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    1. Topic search

      Are there any plans on implementing a search function? Reddit's search is pretty awful, so I think a lot of people would be interested in how Tilde plans to implement it.

      14 votes
    2. Suggestions from a new user

      Hi all. Registered several days ago and this is my first post. After reading around this group and the blog, I'm very excited for the tildes project. It's not just another reddit-style forum but...

      Hi all. Registered several days ago and this is my first post.

      After reading around this group and the blog, I'm very excited for the tildes project. It's not just another reddit-style forum but actually one of its own taste and style. I have some suggestions for the project and would like to share them with the community. They are the result of years of redditing with numerous frustrating experiences and few shower thoughts.

      1. Voting power should not be taken for granted. The ability for me to vote must be in some way tied to my contributions to the discussion. This can be implemented in a sort of formula that takes into account the user's 'score' and 'activity' which results in a finite number of votes at the user's disposal. The more you contribute the more voting power you get, and the more quality you provide in your contributions the more votes you get to use.
      2. Deleted posts or comments must be reflected in a user's score. One of the bad effects of having a user score is the tendency to 'karma whore' in order to increase that score no matter what. The result is low effort posts and comments. Having a system in place that removes from the user's score if their posts/comments get deleted would act as a constant reminder to the minimum level of quality required.
      3. Mods should not have dictator power over their groups. Sure they must have elevated accounts to run their groups, including the power to remove or ban, but they should not be invisible. There has to be an approved system where users can have the collective power to revoke the elevated account powers of a Mod if they reach a certain threshold. Not sure how to implement this exactly, may be through voting by the users of a group who have high scores or reputations. One of the cancerous ailments of reddit is the invincibility of Mods.
      4. The availability of formatting tools and embedding in posts. This is 2018 and inserting a photo, video, table in the body of a post should be easily implemented. Constrictions on the use of certain attention-grabbing formats (eg. large fonts, ascii art, emoji) should be also be implemented to deter low effort contributions.

      Here's to hoping this project flourishes into a much-needed hub for quality content and discussions on the internet.

      Edit: Not sure why the first point is indented or how to fix it.
      Edit2: Fixed.

      4 votes
    3. Home screen icon for iOS devices

      I made one for Tildes Just name it "apple-touch-icon.png" and place it on the root directory of the Tildes website. Then put this in the head tag somewhere: <link rel="apple-touch-icon"...

      I made one for Tildes

      Just name it "apple-touch-icon.png" and place it on the root directory of the Tildes website. Then put this in the head tag somewhere:

      <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/apple-touch-icon.png">

      This way iOS users can add Tildes to their home screen and get a nice icon.

      11 votes
    4. Stardew Valley, maybe?

      For those not familiar with Stardew Valley: Developed by ConcernedApe, Stardew Valley is a farming simulation RPG that can be compared to Harvest Moon. Quite enjoyable solo, even more fun as a...

      For those not familiar with Stardew Valley: Developed by ConcernedApe, Stardew Valley is a farming simulation RPG that can be compared to Harvest Moon. Quite enjoyable solo, even more fun as a multiplayer game with the new update. Available on the Switch as well as other consoles. Currently the MP is only available on Steam/GOG.

      Are any other Tildes playing? Have you tried modding (on PC)? Who's your waifu/husbando?

      18 votes
    5. Any Tildes WoW players?

      Just curious if any other tildes members play or would want to do some keys sometime. Heres my main's IO: https://raider.io/characters/us/thrall/Cinidaria Could maybe foster some competitive...

      Just curious if any other tildes members play or would want to do some keys sometime. Heres my main's IO: https://raider.io/characters/us/thrall/Cinidaria

      Could maybe foster some competitive discussion here once BFA launches considering the competitive subreddits are pretty dead.

      12 votes
    6. Today I finally beat being a digital pirate despite having to jump a big hurdle

      The book Code Complete changed me as a programmer and as a person. It is the best book I have ever read and if you're a programmer I highly recommend you read it. The book was so good that after...

      The book Code Complete changed me as a programmer and as a person. It is the best book I have ever read and if you're a programmer I highly recommend you read it.

      The book was so good that after having read the pirated version of it I just had to give the author its money's worth. The problem was that almost nobody sells a PDF version of the book - Amazon sells it as a Kindle book, but I prefer PDFs (can use my chioce of software to read it). After searching for a short week I finally found a seller that sells a PDF version. I have never been so happy to find a legal PDF version of a book. Having been a pirate in my teens I'm proud of having gone to such lengths to the right thing. That's all. Just wanted to share this with you.

      TL;DR: Instead of pirating a book because I didn't find a legal PDF version spent time searching for a seller and bought it legally.

      25 votes
    7. Thoughts on something like a ~space group?

      I spend quite a bit of time on the NASA Spaceflight forums and r/spacex and r/space on Reddit, and I was wondering if anyone would be in favor of creating a ~space group or something similar here....

      I spend quite a bit of time on the NASA Spaceflight forums and r/spacex and r/space on Reddit, and I was wondering if anyone would be in favor of creating a ~space group or something similar here.

      As things stand now, I feel like ~science would be the most appropriate place for talk about space, space tech, and rocketry, but the general feeling of that group seems to be multidisciplinary science discussion and news, rather than the cross of news, science, engineering (and a bit of nearly-corporate-espionage if it's r/spacex...) that one usually finds in a discussion/forum about space and rocketry.

      Would the creation of such a group be something others would like to consider? Do you have other thoughts on the matter?

      4 votes
    8. Friend finder thread

      I thought it might be a good idea to make a thread for people to find other people to game with. Remember to put what console you're playing on, or if you're PC, and what games you're looking to...

      I thought it might be a good idea to make a thread for people to find other people to game with. Remember to put what console you're playing on, or if you're PC, and what games you're looking to play! Best of luck to all!

      I work overnight so I usually play around 1 pm to 4 pm weekdays (I know, weird hours). Anyway my. Xbox gamertag is TreeBone. I have been playing a lot of fortnite lately but I also get into Halo 5, Overwatch, and on steam I've been playing Don't Starve Together. I'm up for anything though! Drop me a line.

      11 votes
    9. Comment Collapsing: It'd be nice to be able to do this from the bottom of the comment too.

      I use Reddit Comment Collapser -- it's pretty great. I can finish off a thread if I'm done reading even though it keeps going. On Tildes, you can only collapse from the top, which can be annoying...

      I use Reddit Comment Collapser -- it's pretty great. I can finish off a thread if I'm done reading even though it keeps going. On Tildes, you can only collapse from the top, which can be annoying when there are many long posts in the thread above and you just want to move onto the next.

      If there were layered bars on the left of each comment, from top to bottom, that I could click to collapse, I would be so happy.

      11 votes
    10. A quick look at reddit load times on my (crappy) home internet connection.

      I decided to take a second look at the reddit redesign out of curiosity, and the lack of responsiveness was jarring. I found myself waiting several seconds just for a click to properly register....

      I decided to take a second look at the reddit redesign out of curiosity, and the lack of responsiveness was jarring. I found myself waiting several seconds just for a click to properly register. So I decided to take a look at the actual numbers for a bit of fun. Here are the results as reported by the Firefox network tab:


      13.88 MB / 7.23 MB transferred
      Finish: 57.46 s
      DOMContentLoaded: 1.92 s
      load: 25.67 s


      1.91 MB / 631.45 KB transferred
      Finish: 1.06 min
      DOMContentLoaded: 3.23 s
      load: 3.97 s

      And just for the sake of comparison:


      358.34 KB / 110.39 KB transferred
      Finish: 1.48 s
      DOMContentLoaded: 1.34 s
      load: 1.51 s
      28 votes
    11. "Parent" links added to comments

      This isn't a huge update, but it should make navigating around the larger comment threads a little easier. There's now a "Parent" link in each comment's header (unless it's a top-level comment),...

      This isn't a huge update, but it should make navigating around the larger comment threads a little easier. There's now a "Parent" link in each comment's header (unless it's a top-level comment), right after the "Link". This is also present on user pages and in your notifications as well, for if you'd rather jump to the parent instead of the comment itself.

      When you're using it from inside a comment thread, I also added some extra behavior to it: when it jumps you up to the parent comment, it will add a "[Back]" link at the end of that comment's header, which you can click to jump back to the comment you clicked "Parent" from. This can be used in a "chain" as well - you can click "Parent" multiple times to go back up a few levels in a thread, and then use the "[Back]" links on each one to get back down to where you started.

      Hope that helps, let me know if you notice any weird behavior or have any feedback about it.

      Edit: completely unrelated extra note - hey, we've made it to 3-char topic IDs already (this one is 103)

      21 votes
    12. Let's talk about that annoying thing we all don't want to think about: funding.

      Tildes does have bills to pay. The donations are open, but I'd like to go beyond the basic donations for a moment. Right now, tildes has server costs, and also the lead developer (Deimos) is...

      Tildes does have bills to pay. The donations are open, but I'd like to go beyond the basic donations for a moment.

      Right now, tildes has server costs, and also the lead developer (Deimos) is donating his full time to the project rather than working for someone else. He can't do that forever, so if we want him full time, we need to get him paid by the non-profit. In the future, that cost is probably going to expand to larger server costs, multiple developers, possibly community managers and other staff - though nothing ridiculous like reddit with 300 people doing marketing.

      When we talked about funding, we wondered if we could get all users to toss in one dollar a month, and if there were enough users (millions) even reduce that to one dollar a year. Now that we have a lot of new people here, I'd like to ask what everyone thinks of those funding ideas, and if they have any other good ideas on how to raise money to pay for whatever tildes' costs are.

      66 votes
    13. What is the one thing about your world that makes everything better?

      Okay I haven't slept in almost 24 hours so I'm not exactly thinking straight but I was wondering: What is that one thing in your life that makes everything better? It can be philosophical or it...

      Okay I haven't slept in almost 24 hours so I'm not exactly thinking straight but I was wondering:

      What is that one thing in your life that makes everything better? It can be philosophical or it can be something others might consider "small", but I am geniunely curious on what makes you happy.

      12 votes
    14. Any language learners/enthusiasts around here?

      Now that a community is starting to build here, I'm curious if anyone else is interested in languages. Personally, I realized that I enjoy learning languages when I took a Spanish class in high...

      Now that a community is starting to build here, I'm curious if anyone else is interested in languages.

      Personally, I realized that I enjoy learning languages when I took a Spanish class in high school. The only languages I've studied seriously are Spanish and Russian, and unfortunately these days my Spanish is pretty rusty, but I still enjoy the process of learning about different languages, how they relate to each other, and learning how to communicate at least a little.

      Anyone here share my interest? What language(s) are you learning/have you studied, and what do you like or dislike about it? What has struck you as the most interesting or weirdest thing about it?

      28 votes
    15. Two bugs: "Keep Me Logged In" doesn't work, and Read Replies still show as "New"

      #Edit: OK, I am terribly unaware of the "Mark as Read" option. Thank you to @Spel for pointing this out. I feel so dumb right now, so please accept my apology for being unaware. I just thought...

      #Edit: OK, I am terribly unaware of the "Mark as Read" option. Thank you to @Spel for pointing this out. I feel so dumb right now, so please accept my apology for being unaware. I just thought that reading the messages would mark them as read, so please forgive me. :( However, the other thing definitely doesn't work for me.

      As the title suggests, no matter whether I come back to the site from desktop or mobile, every single time I have to login in again.. even if I had just been on the site five minutes prior. It's not too much of an inconvenience, but it's not working for me.

      I don't know how to post my Chrome details, but I am on Win 10 with the latest Chrome build. As for mobile, I am accessing it from Android 7.0 through the latest Chrome on there.. I've already cleared my cache to see if maybe that would fix it, but sadly it did not.

      I hope it doesn't come off as me complaining, but I just wanted to let your team know of the issue I've been having.

      11 votes