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    1. Has anyone built a backyard greenhouse before? I'm looking for inspiration, tips, and critiques!

      I'm in zone 4b so it gets frigid here in winter, I'm thinking wood burning stove and I bought the thickest double walled plastic panels for the roof that I could find. I'm just finishing an...

      I'm in zone 4b so it gets frigid here in winter, I'm thinking wood burning stove and I bought the thickest double walled plastic panels for the roof that I could find. I'm just finishing an insulated slab and I'm about to start framing. Please share with me any photos, plans, or guidance you might have! I have no idea what I'm doing!

      21 votes
    2. Recommendations for music players for macOS

      Hi everyone! I've been using Vox for about a year now to listen to music and while there are some good qualities to it, I'm honestly fed up with the lack of volume normalisation and having to...

      Hi everyone!

      I've been using Vox for about a year now to listen to music and while there are some good qualities to it, I'm honestly fed up with the lack of volume normalisation and having to constantly adjust my volume manually (There's heaps years old of threads on their forums requesting or complaining about this). So here I am looking for a replacement and was wondering if anyone has a setup that I could copy. Here are the requirements that I have:

      • I can stream my own music library of high quality music (FLAC format).
      • It provides volume normalisation.
      • I can set my whole library to shuffle.
      • Native macOS client.

      I've been doing some looking around and so far the most likely solution will be for me to set up a Gonic server at home and use Strawberry Music Player on my laptop. A close second contender was Youtube music but they don't provide a native client and I currently use a combination of keyboard shortcuts and applescripts to manage playback (I found media keys insufficient but that's a topic for another post).

      I am currently paying a subscription fee for Vox so I don't mind if I have to pay for the new player, I'd prefer a service like that for ease of use rather than rolling out my own.

      For posterity I'm posting what I ended up doing. I tried Roon and while it looked and felt amazing, the ability for streaming out of home is very limited, it's intended to stream within a local network. It appears you can only do remote streaming to a mobile device and requires a custom port to be forwarded, I wanted to put this behind a reverse proxy but was not able to do that (Seems it's not supported).
      I did not try Plexamp, after all the work I did to get Gonic set up properly it felt like I was doing too much work myself to pay for a solution. Ideally I wanted something that would "just work" even if it wasn't free but no solution did that. If I had access to a free trial I would have probably tested it as well.
      I already had Gonic working within my home network going into this but setup of it is still trivial. The bulk of the work came in setting a dynamic DNS set up, and a reverse proxy (NPM) inside my network to provide HTTPS support with Letsencrypt certificates for Gonic (It's only HTTP). I spend too much time trying to have a secure setup (Crowdsec + Cloudflare) but after ditching that, I'm still happy with it and looking at logs it does not appear there's any significant risk to my network (I'm also using a geoip block to outright block requests from some countries).
      As far as clients go, I settled with Strawberry. Tried the following:

      • Sonixd: It had limited hotkey functionality and doesn't seem to be actively developed anymore.
      • Submariner: Did not work.
      • Clementine: Current version crashes on launch, rc version complaints about wrong credentials when connecting to the server.
      7 votes
    3. Tildes is still in alpha-testing. It’s an unfinished product. Set your expectations accordingly.

      Someone mentioned elsewhere that they signed up for Tildes “years ago during the beta”. That reminded me: Tildes hasn’t reached beta-testing yet. Officially, Tildes is still in alpha-testing...

      Someone mentioned elsewhere that they signed up for Tildes “years ago during the beta”. That reminded me: Tildes hasn’t reached beta-testing yet.

      Officially, Tildes is still in alpha-testing phase.

      The login page says “Tildes is currently in invite-only alpha...” And the Contact page says “To request an invite to the Tildes alpha...”

      We’re still in alpha-testing. Alpha-testing of software usually happens on an incomplete product before it is released to the customer.

      This is a very important point. Tildes is not feature-complete yet: there are literally hundreds of feature requests yet to work on before Tildes will be what people want it to be – and even that list is far from complete. In Agile software development terms, Tildes is a minimum viable product, or, in other words, “a version of a product with just enough features to be usable by early customers who can then provide feedback for future product development”.

      Tildes works as it is, but it’s a bare-bones forum: you can post, and comment… and that’s about it. It’s a proof of concept. There are a few minor tweaks here and there, which give the impression that Tildes is more complex than it is, but they’re misleading. There are plans to make Tildes a more complex website but, right now, most of that complexity of Tildes exists only in people’s imaginations (and there have been some very imaginative people contributing to that list of future features!).

      Most questions about “Why doesn’t Tildes do X?” or “Can Tildes do X?” can be answered simply by saying “Tildes is incomplete and X hasn’t been built yet.” There are some questions about missing features which can be answered by saying “Tildes was never intended to do X”, but those are far and away in the minority. Most flaws, drawbacks, and problems with Tildes exist because Tildes is still a proof of concept, rather than a finished product.

      It’s also worth noting that Tildes’ current feature set is absolutely not up to the task if the user base and site activity increase too quickly. There’s too much manual tinkering required at the moment to make things work properly: for one thing, there are no significant moderation tools on Tildes (that’s almost all done manually at the moment). There are still a lot of features yet to be built - and we don’t even know what some of those features are yet!

      To pre-empt the people who will rightly point out that Tildes is 5 years old: Tildes’ feature set was intended to grow gradually over time, in line with a gradual growth in users, activity, and the need for those features to exist. However, Tildes has not undergone much growth over the past few years, so the existing features were sufficient to manage the existing activity. Basically, the site didn’t need a lot of fancy features to handle the low traffic here.

      This sudden surge of new users might change that. But it will take time to build more features. That was always the intention, and it hasn’t changed now.

      Until then: Tildes is still in alpha-testing. It’s an unfinished product. Set your expectations accordingly.


      If you're one of the many people who seem to be replying to this topic, saying "it's okay, I like this simple bare-bones site as it is"... then you're probably not part of my original intended audience for this topic. This topic was aimed at all the people who are arriving here, being taken aback at how simple Tildes is, and wondering where the advanced features are.

      However, we can still take the "set your expectations accordingly" message and apply it to you: "Tildes is an unfinished product, so you can expect it to change in the future. It won't be like this forever."

      Either way, "set your expectations accordingly" is the message here, whether you're expecting more features and not finding them, or whether you're expecting simplicity and enjoying what you see. Either way, you should know that things will change around here. Maybe slowly. Maybe quickly. Maybe they'll get better from your point of view. Maybe they'll get worse from your point of view. But, change they will.

      151 votes
    4. Any songs you've been cringing to lately?

      I have a couple iTunes libraries, and one of them contains every song I have ever collected. I decided to load it up on one of my flash modded iPods a few days ago, shuffling, and having some fun...

      I have a couple iTunes libraries, and one of them contains every song I have ever collected. I decided to load it up on one of my flash modded iPods a few days ago, shuffling, and having some fun listening to music I haven't listened to in a long time.

      I was about 25 songs in when the autotuned mess of Untitled by The Title came on and a wave of nostalgia and disgust washed over me.

      It's so terrible, I can't believe I used to listen to the album on repeat, but it tickled my brain the same way it did when I was 12.

      Any nostalgic cringe songs you've been listening to? Or what are your guilty pleasures songs?

      16 votes
    5. Looking for suggestions for games that don't require hand eye coordination or fast twitch reflexes

      I have some disabilities that mean that I am limited to deliberative games where you proceed at your own pace. I am looking for games you enjoy or have enjoyed. Could be strategy or building or...

      I have some disabilities that mean that I am limited to deliberative games where you proceed at your own pace. I am looking for games you enjoy or have enjoyed. Could be strategy or building or story based or other, but nothing relying on physical reflexes or reaction times. Thank in advance.

      51 votes
    6. What types of content do you want to see on Tildes?

      Something you want to follow but don't have the energy to post? Something you want to start but not sure if there's an audience for it? Worry if it'd fit with existing culture? Share your ideas...

      Something you want to follow but don't have the energy to post? Something you want to start but not sure if there's an audience for it? Worry if it'd fit with existing culture? Share your ideas here to gauge interest.

      Cold posting can be scary, maybe this thread can help break the ice.

      79 votes
    7. Who here knows about water softeners?

      I’m building a new home and we have hard water around here. I want to save our brand new plumbing and fixtures from being loaded up with deposits from day one. I’ve never used a water softener...

      I’m building a new home and we have hard water around here. I want to save our brand new plumbing and fixtures from being loaded up with deposits from day one. I’ve never used a water softener before. What’s the best route to go?

      10 votes
    8. Visual novels and adventure games with choices that matter?

      So I've been wanting to host some gameplay sessions on Discord for a while now, and I figured the best option would be visual novels or adventure games and similar types of games that are more...

      So I've been wanting to host some gameplay sessions on Discord for a while now, and I figured the best option would be visual novels or adventure games and similar types of games that are more story-driven. You don't have to worry about the video lagging as much, and you can pretty easily pause playing to talk to people without worrying about getting distracted.

      What I particularly want are games that have choices that matter so people can give input. Someone once mentioned playing "Your Turn To Die" with friends where they could vote on the choices, and it's been stuck in my head ever since. If you haven't played that game, there are multiple points where you have to choose between two characters dying, which definitely shapes later chapters. Obviously I know what goes on in that game though, and I'd prefer to be just as blind as everyone else.

      So please give me suggestions! Funny games, mystery games, horror games, psychological thrillers, I'm open to anything! (Except most dating sims. Those can be long and tedious if they don't have some twist to them.)

      Minor edit: It doesn't have to be just visual novels or adventure games. I'm open to basically any game that doesn't depend on real-time reaction speeds (e.g. most platformers), so that we don't have to worry about getting killed while talking, or the video lagging and/or quality dropping for some people. (That's the main reason I've eliminated movies as an option, video lag and connection quality issues can really hamper the experience.)

      37 votes
    9. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 16, Episodes 1 & 2 Discussion

      The 16th season of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia started airing last night and is now available for streaming on Hulu too! What did y'all think about the new episodes? Please make sure to...

      The 16th season of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia started airing last night and is now available for streaming on Hulu too! What did y'all think about the new episodes?

      Please make sure to provide warnings for any spoilers you may post! If you want to hide your spoilers, please follow the formatting tips at https://docs.tildes.net/instructions/text-formatting#expandable-sections to hide them under expandable sections. Thank you!

      Episode 1 & 2 After watching all the teasers they showed over the last few weeks, I wasn't expecting literally all the teaser material to show up in the first episode. However, I still enjoyed the first episode! This felt a bit more like a classic Always Sunny episode and I found it funny for the most part. I definitely think that the show has lost a bit of its old charm, it now looks like a proper TV show with properly lit up sets and whatnot. Despite this, I think this episode was a solid start to the season!

      I really enjoyed the second episode too! It was cool seeing Charlie's sisters show up in this episode. I remember in the season they mentioned Charlie's sister and then she was never mentioned again. In the podcast, they mentioned that they'd simply forgotten about Charlie's sister as a character. So it was cool seeing them finally show Charlie's sister(s) in an episode now. Also was not expecting an OnlyFans name drop haha.

      31 votes
    10. What are your favorite "hidden gem" RPGs?

      Was recently feeling nostalgic over some RPGs I used to play back in the PS1 era and was wondering if anyone had some "hidden gems" they've been wanting to get off their chest? A couple of mine...

      Was recently feeling nostalgic over some RPGs I used to play back in the PS1 era and was wondering if anyone had some "hidden gems" they've been wanting to get off their chest? A couple of mine are:

      Suikoden II

      Game of Thrones meets JRPG. Super fun story with just the right amount of twists and turns. Lots of loveable characters, both standard turn-based and tactics style combat, and fun little mini-games throughout (feudal Iron Chef fans rejoice)! The only real downsides to this game are the now outrageous price for an original copy, and the "need" to have a completed save file from Suikoden 1 to get 100% completion (and a different ending). On the brightside that means you get to play Suikoden 1, which is an excellent game in it's own right!

      Azure Dreams

      A fun little RPG that is equal parts rogue-lite, Pokemon, dating sim, and city builder. You traverse a large tower collecting monsters that assist you in battle. With the spoils of your expeditions you can grow out the town that sits at the base of the tower, and maybe woo some love interests along the way. Character progression resets each tower expedition, but your monsters retain their levels (and it's possible to retain some gear as well). Overall was a fun game that I sunk a bit too much time into back in the day.
      44 votes
    11. [PC build] - AM4 or AM5 for low-power non-gaming build with lots of storage?

      My main needs are: Not too pricey Very low idle power At least 6 x SATA I don't need a beefy GPU (the iGPU will be more than I need) or lots of CPU performance (I'll probably pick one of the...

      My main needs are:

      • Not too pricey
      • Very low idle power
      • At least 6 x SATA

      I don't need a beefy GPU (the iGPU will be more than I need) or lots of CPU performance (I'll probably pick one of the cheapest compatible CPU).

      AM5 is still pretty expensive and the cheap(-ish) motherboards mostly only have 4 x SATA so I would need an extension card. But I'm considering it because 5nm vs 7nm should improve the power efficiency, right? What kind of improvements should I expect there?

      Are there any other reasons to go for AM5? I might prefer it for emotional reasons (the lastest and greatest always feels better) so I could use some input from kind strangers.

      I could also just wait a bit longer. When should I expect the low-end AM5 comonents to become cheaper?

      13 votes
    12. I created an APK wrapper for Tildes if anyone wants to use it.

      If this is against the rules, I'm sorry and I'll take it down immediately. I just found it easier to use an app instead of going to the website every time I want to check out Tildes. I didn't...

      If this is against the rules, I'm sorry and I'll take it down immediately. I just found it easier to use an app instead of going to the website every time I want to check out Tildes. I didn't actually make it myself, I just used this website: https://gonative.io, so if this gets taken down you can just use that link to make one for personal use. It's on Google Drive so I think it automatically gets scanned for viruses if you're worried about that.

      Here is the link to the APK: https://goo.gl/Ynu4c7

      18 votes
    13. Can you recommend me visual novels with no choices?

      A bit inspired by the similarly worded but opposite question someone asked earlier. Any visual novel recommendations that are focused on just reading without having to worry about making choices?...

      A bit inspired by the similarly worded but opposite question someone asked earlier. Any visual novel recommendations that are focused on just reading without having to worry about making choices? Some examples of what I have already read, I'm looking for more like this: Planetarian and Harmonia.

      9 votes
    14. Any finance tips and tricks for those who are financially illiterate?

      So I'm 20, in the US (California to be exact), and I'm planning to (secretly) move out of my parents' house sooner or later. I have a plan and all that, but I'm a bit anxious since I know nothing...

      So I'm 20, in the US (California to be exact), and I'm planning to (secretly) move out of my parents' house sooner or later. I have a plan and all that, but I'm a bit anxious since I know nothing about finance. I was never taught about it at school beyond some surface-level vocabulary words (no personal finance. Only like how econ is related to governments and all) and I grew up with a dad who thought he was being selfless by making sure I never had to think about money ever. Mix that in with some good ol' learning problems and I'm clueless about money

      Here are some things I learned to give an example of what I mean when I imply I'm absolutely clueless:

      • Apparently taxes will sometimes differ from each store I buy from. I have not learned how or why each store has a different percentage (I thought it was by state), just that it sometimes does
      • Also, groceries don't have taxes, but they tend to cost more than the pre-packaged stuff
      • Speaking of taxes, apparently if you make enough for them you can completely ruin your parents' taxes if you forget to communicate with them. Luckily, I didn't have to learn this the hard way, but I suddenly realized why people who were keeping their jobs a secret from their parents were concerned about making too much
      • Credit cards are like a loan that you are forced to pay monthly. I legitimately thought the money was directly transferred from your bank account to the card, but no, it's from this storage in the bank that they have where they take your and everyone else's money and lend it to others
        • This was also why I was so confused as to why the banks collapsed right before the Great Depression
      • A lot of things only take credit cards. For example, paying a house via cash is literally impossible, which is why you need to rely on a bank (to my disappointment). In fact, living bankless will only cause more problems than it does save money
      • I figured out what a lease was. No one taught me that and I never sought to learn it until I was asking for apartment rooms

      I'm lucky in that I'm not paying any sort of bills or insurance, and that I'm still reliant on my parents for that. However, I really want to get away from them, even though I would be tied to my parents' insurance plans and all. (I don't think they will ever kick me out of them, no matter what I do.) I don't want to be thrust into something that's difficult to reverse, so for those of you who are older and know what you're doing, is there any finance advice you recommend? What should I expect money-wise when I move out? What has been a regretful decision you've made and what has worked for you?

      Resources are also nice, though I'm wary of books that are only found online and thus, I need to pay to see what's inside.

      30 votes