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    1. Is there a space for the extremes of "alt right" on Tildes?

      I posted this recently during a discussion on reddit on thread locking and wanted to post it here for discussion as well. There's no room in a decent society for those who advocate for "race...

      I posted this recently during a discussion on reddit on thread locking and wanted to post it here for discussion as well.

      There's no room in a decent society for those who advocate for "race realism", deny the holocaust, or believe women are all mindless whores who can't think for themselves. If that's your (general you) idea of a useful contribution, create your own sub and be as hateful as you want, but I have no obligation to provide a platform for hatred on a sub that's dedicated to, for example, gifs of puppies and kittens.

      Tildes is intended to be a place for insightful, high quality discussion. Can people who advocate for topics like race realism be part of that conversation?

      Note: I am not necessarily suggesting that such topics be banned from tildes, I'd just like to hear opinions on this topic.

      Edit: I posted this same topic, lightly revised, on /r/theoryofreddit to see the difference in responses. It's been enlightening.

      40 votes
    2. Choosing to not have children

      I hesitate to even use the term "childfree" for this post, as the reputation the community has gathered on reddit isn't the greatest. For good reason tbh - there's a reason I don't post on that...

      I hesitate to even use the term "childfree" for this post, as the reputation the community has gathered on reddit isn't the greatest. For good reason tbh - there's a reason I don't post on that sub.

      I knew from a very young age that I wasn't cut out for kids. I didn't want to play "house", hated baby dolls (especially the gross ones that "peed" so you could change the diaper), babysitting was done only under duress, and the noise that came from being around a crowd of kids made me crazy. I grew up with dozens of cousins, of which I was one of the oldest girls, so "taking care of the young ones" was kind of an expectation. But while the other cousins in my age range were happy to do so, I was off in a corner with a book, avoiding the entire thing.

      As I got older and started dating, the conversations about weddings and having kids were the last thing on my mind. I went off to university, got a job, moved out on my own, and just didn't really think twice about it to be honest. I guess I always assumed it'd happen one day, and the urge to settle down would kick in, but it never did.

      Now as I'm past the ever so major gate of 30 (that crucial age where everyone says you'll change your mind), nothing's changed. I have a large circle of friends who feel the same way (none of us have or want children) and we're enjoying our lives in a way I didn't think was possible. We enjoy our dinners with each other, traveling on weekends to spontaneous destinations, last minute concerts, festivals, and many other events that keep us busy and engaged. The thought of giving it up and settling down just doesn't hold any appeal.

      The accusations of selfishness, shallowness, leading an unfulfilled life are all just water off a duck's back. If I'm selfish, it hurts no one but myself. If I'm shallow, well, I'm not shallow so that's not an issue. My life is my own, and it's exactly how I want it - full of friends, spontaneity, and peace and quiet when I want it.

      41 votes
    3. crema.

      ive had this idea in the back of my head for awhile, roll with me. sad parties. so much emphasis on things being perfect, people being perfect, work being perfect, life being perfect. so many...

      ive had this idea in the back of my head for awhile, roll with me.

      sad parties.

      so much emphasis on things being perfect, people being perfect, work being perfect, life being perfect. so many people caught up in social media subconsciously at battle to live a filter-perfect lifestyle.

      sad parties.

      a bunch of people youre close to get together at a comfortable apartment, good food, lots of drinks, lots of drugs. everyones free to indulge as they wish. all the lights go off except for a fireplace or some low-impact nightlights by an easel, and theres just a stream of sad music in the background. no words spoken unless you directly enter a conversation with someone. no forced interaction. just lots of pillows, blankets, and vibes.

      really want one of these. might make it a regular thing once i head out west.

      anyways, back to the reason we're all here. more sad drunk poetry<3

      thank you for all those who leave the comments. i honestly wouldnt keep posting if it werent for you all giving me that little nudge of support. it means a lot.

      much love.


      metal must be the best flavor of ice cream.
      take a double scoop, hope i dont see the morning
      leaded kiss orgasm, baby send me out moaning
      dropped my puppet strings, guess im not worth controlling.
      metal must be the best flavor of ice cream.
      must be in a coma, two years been a bad dream.
      poor lost lamb caught up with a black sheep
      just another sad white kid, rest in peace Peep.

      maybe some lives werent meant for the living
      maybe some dreams were meant to go missing
      kinda miss the way you would scream like a banshee
      kinda miss the way you would threaten to leave me
      wanna go back to the days when you need me
      always liked how youd cut me deep, and then heal me
      if it makes you smile when i cry, then abuse me.
      really wouldnt mind if you came back to use me,

      cant feel good enough on the nicotine therapy
      oxygen coming through airily, barely
      slaps on my face were a heavenly remedy
      soft pink lace was a beautiful heresy.
      pain, drugs, suicidal tendencies, obscurity
      wanna fade to black, tell God roll the credit scene
      another funeral in the wake of our legacy
      metal must be the best flavor of ice cream


      metal must be the best flavor of ice cream.
      take a double scoop, hope i dont see the morning
      leaded kiss orgasm, baby send me out moaning
      dropped my puppet strings, guess im not worth controlling.
      metal must be the best flavor of ice cream.
      must be in a coma, two years been a bad dream.
      poor lost lamb caught up with a black sheep
      knocking back four different drugs just to get sleep

      metal is the only thing i feel around me
      liquor by the half cup never stops pouring
      you held me down, now i feel like im falling
      up to the sky, sunshine in the mourning.

      4 votes
    4. What negative trait or quality in a person do you find attractive?

      Something that I believe others would find to be a negative trait or personality is a person with a sense of dark and morbid humour. I tend to use dark humour a lot more than I should and...

      Something that I believe others would find to be a negative trait or personality is a person with a sense of dark and morbid humour. I tend to use dark humour a lot more than I should and sometimes have to be pretty careful around who I say it. Having friends who can take in jest with the things I say without any repercussions is great, otherwise they wouldn't last that long as friends!

      What do you consider a negative trait, quality, factor, and that you find attractive?

      7 votes
    5. Ask ~games: what strategy games has a big focus on terrain tactics?

      I really like playing Civ5, when a city is behind a mountain, if properly guarded, it's nearly impenetrable. A strategically placed city on choke points can be a shield of your whole empire. Enemy...

      I really like playing Civ5, when a city is behind a mountain, if properly guarded, it's nearly impenetrable.

      A strategically placed city on choke points can be a shield of your whole empire. Enemy settlers or scouts can't access a vast majority of land. Also people have fun with canal cities with trading routes shortcuts, etc.

      However games like civ5 only have mountains, the river tactics is weak, historically many battles were carried over river and controlling a bridge is vital.

      Are there any games that focus on terrain tactics? I think combined with some aspects from Tower of Defense, the game can be quite fun.

      I know games like Total War where terrain plays an important role, but it's more campaign focused. RTS is too short-lived.

      10 votes
    6. Thoughts on a ~comp survey of some sort?

      After seeing the "what OS do you use?" thread earlier, I was wondering what everyone here on ~comp would think of a sort of group demographics survey. I think that it would be super interesting to...

      After seeing the "what OS do you use?" thread earlier, I was wondering what everyone here on ~comp would think of a sort of group demographics survey. I think that it would be super interesting to see the data on things like preferred OS, main programming language, preferred text editor/IDE, device OEM, etc.

      14 votes
    7. Have we talked about alts? Are they OK to have?

      Hi, I have but two accounts on Reddit; one for posting stuff I make, having fun discussions, and maybe small debates about stuff that doesn't matter (games, movies, etc.); and another for...


      I have but two accounts on Reddit; one for posting stuff I make, having fun discussions, and maybe small debates about stuff that doesn't matter (games, movies, etc.); and another for political discussion/debates, because sadly, my progressive views (and admittedly abrasive tendencies when the party I'm talking to is themselves abrasive) tend to get me enough negative attention that I've been doxxed twice (admittedly over the course of 12 years, so not much).

      Are alts allowed? If so, doesn't that just provide me with another 5 invites (that I will totally not abuse on account I've only used but one of the ones I've got/don't know enough friends to care about leaving Reddit)?

      If not, totally understandable-- I'll just avoid posting stuff I make in the event I find myself getting into a political debate.

      Thanks for the time/info either way,

      9 votes
    8. D&D has had a massive impact on my social skills

      I'm not sure what to make of this. I'd really like to hear others' experiences as well. Without getting into too much detail in the OP, I find myself constantly needing to reflect upon my actions...

      I'm not sure what to make of this. I'd really like to hear others' experiences as well.

      Without getting into too much detail in the OP, I find myself constantly needing to reflect upon my actions due to things that transpire in my group's weekly D&D sessions. I need to constantly examine and readjust my behavior so that our group can survive.

      I don't mean "survive" as in our characters, nor reflect upon my character's actions. I mean my own. The way I express myself to others. The lack of attention I have given to my teammates when they narrate their dazzling combat maneuvers. The visible disinterest in an RP dialogue that doesn't involve my character which makes my friends uncomfortable and unable to enjoy themselves. The offhand comments I make about a character, or the DM, that has a huge impact on the player (it's easy to get hurt when you put your heart into building a world or a hero and someone slights that). The time I knocked my friend's character unconscious to beat the bad guys, which resulted in him sitting there for multiple turns just watching us play. All of these things have had a real, out-of-character impact on us as a group, and have caused major conflicts.

      Our group is still going strong. We are working hard on being good friends to one another. But we're all really putting our heart into this game and it's so easy to hurt one another. It's been teaching me so much about being a patient, respectful, and "honorable" human being. I'm shocked, honestly. I hope I haven't hurt my friends too much on the road to this path.

      How about you, Tilders? Has D&D just been a game to you, or have you also found an avenue for personal growth?

      8 votes
    9. Suggestion: easy button to switch to night mode

      Just wanted to suggest that it would be nice to have a toggle switch button either next to our username or at least on the right in the User Menu after you click your username. Having to go all...

      Just wanted to suggest that it would be nice to have a toggle switch button either next to our username or at least on the right in the User Menu after you click your username.

      Having to go all the way into settings every evening is a bit awkward.

      27 votes
    10. Post state changes aren't propagated particularly well without a reload

      Original title: "Voting on comments on mobile makes them impossible to reply to" I was just reading through and voting on a few comments in a thread that was locked between me loading the page and...

      Original title: "Voting on comments on mobile makes them impossible to reply to"

      I was just reading through and voting on a few comments in a thread that was locked between me loading the page and starting to vote, and every time I clicked "Vote" the reply button on that comment would disappear. I reloaded the page and saw a) all the reply buttons had gone and b) there was a "this thread is locked" banner at the top, but until then I had no idea what was happening.

      It would be really neat if Tildes could cope a little better with things like this happening. Obviously it's not necessarily realistic for every client to keep a connection open with the server so that posts can be locked in real time, but it would be nice if behaviour in situations like this could at least be consistent – either all the reply buttons disappear and the banner appears at the top, or nothing changes at all. It's really disconcerting to have individual buttons disappearing as you're interacting with them!

      I also notice that changes to page state don't get persisted across history navigation; if I click on a post, vote on it, then press back in my browser, the post doesn't appear to be voted for until I refresh the page. Is it possible to fix that too?

      4 votes