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    1. What have you been listening to this week?

      It looks like it's been about a week since the last one, so I'll go ahead and post another! @Whom, your post description was great so I'll just borrow that :) What have you been listening to this...

      It looks like it's been about a week since the last one, so I'll go ahead and post another! @Whom, your post description was great so I'll just borrow that :)

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something!

      Feel free to give recs or dicuss anything about each others' listening habits.

      You can make a chart if you use last.fm:


      35 votes
    2. Solo: A Star Wars Story discussion

      Have any of you seen Solo? Possible spoilers if not. Personally, I loved it. After having been dissapointed by The Last Jedi, Solo was refreshing, in my opinion it felt like a classic Star Wars...

      Have any of you seen Solo? Possible spoilers if not.

      Personally, I loved it. After having been dissapointed by The Last Jedi, Solo was refreshing, in my opinion it felt like a classic Star Wars film. I loved all the characters, including Ehrenreich's potrayal of Han which I fully bought.

      Also the humour, compared to The Last Jedi, was far better. Whilst there weren't many laugh out loud moments, I was grinning throughout. And I far preferred it to the eye rolling cheesy jokes of TLJ.

      And as someone who has watched the Clone Wars and Rebels series, I loved the reveal of that certain character.

      Of course there were some cons, but they were relatively minor, in my opinion. The opening was a bit rough, and I got a bit confused at the end with the constant changing sides. And to be honest, I didn't really care for Marauders.

      What did you guys think?

      19 votes
    3. Mod tools growing with user 'tools'

      So, new here and looking around but haven't seen this addressed yet (though could be wrong! Happy to be linked if I missed something) One common failure I've seen in online communities of various...

      So, new here and looking around but haven't seen this addressed yet (though could be wrong! Happy to be linked if I missed something)

      One common failure I've seen in online communities of various sorts is that moderation tools don't get grown in parallel with user tools and abilities, rather they lag behind, and are often in the end built by third parties. This is the case with Reddit, but also in a bunch of other areas (e.g. online gaming, admin tools were often built to basically provide functionality that users realised were needed but makers did not).

      I get the impression there are plenty of reddit mods here, so can we discuss what are the key features needed to moderate communities that would be better built in than coming from third party tools (RES, toolbox) . A lot of these aren't needed with 100 users but with a million they become pretty crucial.

      My initial thoughts:

      • Something not dissimilar to the automod
      • Group user tagging (shared tagging visible to all mods, tags can be linked to specific discussions/comments)
      • Ability to reply as a 'tilde' not as an individual
      • Ability to have canned responses/texts (for removals, for replies to user contacts)
      • Some sort of ticket-like system for dealing with user contacts to mods (take inspiration from helpdesk ticket systems)
      • (added) space per tilde for storage (tags, notes, bans, canned text etc) of reasonable size.

      Plenty more to add I am sure but wanted to open the discussion.

      10 votes
    4. Any other attorneys on ~s?

      I'm a civil litigator in Texas, just curious if anyone else on here practices law! When the site opens up, I see value in creating something akin to the /r/lawyers subreddit where access is...

      I'm a civil litigator in Texas, just curious if anyone else on here practices law! When the site opens up, I see value in creating something akin to the /r/lawyers subreddit where access is restricted to licensed attorneys, and I'd be happy to jump in on setting that up when it does.

      10 votes
    5. Write a ~ story!

      Hey guys, I hope this is the right place for this idea. So, given the more structured community and higher required levels of contribution, I thought writing a collective story could work out....

      Hey guys, I hope this is the right place for this idea. So, given the more structured community and higher required levels of contribution, I thought writing a collective story could work out. I've done this before on other forums and it's always a blast.
      So, the way it works is, I'll start the story off, and then whoever sees it first will continue with anywhere from just one more sentence to multiple paragraphs. Just reply to the directly previous segment. To avoid homogenization, try not to contribute multiple times without letting other people go perhaps twice in between. With all that in mind, let's get started!

      Rufus smacked his forehead as he went to sit down at his computer- he'd forgotten about his date.

      18 votes
    6. RSS Feeds

      One of my favorite features of sites is the ability to grab an RSS feed and plug it into my Outlook at work to keep up with what's happening. Is this something other people do as well?

      8 votes
    7. Ask Tildes: What is the best way to get involved with the development of Tildes?

      Hi everyone, I'm a frontend developer and do a bit of backend work as well. I'd really like to contribute some of my downtime to helping build this site. I've checked out the issue tracker on...

      Hi everyone, I'm a frontend developer and do a bit of backend work as well. I'd really like to contribute some of my downtime to helping build this site. I've checked out the issue tracker on gitlab and some of the docs, tech goals and announcement, but I'd like to start getting my hands dirty and contribute some code.

      • Is there a roadmap for development?
      • A feature list to implement?
      • Bugs to fix?

      How can I help out? What's the best way to get started?

      Also for all non-devs, what is the best way that they can start helping out?

      30 votes
    8. On the upcoming trust system

      The trust system is something that I'm looking forward to for several reasons. It allows for community moderation that is "decentralized" to a point. It takes pressure off of the admins to police...

      The trust system is something that I'm looking forward to for several reasons. It allows for community moderation that is "decentralized" to a point. It takes pressure off of the admins to police content. The possibility of being able to ensure that quality content remains the core product of this site. There are also negatives like the possibility of creating a "power user" class that is resented by the rest of the user base or the potential for misuse by those with the power. Along with some more complex issues such as disagreements between trusted users about how to interpret and curate content. These are all things that we as a community should iron out before a larger scale rollout of this system.

      What I wanna talk about today is something a little bit different tho. From my experience with other sites that have achievable user class "upgrades", there will, almost no matter what the precautions put in place, be users that will game the system to rise up through the ranks as quickly as possible. From my point of view, as long as there is a system, written or not, about what needs to be done to achieve the "Trusted" status, there will be users that will do their best to get their as quickly as possible. There are a few ways that this can be looked at:

      • It's fine because while they may not be contributing for the "right" reasons, they are still acting in what is seen as a positive manner in the community.
      • Concern that because they are only working towards the status symbol "Trusted" that they are not going to be acting in the best interests of the website, but in the interests of keeping the status.
      • Wanting to keep this kind of behavior to an absolute minimum because want everything should be as ideal as possible.

      While this discussion is had on a fairly regular basis, the consensus seems to be that it is a necessary evil to endure because it would be both too much work to police/figure out who is acting for the right reasons (even standardizing what the "right reasons" are is hard).

      The way this can be combated by having requirements that would be deemed too much work for most of the people who are just in it for the status and not for the site. The issue with this solution is that it can make it very difficult for those who truly care about the site to maintain the position that allows them to curate and keep the site in the condition that we aim for.

      In the end I think that the deteriorating system will solve at least a portion of these problems because those who are just in it for the status symbol are often likely to quit trying after they are achieve the goal they want. This leads to periods of inactivity, and therefore, decay.

      I wanted to post this to see what the greater community had to think about this.

      20 votes
    9. Ye listening party afterthoughts

      Anyone who listened to the new Kanye album stream (or, if this thread is still going whenever it's released elsewhere, that), what are your thoughts? Personally this hurt me to listen to. Not like...

      Anyone who listened to the new Kanye album stream (or, if this thread is still going whenever it's released elsewhere, that), what are your thoughts?

      Personally this hurt me to listen to. Not like it hurt my ears, but it's so far below any other Kanye album that I can't help but just be sad.

      12 votes
    10. Riding off the other D&D post here, what is your favorite character you or someone else you played with made?

      Personally I'm really digging my current character. He's a alligator themed lizardfolk hick with a thunder cannon named Cletus Cornelius Crocodilius the 3rd who loves to hunt and read pulp fiction...

      Personally I'm really digging my current character. He's a alligator themed lizardfolk hick with a thunder cannon named Cletus Cornelius Crocodilius the 3rd who loves to hunt and read pulp fiction and trashy romance. His current favorite book is "Throws of Passion" the story of two luchadores who have to grapple with their feelings for each other.

      16 votes
    11. Tree-Based Commenting Systems & Quickly Decaying Threads

      I've been browsing Tildes a bit today and, overall, am enthusiastic about what I've seen. However, while reading a thread, a thought popped into my head that was evocative of an issues Reddit and...

      I've been browsing Tildes a bit today and, overall, am enthusiastic about what I've seen. However, while reading a thread, a thought popped into my head that was evocative of an issues Reddit and other tree-based systems suffer from — thread freshness and activity over time both decay quickly.

      While reading the thread, I thought "I would comment, but there already seem to be a lot of comments here. If I reply to a specific tree, then that limits people who might see it and respond. Even a top-level comment probably won't be likely to get much of a response."

      On Reddit, this leads to repost after repost of the same content in brand new threads, as the activity level of a thread decays and the thread is lost. It looks like one way you intend to combat this is with different sorting methods (Newest, Activity) over various time periods (all time, last 3 days, etc.). Do users feel that this will be effective enough itself, or do they have other ideas to combat this issue?

      The way I generally see it, linear threads often beat out tree threads when it comes to keeping threads alive without users having to read through a lot of crap to figure out what the current topic of discussion is, and where it's taking place. (Linear threading models to think of are phpBB, vBulletin, IP.Board, and their ilk. Tree threading models are sites like Reddit, Slashdot, or Shacknews. There are also hybrids, like Metafilter. Please share other examples and their pros/cons.)

      In a tree system, I've often experienced the following sequence:

      1. Read all top-level replies
      2. Read most sub-level replies
      3. Find where in the tree the most recent discussion is occurring
      4. Realize it's not coherently taking place in one tree
      5. Decide not to reply

      While in a linear threading system:

      1. Read past 2–3 pages of replies to get caught up
      2. Add a reply

      Alternatively, the linear threading sequence can also be:

      1. Read entire thread to see how it's evolved over time
      2. Add a reply

      An added benefit that is usually concomitant to a linear threading system is that threads are easy to "reactivate" (AKA gravedig) — simply add a new reply and the thread gets bumped up the stack for all users. This is not an exclusive benefit of a linear system. It could likely be made to work with a tree system too. The Activity sorting method may be related, though it's unclear how this functions.

      15 votes
    12. User activity

      I am really curious to see how this site grows as time goes on. Is there any way to see the amount of active/total users over the next few months? I like looking at charts lol. Maybe even a...

      I am really curious to see how this site grows as time goes on. Is there any way to see the amount of active/total users over the next few months? I like looking at charts lol. Maybe even a personal chart showing how each users invites branch over time also?

      13 votes
    13. Travelling to Paris. Stories, advice, and tips?

      Hey folks! I'm travelling with my wife to Paris for about 2 weeks. If you have any Paris stories, I'd love to hear them! Have any travel advice? I'm all ears. Local knowledge or location tips like...

      Hey folks! I'm travelling with my wife to Paris for about 2 weeks. If you have any Paris stories, I'd love to hear them! Have any travel advice? I'm all ears. Local knowledge or location tips like awesome places to eat or places to see off the beaten path would be amazing.

      16 votes