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    1. ~music Listening Club 11 - Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven!

      Hey! We're on week 11, and it's time for another classic record discussion: Godspeed You! Black Emperor's Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven! Here's the place to discuss your thoughts...

      Hey! We're on week 11, and it's time for another classic record discussion: Godspeed You! Black Emperor's Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven!

      Here's the place to discuss your thoughts on the record, your history with it or the artist, and basically talk about whatever you want to that goes along with Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven! Remember that this is intended to be a slow moving thing, feel free to take your time and comment at any point in the week!

      If you'd like to stream or buy the album, it can be found on most platforms here.

      Don't forget to nominate and vote for next week's obscure record in response to this comment!

      11 votes
    2. What's the spookiest/creepiest unexplained thing that's ever happened to you?

      I saw an AskReddit thread on this recently and I thought us Tilders (is that what we're calling ourselves?) could do our own. The spooky season is approaching and I thought this might be something...

      I saw an AskReddit thread on this recently and I thought us Tilders (is that what we're calling ourselves?) could do our own. The spooky season is approaching and I thought this might be something fun to do.

      15 votes
    3. Inexperienced Programming Question

      TLDR: What programming language would be useful for taking info in an excel file and producing a text file (that is organized and arranged in a particular way) containing that info? Which would be...

      TLDR: What programming language would be useful for taking info in an excel file and producing a text file (that is organized and arranged in a particular way) containing that info? Which would be useful for this problem but also helpful in general? And also, are there any recommended online courses where I could learn it?

      I have no real experience coding or anything but have always wanted to learn. Recently at work we've encountered a problem. My boss had created a matlab program in order to take text/numbers from an excel document and transfer them to a text file, but in an organized way.

      Say you have something you call "Pancakes" and the cell next to it has the number "3", as in there are three pancakes. I want to be able to create a text file that would read something like this:


      • Pancakes: 3

      We recently have changed around the format of the excel document for a different item, for example "French Toast". I've tried to mess with matlab briefly but was unable to change the program to compensate, and I no longer easily have access to matlab.

      I'm seeing this as an opportunity to learn some programming and also fix some stuff at work. So what programming language would be useful for fixing this problem? Which would be useful for this problem, but also helpful in general? And also, are there any recommended online courses where I could learn it?

      Thanks for any help, I appreciate it.

      16 votes
    4. How to allow another person to sink their claws into your heart?

      I've gone through heart break a lot and I just recently met someone that I really like. We haven't even been hanging out for 2 weeks and we both really feel strongly about each other already....

      I've gone through heart break a lot and I just recently met someone that I really like. We haven't even been hanging out for 2 weeks and we both really feel strongly about each other already. Honestly it's pretty scary becoming this vulnerable to another person. My last gf I didn't feel this way with like when it was over I was like meh but this gf is like... I don't know if I want it to end. Not for now at least.

      Sorry I'm just sorta typing my thoughts out etc etc if anyone has any input feel free to comment.

      I'll be moving out of state in Nov so the longest it will probably last is until then because I'm not sure if I want to do long distance. Like, I just had a buddy come home to a gf that was sleeping with another dude IN THIER HOUSE soooo I just don't want anything like that to happen to me but I also know when it comes to leave I might not be willing to break it off. Plus, I think she already wants to last longer than November but she hasn't explicitly said so.

      Idk life and stuff and bullshit and yea... anyone out there feel me?

      9 votes
    5. What should the government's role in education be? How much schooling should be compulsory? How much of it should be paid for by the student or their parents?

      This started as a sub-thread in a topic about possible contenders for the 2020 US Presidential race, but it generated enough interesting discussion that I thought it'd be worth spinning off into...

      This started as a sub-thread in a topic about possible contenders for the 2020 US Presidential race, but it generated enough interesting discussion that I thought it'd be worth spinning off into its own topic, particularly so we can include people outside the US who are ignoring or filtering out topics about American politics.

      To expand on the questions in the topic title:

      • What level of education should be required by law of every citizen?
      • How should schools be funded? What role should taxes play vs. tuition paid by the student or their parents?
      • Should homeschooling be allowed, and if so, how strict should the educational requirements be?

      And if you want to go really deep:

      • What is the purpose of education in the first place? Is it to make better and more productive workers; to create an informed electorate; to learn for the sake of learning?
      16 votes
    6. What are "the sounds of your people"?

      Hey all, I'm interested in knowing what music would you say is unmistakably yours, in the sense that when you hear it you remember nights with the family/friends, parties, or maybe they remind you...

      Hey all,

      I'm interested in knowing what music would you say is unmistakably yours, in the sense that when you hear it you remember nights with the family/friends, parties, or maybe they remind you of your grandparents' musky apartment, or nights at the beach, whatever.

      For me there is a story behind almost every style of music I listen to, so my spotify lists are "nostalgia_parents", "nostalgia_grandpa", "nostalgia_home" etc. lol, and I think it's similar for everybody, so I was curious... what are your stories?

      (mine in comments)

      8 votes
    7. we will travel to mars

      we will travel to mars and devour the stars run fingers through wild dusty meteor scars in the dunes of faraway moons till the tunes of their soundless bassoons become ours when we sight the next...

      we will travel to mars and devour the stars
      run fingers through wild dusty meteor scars in the dunes
      of faraway moons till the tunes of their soundless bassoons become ours
      when we sight the next staggering flight
      from every direction bends infinite light in an arc
      you and i will embark to each spark till it's dark and together sail into the night

      10 votes
    8. The 'football' tag

      Since we are currently discussing tagging conventions in other areas of ~ I thought it would be useful to start one in this group. The 'football' tag is currently used for both association...

      Since we are currently discussing tagging conventions in other areas of ~ I thought it would be useful to start one in this group.

      The 'football' tag is currently used for both association football and American football. This is not a surprise, but we should agree on how to handle this from now on, in order to not hinder the tagging functionality (ie people wanting to filter out one of the sports).

      Here are some ideas, to kickstart the discussion:

      • Use soccer for association football and football for American football

      • use football for association football and other terms (like NFL, NCAA) for American football

      • don't use the football tag and use association and American football instead.

      • Use tag groups to solve this issue, ie football.association and football.american

      21 votes
    9. Low effort post, but I don't care, concerning downvotes...

      Downvotes are so cheap and I'm happy Tildes doesn't have them. It's like totally spitting on your post in a very passive aggressive way. Downvotes ideally are meant to be used as a kind of "this...

      Downvotes are so cheap and I'm happy Tildes doesn't have them. It's like totally spitting on your post in a very passive aggressive way. Downvotes ideally are meant to be used as a kind of "this doesn't contribute/this is a troll post" thing. But the amount of "I don't like this opinion, downvote" is maddening. Do people not realize how ridiculous it is that they're doing that? Terrible phenomenon.

      27 votes