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  • Showing only topics with the tag "ask". Back to normal view
    1. Input please: How to identify the right IT project stakeholders

      I'd like your input for an article I'm writing. Let’s say you’re starting a new IT project. It could be custom software; perhaps it’s a migration to cloud services; maybe it’s a shiny new IoT...

      I'd like your input for an article I'm writing.

      Let’s say you’re starting a new IT project. It could be custom software; perhaps it’s a migration to cloud services; maybe it’s a shiny new IoT project.

      The point is that you're here to build something great. You’re in charge of the design (or an important part of it), and making sure that the resulting system makes everybody happy.

      How do you make sure that you are interviewing the right people to find out what “make them happy” looks like? What do you do to get input from the people who matter for the project’s success… without inviting so many suggestions that it’s impossible to deliver everything?

      Case in point: Ten years ago I was in charge of an online tech community. The company I worked for hired custom developers to build the software platform, but the developers never talked to me. They interviewed the boss, two levels above me (who just so happened to be the person who signed the checks) even though she had never used this online community or any other. Needless to say, the community software they delivered was horrible, missing basic-to-me features.

      Formally this process would be called “identifying the project stakeholders” or “master the requirements-gathering process” but that seems too corporate-speak. I’m looking for real-world examples of what works and what doesn’t, so I can write a genuinely useful article with practical guidelines.

      Note that this is NOT about the questions to ask those stakeholders; that’s another discussion. Here I am writing merely (merely!) about making sure you are speaking to the people whose input you need.

      My questions:
      • How do you decide which people to ask for input? In what way do you find those people? How do you know when you have everyone you should?
      • How do you decide whom NOT to invite? Where do you draw the line?
      • Tell me about the manner in which you learned that lesson. (The hard way. Anecdotes are good.)
      • If you want to be quoted (it's good for business!) tell me (via PM) how to refer to you in the article: Name, title, company name, short company description, URL.

      7 votes
    2. What have you been listening to this week?

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something! If you've just picked up some music, please update on that as...

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something! If you've just picked up some music, please update on that as well, we'd love to see your hauls :)

      Feel free to give recs or discuss anything about each others' listening habits.

      You can make a chart if you use last.fm:


      Remember that linking directly to your image will update with your future listening, make sure to reupload to somewhere like imgur if you'd like it to remain what you have at the time of posting.

      13 votes
    3. What are some good entry points for getting into poetry?

      I like the idea of poetry, but I almost never actually read it. My knowledge of the form is pretty much limited to a handful of popular classics that I had to read back in high school; one or two...

      I like the idea of poetry, but I almost never actually read it. My knowledge of the form is pretty much limited to a handful of popular classics that I had to read back in high school; one or two poems each from Robert Frost, Emily Dickinson, Langston Hughes, Walt Whitman, and Shakespeare.

      Where do I start if I want to dip my toes into poetic waters? What are some good poems/compilations for poetry novices? I'm particularly interested in modern, contemporary voices, but I'm open to anything.

      19 votes
    4. Risk of Rain 2 thoughts and impressions

      Some of you may have heard that the bright minds behind Risk of Rain have made their next effort with the help of an added dimension. Risk of Rain 2 released on Early Access lately, to many...

      Some of you may have heard that the bright minds behind Risk of Rain have made their next effort with the help of an added dimension. Risk of Rain 2 released on Early Access lately, to many peoples' surprise and joy. I played a decent bit of the original, but never managed to get into it. Something about 2D scrollers like that puts me off hard, but I respected the hell out of the awesome art, fantastic music, and neat synergies/shenanigans throughout the game.

      Risk of Rain 2, so far, has been an absolute blast and I'm super happy for the devs. They received way more support than they initially expected upon launch, and the buy 1 get 1 gift key strategy did wonders for them. I've been steadily playing this game with friends and after the initial Diablo 2 loot stealing shenanigans, we've all managed to memorize items, learn builds, and work out what survivalists we like. This game is a killer time-killer; I've spent what I thought was 10 minutes in one match only to glance at the timer and read that 70 minutes have passed. This game almost feels like it's a finished product, and the devs aren't even done yet. I'm super psyched for all the new stuff we'll get to see and experiment with.

      I'm also curious as to what anyone else thinks. Has anyone played enough to share their opinions? Did anyone not enjoy their time with the game? Please share!

      13 votes
    5. Weekly Language Exchange Thread, Week 2019-W15 (experimental)

      It is Wednesday, my dudes! So why not have some good old foreign-language practice? As an experiment, let's try just that. Start a thread in a language you would like to practice or teach, or...

      It is Wednesday, my dudes! So why not have some good old foreign-language practice? As an
      experiment, let's try just that. Start a thread in a language you would like to practice or teach,
      or reply to an existing one. E.g.

      ## German / Deutsch
      Hier sprechen wir Deutsch! Wie geht es Ihnen?

      If you want to fix someone's grammar and also reply to them in the same message, I would recommend
      using a horizontal ruler with “* * *”. E.g.:

      I think “sich” should be “ihm”.
      * * *
      Es tut mir Leid, dass es ihm so schlecht geht.
      11 votes
    6. Switching from Win10 to something else: What are my options?

      Win10's issues and walled-in options are driving me nuts lately. I have a variety of software like Illustrator, Photoshop, Blender, Tidal the Office Suite and Solidworks that I use very...

      Win10's issues and walled-in options are driving me nuts lately. I have a variety of software like Illustrator, Photoshop, Blender, Tidal the Office Suite and Solidworks that I use very frequently. I really can't not use those. I'd also like to play Steam games.

      However, I'd like to use a non-bloated and stupid end user-only OS since win10's shenanigans are driving me mad, but I'm not super tech-savy either(though I'm learning).

      Is it feasible to switch over to another OS that offers more freedom in the things I want, but still can run the above programs? If so, which? If not, how should I cope with win10?

      14 votes
    7. Should I go to college for computer science?

      I have an undergrad degree in polisci. I was planning on going to law school, but got rejected everywhere I applied. I am really reconsidering going to law school. Last couple years, I realized...

      I have an undergrad degree in polisci. I was planning on going to law school, but got rejected everywhere I applied. I am really reconsidering going to law school. Last couple years, I realized that I have a genuine interest in coding, and I could pursue it as a career. I learned C++ with online tutorials, and I think I am proficient at it, or at least have the potential to be much better.

      Anyway, money is tight, so I would really appreciate any input you have about a career change. Thank you!

      (If this belongs on another sub, please let me know)

      EDIT: I am in the U.S. I can move states if necessary.

      24 votes
    8. If you had to point out a song in a foreign language either for its catchiness or content, what would it be?

      I'd like to hear something different, and am curious about what both the current and past trends have been so anything's welcome really! Honestly it doesn't even have to have any sung parts;...

      I'd like to hear something different, and am curious about what both the current and past trends have been so anything's welcome really!

      Honestly it doesn't even have to have any sung parts; lately I've been getting in Berlin's indigenous techno scene and found myself with lots of remarkable material to listen to.

      Here are a few spotlights of mine:

      • A particularly good DJ session of Dirty Doering. His music is what's really pushed me to dip my toes into the techno scene; went to few of his nights and never regretted it so far.
      • Songs such as Le Temps de la Rentrée by France Gall, La Mer specifically sung by Julio Iglesias and Champs Elysees by Joe Dassin are some of my go tos when I'm cooking something.
      • HaifischNikez Allstar is a really good trashy song, pleasant in its own way in my opinion. Watch it as there's a jumpscare at the beginning of the video.
      • Any song by Caparezza. I won't link a specific one cause they're not exactly "melodic", moreso they are extremely clever in the wordplays he makes in each and every one. If i had to suggest an album of his I'd go for Museica.
      • Heard a number of catchy tunes while visiting Israel but ended up not knowing any specific title cause while there my phone died...

      edit: pointed out jumpscare

      18 votes
    9. Anyone play Tekken?

      I bought Tekken 7 about 6 months ago and have been seriously addicted to it ever since. My friend used to have all the old tekken games when we were really young but back then I just used to mash...

      I bought Tekken 7 about 6 months ago and have been seriously addicted to it ever since. My friend used to have all the old tekken games when we were really young but back then I just used to mash buttons.

      It's a tough game to learn and even play passably but the process of improving is very satisfying. Currently I've got Asuka to Vindicator (2nd yellow rank) and plan on sticking with her until I (eventually) reach high orange/ first red rank. Dabbled a little with Kazumi/Paul but I don't think switching characters is a good idea at this point.

      So do any tildinista's play Tekken?

      6 votes
    10. Home is where the _____ is.

      I’m in the process of moving house. We’ve been visiting the new house over the weekend, but we haven’t moved any furniture in yet. During our errands, my housemate said “let’s go home”, and it...

      I’m in the process of moving house. We’ve been visiting the new house over the weekend, but we haven’t moved any furniture in yet.

      During our errands, my housemate said “let’s go home”, and it took me a moment to realise that he was referring to the new house. He was being slightly facetious, but it made me think. That new house obviously isn’t “home” yet, but when will it be “home”?

      I realised there are two answers for me: a functional one and a psychological one.

      The functional answer for me is “home is where the bed is”. The day after I’ve moved my bed into the new house and have slept there overnight is the day I’ll refer to it as my home (as in “let’s go home”).

      The psychological answer is that it will feel like my home when I’m comfortable walking through the house in the middle of the night in bare feet – when I know the place well enough to walk around in the dark without anything to protect me from danger. I have to have lived in a place for a while for it to feel like home.

      So… what makes a place “home” for you? When you move into a new house or apartment or condo or tent or treehouse, what makes it feel like “home”? What’s that moment when you know that this house is now a home?

      18 votes
    11. What are people's thoughts on CAPITALIZATION in headlines/titles for EMPHASIS?

      One of my favorite YouTube channels, Linus Tech Tips, does this all the time, but I have seen many others doing this as well, and I personally find it rather obnoxious. I understand that it's more...

      One of my favorite YouTube channels, Linus Tech Tips, does this all the time, but I have seen many others doing this as well, and I personally find it rather obnoxious. I understand that it's more effective at getting them views, which they rely on to stay in business... but I see it as just another form of clickbait, and so when I submit LTT videos I tend to remove that capitalization.

      However, are there any cases where capitalization for emphasis is appropriate in a headline/title? And if not, should titles be edited to remove them?

      p.s. Acronyms and Initialisms are obviously different, so let's ignore those and put them in the "clearly acceptable" category.

      19 votes
    12. Conan Exiles is the free PS+ game this month, any Tilderinos playing it?

      Downloaded it, it is NOT noob friendly but seems like it will be fun once I get it figured out. Has been a somewhat annoying process. Figured out the crafting system, get killed by exiles. Start...

      Downloaded it, it is NOT noob friendly but seems like it will be fun once I get it figured out. Has been a somewhat annoying process. Figured out the crafting system, get killed by exiles. Start trying to set up a camp fire and make a little space, get killed by some hyena thing that was invisible due to server lag (on an official server, no less). Which, of course, results in losing everything.

      Anyone else playing it? What has your experience been like? Also looking for a good server/group to play with, although I probably will not be able to log in much since I have a fairly busy schedule.

      6 votes
    13. [SOLVED] I might switch my PC media player from VLC to something else due to potential data leaks. What other media player should I choose if I do so?

      edit: Problem solved, davidb informed me about the vulnerability in version 3.0.4, and that it is fixed in the new version 3.0.6. Somehow Spyhunter thinks i still use 3.0.4, which in turn is the...

      edit: Problem solved, davidb informed me about the vulnerability in version 3.0.4, and that it is fixed in the new version 3.0.6. Somehow Spyhunter thinks i still use 3.0.4, which in turn is the actual problem i had with Spyhunter, not VLC.

      Spyhunter 5 has been bothering me about potential data leaks from vlc media player. The vulnerability is generally based on publicly available information.
      It would be a shame if i have to switch, been using vlc for as long as i remember. It is probably the best media player out there, but i hate sharing my personal data in any way or form.

      Spyhunter msg:

      • Severity: Medium, VLC media player (Version 3.0.4)
        • The CAF demuxer in modules/demux/cad.c in VideoLan media player 3.0.4 may read memory from an uninitialized pointer when processing magic cookies in Caf files, because a ReadKukiChunk() cast converts a return value to an unsigned int, even if that value is negative. This could result in a denial of service and/or potential infoleak.

      Is this even anything to care about? I have updated VLC including removing cashe and still get the alert. Is a rollback another option perhaps?

      5 votes
    14. MLS Week 6: All Match Discussions

      LA Galaxy @ Vancouver Whitecaps Montreal @ NYCFC LAFC @ DC United Chicago Fire @ Toronto FC MNUFC @ New York Red Bulls New England Revolution @ Columbus Crew Colorado Rapids @ Orlando City SC FC...

      LA Galaxy @ Vancouver Whitecaps
      Montreal @ NYCFC
      LAFC @ DC United
      Chicago Fire @ Toronto FC
      MNUFC @ New York Red Bulls
      New England Revolution @ Columbus Crew
      Colorado Rapids @ Orlando City SC
      FC Dallas @ Philadelphia Union
      Portland Timbers @ San Jose Earthquakes
      Real Salt Lake @ Seattle Sounders
      Sporting Kansas City @ FC Cincinnati

      6 votes
    15. I want a budget mechanical keyboard. Help me.

      I'm looking for a cheap small factor mechanical keyboard. I love the looks of XD64 or a JJ50. How do i go about it? I Don't want the numpad, don't care about leds and prefer more retro/sober...

      I'm looking for a cheap small factor mechanical keyboard. I love the looks of XD64 or a JJ50. How do i go about it? I Don't want the numpad, don't care about leds and prefer more retro/sober styles than the ones with wings and dragons and lasers blazing across the keys.

      I live in Brazil, so i'll have to import everything. I'm looking to buy everything from one place if possible.

      I was looking at KPrepublic. What do i need for the xd64?

      1. Plastic case
      2. Key caps
      3. XD64 PCB with gateron switchs (Kit 10)

      Do i need plate and stabilizers? It's already $91 without it. If it's necessary, i think it would be a better idea to just buy a Durgod Taurus k320 since it's cheaper.

      What do you guys think?

      EDIT: Got a Magicforce 68 for $47. Thanks for the help!

      10 votes
    16. What are some good introductory books on video game theory and design?

      I'm looking into making a 2D video game just for fun, and I'd like to know some books on the subject. Not necessarily technical, since I got that covered with Godot Engine materials, but...

      I'm looking into making a 2D video game just for fun, and I'd like to know some books on the subject. Not necessarily technical, since I got that covered with Godot Engine materials, but brainstorming, planning, narrative, theory, etc... You know, some big-picture stuff!

      For convenience and personal preference, I much prefer books instead of videos and articles.

      12 votes
    17. What have you been listening to this week?

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something! If you've just picked up some music, please update on that as...

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something! If you've just picked up some music, please update on that as well, we'd love to see your hauls :)

      Feel free to give recs or discuss anything about each others' listening habits.

      You can make a chart if you use last.fm:


      Remember that linking directly to your image will update with your future listening, make sure to reupload to somewhere like imgur if you'd like it to remain what you have at the time of posting.

      15 votes
    18. Should harder games have "easy modes"?

      I presume a lot of you might have noticed the discourse surrounding Sekiro and the notion that games like Sekiro could benefit from having a complementary "easy mode". The discourse is hot, and...

      I presume a lot of you might have noticed the discourse surrounding Sekiro and the notion that games like Sekiro could benefit from having a complementary "easy mode". The discourse is hot, and the takes are flying left and right but I'm curious to what the people of Tildes think about it.

      25 votes
    19. Podcasting beginner tips

      I am considering to start an educative podcast in a couple months (just considering, nothing certain). I want to monetise it with a freemium model where the most elementary thing---the audio---is...

      I am considering to start an educative podcast in a couple months (just considering, nothing certain). I want to monetise it with a freemium model where the most elementary thing---the audio---is free or very cheap (e.g. $1 on Patreon), but handouts (non-essential but very useful) are slightly more expensive. It will probably be weekly to begin with, and I mgiht add some extra material if it will be viable financially. I can't really afford pro or prosumer gear at this point, so I'd like to avoid that if possible.

      My question is, what are your tips for a totally beginner podcaster like me? Either my case directly, or a more general newbie with little funds tobdedicate to this in the beginning.

      16 votes
    20. What are you reading these days? #16

      What are you reading currently? Fiction or non-fiction, any genre, any language! Tell us what you're reading, and talk a bit about it. Past weeks: Week #1 · Week #2 · Week #3 · Week #4 · Week #5 ·...

      What are you reading currently? Fiction or non-fiction, any genre, any language! Tell us what you're reading, and talk a bit about it.

      Past weeks: Week #1 · Week #2 · Week #3 · Week #4 · Week #5 · Week #6 · Week #7 · Week #8 · Week #9 · Week #10 · Week #11 · Week #12 · Week #13 · Week #14 · Week #15

      21 votes
    21. On Having No Head (D. E. Harding) - Help me understand

      I've been interested in meditation for some time now - tempted by the insight into the human condition that it purports to offer - but I haven't yet experienced any kind of 'breakthrough' moment...

      I've been interested in meditation for some time now - tempted by the insight into the human condition that it purports to offer - but I haven't yet experienced any kind of 'breakthrough' moment that has brought any clarity, let alone insight.

      I have read Sam Harris's Waking Up, and have done some of the course in his app. The most I've been able to achieve is to observe (and subsequently limit, control) getting angry. This has proven pretty useful but doesn't feel profound.

      Anyway, I'm now about half way through D. E. Harding's On Having No Head, and I am struggling with it.

      I keep telling myself to stick with it because what he's saying might become clear, but I'm finding the reasoning behind it to be wilfully obtuse at times. I fear I'm exposing myself as some kind of idiot in even asking about it, but can someone help me see his point?

      He talks about looking at what you're pointing at. Makes sense. I can see those things, therefore they're there.
      And then to point at your face. You can't see that. Ok. Makes sense. I can't see that, therefore it's not there?
      I can vaguely see a blur of my nose, but that isn't anything worth worrying about?

      But I can demonstrate that it's there. I can photograph it. I can look at it in a mirror. I can touch it and feel it (and it can feel).

      I feel like I'm the fool staring at a metaphor and screaming about it not being real but I can't see the bit I'm missing!

      Does anyone have any insight they can share?

      4 votes
    22. What have you been watching/reading this week? (Anime/Manga)

      What have you been watching and reading this week? You don't need to give us a whole essay if you don't want to, but please write something! Feel free to talk about something you saw that was...

      What have you been watching and reading this week? You don't need to give us a whole essay if you don't want to, but please write something! Feel free to talk about something you saw that was cool, something that was bad, ask for recommendations, or anything else you can think of.

      If you want to, feel free to find the thing you're talking about and link to its pages on Anilist, MAL, or any other database you use!

      6 votes
    23. What are your dreams like?

      I'm not a dream person. I haven't seen one, nor do I care when someone tells me their nonsensical dreams. But I was always open to the prospect of experiencing one myself. (And yeah,...

      I'm not a dream person. I haven't seen one, nor do I care when someone tells me their nonsensical dreams. But I was always open to the prospect of experiencing one myself.

      (And yeah, IknowIactuallyseethem andIjustcantremember and blah blah blah. Shut up already! I don't know why so many people feel entitled to tell you that, but it happens every time I mention I don't see dreams. I don't care: don't remember — didn't happen.)

      The closest things to dreams I experienced are a couple of times as a kid. They seem like dreams, and I remember them vividly, but I don't trust my memories from so long ago. Plus, kids are stupid, I may've just been imagining things in bed or something.

      I also have dream-like experiences sometimes. If I wake up from my alarm but don't get up and sleep again, then I may feel like I had a dream after I wake up. I'm pretty sure those aren't actual dreams because 1. I have a habit of fantasizing about being a hero in a fantasy world, or having a perfect job, or having a GF, while lying in bed. I don't feel like it was a dream when I wake up normally; but I figure when I sleep again for another hour, my mind still thinks up fantasies, which are amplified by drowsiness. So I remember them more strongly, especially since it's only an hour or so. And as far as I know, dreams only happen in REM sleep, which takes a couple of hours to get to. 2. I had similar experiences while driving in the back and on boring lectures. Except these times I was concious for the entire duration, so I knew I was just fantasizing, but it still felt more real because I was sleepy and bored, and it was very similar to what I remeber after that bad sleep habit.

      So I'm pretty sure I don't have dreams, but I'm excited to see one, and I'm happy to talk about them. In general, of course. Nobody gives a damn what you saw in your dream, but I'm interested to know how you saw it, what helped you see it, what you felt.

      Of course I'd like to hear about lucid dreaming, it's something I wanged to experience for a long time. But also about more general dreams, or if you also don't have any, or especially if you started to see them later in life.

      So, what are your dreams like?

      18 votes
    24. What let's play channels are good nowadays?

      So I really respect what can be done with the let's play format and think it can be great art in its own right, but I think it's in a bit of a rut. A lot of the older and more successful channels...

      So I really respect what can be done with the let's play format and think it can be great art in its own right, but I think it's in a bit of a rut. A lot of the older and more successful channels have gotten repetitive or otherwise stopped being worth watching, so I'd love some recommendations for creators who are currently putting out good work.

      Who do you think is making good content or even pushing the format forward?

      19 votes
    25. Tildes Docker Image

      Looking at the development setup page, the suggested setup is to use vagrant to create and provision a VM. Out of curiosity, is there a reason for this preference over setting up a Tildes Docker...

      Looking at the development setup page, the suggested setup is to use vagrant to create and provision a VM. Out of curiosity, is there a reason for this preference over setting up a Tildes Docker image inside the repo? Tildes seems like a pretty simple and straightforward web app, it shouldn't be difficult to create. Is it just a developer preference of Deimos/Tildes devs? Or is there a logistical reason?

      9 votes
    26. Megathread: April Fools' Day 2019 on the internet

      It's already started a little, but over the next day or so, the internet will be filled with jokes, pranks, fake "announcements" from companies, fun interactive activities, games, and so on. A lot...

      It's already started a little, but over the next day or so, the internet will be filled with jokes, pranks, fake "announcements" from companies, fun interactive activities, games, and so on. A lot of these can be quite clever and interesting so I think posting about them in general is fine, but in the interest of preventing them from completely taking over Tildes, let's try to keep as many of them restricted to this thread as possible. Ideally, a separate top-level comment for each individual item would be good.

      If something particularly discussion-worthy comes up (like an ARG or activity that a lot of people want to talk about), a separate thread is reasonable, but please make sure it has the "april fools day" tag. That way, if anyone wants to avoid seeing the April Fools' Day threads, they can use the topic tag filters and filter that tag out.

      I'm going to use the "official" styling for this topic (that's usually only for ~tildes.official topics) to make it stand out more to try to encourage people to notice it. My availability tomorrow will probably be limited, so if you notice people making individual topics for April Fools' Day things that don't really warrant their own topic, please (nicely) encourage them to delete and post in here instead.

      72 votes
    27. What are some of your favorite live performances viewable online?

      I'll start with one I found recently. This is Kings of Convenience and Feist playing an as of yet unreleased song: https://youtu.be/oFsFht0Z3mw And then for full shows I love this Bon Iver show...

      I'll start with one I found recently. This is Kings of Convenience and Feist playing an as of yet unreleased song: https://youtu.be/oFsFht0Z3mw

      And then for full shows I love this Bon Iver show (Pioneer Works 2016): https://youtu.be/YJNi7aRwUzU

      And this Deerhunter show (Best Kept Secret 2018): https://youtu.be/X2EuD9C8VbA

      16 votes
    28. What are you playing this week?

      Inspired by @Whom's music and anime threads What have you been playing to this week? You don't need to be playing the latest games, nor do you have to write gigantic essays. This is just a space...

      Inspired by @Whom's music and anime threads

      What have you been playing to this week? You don't need to be playing the latest games, nor do you have to write gigantic essays. This is just a space to talk games!

      Feel free to give recommendations, thoughts, opinions. Chat about playstyles and habits! Reminisce about games and mechanics long gone, or coming back!

      27 votes
    29. How much testing do you guys do?

      Pretty straight forward question, but basically I was watching a discussion panel the other day talking about the ethics of Self-Driving cars. A topic came up about people writing crappy code, and...

      Pretty straight forward question, but basically I was watching a discussion panel the other day talking about the ethics of Self-Driving cars. A topic came up about people writing crappy code, and more than that, people not testing their code. And if they do, they do point testing. I am in my last semester of uni and I am working with some companies where we are doing pretty extensive testing, happy flows and a lot of alternate flows, as well as UI/UX testing. I wanted to extend this question to you, do you guys do testing, what type? How much do you focus on it? And if u love it/hate it?

      12 votes
    30. Tipping thoughts?

      I apologize in advance for the massive flame war which will likely ensue but I'm not sure we have a thread for this yet. General thoughts on tipping? Not US specific, could be about anywhere

      14 votes
    31. What are you an "expert" on?

      I like to think I have broad interests. Part of what I like about Tildes at this stage in its growth is that I'll probably encounter folks who are highly knowledgeable about areas I'm totally...

      I like to think I have broad interests. Part of what I like about Tildes at this stage in its growth is that I'll probably encounter folks who are highly knowledgeable about areas I'm totally ignorant in, simply because the userbase isn't too fragmented into niche groups quite yet, but the convo won't necessarily be too esoteric for me to follow. I like encountering tangential references that lead me into entirely unfamiliar topics, especially when I can learn from the people who are particularly interested in it. I tend not to post very often myself though (primarily because I'm a painfully slow and/or bad writer)... but I wondered how many other tilderinos are like me.

      So, in an effort to contribute to the site, what topic or field could you talk about for hours at Tildes level of discussion, whether by education or interest? Mine would undoubtedly be soccer. I've played and followed it for 30+ years, and could easily bore you with all sorts of minutiae of the on-field side of things, but it's the world's game, so there are all sorts of tie-ins to culture, language, politics, etc. that help inform my non-sport conversations as well.

      52 votes
    32. When did you first start watching anime?

      For the most part, I am a late-comer to anime. I'm in my 30s, and I didn't really get into anime until my late 20s when I started working as an artist and (occasionally) animator. My early...

      For the most part, I am a late-comer to anime. I'm in my 30s, and I didn't really get into anime until my late 20s when I started working as an artist and (occasionally) animator. My early exposure to anime before I was 25 was limited to Pokemon and Spirited Away (like most non-anime watching Americans). I enjoyed both, but just never really knew where to start with anime. It seemed like there was too much of it.

      SAO was the first anime to really hook me. I binged it, and really enjoyed it. Since then, I haven't stopped. I've watched so many movies and series, and I love discovering new ones regularly.

      So what about you? When did you start watching? And which have left a lasting impression on you?

      16 votes
    33. Tildes, what is your take on current terms of copyright?

      copyright terms in general are quite variable, but unless you live in the marshall islands, somalia, or a few scattered places where things usually aren't the best, chances are your copyright term...

      copyright terms in general are quite variable, but unless you live in the marshall islands, somalia, or a few scattered places where things usually aren't the best, chances are your copyright term is at least author's life + 50 years, and most likely author's life +70 years. my question, tildes, is: are terms like that too long? just right? too short? should there perhaps be something with copyright that isn't the case currently, like a difference in term between copyrights owned by individuals and copyrights owned by corporations? what would your optimal term of copyright be, tildes?

      18 votes
    34. What have you been listening to this week?

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something! If you've just picked up some music, please update on that as...

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something! If you've just picked up some music, please update on that as well, we'd love to see your hauls :)

      Feel free to give recs or discuss anything about each others' listening habits.

      You can make a chart if you use last.fm:


      Remember that linking directly to your image will update with your future listening, make sure to reupload to somewhere like imgur if you'd like it to remain what you have at the time of posting.

      13 votes
    35. MLS Week 5: All Match Discussions

      NYCFC @ Toronto FC NYRB @ Chicago Fire MNUFC @ New England Montreal @ Sporting Kansas City LAFC @ San Jose Philadelphia Union @ FC Cincinnati Atlanta United @ Columbus Crew Houston Dynamo @...

      NYCFC @ Toronto FC
      NYRB @ Chicago Fire
      MNUFC @ New England
      Montreal @ Sporting Kansas City
      LAFC @ San Jose
      Philadelphia Union @ FC Cincinnati
      Atlanta United @ Columbus Crew
      Houston Dynamo @ Colorado Rapids
      FC Dallas @ Real Salt Lake
      Seattle Sounders @ Vancouver Whitecaps
      DC United @ Orlando City
      Portland Timbers @ LA Galaxy

      5 votes
    36. Anyone here into homebrewing?

      I've been semi into this for a short while. I've done a few brews over the last year or so, three single gallon mead brews (one being a joam), one 5 gal cider brew and I've just started 3...

      I've been semi into this for a short while. I've done a few brews over the last year or so, three single gallon mead brews (one being a joam), one 5 gal cider brew and I've just started 3 different single gallon brews, with two being wine and one cider. From here on out I'll be starting a new batch each week to create something I really enjoy, most likely ciders.

      I would enjoy talking to anyone that is also interested in this subject.

      21 votes
    37. Junji Ito's "Shiver" collection

      I recently purchased Junji Ito's Shiver collection, which has nine of his self-descirbed "best" shorts inside: Used Record Shiver Fashion Model Hanging Blimp Marionette Mansion Painter The Long...

      I recently purchased Junji Ito's Shiver collection, which has nine of his self-descirbed "best" shorts inside:

      • Used Record
      • Shiver
      • Fashion Model
      • Hanging Blimp
      • Marionette Mansion
      • Painter
      • The Long Dream
      • Honored Ancestors
      • Greased

      And while overall I would say the collection was well worth the £16 it cost, I will say I was somewhat disappointed in the varying "shivers" delivered by each short.

      For example, I found the Fashion Model short to be quite frustrating: compared to the creativity and build up of horror present in some of the other shorts such as Hanging Blimp, it was essentially "creepy looking lady is serial killer". Others such as Used Record seemed as though there was a lot of wasted story.

      Meanwhile, some such as Marionette Mansion did a grand job of building a suspenseful atmosphere and The Long Dream was certainly scary to dwell on.

      I understand variable impact on the reader is to be expected for so many different works, but for what Ito described as nine of his best I was a little disappointed.

      Outside of this collection, the only work of Ito's I have seen is the one where people enter holes carved out for their bodies (which for the record I also enjoyed).

      Are others familar with Junji Ito's work? Recommendations for his or similar artists work would be very welcome.

      Edits: paragraphing.

      5 votes
    38. What does the word 'civilized' mean to you? Can it be used to compare and contrast societies and cultures?

      Do you believe that some cultures/societies are more 'civilized' than others? What is your definition of 'civilized' / what does it mean to be 'civilized'? ~ If you've studied history and/or...

      Do you believe that some cultures/societies are more 'civilized' than others? What is your definition of 'civilized' / what does it mean to be 'civilized'?
      If you've studied history and/or anthropology then surely you've heard many uses of the term "savages" to describe groups of people that were considered to be less 'civilized' than whomever was writing that piece.
      I was also just reading a book that described in detail some of the really horrible war crimes committed by both sides in the Sri Lankan civil war including but not limited to: raging mobs burning people alive, murder and rape of civilians, use of child soldiers, suicide bombers, etc. Please note that in no way am I considering the people of Sri Lanka as 'uncivilized', just using an example of what seems to be 'uncivilized' behavior.

      An initial thought that I had was "huh, I'm glad I don't currently live somewhere where I could be burned alive based on my ethnicity/religion/beliefs by a rage fueled mob of people", but then the history of the western world came to mind - some of those exact same thing happened less than 100 years ago to many non-white groups of people in America, including some things even worse (read: human slavery). From here came a flood of other thoughts poking holes in whatever my initial definition of 'civilized' was. Plenty of things in present-day United States could be considered uncivilized. Yet one could make an argument that a more 'civilized' civilization might be one that allows many personal freedoms.

      So, I want to ask all of you what you think of the concept of being 'civilized'. Is it a colonialistic-type term used to promote a higher sense of placement in the world that should be abolished. Does it have any merit in its use? If so, what do you think makes a civilized group of people and does one exist?

      16 votes
    39. Which messenger(s) do you currently use? If you had your preference, what single messaging service would you prefer to use?

      SMS, iMessage, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram Direct, Signal, Wire, Wickr, Telegram, GroupMe, Viber, Threema, etc. There are dozens of competing messenger services out there, each of...

      SMS, iMessage, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram Direct, Signal, Wire, Wickr, Telegram, GroupMe, Viber, Threema, etc.

      There are dozens of competing messenger services out there, each of which is either supported by or suffers from the network effect. Futhermore, each seems to come with its own pros and cons. I'm curious about not only people's current use, but where everyone thinks we are headed. As such, I have a few questions:

      1. Which messengers do you currently use at the moment? What are their advantages and disadvantages?

      2. If you could magically switch all of your contacts to be on one messaging service, which would it be and why?

      3. Do you think we'll ever see a realistic convergence of messaging, or are people destined to use different platforms for different contacts?

      35 votes
    40. What is your favourite audiobook?

      Some books are adapted to the medium of audiobooks better than others. A mediocre narrator can taint what is otherwise a great story. Likewise, an outstanding narrator can uplift what is an...

      Some books are adapted to the medium of audiobooks better than others. A mediocre narrator can taint what is otherwise a great story. Likewise, an outstanding narrator can uplift what is an average story.
      For me, His Dark Materials is the best audiobook I've listened to. It's read by the author, and has a full cast of (fantastic) voice actors for each character, it brings the story to life so wonderfully. To the point that even if I read the book now, I hear a good amount of the voice cast speaking for each character.
      If you haven't heard it, I can recommend it! Honourable mention goes to Stephen Fry reading the Harry Potter series.

      What is your favourite audiobook?

      14 votes
    41. How do you read NY Times? Subscription? Other?

      I see a lot of posts referencing NY Times articles. NY Times is behind a paywall. Are there a large number of folks paying to subscribe to NY Times? Are there other more nefarious methods for...

      I see a lot of posts referencing NY Times articles.

      NY Times is behind a paywall.

      Are there a large number of folks paying to subscribe to NY Times? Are there other more nefarious methods for reading the occasional article?

      6 votes
    42. What's your lifting/exercise routine history? And now?

      So, tilder person. What is your lifting/exercise routine right now, what works and don't for you, what you did in the past, what method, what supplements, anything. Let's trade ideas, rants and...

      So, tilder person. What is your lifting/exercise routine right now, what works and don't for you, what you did in the past, what method, what supplements, anything.

      Let's trade ideas, rants and nude pictures of our sculpted bodies.

      I just woke up from a nightmare. I will go back to sleep and post my part later.

      12 votes