Australian government on Manus Island since 2015. Boochani discusses his experiences of detention and the book he has written about those experiences.


      I don't remember exactly when I started to write the first words but I remember that I thought my writing of this time was like a mission and duty ... to make readers aware of this prison camp. I imagined there would be unknown readers from around the world ... That's why I wrote it in a literary language. Not only for this historical period or those people who are involved in this plight ... I wrote this book so that it extends beyond geographical bounds and generational imaginaries.

      This chapter about the way they exiled us to Manus was one of the hardest parts to write … If you remember, years ago, I wrote a letter to you and complained that I was scared of writing, that I hate writing. You answered me, saying: ‘Behrouz I wrote about my relatives who were killed.’ Your grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins … I knew that I had to do it to survive. I knew that I could expose this system through these words … I could get back my identity through writing this book and not allowing this system to reduce me to a number.



      4 votes
    3. BlacKkKlansman

      Anyone seen this? I heard about this movie on NPR and decided to check it out. Wow! It's a great, well told story that pulls a lot of discreet threads together. As an aside from the main story of...

      Anyone seen this? I heard about this movie on NPR and decided to check it out. Wow! It's a great, well told story that pulls a lot of discreet threads together. As an aside from the main story of a black cop infiltrating the Ku Klux Klan it also references racist media of yesteryear like Gone With the Wind and Birth of a Nation. There are several moments that wink at Donald Trump's talking points and policies. There was a lot of reaction from the predominantly black crowd I was in, the connection was certainly noticed.

      And the end! Wow. Almost had me in tears, really brought me back to a year ago when I saw the Vice News on Charlottesville. I was in a theater in Richmond, VA about an hour from Charlottesville. You could have heard a pin drop right when the movie ended. I've never seen so many people get gut punched like that all at once. The timing of this movie was absolutely well thought out.

      12 votes
    4. Followup on standardization of tagging music genres

      So, as a followup to the music tagging thread from a few days ago, I would like to propose the following for discussion. Should all musical posts be tagged with at least one high-level musical...

      So, as a followup to the music tagging thread from a few days ago, I would like to propose the following for discussion.

      1. Should all musical posts be tagged with at least one high-level musical genre?

      The consensus from the last post appeared to be a yes on this. Please note:, this doesn't mean that anyone who submits a track is required to go look up / determine the best genre themselves. If they choose not to, one of the tag mods may do so for them while browsing. Further, we seemed to reach a consensus last time that in the future it would be best to automate this step as completely as possible.

      1. Which tags do we want to use?

      I / @Whom have done some digging and found several different schemes we might use as a basis. For convenience, I've reproduced them in a table for you below:

      <html> <head> <body>
      FreeDB Discogs Wikipedia Allmusic Rate Your Music
      Blues Blues Blues Blues Ambient
      Classical Brass & Military Classical Classical Blues
      Country Children's Country Country Classical Music
      Folk Classical Electronic Electronic Comedy
      Jazz Electronic Folk International Country
      Newage Folk, World, & Country Hip-hop Jazz Dance
      Reggae Funk / Soul Jazz Latin Electronic
      Rock Hip-hop Reggae Pop/Rock Experimental
      Soundtrack Jazz Religious R&B Field Recordings
      Latin Rock Rap Folk
      Non-Music Traditional Reggae Hip Hop
      Pop Industrial Music
      Reggae Jazz
      Rock Metal
      Stage & Screen Musical Theatre and Entertainment
      New Age
      Regional Music
      Sounds and Effects
      Spoken Word

      </body> </html>

      I think ideally we will be able to come up with (say) a list the size of wikipedia, allmusic or discogs such that determining the right genre isn't much of a burden on tag mods. In the future, we could expand this or even start inheriting the RYM genre hierarchy (e.g., Ska -> 2 Tone, Jamaican Ska, Spouge, Third Wave Ska)

      So with that out of the way, I think the best way to proceed is for each of you to either:

      A) Build a list of your own with one of these as a basis. We can count up how many people include a genre an count as a vote for it's inclusion.


      B) Argue for / against a specific genre's inclusion.

      Sound good? Did I miss anything?

      15 votes
    5. Writing Prompt: Four Lines of Dialogue Between Two People

      I came up with the following dialogue for a scene in a novella that I'm working on, and thought that if I stripped out the extraneous details it might make a decent writing prompt. What can you do...

      I came up with the following dialogue for a scene in a novella that I'm working on, and thought that if I stripped out the extraneous details it might make a decent writing prompt. What can you do with the following dialogue?

      "How could you keep this from me?"

      "You weren't ready --"

      "What gave you the right to decide I wasn't ready to know?"

      "You weren't ready to ask until now."

      What's the secret? Who's keeping what from whom? Why wasn't the first person ready to ask until now? That's for you to decide if you decide to use this.

      16 votes
    6. I finally finished a novel

      I've finally finished writing something. It's been about four years since I actually finished something nicely. I'm entering the editing phase, which generally takes longer... But I'm a bit...

      I've finally finished writing something. It's been about four years since I actually finished something nicely.

      I'm entering the editing phase, which generally takes longer... But I'm a bit excited.

      Hopefully this is an acceptable thing to talk about, and I'm going about things the right way.

      So... To spin off into discussion, here's two things:

      A part of the story:

      The ground rose up and struck Raul in the face.

      He blinked, stumbling backwards, seeing his master standing nearby.

      The old man was glaring, his hands clutched around a brightly coloured stone.

      Raul opened his mouth to question, but the old man was whisked away to a distance hillside, and the boy found himself tumbling head over heals backwards down a hillside.

      He scrambled onto his knees, staring as he found himself on the shore of the lighthouse.

      His master placed a solid hand on his shoulder, and muttered gibberish.

      Raul glanced up, but found himself staring at the light of the lighthouse.


      A bright light, round and round.

      Lightning struck him, and Raul screamed, stumbling backwards.

      The rod lay in front of him.

      He tore his gaze away with effort, and saw his master, hands outstretched, the stone of red, gold and silver floating between them.

      Almost as astonishing, the stone was clean.

      A hammer hit him between the eyes.

      Raul found himself stumbling behind his father, watching as the old man struck stone, separated it, revealing the river of solid copper within it.


      I'm hoping I've got the grammar at least semi-right. My illness means I can forget words, or my brain can replace words at random with others that it thinks are related.

      Any guidance or critique is welcome. (I'd give a bigger quote... But this is probably more than enough to discuss.)

      The build script I'm using:

      set -e
      if [ -z "$1" ]; then
        echo 'Please provide an output file name.' >&2
        exit 1
      echo 'Building...'
      cat title.txt > "$tmp"
      echo '' >> "$tmp"
      cat LICENSE.md >> "$tmp"
      echo '' >> "$tmp"
      cat Prologue.md >> "$tmp"
      for file in 0*.md; do
        echo '' >> "$tmp"
        cat "$file" >> "$tmp"
      for file in 1*.md; do
        echo '' >> "$tmp"
        cat "$file" >> "$tmp"
      echo 'Converting...'
      pandoc --toc "$tmp" -o "$1" 2>/dev/null
      rm "$tmp"
      echo 'Done'

      title.txt is basically just YAML markup for pandoc. The other files should be fairly obvious.

      I'm silencing pandoc's output, because I make use of a self-reference to add comments to the Markdown, that get killed by the parser and never make it to the output:

      [//]: # (This is a Markdown comment. Isn't that cool?)

      However, as all the references point to themselves, pandoc warns.

      I'm using pandoc this time around, because it produces fairly clean files. I've used GitBook and Calibre in the past, and though the ebooks they produce work and look okay, the amount of crazy markup they produce means the books lag on some ereaders.

      However, that does make a lot of back and forth. Building, checking output, rebuilding, etc.

      20 votes
    7. Feature request: A better way to navigate unread comments in a thread

      I've found that the red (X new) indicator next to a thread's comment count on the main page keeps me coming back to the discussion to see the latest messages. This is a good thing, but the UX for...

      I've found that the red (X new) indicator next to a thread's comment count on the main page keeps me coming back to the discussion to see the latest messages. This is a good thing, but the UX for actually navigating through those messages leaves something to be desired.

      There are two relevant existing features I'd like to discuss:

      • All new comments since I last viewed the thread are highlighted with a conspicuous red stripe.
      • The sidebar on any given discussion page has a link to jump to the most recent comment.

      I use the most recent comment link in threads that I know only have one new comment. The link takes me right to it. But in threads with more than one new comment, it's a lot less foolproof. My only method for seeing them all is to scroll down the page and stop when I see a flash of that red stripe. This is tedious in busy discussions which both update frequently with new comments to read, and take a long time to scroll through every time I check them. It's also easy to miss something this way, and since comments are considered "read" after you load the page, there's no second chance to see whatever I missed.

      I'd like to propose a method for iterating through all unread comments on a page, either in chronological order (oldest first) or in order of appearance on the page. Or if @Deimos wants to get really fancy, some kind of hybrid sort that keeps nested comment chains grouped together for contextual continuity when navigating.

      This would require two controls: "Jump to next unread comment" and "Jump to previous unread comment." These could be "sticky" clickable icons on the page, or just some sort of keystroke (like , and . for previous and next, respectively) without a UI at all.

      An important secondary feature of this would be a count indicating both how many unread comments are on the page and how many within that set you have jumped to with this mechanism so far:

      Viewing 2 of 7 unread comments

      This could remain visible or only appear briefly when jumping to the next/previous unread, then fade away. It could also be shortened to something more minimal:


      That on-screen feedback would help prevent getting lost in busy threads with high unread counts, particular if the sequence is not determined by order of comment appearance on the page.

      Edit: Whoops, fixed my formatting error I didn't notice after posting.

      12 votes
    8. Tildes code of conduct

      Tildes code of conduct says Do not post anyone's sensitive personal information (related to either their real world or online identity) with malicious intent. Can you change that to just say don't...

      Tildes code of conduct says

      Do not post anyone's sensitive personal information (related to either their real world or online identity) with malicious intent.

      Can you change that to just say don't post personal info? Even if it's not done with malicious intent it should still be removed to protect people's privacy.

      Also while it does say to not post spam on tildes terms of service I think It should say that on the code of conduct.

      Edit: I mean posting personal info without consent and not public information.

      Telling someone how to contact a company would be fine but not posting someone's address.

      12 votes
    9. What's the Best Horror book you've read in the past year?

      I finished The Little Stranger last week. While I found the pacing very compelling, I felt some pretty palpable dissatisfaction in how everything ended. I can't quite put my finger on it...

      I finished The Little Stranger last week. While I found the pacing very compelling, I felt some pretty palpable dissatisfaction in how everything ended. I can't quite put my finger on it...

      9 votes
    10. Which character from a tv show do you admire and want to be more like?

      I'll go first. I'm currently rewatching Veronica Mars right now and find myself really admiring many of her traits. She is witty, sarcastic, intelligent, and capable. I think what sets her apart...

      I'll go first.

      I'm currently rewatching Veronica Mars right now and find myself really admiring many of her traits. She is witty, sarcastic, intelligent, and capable. I think what sets her apart from many other female protagonists is that she is not a martyr. If someone wrongs her, she will stand up for herself and in most cases get even. Her need to "get even" probably isn't actually a great personality trait, but I find it kind of refreshing.

      Does anyone else wish they were more like a certain character on tv?

      20 votes