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    1. Any good text adventures?

      I've been starting to play some interactive fiction and I was wondering if any of you have any suggestions for good games. So far I know about Zork and Anchorhead.

      10 votes
    2. Interest in a weekly or biweekly writing prompt?

      One aspect of the Writing Prompts subreddit that frustrated me the most was that the submission that got the most responses was often the one that was submitted first. I found that in order to...

      One aspect of the Writing Prompts subreddit that frustrated me the most was that the submission that got the most responses was often the one that was submitted first. I found that in order to ensure that I got feedback and criticism, I often found myself rushing or submitting sloppy work so that I could submit first. Often times I would ignore prompts I liked because other posts had already taken off.

      I’d like to try something here that addresses some of those issues. I imagine it working like this:

      1. The first post would be a number of prompts that participants would choose from to be that week’s prompt.
      1. After a prompt is chosen, I wouldn’t accept submissions for one/two weeks to give people time to develop their ideas and submissions.
      1. A new post would be created for submissions for the past week’s prompt and providing a new list of potential prompts for the following week.
      1. Go to 2...

      So long as it is practical, I will read and provide feedback and constructive criticisms for every submission.

      I hope this encourages people to develop fledgling ideas as they have the time to let their ideas breathe and they have the promise of feedback at the end of it.

      Of course this isn’t meant to replace other casual writing prompts.


      For those interested a few questions:

      1. Is one week enough time to write?
      1. Would it be better for the writing time to include the weekend?
      1. Would you be okay with certain restrictions like 1,500 words? Is that too many words? Too few?


      Okay, I'll try to set this up!

      Over the weekend I'll think up some prompts. Here's how I see it rolling out right now. Feel free to suggest other things as it's all fluid right now. I'm open to any and all suggestions.

      1. Monday, Aug 20, I'll post three or four prompts. I'll leave voting up to participants? Or maybe allow the whole Tildes community to vote on the kind of story or theme they would like to read (hopefully to bring writers more feedback)?
      1. Tuesday, Aug 21, I'll announce the weekly prompt. Remaining prompts with good support will be carried over to the following week? Remaining prompts with little support will be removed from the pool?
      1. The following Wednesday, Aug 29, I'll open a thread for the past week's submissions and post a pool of three or four prompts to choose from.

      Not sure how voting for prompts will work, I'm thinking of posting the possible prompts in the comments and using Tilde's voting system.

      17 votes
    3. What do we want as a community?

      Just got invited here and looking at the content of the front page, Tildes is basically a "poor-man's version" of reddit right now. That's OK: it's a new community and I imagine a big part of...

      Just got invited here and looking at the content of the front page, Tildes is basically a "poor-man's version" of reddit right now. That's OK: it's a new community and I imagine a big part of users are coming here from reddit so they're doing what they're used to doing on social networks, that's only fair.

      However, more than that, looking at the groups, they are set up pretty much similarly to reddit's default subs - if not on a 1:1 basis, at least in the general tone: pretty casual, daily life topics, big focus on entertainment media, etc. Maybe again this is, by design catering to the people who are bound to be incoming from reddit, so they can immediately relate to a similar user experience. Good.

      So I think it's fair to say that it's proven that Tildes can be "like reddit". It kinda looks like reddit, it kinda feels like reddit. That part of the deal is covered. Now, what can makes us different? I doubt anyone here has no ambition besides being a soft-fork of reddit.

      What topics make you tick? What sort of online discussion makes you go "that's the good stuff"? What subjects are you truly passionate about? I'd like to know what the community here is all about, whether the current ~groups represent their interests and passions or not and, hopefully we could come up with some less generic ideas for new ~groups out of the discussion.

      EDIT I realize Tildes has a specific policy of "lesser active groups are better than a billion inactive groups" but at this point in time a good selection of groups would really help define the identity and content, not to mention promote quality discussion that actually aligns with people's interests. Hopefully seeing common trends in the replies would allow us to identify a few potential new groups, perhaps.

      36 votes
    4. Black Mirror S1E02 "Fifteen Million Merits" discussion thread

      Previous episode | Index thread | Next episode Black Mirror Season 1 Episode 2 - Fifteen Million Merits After failing to impress the judges on a singing competition show, a woman must either...

      Previous episode | Index thread | Next episode

      Black Mirror Season 1 Episode 2 - Fifteen Million Merits

      After failing to impress the judges on a singing competition show, a woman must either perform degrading acts or return to a slave-like existence.

      Black Mirror Netflix link

      Warning: this thread contains spoilers about this episode! If you haven't seen it yet, please watch it and come back to this thread later.

      You can talk about past episodes, but please don't discuss future episodes in this thread!

      If you don't know what to say, here are some questions to get the discussion started:

      • How does the title relate to the episode itself?
      • Are there any similarities between real life events and the episode?
      • Are there any references or easter eggs in the episode, such as references to past episodes?
      21 votes
    5. Concatenated tags - how do they work?

      I have a question about the technicalities of tagging, now that this ability is going to be spread around. I don't understand how concatenated tags work. I've seen occasional instances of tags...

      I have a question about the technicalities of tagging, now that this ability is going to be spread around. I don't understand how concatenated tags work. I've seen occasional instances of tags that look like "abc.xyz", and I've seen technical discussions about tags like this, but I've never really been clear about what this does. What does a tag like "abc.xyz" mean? How does it work?

      7 votes
    6. Make a statement about yourself, run it through Google translate 1 or more times and translate back into English. Post the final result.

      Example: I enjoy eating a bowl of cereal after everybody goes to sleep. (English to Albanian. Albanian to Chinese. Chinese to English.) “After all, I like to eat a bowl of cereal after going to...

      I enjoy eating a bowl of cereal after everybody goes to sleep.
      (English to Albanian. Albanian to Chinese. Chinese to English.)
      “After all, I like to eat a bowl of cereal after going to sleep”

      (I stole this from /r/threadgames, by the way. Apologies for my lack of creativity.)

      23 votes