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    1. Any modded Minecraft players around here?

      I personally cannot stand playing vanilla minecraft anymore and always play modded, recently ive been playing through Create: Astral and its so much fun. I love the steampunk factories of create...

      I personally cannot stand playing vanilla minecraft anymore and always play modded, recently ive been playing through Create: Astral and its so much fun. I love the steampunk factories of create and even though im terrible at automating its still so much fun to just mess around. I was wondering if anybody else has any other favorite modpacks they've been playing recently.

      31 votes
    2. Purchase a Chromebook or "regular" laptop?

      I'm looking to buy a new device and have started to look at chromebooks to see if it would be a suitable option. My use cases are pretty mundane: Online banking and other similar services Emailing...

      I'm looking to buy a new device and have started to look at chromebooks to see if it would be a suitable option. My use cases are pretty mundane:

      • Online banking and other similar services
      • Emailing
      • As a tool for GMing RPG campaigns (probably managed through some online service)
      • Stream video while traveling (eg Netflix, YouTube)
      • Note taking & drawing (possibly with a stylus)
      • Occasionally ssh to remote machines

      Arguably the heaviest of these would be streaming, but I guess most devices can handle that decently. Since I won't be doing any gaming or heavy dev work (on the actual machine) I figured I don't really have very high hardware requirements. As such perhaps a chromebook would be a good option. There are some downsides, mainly for me that it is heavily tied to the Google ecosystem. Can chromebooks be easily jailbroken and run a lightweight window manager on Linux? If so does the device retain its battery life okish? Could I still use a stylus with the device? Would I be better off buying a cheap laptop and install linux on that?

      Finally I've read that Google cancled their Pixelbook 2 last year. Has there been any updates or rumors of it coming back (I tend to like Google's hardware)?

      24 votes
    3. What is your favorite “so bad it’s good” movie?

      We all have that one special movie that makes other people raise their eyebrows. Maybe it’s a movie they just don’t get, maybe it’s super campy, or maybe it really is bad but it still owns some...

      We all have that one special movie that makes other people raise their eyebrows. Maybe it’s a movie they just don’t get, maybe it’s super campy, or maybe it really is bad but it still owns some real estate in your heart for your own reasons.

      Mine is the obscure ‘Saturday the 14th Strikes Back’. It truly is awful. It has nothing to do with its horror parody prequel, the acting is uneven, the story is unmoored - but it’s zany. Lots of unexpected absurdities. I won’t force this movie on anyone, but it was a regular comfort rental for me back in the day.

      So, what’s yours?

      47 votes
    4. VR headsets, what do I need to know?

      I had last year my first and only experience with VR, at home with a friend. I dont even remember what the product was, but the experience was just amazing. Ever since I wanted to get a Headset...

      I had last year my first and only experience with VR, at home with a friend. I dont even remember what the product was, but the experience was just amazing. Ever since I wanted to get a Headset myself, but now I don't even where to start.
      What do I need to know to make a good decision, as these products are quite expensive?
      What should I look for? What are important details?

      I want mainly to play some games. That one day we just played beat saber and superhot.
      What other experiences are worth exploring?
      I have an ok linux (gaming) pc, it was beefy once, but it got quite some years now :-)
      I saw there are standalone products as well?

      32 votes
    5. Best, favorite, and/or interestingly-different resources to learn (or re-learn) Git?

      Pretty much, the title. I have been coding professionally for over 2 decades, been using Git for almost as long ... and to this day, it still feels alien and uncomfortable to use. I keep feeling...

      Pretty much, the title.

      I have been coding professionally for over 2 decades, been using Git for almost as long ... and to this day, it still feels alien and uncomfortable to use. I keep feeling like I am relearning it all over again. I would really like to find some kind of different resource that helps me to make Git "stick" in my brain, and become more intuitive. Maybe that's just not possible, but I keep hoping.

      Meanwhile, my roommate is just starting her journey into programming, and her class just started teaching Git ... and I'm eavesdropping a bit, and they're teaching it okay, but I'm sure there are better tutorials out there for a newcomer.

      I am aware of -- and currently reading my way through -- both this recent tildes post and the various tutorials mentioned in it. But I am looking for other recommendations, as well ... and I bet I'm not the only one.

      Thanx in advance.

      19 votes
    6. Anyone interested in joining a small, tightly-run accountability group?

      I am co-admin of a small Discord group (currently 5 members; we like to keep it up around 7-9) that is dedicated to enthusiastic, interactive accountability, support, task management, habit...

      I am co-admin of a small Discord group (currently 5 members; we like to keep it up around 7-9) that is dedicated to enthusiastic, interactive accountability, support, task management, habit tracking, yada ... all that good stuff. Atomic Habits is one of our popular guiding stars.

      And, yeah, we've lost a couple of members recently, and we're looking to invite a few new people to the group.

      This is an active group. We expect people to contribute (at least) daily, both regarding their own efforts, and in helping/supporting others in their efforts. One of the things we try to emphasize is providing active support and feedback to others, rather than just posting our own goals and efforts ... this is one of the areas where we feel that "traditional" accountability buddies/groups fail.

      Drop me a DM if you're interested, and we can discuss details.

      Edit: Thanks for the replies. I think we have enough "new blood" for now. If you're still interested, just keep an eye out for another invite post in a few months, when membership starts to flag.

      16 votes
    7. Tips and tricks for remaining scheduled and motivated with unscheduled time?

      I've always had a fairly structured routine life (clock in/out of work) and am able to stick to deadlines/routine in this format. There are only a few times in my life when I have more...

      I've always had a fairly structured routine life (clock in/out of work) and am able to stick to deadlines/routine in this format. There are only a few times in my life when I have more unstructured time and have to self-employ deadlines and things tend to fall apart during those instances (staying up late wasting time -> wake up late -> vicious cycle). I find when I'm held accountable to others (eg showing up for an appointment or a start time for work), things go fine, but when I'm only accountable to myself things tend to fall apart fairly quickly.

      I'm sure many of you have jobs / hobbies where you work remotely and have to come up with your own schedules and am wondering what tips and tricks you've accumulated from your experiences that you would be willing to share that have been helpful for you to accomplish your goals?

      I have a few months of free time coming up, and am hoping to make the most of it to improve my personal / professional life and make progress on my own personal projects/hobbies.

      Some tips / tricks that I will be employing that have been somewhat helpful in the past:

      • Creating a schedule for myself at least a day ahead
      • Using time-blocking websites to block or temporize access to certain websites (I like coldturkey for PC)
      • Minimizing distractions (putting phone on do not disturb / airplane mode), working in a quiet environment

      Interested in what tactics you have all successfully employed in your own lives!

      20 votes
    8. How do you find community after leaving a religion?

      Hi Tildes! Long time lurker here who recently got an account. I love the long-form thoughtful discussion here and thought this might generate some interesting replies. I and my partner left a...

      Hi Tildes! Long time lurker here who recently got an account. I love the long-form thoughtful discussion here and thought this might generate some interesting replies.

      I and my partner left a high-control religious community (fundamentalist evangelicalism, think a Canadian version of the Shiny Happy People doc) eight years ago, and the experience was like a bomb going off in our life that we still find ourselves recovering from in many ways.

      Growing up in that environment led to us having an extremely strong, and very possibly distorted, sense of what community is. People that treat you like family; bringing meals when you're sick, throwing you wedding showers, helping with home repairs, being shoulders to cry on... the works. Of course, as we later found out, this community could very easily be turned against you by certain powerful members of it, and it turned out there were many many strings attached that only became visible once we bumped up against them. When we left Christianity our entire community essentially disowned and ghosted us and we were left adrift.

      It's now been eight years and we've managed to develop some friendships with folks that we hang out with once in a while, but nothing that even approaches the level of closeness and "family" that we felt in the church.

      But maybe that's not normal or a realistic expectation? The funny thing about being so immersed in a subculture like that your entire life is that when you're suddenly on the outside of it, you realize you don't really have any idea what normal is. I still feel like I don't a lot of the time.

      So: What insight can you share? Has anyone had a similar experience? What do your social communities look like out here in the real world? How do you find them?

      72 votes
    9. How does the "collapse old comments when I return to a topic" feature work?

      I have the "collapse old comments when I return to a topic" setting turned on, but I can't quite figure out how it works. For example, when open a new topic for the first time and scroll through...

      I have the "collapse old comments when I return to a topic" setting turned on, but I can't quite figure out how it works. For example, when open a new topic for the first time and scroll through the comments, the next time I open the topic, they're all still open.

      Does anyone have more details about how this feature works or how I should be using it?

      Thank you!

      19 votes
    10. iPhone support -- SMS verification codes not appearing as autofill. Help?

      My phone used to autofill the 2-factor SMS verification codes used when logging into a site. I can't remember when or why, but suddenly it doesn't appear, and I have to... (gasp) type in the SMS...

      My phone used to autofill the 2-factor SMS verification codes used when logging into a site. I can't remember when or why, but suddenly it doesn't appear, and I have to... (gasp) type in the SMS code manually.


      Autofill SMS codes only work with Safari.

      8 votes
    11. Organizing self-hosted classical music collection

      I'm currently using Navidrome to self-host my music collection, while using DSub to listen on-the-go. This works very well for most genres, except for the bulk of my music which is classical...

      I'm currently using Navidrome to self-host my music collection, while using DSub to listen on-the-go.

      This works very well for most genres, except for the bulk of my music which is classical music. This presents its own host of problems pertaining to cataloguing and using metadata, since there are often multiple recordings of the same musical composition, recorded by multiple conductors with different orchestras and/or soloists. There may also be different instrumental arrangements of the same musical piece. Merely sorting by "Artist" is therefore quite unsatisfactory in this scenario.

      Some streaming services have come up with quite satisfying solutions in my experience (notably Apple Music Classical and Idagio), but I am not sure how to go about listening to my own self-hosted classical music.

      Is anybody here on Tildes familiar with this organizational problem? I would be very eager to hear how you have tackled this. Is there any self-hosted software more suitable to cataloguing musical collections with extensive metadata?

      13 votes
    12. Shopping for induction ranges

      With all that's been coming out in recent years about the negative health impacts of burning gas indoors even with good ventilation, I've been looking into replacing the cheap gas range that came...

      With all that's been coming out in recent years about the negative health impacts of burning gas indoors even with good ventilation, I've been looking into replacing the cheap gas range that came with my house which had been less than amazing to use anyway with a nice induction range.

      I have no experience with induction ranges however and have no idea what idea what to look for. I grew up with traditional coiled-eye electric ranges where even "bad" models are still functional, but slow to heat up.

      What models have those here had good experiences with, and what are the gotchas? I've done some looking around already and it seems like it's not as simple for going for a high-end option… even top of the line Bosch units seem to have a surprising number of "it ate my dog and insulted my grandmother" types of 1-star negative reviews, and it's hard to tell if that's just noise or something that should be paid attention to.

      EDIT: Specifically, I'm looking for standard 30" oven combo slide-in unit. Storage drawer is preferred over second oven.


      26 votes
    13. Do C programmers usually create and curate a personal library for their own use?

      I've been using mostly C at my current job for about half a year now, and I find myself reusing some little function that I've written for another code base in current projects. I'm relatively new...

      I've been using mostly C at my current job for about half a year now, and I find myself reusing some little function that I've written for another code base in current projects. I'm relatively new to this, so I'm wondering if it makes sense to have a repertoire of general purpose utility functions and whatnot for future use.

      I mean, the language's pretty established and whatever I think of must have been written by somebody else already, so is there even a need for what I'm talking about? Are there well-known open source libraries that resemble what I am talking about? Should I just include them instead of writing my own?

      Sorry if this is a bit vague. General purpose as in string manipulation, debug output, buffer operations, implementations of data types not in C, etc., just to name a few examples.

      32 votes
    14. What apps/plug-ins/extensions etc do you use to improve Youtube on desktop?

      My experience with the extensions below is solely from Firefox. For livestream chat, I use Hyperchat mostly for the cpu usage reduction. Youtube-shorts block (Firefox,Chrome) forces shorts to play...

      My experience with the extensions below is solely from Firefox.

      For livestream chat, I use Hyperchat mostly for the cpu usage reduction.

      Youtube-shorts block (Firefox,Chrome) forces shorts to play in the regular video player, avoiding the horrid shorts UI.

      32 votes
    15. How to clean up the space taken by old Snap and flatpak files

      When Snap and\or flatpak install or update packages they do not always do so cleanly Snap for example can keep up to 3 previous versions on updating and if you are struggling for space then this...

      When Snap and\or flatpak install or update packages they do not always do so cleanly

      Snap for example can keep up to 3 previous versions on updating and if you are struggling for space then this can be a Bad Thingtm

      These couple of pages show a good reliable way to tidy up and get back some disk space


      Please note, I am not the author. The articles are on a website called debugpoint.com and does not carry a credit

      4 votes
    16. Relatively early 2024 Oscar predictions

      I just realized I haven't made a full post with Oscar predictions since January (did one for the Globes and one for the Guild). Well now that we're half-way through the year, here's where I think...

      I just realized I haven't made a full post with Oscar predictions since January (did one for the Globes and one for the Guild). Well now that we're half-way through the year, here's where I think the current Oscar race stands:


      1. The Holdovers
      2. Oppenheimer
      3. Killers of the Flower Moon
      4. Dune: Part Two
      5. Barbie
      6. Past Lives
      7. The Zone of Interest
      8. The Killer
      9. Saltburn
      10. Anatomy of a Fall


      1. Christopher Nolan - Oppenheimer
      2. Martin Scorsese - Killers of the Flower Moon
      3. Alexander Payne - The Holdovers
      4. Denis Villenueve - Dune: Part Two
      5. Jonathan Glazer - The Zone of Interest

      Original Screenplay:

      1. The Holdovers
      2. Past Lives
      3. Saltburn
      4. Anatomy of a Fall
      5. May-December

      Adapted Screenplay:

      1. Barbie
      2. Killers of the Flower Moon
      3. Oppenheimer
      4. Dune: Part Two
      5. The Zone of Interest

      Lead Actor:

      1. Cillian Murphy - Oppenheimer
      2. Paul Giamatti - The Holdovers
      3. Leonardo DiCaprio - Killers of the Flower Moon
      4. Barry Keoghan - Saltburn
      5. Colman Domingo - Rustin

      Lead Actress:

      1. Margot Robbie - Barbie
      2. Greta Lee - Past Lives
      3. Natalie Portman - May-December
      4. Sandra Huller - Anatomy of a Fall
      5. Annette Bening - Nyad

      Supporting Actor:

      1. Robert Downey Jr. - Oppenheimer
      2. Robert DeNiro - Killers of the Flower Moon
      3. Ryan Gosling - Barbie
      4. Jesse Plemmons - Killers of the Flower Moon
      5. Teo Yoo - Past Lives

      Supporting Actress:

      1. D'avine Joy Randolph - The Holdovers
      2. Lilly Gladstone - Killers of the Flower Moon
      3. Emily Blunt - Oppenheimer
      4. Julianne Moore - May-December
      5. Rosamund Pike - Saltburn


      1. Oppenheimer
      2. Dune: Part Two
      3. Killers of the Flower Moon
      4. The Killer
      5. The Zone of Interest

      Film Editing:

      1. Oppenheimer
      2. Killers of the Flower Moon
      3. Dune: Part Two
      4. The Holdovers
      5. The Killer


      1. Oppenheimer
      2. Dune: Part Two
      3. Killers of the Flower Moon
      4. The Killer
      5. Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning - Part One

      Original Score:

      1. Oppenheimer
      2. Dune: Part Two
      3. The Zone of Interest
      4. The Killer
      5. Past Lives

      Original Song:

      1. "Dance the Night" from Barbie
      2. "Quiet Eyes" from Past Lives
      3. "More of Us" from Wish
      4. "Gonna be You" from 80 For Brady
      5. Original Song from Wonka

      Production Design:

      1. Barbie
      2. Dune: Part Two
      3. Oppenheimer
      4. Killers of the Flower Moon
      5. Wonka

      Costume Design:

      1. Barbie
      2. Oppenheimer
      3. Dune: Part Two
      4. Wonka
      5. Killers of the Flower Moon

      Hair and Make-up:

      1. Oppenheimer
      2. Dune: Part Two
      3. Guaridans of the Galaxy Vol. 3
      4. Renfield
      5. Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves


      1. Dune: Part Two
      2. Oppenheimer
      3. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
      4. Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning - Part One
      5. Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

      Animated Feature:

      1. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
      2. How Do You Live?
      3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
      4. Wish
      5. Nimona
      7 votes