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    1. Tildes Minecraft Survival

      New Thread Server host: tildes.nore.gg (Running Java 1.21.4) Bluemap: https://tildes.nore.gg Playtime Tracker: https://tildes.nore.gg/playtimes.html Tildes website extension (shows online status &...

      New Thread

      Server host: tildes.nore.gg (Running Java 1.21.4)
      Bluemap: https://tildes.nore.gg
      Playtime Tracker: https://tildes.nore.gg/playtimes.html
      Tildes website extension (shows online status & location): Firefox (Desktop and Android) - Chrome
      Verification site: https://verify.tildes.nore.gg
      Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TildesMC

      Plugins and Data Packs Data Packs:
      • Terralith - Overworld terrain upgrade
      • Nullscape - End terrain upgrade
      • Armor Statues [Vanilla Tweaks]
      • Bat Membranes [Vanilla Tweaks]
      • Cauldron Concrete [Vanilla Tweaks]
      • Husks Drop Sand [Vanilla Tweaks]
      • Mini Blocks [Vanilla Tweaks]
      • More Mob Heads [Vanilla Tweaks]
      • Player Head Drops [Vanilla Tweaks]
      • Silence Mobs [Vanilla Tweaks]
      • Wandering Trades [Vanilla Tweaks]


      • Bluemap - Adds a live 3D web map
      • Clickable Links - Makes http URLs in chat clickable (only for registered players)
      • CoreProtect - Records all block/container/mob changes (Anyone can look up changes with /co inspect)
      • EasyArmorStands - GUI for editing armor stands
      • Hexnicks - Enables Tildes usernames to be displayed
      • LuckPerms - Locks down unregistered users
      • Nerfstick - Allows survival use of the minecraft:debug_stick item (requires admin to spawn in)
      • Rapid Leaf Decay - Increases the speed of leaf decay by 10x
      • WorldEdit - Used for occasional admin stuff
      • WorldGuard - Prevents unregistered users from changing anything in the world

      The server operates on a soft whitelist. Anyone can log in and walk around, but you need a Tildes account to gain build access.

      New Thread

      20 votes
    2. Midweek Movie Free Talk

      Warning: this post may contain spoilers

      Have you watched any movies recently you want to discuss? Any films you want to recommend or are hyped about? Feel free to discuss anything here.

      Please just try to provide fair warning of spoilers if you can.

      9 votes
    3. What low-stakes drama is going on in your circles right now?

      Specifically low-stakes. I’m sure many of us have been having more than our our fill of high-stakes stuff recently. Think: minor, inconsequential, petty, mundane, etc. Your “circles” can be home,...

      Specifically low-stakes.

      I’m sure many of us have been having more than our our fill of high-stakes stuff recently.

      Think: minor, inconsequential, petty, mundane, etc.

      Your “circles” can be home, work, school, friends, gym, library, grocery store, Discord server — anything really.

      62 votes
    4. Is there one AI product you would recommend over another to a complete newbie? The primary task is writing.

      So I have heard/read that LLMs available to the public can be useful for generating tailored cover letters more quickly. I've up to now avoided using artificial intelligence. What recommendations...

      So I have heard/read that LLMs available to the public can be useful for generating tailored cover letters more quickly. I've up to now avoided using artificial intelligence. What recommendations do you have and do you have any advice for getting up to speed?

      Thank you.

      11 votes
    5. Can I upgrade my XMP memory?

      My memory kit is G.Skill Trident Z5 RGB 32GB (2x16GB) 5600 CL36 Black. The CPU is i9-13900KS on Gigabyte Z790 AERO G. I noticed that memory price has been dropped significantly so I think I might...

      My memory kit is G.Skill Trident Z5 RGB 32GB (2x16GB) 5600 CL36 Black. The CPU is i9-13900KS on Gigabyte Z790 AERO G.

      I noticed that memory price has been dropped significantly so I think I might upgrade to 64GB.

      Online information seems to be conflicting regarding XMP and dual/quad channels, so I'm asking for advice here:

      1. Can I buy one more of the same kit to upgrade to 4x16GB? Will it affect XMP or dual channel?
      2. Can I buy other sticks of the same size (2x16GB)? The leftmost slot is obscured by the CPU cooler fan, so I'll need to either move it up or use low profile one.
      3. Can I buy 2x32GB sticks so I end up with 2x32GB + 2x16GB?

      From what I understand doing any of those options might cause XMP to not work and it'd be the best (but costly) to have 2x32GB as the only sticks in the system.

      6 votes
    6. Why didn't Keynote take off?

      This is a bit of a round about story, but bear with me. I like PowerPoint, I love using it, it's intuitive to me. Google slides is okay, (I never delved into OpenOffice or any other offshoot...

      This is a bit of a round about story, but bear with me.

      I like PowerPoint, I love using it, it's intuitive to me. Google slides is okay, (I never delved into OpenOffice or any other offshoot really), but when I have a choice, I like using PPT.

      I consider myself a comfortable Apple user as well, I prefer it for most of my computing needs, but not all, so it's not like I am not capable of using the Apple ecosystem.

      However, whenever I have tried Keynote or Pages or any of the "office" tools, I don't like them.

      I cannot tell if this is because these products or projects were killed off because of lowspread adoption at their onset, and thus did not get any development or improvement. Apple often does not release things and then just let them die, it usually waits a long time before it releases something, so they don't release things with potential failure (maybe I'm wrong, my memory doesn't recall anything like that other than this very example lol, and I guess their camera, but I digress).

      I guess my rambling is, is PowerPoint just good and Keynote just bad or is there some more interesting story to it?

      11 votes
    7. Solo outings

      So I'm about to attend a Green Day concert on my own. First time in my life doing that, I think in a sense I'm proud of myself for attending something like this solo, it shows that I'm prepared to...

      So I'm about to attend a Green Day concert on my own. First time in my life doing that, I think in a sense I'm proud of myself for attending something like this solo, it shows that I'm prepared to do things I enjoy on my own purely because I enjoy them, but in a way it makes me a little sad to think that I don't have a friend or a group of friends that I couldnl share this with. What do you think about attending things like live music, movie, entertainment solo?

      25 votes
    8. Are most jobs not what you thought they would be? Expectations vs. reality.

      I am trying to figure out and process my aversion to pursuing a career change. What I have surmised is that I come to the conclusion, "well, in your past, most of the jobs you have studied or...

      I am trying to figure out and process my aversion to pursuing a career change.

      What I have surmised is that I come to the conclusion, "well, in your past, most of the jobs you have studied or trained for, were not, in fact, what you thought they would be like in practice, so how do you know this is not the case with your new interest in career?"

      What I'm looking for is people to challenge or confirm my assumptions: Example: "No, actually, your perception is distorted, most jobs are what people expect them to be."

      I'm also looking for, validation or commiseration, "yeah, I feel that way too, it sucks" and am open to some problem solving, "I was once in your position and I did X,Y,Z and here were my results, YMMV"

      Thank you for reading!


      Thank you everyone, I understand now why people do those almost, "acceptance speeches" prominent on Reddit, it does feel like an outpouring of support/acknowledgement worthy of gratitude! So thank you all. If I haven't responded to you directly it's not personal, it could be non engagement response, or I just haven't gotten to it! But I appreciate your participation, regardless.

      What I have realized is that maintaining my integrity is very high on my list of priorities, and what I consider integrity and its wholeness may not align with what is common. I realize that many people have to compromise their integrity day to day or year to year, and that almost no job will allow you to maintain full autonomy and integrity.

      It seems that most people find a better balance of maintaining their values by being their own bosses, which makes sense, many neurodivergent people end up being self-employed. But, I also realize, even that will not allow me to escape a lot of my other feelings of discomfort, so I still want to continue to work on being more compatible with that.

      I also realize my risk aversion to trying out working for myself is a huge obstacle in pursuing it, and am thinking about how to reduce the steps towards that to make it easier for me to try out. I will still say the other component of avoiding that is the USA healthcare system, I'm not sure if anyone has really addressed that (for those of you not familiar, the USA basically does not want anyone on subsidized healthcare to make over a certain amount of money, otherwise they take the healthcare away, and the privatized options are not worth the monetary trade off for many - I won't get into the details of that in this post). So that is a real obstacle I would have to overcome, that I still have no answer for.

      Again, thank you everyone, for your time and effort.

      50 votes
    9. What creative projects have you been working on?

      This topic is part of a series. It is meant to be a place for users to discuss creative projects they have been working on. Projects can be personal, professional, physical, digital, or even just...

      This topic is part of a series. It is meant to be a place for users to discuss creative projects they have been working on.

      Projects can be personal, professional, physical, digital, or even just ideas.

      If you have any creative projects that you have been working on or want to eventually work on, this is a place for discussing those.

      12 votes
    10. What are some good, non-microtransaction riddled mobile games?

      Let's list some great mobile games. Preferably ones you can pay for once and be done, or free ones that have microtransactions that you don't need to do to just play the game (e.g. Marvel Snap)....

      Let's list some great mobile games. Preferably ones you can pay for once and be done, or free ones that have microtransactions that you don't need to do to just play the game (e.g. Marvel Snap). Leave out pay for power or games that have "charges" to stop you from playing until you buy more or burn time.

      Edit: Thank you everyone for your suggestions! I compiled a list here that is, I believe, mostly Android. If you're looking for iOS only suggestions it looks like Apple Arcade was recommended regularly and also user Recognition101 had a comprehensive list I will refer you to: https://recognition101.github.io/ios-games/

      Here is the Android Games List:
      -Square Enix re-releases
      -Stardew Valley
      -Monster Hunter Stories
      -Disgaea series remakes
      -Vampire Survivors
      -Slay the Spire
      -Shattered Pixel Dungeon
      -Slice and Dice
      -Bloons series
      -Pysol FC
      -Old PC Game ports like Baldur's Gate 1 & 2, SW:KOTR 1 & 2
      -Simon Tatham's Puzzles
      -Rogue Adventure
      -Cultist Simulator
      -Retro Bowl
      -Marvel Snap
      -Star Realms
      -Team Fight Tactics
      -Battle for Polytopia
      -Where's My Water?
      -Eat Me Please
      -Z Origins
      -Ollie's Arcade
      -Night of the Full Moon
      -A Dark Room
      -The Ensign
      -Universal Paperclips
      -Opus: Rocket of whispers
      -Opus: The day we found Earth
      -TerraGenesis - Space Settlers
      -Plague Inc.
      -Gravity Defied
      -Magic Research
      -Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes
      -Civilization series
      -Rebel Inc.
      -Boom Beach
      -Professor Layton Series

      99 votes