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    1. ~music Listening Club 10 - ▣世界から解放され▣

      Hello all you good people, we made it to week 10! Here we've got this week's user-voted record: ▣世界から解放され▣ by ░▒▓新しいデラックスライフ▓▒░ ! From @Cleb: Internet Club takes a bizarre set of samples...

      Hello all you good people, we made it to week 10! Here we've got this week's user-voted record: ▣世界から解放され▣ by ░▒▓新しいデラックスライフ▓▒░ !

      From @Cleb:

      Internet Club takes a bizarre set of samples consisting of things from Dragon Ball to some random Japanese radio show and turns them into a glitchy, repetitive vaporwave project that sounds just a little bit unhinged.

      Here's the place to discuss your thoughts on the record, your history with it or the artist, and basically talk about whatever you want to that goes along with ▣世界から解放され▣. Remember that this is intended to be a slow moving thing, feel free to take your time and comment at any point in the week!

      If you'd like to stream or buy the album, it can be found on YouTube or bought on Bandcamp.

      8 votes
    2. W.B. Yeats "The Second Coming" (A favorite poem that's apropos for our times)

      The Second Coming Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed...

      The Second Coming

      Turning and turning in the widening gyre
      The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
      Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
      Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
      The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
      The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
      The best lack all conviction, while the worst
      Are full of passionate intensity.

      Surely some revelation is at hand;
      Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
      The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
      When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
      Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
      A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
      A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
      Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
      Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
      The darkness drops again; but now I know
      That twenty centuries of stony sleep
      Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
      And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
      Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

      • W.B. Yeats, 1919
      8 votes
    3. Programming Mini-Challenge: TicTacToeBot

      I've seen the programming challenges on ~comp as well as quite a few users who are interested in getting started with programming. I thought it would be interesting to post some 'mini-challenges'...

      I've seen the programming challenges on ~comp as well as quite a few users who are interested in getting started with programming. I thought it would be interesting to post some 'mini-challenges' that all could have a go at. I'm certain that many of you might find these pretty straight forward, but I still think there's merit in sharing different approaches to simple problems, including weird-and-wonderful ones.

      This is my first post and I'm a maths-guy who dabbles in programming, so I'm not promising anything mind-blowing. If these gain any sort of traction I'll post some more.

      Starting of with...



      You will be writing code for a programme that will check to see if a player has won a game of tic-tac-toe.


      The input will be 9 characters that denote the situation of each square on the grid.

      • 'X' represents the X-player has moved on that square.
      • 'O' represents the O-player has moved on that square.
      • '#' represents that this square is empty.


      |O| |X|
      |X|X|O|    The input for this grid will be O#XXXOO##
      |O| | |


      The expected output is the character representing the winning player, or "#" if the game is not won.

      (e.g. The expected output for the example above is '#' since no player has won)

      29 votes
    4. When is euthanasia acceptable? Where do we draw the line ethically?

      I recall recently seeing an article posted that was related to euthanasia, and I started thinking about the subject. I see both potential pros and potential cons associated with it. For example,...

      I recall recently seeing an article posted that was related to euthanasia, and I started thinking about the subject. I see both potential pros and potential cons associated with it. For example, there's the concern about family members or authority pressuring an ill person to opt for doctor-assisted suicide to ease financial burdens, for instance. There's also the benefit, on the other hand, of allowing someone who is terminally ill or guaranteed to live the rest of their life in excruciating pain the option to go out on their own terms. With proper oversight and ethical considerations, it generally seems to be an all-around ideal to provide an "opt-out" for those who would only continue to suffer and would rather not prolong it, as a merciful alternative to forcing them to live it out.

      But then there are some trickier questions.

      As a disclaimer, I spent nearly a couple of decades struggling through depression and have been surrounded (and still am surrounded) by people who struggle with their own mental illnesses. Because of this, I'm perfectly aware of the stigma and subpar treatment of mental illness in general. With that in mind, I completely recognize that there are certain conditions which are, at this time, completely untreatable and result in peoples' quality of life deteriorating to the point that they become perpetually miserable, particularly with certain neurodegenerative diseases.

      Thus, the question occurred to me: wouldn't such a condition be the mental health equivalent of a terminal illness? Would it not be unethical to force someone to continue living under conditions in which their quality of life will only diminish? Shouldn't someone who has such a condition, and is either of sound enough mind or with a written statement of their wishes from a time when they were of sound enough mind, be able to make the same decision about whether or not to opt to go out on their own terms?

      And yet, as reasonable as it sounds, for some reason the thought of it feels wrong.

      Is there something fundamentally more wrong about euthanasia for mental health vs. euthanasia for physical health? Is it just a culturally-learned ideal?

      More importantly, what makes euthanasia acceptable in some cases and not others? Which cases do you think exemplify the divide? Is there something more fundamental that we can latch onto? Is there a clear line we can draw? Is psychology itself just too young a field for us to be drawing that ethical line?

      I'm genuinely not sure how to feel about this subject. I would be interested in hearing some other thoughts on the subject. The questions above don't necessarily have to be answered, but I thought they could be good priming points.

      24 votes
    5. Shinrin-Yoku (Forest Bathing) and Nature Therapy: A State-of-the-Art Review

      Summary A study of the effect of Shinrin-Yoku or "forest bathing" (immersing oneself in nature by mindfully using all five senses) on human physiological and psychological systems. Extract In...


      A study of the effect of Shinrin-Yoku or "forest bathing" (immersing oneself in nature by mindfully using all five senses) on human physiological and psychological systems.


      In general, from a physiological perspective, significant empirical research findings point to a reduction in human heart rate and blood pressure and an increase in relaxation for participants exposed to natural GS. Even research involving the use of nature videos of the forest or the ocean have the same physiological effects. From a qualitative and psychological perspective, Danish participants reported a sense of safety, calm and overall general wellbeing following exposure or engagement with nature. South Korean participants with a known alcohol addiction and high pre-test scores of depression benefited more from the Forest Therapy Camp than participants with lower pre-test scores of depression and alcohol abuse. Differences in culture, gender, education, marital or economic status were not associated confounding factors in many of the empirical studies. Overall, our review of the literature, as illustrated in Table 1, points to positive health benefits associated with SY and NT while confounding factors were clearly identified by the researchers.



      4 votes
    6. Mummy yields earliest known Egyptian embalming recipe

      Summary The article describes the investigation of a 5,600-year-old mummy from Egypt, how it predates known mummification by 1,500 years, but uses ingredients still used thousands of years later....


      The article describes the investigation of a 5,600-year-old mummy from Egypt, how it predates known mummification by 1,500 years, but uses ingredients still used thousands of years later.


      Dating to some 5,600 years ago, the prehistoric mummy at first seemed to have been created by chance, roasted to a decay-resistant crisp in the desert. But new evidence suggests that the Turin mummy was no accident—and now researchers have assembled a detailed recipe for its embalmment.

      The ingredient list represents the earliest known Egyptian embalming salve, predating the peak mummification in the region by some 2,500 years. But this early recipe is remarkably similar to the later embalming salves used in extensive rituals to help nobles like King Tut pass into the afterlife.



      5 votes
    7. Scott Morrison is the new Prime Minister of Australia

      Key points: The petition for a party room meeting of the Liberal Party got 43 signatures, so Turnbull allowed the meeting to be called. The party room voted 45:40 to spill the leadership. Three...

      Key points:

      • The petition for a party room meeting of the Liberal Party got 43 signatures, so Turnbull allowed the meeting to be called.

      • The party room voted 45:40 to spill the leadership.

      • Three candidates nominated: Peter Dutton, Scott Morrison, Julie Bishop.

      • Bishop was eliminated in the first round of voting.

      • Morrison won the second round of voting against Dutton, 45:40.

      • As the leader of the Liberal Party, Morrison becomes the new Prime Minister... probably. It now depends on whether their coalition partners, the National Party, support the new Liberal leader (but they probably will: the alternative is to lose government).

      EDIT1: And Josh Frydenburg is the deputy leader of the Liberal Party. That does not make him the Deputy Prime Minister: that role goes to the leader of the National Party whenever the Coalition is in government.

      EDIT2: The news: http://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2018-08-24/scott-morrison-wins-leaderal-leadership/10160168

      Follow live here: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-08-24/live-turnbull-leadership-challenge-looms/10159462

      Some background on Scott Morrison: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-08-24/scott-morrisons-rise-to-prime-minister-of-australia/10160458

      20 votes
    8. What aspect of the LGBT community do you feel like is least discussed?

      I've been thinking about this lately and I always go back to feeling so ignorant for doing things like using the word gay to mean something bad or negative when I was younger. And it gets me to...

      I've been thinking about this lately and I always go back to feeling so ignorant for doing things like using the word gay to mean something bad or negative when I was younger. And it gets me to thinking about if things like that are discussed or if people even think that far into it. Which got me to thinking about what other aspects aren't being discussed or acknowledged widely enough.

      20 votes
    9. What are some good short-form episodic anime series? (Usually less than 10 minutes per episode)

      Short episodes can be great because they pack a lot of content into a short amount of time. Good for when you're in a hurry or have a short attention span. The ones that come to mind for me are:...

      Short episodes can be great because they pack a lot of content into a short amount of time. Good for when you're in a hurry or have a short attention span.

      The ones that come to mind for me are:

      10 votes
    10. Could we have a stickied list of all bans with reasons included?

      In the interest of transparency (and a little bit in statistics) it would be really cool to have a master banlist or at least a thread with links to all ban-worthy posts. This would help new users...

      In the interest of transparency (and a little bit in statistics) it would be really cool to have a master banlist or at least a thread with links to all ban-worthy posts. This would help new users understand what isn't acceptable in the community and allow for community discussion on what could be considered an unjustified ban or a weird influx of bad behavior. This wouldn't be super viable when the site goes public, but would be a neat implementation in Tildes' alpha state.

      14 votes