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    1. Our Popcorn Movie Dystopia

      Our Popcorn Movie Dystopia is a movie put out by Some More News. It's certainly an interesting ride. A 135 minute blend of sci-fi B movie, documentary-grade movie analysis of dystopian films over...

      Our Popcorn Movie Dystopia is a movie put out by Some More News.

      It's certainly an interesting ride. A 135 minute blend of sci-fi B movie, documentary-grade movie analysis of dystopian films over the last 30+ years, and a heavy dose of political commentary (as would be expected from Cody)...complete with some minor celebrity cameos. I've not watched anything quite like this before.

      There are some hefty movie spoilers throughout...makes sense given the topic, but I think the only recent one is the new Bill and Ted movie.

      7 votes
    2. Timasomo 2020 Thread #1: Roll Call and Beginning!

      Timasomo Has Officially Begun! Weekly Task This is the thread where you commit to your goal. Post what you plan to achieve this month. Posting in this thread is your official entry into Timasomo....

      Timasomo Has Officially Begun!

      Weekly Task

      This is the thread where you commit to your goal. Post what you plan to achieve this month. Posting in this thread is your official entry into Timasomo.

      Next Steps

      Get creating! Timasomo is LIVE!

      Timasomo FAQ

      What is Timasomo?

      Timasomo is "Tildes' Make Something Month": a creative community challenge that takes place in the month of November. It was inspired by NaNoWriMo, the National Novel Writing Month. The first ever Timasomo took place last year. You can see the threads for the previous Timasomo using the timasomo tag, and you can see the final showcase thread of creations here.

      What are the rules?Timasomo is self-driven and its goals are self-selected. On November 1st, participants will commit to a creative project (or projects) that they plan to complete within the month of November. There is no restriction on the methods/products of creativity: writing, painting, code, food, photos, crafts, songs -- if it's creative expression for you, it works for Timasomo!

      Though most will be participating individually, collaborations are welcome too!

      What is the schedule?

      Timasomo begins November 1st and ends November 30th. All creative output towards your goal(s) should be confined to this time. This week prior to the start of November is for planning, and there will be a few days at the beginning of December given to "finishing touches" before we have our final thread, which will be a showcase of all the completed works. Below are the dates that I will be posting weekly threads:

      Sunday, October 18, 2020: Announcement Thread
      Sunday, October 25, 2020: Planning Thread
      Sunday, November 1, 2020: Roll Call Thread
      Sunday, November 8, 2020: Update Thread #1
      Sunday, November 15, 2020: Update Thread #2
      Sunday, November 22, 2020: Update Thread #3
      Sunday, November 29, 2020: Final Update Thread
      Sunday, December 6, 2020: Timasomo Showcase Thread

      This announcement will be posted in ~tildes. All Timasomo process threads will be hosted in ~creative. The final Timasomo Showcase thread will be posted in ~talk.

      Can I participate?

      Yes! Timasomo is open to anyone on Tildes! The greater Tildes community is also encouraged to participate in discussion threads even if you are not actively working towards a creative goal. This is meant to be an inclusive community event -- all are welcome! If you are interested in participating but do not have a Tildes login, please e-mail the invite request address here for an invite to the community.

      Participants will formally announce their plans to enter into Timasomo on Sunday, November 1st, in the Roll Call thread. If you are planning to participate or just want to follow the event, please make sure you are subscribed to ~creative where all of the update threads will be posted.

      What if I have ideas for how to run the event?

      Please share them here! I am facilitating the event, but I am completely open to feedback and suggestions to make this the best event possible. I want this to be Tildes' event, not kfwyre's!

      20 votes
    3. 2020 US Presidential Election Day - Discussion Thread

      This will be a noisy thread. Please use the ignore feature if you do not want to see it in your feed. We have a thread here in ~news that's more focused on articles and events, but I also want us...

      This will be a noisy thread. Please use the ignore feature if you do not want to see it in your feed.

      We have a thread here in ~news that's more focused on articles and events, but I also want us to have a more conversational space to process the day. Consider this an open forum for your own thoughts and feelings.

      50 votes
    4. Complete an emotional inventory of your music library/experiences

      This is not so much an ask thread as it is a task one. The idea is simple: for any/all of the categories below, identify music from your library or experiences that fits the bill, and explain a...

      This is not so much an ask thread as it is a task one. The idea is simple: for any/all of the categories below, identify music from your library or experiences that fits the bill, and explain a bit about why.

      You can choose any from the list, or do all if you like, but please do NOT just list items with no explanation! Your thoughts are the exciting parts of this exercise, not just the music itself, so please share!

      For the purposes of this inventory, "music" can refer to a specific lyric, a song, an album, an artist, or even a concert or event -- really anything that you think fits the bill. If you want to go into multiples per category, that's fine too -- just remember to explain them!

      Inventory Items

      Tell me about music that:

      • Is an instant mood lift
      • Is emotionally devastating
      • You've cried to
      • Reminds you of someone you love
      • Reminds you of someone you used to love
      • Brings you back to a specific memorable moment/time in your life
      • Helps you relax
      • Amps you up
      • Makes you feel safe
      • Could put you to sleep (in a good way)
      • Makes you feel like you're on an adventure
      • Reminds you that there is beauty in this world
      • Impresses you
      • Makes you smile
      • Makes you laugh

      You don't have to do all of them -- only the ones you feel strongly about or that have interesting stories behind them. Also, feel free to add on new categories in the comments that people can also respond to.

      21 votes
    5. Public shooting in Vienna (Allegedly terror attacks)

      Short Summary: On Monday, approximately 20:00 local time, public shootings occured at multiple places in Vienna, Austria. 4 deaths in total, one perp, 3 civilians. 15 people are severely injured,...

      Short Summary:

      • On Monday, approximately 20:00 local time, public shootings occured at multiple places in Vienna, Austria.
      • 4 deaths in total, one perp, 3 civilians. 15 people are severely injured, including one member of the police.
      • Attacker(s) is/were armed with a rifle and several handguns, and were wearing a dummy explosive vest.
      • The dead perpetrator has been investigated over the night, identified as a sympathisant of IS ("Islamic State"). There have been multiple arrests and house searches of the people surrounding this person by Austrian SWAT (Kobra).
      • Schools are closed on Tuesday (today).
      • In total, six places have been hit: Morzinplatz, Salzgries, Seitenstettengasse, Graben, Bauernmarkt und Fleischmarkt
      • The police is still currently working with military support.
      • Locals are urged to stay home today and it's difficult to get reliable updates.
      • The police has asked the public to refrain from posting videos/pictures on social media, and instead send it to them, as posting material could endanger the police and military working.
      • Multiple perpetrators are possible, but not confirmed.
      • The attack is currently considered to be an Islamic terror attack.

      Best place to get news: @LPDWien (local police department Vienna) on Twitter: https://nitter.net/lpdwien They post relevant information in both English and German.

      18 votes
    6. How do you (or your company) retrain staff for new roles?

      Hive mind: Does your company re-train people to teach them new skills? What about mindset skills, such as problem-solving and critical thinking? What's worked -- and what doesn't? I'm writing an...

      Hive mind: Does your company re-train people to teach them new skills? What about mindset skills, such as problem-solving and critical thinking? What's worked -- and what doesn't?

      I'm writing an article on how to do effectively re-train workers, and I'd like to hear from you (particularly if you have a management or HR background). I might like to quote you, but I certainly would like your input even if that isn't possible.

      Companies have always needed to ensure their employee learn new tools (such as replacing OldProgrammingLanguage with NewLanguage) or entirely new skill sets (e.g. for those whose jobs are replaced by automation). But the rate at which old skills perish and new ones have to be learned is increasing.

      If we assume that technology changes jobs rather than destroys them, what does that mean for companies in practice?

      I was inspired to write this article after reading about “the work skills of tomorrow" https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/10/top-10-work-skills-of-tomorrow-how-long-it-takes-to-learn-them in which critical thinking and problem-solving top the list of skills employers believe will grow in prominence. But that made me wonder: How the heck do you teach soft skills? This isn’t like telling someone, “Take a course in data analytics.” What, if anything, can you do to improve a worker's agility in learning new things, or to become a better problem-solver?

      So: What has been your experience? What worked, what failed, what advice would you offer someone (particularly in larger organizations) who wants to take care of their people and move the company forward?

      Note that I'm thinking less in terms of training an individual with a new skill (PhotoShop) than skills for a different career (a move to the Accounting department). And please leave out the "I trained myself!" stories; they're a tangent that doesn't help me. And yes, I know plenty of companies just lay people off rather than retrain them; we can leave those out of the discussion, too. This is meant to be a useful how-to to guide companies that want to do it right, so I am interested in practical advice.

      We can take this to a private discussion if that's easier.

      5 votes
    7. What programming/technical projects have you been working on?

      This is a recurring post to discuss programming or other technical projects that we've been working on. Tell us about one of your recent projects, either at work or personal projects. What's...

      This is a recurring post to discuss programming or other technical projects that we've been working on. Tell us about one of your recent projects, either at work or personal projects. What's interesting about it? Are you having trouble with anything?

      8 votes
    8. TV Tuesdays Free Talk

      Have you watched any TV shows recently you want to discuss? Any shows you want to recommend or are hyped about? Feel free to discuss anything here. Please just try to provide fair warning of...

      Have you watched any TV shows recently you want to discuss? Any shows you want to recommend or are hyped about? Feel free to discuss anything here.

      Please just try to provide fair warning of spoilers if you can.

      7 votes