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  • Showing only topics in ~tildes with the tag "ask.help". Back to normal view / Search all groups
    1. What's the best way to make non-English posts on Tildes? Can you? Should you?

      I'm guessing that it might just be that Tildes is an English only site, but as an avid language learner, I'd love to have a place to see and post non-English discussions. Is there a best practice...

      I'm guessing that it might just be that Tildes is an English only site, but as an avid language learner, I'd love to have a place to see and post non-English discussions.

      Is there a best practice for making a non-English discussion? Is it simply not allowed? Is it allowed but discouraged?

      18 votes
    2. List of recurring threads and their schedules?

      Do we have a list of recurring discussions and their schedules anywhere? I know they're generally weekly, but I often find myself having to do a quick search for when the last one was and...

      Do we have a list of recurring discussions and their schedules anywhere? I know they're generally weekly, but I often find myself having to do a quick search for when the last one was and determine whether or not I should hold onto my contribution to that thread until the next one occurs. eg if the new discussion is created tomorrow, I may as well just post my comments tomorrow rather than today. Admittedly a very minor inconvenience.

      Having a list somewhere easy to see could also help prevent folks from unintentionally creating duplicate discussions during the period between one week's discussion going quiet and the next week's starting.

      And maybe eventually it could be something like we subscribe to a recurring discussion and then it shows up in the sidebar somewhere in a list of upcoming discussions? Just spitballing here.

      Any thoughts?

      11 votes
    3. Dark mode?

      Could a dark mode be implemented? Edit: I found the options! Now could we create our own themes?

      14 votes
    4. 2FA not working?

      tildes.net isn't accepting my 2FA codes on login. I used a recovery key and disabled 2FA, but now I can't re-enable it for the same reason (I generate a code with the new secret key given but it...

      tildes.net isn't accepting my 2FA codes on login. I used a recovery key and disabled 2FA, but now I can't re-enable it for the same reason (I generate a code with the new secret key given but it gets rejected). I've checked on other sites and it doesn't seem to be a problem with generated 2FA codes on my end, leading me to believe something may be misconfigured on the server (maybe the tildes.net system clock is off or something?).

      Anyone else experiencing this?

      Edit: Still not really sure why I couldn't get it to work initially, but after giving it some time the problem went away.

      4 votes
    5. [SOLVED] Unable to give Exemplary label

      I wanted to label a comment as Exemplary today and when I clicked "Label" the option wasn't present. I've given Exemplary labels before, but it's been a while. I do know there's a cooldown, but I...

      I wanted to label a comment as Exemplary today and when I clicked "Label" the option wasn't present. I've given Exemplary labels before, but it's been a while. I do know there's a cooldown, but I don't think I've given any out lately, so I wouldn't think that would apply.

      I'm on Firefox, but I checked on both Chrome and Edge and I don't have the option there either.

      6 votes
    6. How do I comment on posts?

      Hi tildes! Awesome place! Just moved here with an account, any idea how to comment on "topics" directly and if there is a waiting period before i can do that? I think im allowed to reply to...

      Hi tildes! Awesome place! Just moved here with an account, any idea how to comment on "topics" directly and if there is a waiting period before i can do that? I think im allowed to reply to existing comments but not reply to the topic directly.

      6 votes
    7. PM UI issue

      I noticed this while sending out lots of PMs for my game giveaway thread. It's not a huge issue at all and doesn't really have any meaningful effect on the site's usability, but I thought I would...

      I noticed this while sending out lots of PMs for my game giveaway thread. It's not a huge issue at all and doesn't really have any meaningful effect on the site's usability, but I thought I would mention it anyway.

      Also, it might already be in the Gitlab, but I looked around and didn't see anything. I don't have an account there, so could someone (maybe @cfabbro?) add it for me if needed?

      Issue: Within a PM conversation, there is no indication of the person who is being PMed unless they have responded.

      Steps to recreate: send a user a PM, then click on that message from sent messages. If the person has not responded, you will only see your username and message. If the person responds, you can then see their username on their response, but that's currently the only way to know who the conversation is with from within the conversation itself.

      If anyone wants to recreate this for themselves, feel free to send me a PM referencing this thread and I will not respond.

      8 votes
    8. Invites disabled?

      I usually browse Tildes logged out, however today I decided to log in to participate. Before doing so, I wanted to explore Tildes' user interface a little. I opened the "Invite Users" page and was...

      I usually browse Tildes logged out, however today I decided to log in to participate. Before doing so, I wanted to explore Tildes' user interface a little. I opened the "Invite Users" page and was greeted with a message stating: "You aren't able to generate more invite links right now.".

      To the best of my knowledge, I have never invited anyone before. I have a strong, random password on my Tildes account so I believe it to be unlikely I was compromised.

      Are invites globally disabled, or could a site administrator take a look at my account and check what's going on?

      3 votes
    9. Does tildes.net allow updating of old links which have now moved to a different domain?

      I'm migrating my blog and domain from prahladyeri.com to prahladyeri.github.io. I've already implemented the HTTP 301 redirection in all pages and informed Google about the site move. After a...

      I'm migrating my blog and domain from prahladyeri.com to prahladyeri.github.io.

      I've already implemented the HTTP 301 redirection in all pages and informed Google about the site move. After a month or so, my old domain will expire and go out of my control.

      Is there a way to tell tildes.net to update my existing links which I've posted here to new ones based on their 301 redirection? Or some way to manually update them? What is the standard process on the Interwebs in this regard?

      8 votes
    10. I never stay logged in on my desktop + notebook

      I'm using Firefox on Arch with ublock origin, umatrix, decentraleyes, darkreader, bypass paywalls, old reddit redirect. None of these should affect Tildes in any way. but still, Firefox seems not...

      I'm using Firefox on Arch with ublock origin, umatrix, decentraleyes, darkreader, bypass paywalls, old reddit redirect.
      None of these should affect Tildes in any way. but still, Firefox seems not to be able to keep me logged in, and everytime i open Tildes in a new tab, I'm logged out. Sometimes it remembers the theme (solarized dark) sometimes it does not and only remembers it after a refresh, and sometimes it just dont.
      I dont even know where to look for a solution, especially as this seems to be Tildes specific as no other website seems to have this problems. an I'm pretty shure it has something to do with my Firefox, as it is that way on both of my computers.

      edit: solution was to delete all tildes.net cookies

      6 votes
    11. "Rate limit exceeded"?

      Sometimes I'd like to post comments more frequently than a single comment anywhere on the site once every two hours. But I can't, because I get the error "Rate limit exceeded". Is it possible to...

      Sometimes I'd like to post comments more frequently than a single comment anywhere on the site once every two hours.

      But I can't, because I get the error "Rate limit exceeded".

      Is it possible to remove or at least significantly increase the limit site-wide for established users?

      The things a bear has to do..

      If there is a more appropriate place for this, I would appreciate having it moved there, or a link to the more appropriate area. Thanks!

      11 votes
    12. After blocking a user on uBlockOrigin I can't see the number of votes

      After using this method to block a user on here I can no longer see the number of votes a comment or a post gets. I can see it fine when I switch to a browser without uBlockOrigin, but not on...

      After using this method to block a user on here I can no longer see the number of votes a comment or a post gets.

      I can see it fine when I switch to a browser without uBlockOrigin, but not on FireFox.

      Any reason for this?

      Edit: I also can't see anyone's username in the comments.

      10 votes
    13. Search for tag site-wide?

      Clicking a tag provides the search results for that tag in the local group. Since some topics appear across groups, I think it'd be useful to view site-wide results as well, optionally. Does that...

      Clicking a tag provides the search results for that tag in the local group. Since some topics appear across groups, I think it'd be useful to view site-wide results as well, optionally. Does that already exist?

      9 votes
    14. Change group color on unsubscribe (on the groups page)

      Perhaps the post was posted in the wrong place and can be moved or deleted. But it's not entirely clear. There is a page: https://tildes.net/groups Where is it written: Group name colors:...

      Perhaps the post was posted in the wrong place and can be moved or deleted. But it's not entirely clear.

      There is a page: https://tildes.net/groups

      Where is it written:

      Group name colors: subscribed / not subscribed. You can change your subscription status to a group in its sidebar when you are viewing it directly.

      I decided to experiment and unsubscribe from some groups. However, there are no changes on this page. Perhaps it’s just me or I’m doing something wrong.

      7 votes
    15. I can't invite anyone

      I never invited anyone, but the message says You aren't able to generate more invite links right now.. I've been on Tildes for about a month now. Please advise.

      8 votes
    16. Are there any requirements to creating a group on Tildes?

      I've been playing Destiny 2 and I have so many questions. I thought about reaching out to people who actually know what they are doing. Since I'm moving away from Reddit and other sites like that...

      I've been playing Destiny 2 and I have so many questions. I thought about reaching out to people who actually know what they are doing. Since I'm moving away from Reddit and other sites like that I thought about creating a D2 group here on Tildes. However, If it requires "work" as a moderator or something like that I would honestly pass.

      So my questions are: can anyone create a group? As a creator do you have to do any "work" on that group?


      14 votes
    17. I am not getting popups/notifications for some replies

      Some replies are directly going to previously read section. It happened couple of times now, I didn't get notification for these two replies, I thought may be I had my browser running in the...

      Some replies are directly going to previously read section. It happened couple of times now, I didn't get notification for these two replies, I thought may be I had my browser running in the background. But it happened again for these, replies. I did get notifications for the replies posted in between the mentioned replies.

      I browse tildes mostly on mobile using Hermit. One can get notifications on your mobile from hermit lite apps by adding a url and a css selector, I used tildes.net/notifications/unread as the url and [div.logged-in-user-info:nth-child(4)] as the css selector. I did get notification (on my mobile) for couple of times but most of the time I didn't so I deleted the web monitor. It should be noted that I didn't know what I was doing. So how do I fix this? :(

      4 votes
    18. Can't invite someone new

      I am trying to invite a friend to Tildes, and on my invite page I see the message "You aren't able to generate more invite links right now." Is this a default setting for new users?

      9 votes
    19. Can someone explain subgroups to me?

      Why is it that there is ~tildes and ~tildes.official? Why not just ~tildes and ~announcements? Why not just ~health and ~coronavirus? Why not just ~games and ~game_design? I understand the appeal...

      Why is it that there is ~tildes and ~tildes.official? Why not just ~tildes and ~announcements? Why not just ~health and ~coronavirus? Why not just ~games and ~game_design?

      I understand the appeal of hierarchical tags. However, if posts in subgroups don't collect into their parent groups, then why even have them at all?


      12 votes
    20. What happened to subscribe/unsubscribe on the groups page?

      I remember there being subscribe/unsubscribe buttons on https://tildes.net/groups By default new accounts are subscribed to every group, earlier I could just goto that page and unsubscribe from...

      I remember there being subscribe/unsubscribe buttons on https://tildes.net/groups

      By default new accounts are subscribed to every group, earlier I could just goto that page and unsubscribe from groups I'm uninterested in. Looks like now you have to goto each group page and unsubscribe there.

      11 votes
    21. How should I report outdated docs or suggest edits to the wiki?

      I've been reading the docs after joining the site (hi!) and noticed a few places that were either outdated or unclear. Should I ignore them, given the disclaimer on the Instructions doc that says...

      I've been reading the docs after joining the site (hi!) and noticed a few places that were either outdated or unclear. Should I ignore them, given the disclaimer on the Instructions doc that says docs may not be current? Or is it better to report them?

      Here's a list of what I noticed for context:

      Some guidance on what to do with discoveries like these will be helpful for those who read docs :)
      I'm not really asking them to be updated here and now, but that's a fine outcome of this post too.

      13 votes
    22. Premature session cookie expiration?

      I've noticed that, even when I choose the "Keep me logged in" option, I usually have to re-log in to Tildes at least once or twice per day. Under what circumstances might the session cookie expire...

      I've noticed that, even when I choose the "Keep me logged in" option, I usually have to re-log in to Tildes at least once or twice per day. Under what circumstances might the session cookie expire on such a short time scale? I can see that the Max-Age is set to one year, so I'm not sure what might be causing that.

      Has anyone else encountered this issue? It's entirely possible that some of my add-ons are interfering (although I don't see how), which is the reason I ask.

      I have to pull up my Tildes password and my TOTP generator in each case, which is just enough pain to encourage me to navigate to another tab instead.

      4 votes
    23. Tagging: "poem" or "poems"?

      Simple question. For people's original poems posted in ~creative, should they be tagged "poem" or "poems"? "poetry" is the broader category, and includes discussions about poets and poetry in...

      Simple question. For people's original poems posted in ~creative, should they be tagged "poem" or "poems"?

      "poetry" is the broader category, and includes discussions about poets and poetry in general. However, when someone posts their poem, should that be tagged "poem" or "poems"?

      The tagging guidelines say (or used to say - since I re-organised the Docs pages, I can't find this reference any more) that tags should be plural. That indicates that "poems" is the better tag. But the post contains a single poem, which makes "poem" the better tag.


      EDIT: In the end, I went with the popular choice. When I looked at the tags used in ~creative, I found over a hundred topics tagged "poem" and only four topics tagged "poems". It seems that most people naturally choose "poem" when posting a poem, so I standardised the few differently tagged topics to use "poem".

      5 votes
    24. Why are some of the tags on title page displayed on 2nd row (next to Article), but some of them on the 3rd row (the old tag list)?

      How does this work, why are some tags on separate line? Example: How big are the fires burning in eastern Australia? Interactive map ~news australia · Article: 207 words natural disasters...

      How does this work, why are some tags on separate line?


      How big are the fires burning in eastern Australia? Interactive map

      ~news australia · Article: 207 words
      natural disasters bushfires

      The australia tag is next to ~news, not in the tag list below.

      4 votes
    25. Is there any way to combine content from both tildes and reddit into one place?

      I'd like an app or preferably a website that I can use that will combine both discussion from reddit and tildes into one place. I actually haven't used tildes since April 2019 and the reason is...

      I'd like an app or preferably a website that I can use that will combine both discussion from reddit and tildes into one place. I actually haven't used tildes since April 2019 and the reason is because I just straight up forgot about tildes. There just isn't enough content on tildes for me so I find myself spending more of my time on reddit which means I end up forgetting about tildes.

      10 votes
    26. How should I go about requesting a topic move or retag?

      Occasionally, especially for newer users, I'll see a post in a section of the site where it doesn't belong, sometimes without (proper) tags. What's the best way to bring this to the attention of...

      Occasionally, especially for newer users, I'll see a post in a section of the site where it doesn't belong, sometimes without (proper) tags. What's the best way to bring this to the attention of folks who can fix it? Leaving comments is messy and distracts from the discussion, but right now it's the only method I know of to bring up the issue.

      4 votes
    27. Is there a reason I cannot have a tag people.doing.something

      I usually don't mind my tags getting erased and someone putting a more appropriate tag, but I want to know what is wrong with people.doing.something, or someone doing something, or...

      I usually don't mind my tags getting erased and someone putting a more appropriate tag, but I want to know what is wrong with people.doing.something, or someone doing something, or someone.doing.something. I tried various ways today, and each one got removed, and I would like to know why.

      5 votes
    28. Have "whispers" been implemented?

      I'm really curious if they have, because on this thread, there's a bunch of comments from "unknown user." If whispers have been implemented, how do I use them? I can't seem to find any information...

      I'm really curious if they have, because on this thread, there's a bunch of comments from "unknown user." If whispers have been implemented, how do I use them? I can't seem to find any information about them.

      11 votes
    29. Site suggestion: Dark mode

      I apologize if this is the wrong topic for this post, and if this feature already exists, I apologize for that too. I looked around and couldn't find it (it's possible I could have missed it). But...

      I apologize if this is the wrong topic for this post, and if this feature already exists, I apologize for that too. I looked around and couldn't find it (it's possible I could have missed it). But I thought a dark mode for Tildes would be most excellent. Right now, there's a lot of white space and combined with my 24" monitor, this site lights up my whole room like it's in the middle of the day. Anyways, thanks for reading. :)

      4 votes
    30. Is Tildes 18+?

      I was thinking about posting this to ~news, but suddenly I've realised that I don't know if the word “fuck”, or any of the Seven Dirty Words, are allowed in titles. Is Tildes adults-only? Should...

      I was thinking about posting this to ~news, but suddenly I've realised that I don't know if the word “fuck”, or any of the Seven Dirty Words, are allowed in titles. Is Tildes adults-only? Should people write something like “f***” in titles instead?

      11 votes
    31. Posting original links (own content)

      What is our policy about posting original contents (e.g. me submitting a blog post I wrote, which I just did a few minutes ago)? IMO, if it is a personal blog, it should be okay, and not really...

      What is our policy about posting original contents (e.g. me submitting a blog post I wrote, which I just did a few minutes ago)?

      IMO, if it is a personal blog, it should be okay, and not really different from submitting a text topic here. Especially if the blog is not tracking you.

      15 votes