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    1. Offbeat Fridays – The thread where offbeat headlines become front page news

      Tildes is a very serious site, where we discuss very serious matters like recurring, wifi and james earl jones. Tags culled from the highest voted topics from the last seven days, if anyone was...

      Tildes is a very serious site, where we discuss very serious matters like recurring, wifi and james earl jones. Tags culled from the highest voted topics from the last seven days, if anyone was conducting research.

      But one of my favourite tags happens to be offbeat! Taking its original inspiration from Sir Nils Olav III, this thread is looking for any far-fetched offbeat stories lurking in the newspapers. It may not deserve its own post, but it deserves a wider audience!

      9 votes
    2. How are you dealing with mosquitoes and flies?

      The news has been talking about the burst of mosquito activity, thanks to warm weather and moisture everywhere. In our typically bug-free home, we've lately been swatting a half dozen flying...

      The news has been talking about the burst of mosquito activity, thanks to warm weather and moisture everywhere. In our typically bug-free home, we've lately been swatting a half dozen flying insects a day, mostly flies and fruit flies, and a mosquito here and there.

      I'm not necessarily scared of West Nile, Eastern equine encephalitis, or dengue virus, but I'm wondering if anyone has any good tricks for dealing with all these bugs.

      How are you dealing with mosquitoes and flies at home?

      22 votes
    3. What did you do this week (and weekend)?

      As part of a weekly series, these topics are a place for users to casually discuss the things they did — or didn't do — during their week. Did you accomplish any goals? Suffer a failure? Do...

      As part of a weekly series, these topics are a place for users to casually discuss the things they did — or didn't do — during their week. Did you accomplish any goals? Suffer a failure? Do nothing at all? Tell us about it!

      7 votes
    4. What things do you have are surprisingly good / handy?

      As I write this, I’m using a $10 foot massager from Temu that my wife bought. I thought it was totally stupid but it gets nightly use. We lie on the couch and just let it run. Edit2: it looks like...

      As I write this, I’m using a $10 foot massager from Temu that my wife bought. I thought it was totally stupid but it gets nightly use. We lie on the couch and just let it run.

      Edit2: it looks like the LINGTENG one on Amazon - probably white labeled from same factory, nothing special about it but we like the simplicity.

      What has anyone else found surprisingly useful?

      Edit -

      Here are some things that came in mind as I was walking around:

      • Different type of mason jar lids from masontops for sprouting, cold press coffee, pouring spout for watering plants, etc.
      • ifixit kit - originally used for phone fixing now used for prying random stuff - the Ifixit jimmy is really useful, and it’s great to have all tools in one place
      • Shoegoo - originally used for shoe fixing now used for fixing bike parts - time to invest in a glue gun
      • YouTube premium - I originally got a family plan so that my mom wouldn’t watch so many ads, but now it’s an integral part of my passive learning system - languages, guitar, sports, etc.
      • hydrogen peroxide - I got it for wound disinfecting but it has only ever been used as a stain remover.
      • cheap Muji mini umbrella - way more used than my fancy Davek
      60 votes
    5. Do you use an RSS reader?

      A year or two ago when the decay of social media became a popular topic of discussion, there was a lot of talk about a resurgence in the use of RSS readers. My impression recently was that the RSS...

      A year or two ago when the decay of social media became a popular topic of discussion, there was a lot of talk about a resurgence in the use of RSS readers. My impression recently was that the RSS renaissance hadn't really materialised in the end, but I realised that if it had it would be pretty hard to tell.

      So, Tildes users: do you use an RSS reader currently? If so, is that a recent decision? Tell me about your experience.

      39 votes
    6. Midweek Movie Free Talk

      Warning: this post may contain spoilers

      Have you watched any movies recently you want to discuss? Any films you want to recommend or are hyped about? Feel free to discuss anything here.

      Please just try to provide fair warning of spoilers if you can.

      8 votes
    7. Three days in England - Overwhelmed by options - Looking for ideas

      Looking for ideas - we're two adults in our mid-30's, no kids. We'll be leaving a wedding on a Monday in Ipswich but our flight home from London isn't until Friday. We'll be spending a week in...

      Looking for ideas - we're two adults in our mid-30's, no kids. We'll be leaving a wedding on a Monday in Ipswich but our flight home from London isn't until Friday. We'll be spending a week in London beforehand so we'd like to explore the countryside.

      The only thing we've (sort of) landed on is seeing/staying in the Cotswolds, and touring some castles (holy crap there's a ton to chose from). We're not big drinkers/partiers but I'd like to be able to go hang out in a real English pub and stay at a Lord-of-the-Rings kind of inn (I already found the inn that the Prancing Pony is based on - thought not sure if we want to stay there).

      Other random thoughts. Unfortunately our schedule doesn't seem like it'll line up with any Premier League games. Not planning on renting a car but can if we absolutely must. Would kind of like to stay in one spot since it's only 3 nights.

      18 votes
    8. Reverse-Proxying services both inside and outside of Podman

      Hey all, not-a-networks-guy here. I've currently got an rpi set up running pihole natively (not in a container) for ad and website blocking reasons. (Using port 80, no TLS) I've used the pihole...

      Hey all, not-a-networks-guy here.

      I've currently got an rpi set up running pihole natively (not in a container) for ad and website blocking reasons. (Using port 80, no TLS) I've used the pihole localdns feature to set an internal hostname for that ip (me.lan).

      On the same pi, I have podman "set up" to run FreshRSS, and I'm getting more and more annoyed about using the port # to access it. (me.lan:12345) I'd like to set up a reverse proxy (probably Traefik) in a container to redirect internally, but considering that port 80 is taken (by pihole, outside of podman) I don't see a way to direct traffic from the pihole to Traefik.

      I'd really rather not reconfigure the whole setup to use containers.... I'm lazy, and also prefer my dns resolver to have the least amount of overhead possible. Is configuring the router an option here, or is the only way to achieve what I'm looking for an overhaul of the pi and containers?

      If I've missed any pertinent details, let me know and I'll update here.

      4 votes
    9. How accurate is the conventional wisdom about dopamine?

      “Dopamine” has entered cultural conversations as roughly equivalent to “the feel-good brain chemical.” People talk about “dopamine hits” and “dopamine fasts” and “low dopamine.” In a recent...

      “Dopamine” has entered cultural conversations as roughly equivalent to “the feel-good brain chemical.” People talk about “dopamine hits” and “dopamine fasts” and “low dopamine.” In a recent conversation a family member talked about starting the day on his phone and scrolling feeds “because I’ve gotta get my dopamine up before work.”

      There’s a seemingly widespread understanding that dopamine makes us feel good and that it can be used against us to make us do things we don’t necessarily like (like endlessly scroll feeds).

      Is any of this accurate to how dopamine actually works in our brains? It feels like an oversimplification to me, but I don’t actually know.

      It also seems odd to me that there’s so much focus on dopamine but not, say, oxytocin or serotonin (unless you’re a Billie Eilish or Girl in Red fan, respectively).

      Is our lay understanding of “dopamine” efficient shorthand or pseudoscientific sleight of hand?

      21 votes
    10. best way to go about with a script that seems to need both bash and python functionality

      Gonna try and put this into words. I am pretty familiar with bash and python. used both quite a bit and feel more or less comfortable with them. My issue is I often do a thing where if I want to...

      Gonna try and put this into words.

      I am pretty familiar with bash and python. used both quite a bit and feel more or less comfortable with them.

      My issue is I often do a thing where if I want to accomplish a task that is maybe a bit complex, I feel like I have to wind up making a script, let's call it hello_word.sh but then I also make a script called .hello_world.py

      and basically what I do is almost the first line of the bash script, I call the python script like ./hello_world.py $@ and take advtange of the argparse library in python to determine what the user wants to do amongst other tasks that are easier to do in python like for loops and etc.

      I try to do the meat of the logic in the python scripts before I write to an .env file from it and then in the bash script, I will do

      set -o allexport
      source "${DIR}"/"${ENV_FILE}"
      set +o allexport

      and then use the variable from that env file to do the rest of the logic in bash.

      why do I do anything in bash?

      cause I very much prefer being able to see a terminal command being executed in real-time and see what it does and be able to Ctrl+c if I see the command go awry.

      in python, you can run a command with subprocess or other similar system libraries but you can't get the output in real-time or terminate a command preemptively and I really hate that. you have to wait for the command to end to see what happened.

      But I feel like there is something obvious I am missing (like maybe bash has an argparse library I don't know about and there is some way to inject the concept of types into it) or if there is another language entirely that fits my needs?

      6 votes