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  • Showing only topics with the tag "musicians". Back to normal view
    1. Who are some of your local musicians that are really cool, but are relatively unknown to the world?

      So recently YouTube recommended to me this young man. His dance moves captivated me and some of the songs got stuck in my head even though I don't speak a word of Icelandic. Later I found out that...

      So recently YouTube recommended to me this young man. His dance moves captivated me and some of the songs got stuck in my head even though I don't speak a word of Icelandic. Later I found out that Daði Freyr was in the contest for Eurovision, so I guess that's why YouTube recommended him.

      My question is this: if you're from a non-English speaking country, what are some of the cool musicians would you like to share with the world?

      I'll start by mentioning Theodor Bastard. You might have heard them if you played Pathologic 2, personally I adore steppe version of Darkness from the OST
      I'd like to also mention Nautilus Pompilius. They have been disbanded for a long time now, their lead lyrics writer had died and their front man does not deserve much respect now, but Летучий Фрегат (Flying Frigate) from the first album still gets me every time, even though it's not very good technically. I'll throw in Крылья (Wings) too

      11 votes
    2. Does anyone know much about Barbara Stant?

      Just discovered Barbara Stant on a Spotify playlist but can't find much information about her. There is only one album on there and Discogs is only showing some features. Google is coming up with...

      Just discovered Barbara Stant on a Spotify playlist but can't find much information about her. There is only one album on there and Discogs is only showing some features. Google is coming up with a big goose egg as well.

      Just curious as to whether anyone has any info about her history.

      6 votes
    3. Billie Eilish's Grammy hit features a surprising Australian sound

      Here's an article about one of the recent Grammy winners: "Billie Eilish's Grammy hit features a surprising Australian sound" The story about how Eilish and her brother sampled a pedestrian...

      Here's an article about one of the recent Grammy winners: "Billie Eilish's Grammy hit features a surprising Australian sound"

      The story about how Eilish and her brother sampled a pedestrian crossing signal is interesting enough - but you have to watch the embedded video, where the SMH people use the same signal to make their own backing track to an Aussie classic!

      5 votes