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  • Showing only topics with the tag "ask.recommendations". Back to normal view
    1. Who are some artists that have only released great albums?

      Greatness is tough enough, but consistent greatness is nigh impossible. I'm curious as to who are some musicians/bands out there that have always delivered and never stumbled, putting out great...

      Greatness is tough enough, but consistent greatness is nigh impossible. I'm curious as to who are some musicians/bands out there that have always delivered and never stumbled, putting out great release after great release for their entire careers. It doesn't mean they've never had a bad song or a gaffe or anything like that--just that their main releases have been solid from start to finish.

      14 votes
    2. In a music world where rap/hip-hop are more prevalent than ever before, what rock bands are trying their best to innovate or keep it real?

      It's neat that Rap/Hip-Hop is having a renaissance of sorts. However, I don't really like any of it. In an industry that claims rock is dying (or at least has been for several years), what rock...

      It's neat that Rap/Hip-Hop is having a renaissance of sorts. However, I don't really like any of it. In an industry that claims rock is dying (or at least has been for several years), what rock bands have been killing it, spinning it in a new direction, or paying inspired and original homages to their rock forefathers?

      14 votes
    3. How do I learn and understand what kinds of books I like?

      I'm an audio engineer, and I spend many hours a day consuming music. I could talk your ear off about genres, sub-genres, vocal styles, rhythms, and exactly what combinations of those I really...

      I'm an audio engineer, and I spend many hours a day consuming music. I could talk your ear off about genres, sub-genres, vocal styles, rhythms, and exactly what combinations of those I really enjoy. Technology, recommendations, and websites like everynoise.com have really enhanced how accurate my recommendations are, and I'm constantly consuming music that I absolutely love.

      But when it comes to books... I'm so lost. Literature genres are like the equivalent of listing what instruments play on an album. Okay, this book is "sci-fi," so I know it's probably got futuristic technology, may be set in space, and could have some aliens. But that doesn't tell me anything about the writing style.

      I know enough to know that I can't go just by good reviews on sites like amazon. How do I learn to quantify what I enjoy and curate my recommendations more effectively?

      14 votes
    4. What music blogs are still worth following?

      I miss music blogs. I mostly used them for piracy in the past but plenty of them (pirate and non-pirate) have been great sources for curated lists of new good music. I'd like to add some more...

      I miss music blogs. I mostly used them for piracy in the past but plenty of them (pirate and non-pirate) have been great sources for curated lists of new good music. I'd like to add some more variety to my music discovery methods for this new year, so what blogs do you still follow / respect?

      Some previous semi-related threads that might be of interest:

      How do you discover music?

      How do you keep up with new music?

      Music Blogs & Mini Station Rant

      6 votes
    5. What are some other sites/projects that have the same ethos as Tildes?

      Tildes' guiding principles are laid out in its announcement post: Non-profit, no investors No advertising, user-supported Open, honest, and open-source Minimal user-tracking, better privacy...

      Tildes' guiding principles are laid out in its announcement post:

      • Non-profit, no investors
      • No advertising, user-supported
      • Open, honest, and open-source
      • Minimal user-tracking, better privacy
      • High-quality content and discussions
      • Limited tolerance, especially for assholes

      I'm interested in other projects that line up with some or all of these principles. It doesn't have to be a site with the same function as Tildes, just the same feel. What else is out there that we should know about?

      28 votes
    6. Where should I move to?

      I haven't posted at all on Tildes, but I've been here! I've seen how great of a community it is, even if it isn't that popular yet, so I wanted to ask you kind people for advice on where I should...

      I haven't posted at all on Tildes, but I've been here! I've seen how great of a community it is, even if it isn't that popular yet, so I wanted to ask you kind people for advice on where I should move to. Please tell me if this is the wrong group.

      I can't decide where to move. I really want to live in a giant city like NYC because I have a degree in CS and computers are popular in big cities, plus I just enjoy them, but (as I'm sure everyone knows) it's super expensive. I also really love rain and snow. If any of you could recommend a relatively inexpensive city that rains and snows a lot, I'd greatly appreciate it. It doesn't have to be in the U.S. Thank you all so much!

      19 votes
    7. What SSD should I buy?

      Right now I have this SSD and apparently it's pretty outdated. I wanted to get a 500GB one that's quite a bit faster without being too expensive (so less than $100 at the least.) Any suggestions?

      10 votes
    8. Best bluetooth usb for audio?

      At the risk of sounding like an audiophile I noticed that on some bluetooth devices audio quality comes out absolutely terrible (Like radio recorded with a phone microphone). I was using a pair of...

      At the risk of sounding like an audiophile I noticed that on some bluetooth devices audio quality comes out absolutely terrible (Like radio recorded with a phone microphone). I was using a pair of Bose QC 35 headphones and on my phone they sound just fine but on my desktop which has a cheap $2 bluetooth usb the sound quality is terrible. Ok for $2 what can you expect but now I have a distrust for all bluetooth devices. How can I know if my bluetooth usb is killing the quality of audio when thats not even a listed spec on these devices. I looked in to this a little bit ago and there seem to be a few proprietary extensions to bluetooth that allow lossless streaming but they aren't well supported because they are proprietary. I understand that high quality lossy compression is pretty much the same quality as lossless but how do I find a product that uses high quality lossy compression when it seems some of them use absolutely horrible compression?

      6 votes
    9. Recommendations for old school style RPG games?

      I've played and enjoyed Neverwinters Nights, Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, and Planescape: Torment. I was wondering if you guys could recommend some games in a similar style that I've overlooked....

      I've played and enjoyed Neverwinters Nights, Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, and Planescape: Torment. I was wondering if you guys could recommend some games in a similar style that I've overlooked. Thanks!

      12 votes
    10. What are some good open source games?

      I've found a few really, honestly fantastic open source games and I'd like to share them and discover some new ones too. Firstly, NullpoMino is a fantastic cross-platform Tetris clone. It's...

      I've found a few really, honestly fantastic open source games and I'd like to share them and discover some new ones too.

      Firstly, NullpoMino is a fantastic cross-platform Tetris clone. It's highly, highly customizable and is lots of fun to play. It's got a great community over at Hard Drop, and if you like Tetris - you'll like NullpoMino. However, there are a few issues with it; one in particular being the relatively low skill ceiling of Marathon. The skill ceiling is very low (compared to other titles such as the NES edition), but this is solely exclusive to Marathon as far as I know. It turns into a test of patience rather than skill. Another issue is with installation; as the game was made for 32 bit systems it is rather slow, and it's finicky to run on Linux. However, it is a fantastic Tetris title (and open source!)

      Another good open-source game is Osu! I've never played it competitively, but it's a fair bit of fun to play with friends and is a great game. It's cross-platform, although I've only ever played it on Windows, and it has a nice community. Fantastic game that I don't see mentioned too much.

      The last game for this post is SuperTuxKart. It serves as a great kart-racing game, that's fun and has a low barrier to entry. Graphically, it's not drop-dead gorgeous, but it's not bad at all either. It's decent solo, and a lot of fun with friends. Would highly recommend. Cross-platform and available as a snap.

      21 votes
    11. What model of mouse would you recommend for huge hands?

      I am replacing my mouse, and I have giant hands. Pretty much every mouse I've ever used has been too small for me, so I would like to finally buy something that fits. I don't need anything fancy...

      I am replacing my mouse, and I have giant hands. Pretty much every mouse I've ever used has been too small for me, so I would like to finally buy something that fits.

      I don't need anything fancy beyond two buttons and a scroll-wheel. It doesn't have to have extra buttons or switchable DPI or anything like that (though I'm not opposed to those either). It'll be used on Linux, and will be my everyday driver. Wired and ergonomic are preferred but not mandatory.

      Anyone have any good recommendations?

      13 votes
    12. VR Suggestions?

      Looking for VR game suggestions. Turns out there's a lot of crap to dig through to get to the good stuff. Give me your best of the best. I'll start us off: Multiplayer - Arizona Sunshine, Pavlov,...

      Looking for VR game suggestions. Turns out there's a lot of crap to dig through to get to the good stuff. Give me your best of the best. I'll start us off:

      Multiplayer - Arizona Sunshine, Pavlov, Rec Room

      Single player - Sairento, Beat Saber

      7 votes
    13. Looking to cancel Amazon Prime for ethical reasons (and quality decline) - what are my alternatives for online shopping?

      For the past few years, I've grown more and more uneasy with Amazon's business practices. I think it's time to move on. Not to mention the declining quality in products since international...

      For the past few years, I've grown more and more uneasy with Amazon's business practices. I think it's time to move on. Not to mention the declining quality in products since international shippers were added (as discussed in the podcast Reply All).

      I'm addicted to the convenience of 2 day shipping, even though we use Amazon less and less, I like knowing I have that option.

      I've been considering a Costco membership instead - how does their online shopping and shipping times/prices compare?

      I've also considered using Jet more but I don't know much about their ethics, does anyone?

      Open to other alternatives and discussion about business ethics here.

      33 votes
    14. Has anyone used a book scanning/digitization service?

      I ask because I have several physical books that I would love to have digital copies of. Most of the services out there are destructive, so you lose the book when you send it in to scan. I'm fine...

      I ask because I have several physical books that I would love to have digital copies of.

      Most of the services out there are destructive, so you lose the book when you send it in to scan. I'm fine with this in theory, except for the fact that I'd hate to lose the physical book and have it replaced with a crappy digital copy. I've not had terribly great luck with my own attempts at OCR with documents (but I'm also not a professional).

      Additionally, some of the books I want to scan have extensive footnotes. The ideal would be that the book gets scanned and edited to have these footnotes hyperlinked in the resulting ebook, but I don't know if anyone offers that kind of service. I'd even be okay with the footnotes just being eliminated if it's too much trouble. What I don't want is them just being flowed into the main text of the document.

      There are a lot of different options out there, and I'm more than willing to pay for a good job. Has anyone used one of these services and can speak to their quality?

      7 votes
    15. My dad had a stroke; looking for free Android games to help him pass time and recover

      Last month my dad had a stroke. Miraculously he didn't lose much functionality at all, though he does have some minor cognitive issues that we're working on in rehab - mainly memory. Accordingly,...

      Last month my dad had a stroke. Miraculously he didn't lose much functionality at all, though he does have some minor cognitive issues that we're working on in rehab - mainly memory. Accordingly, we want to find some games he can play on his tablet to help keep his mind active and focus his attention. But the mobile game market is hard for me to navigate and sort through for what I'm looking for.

      I need games that're about a dollar or less and don't have in-app purchases. Basically games you could give to your kid and trust that they're not gonna be psychologically manipulated into wanting to empty your bank card or something like that.

      Brain teasers and simple puzzles are ideal for sharpening his mind but any game that's good clean straightforward fun will work. I don't think he's going to be able to handle anything with a whole lot of moving parts like an RTS right now, for instance.

      I can't afford to spend much on this and I don't know what kinds of games will interest him most so I want to give him a lot of choices. I've already looked through a couple of the other mobile game rec threads on here and I'm checking out the games listed there, but I was hoping you all could help me think of some stuff more geared to my situation. Any pointers even just on where to go looking or what to google would be appreciated. Cheers!


      Thank you all for being so supportive! I've added a bunch of the games you recommended, and I also found a couple nice lists that I thought I'd add here for anyone else interested.

      Short List of Totally Free Games

      10 Completely Free Mobile Games

      Stay awesome tildes!

      20 votes
    16. Recommendation for new Oculus compatible machine help

      Hey all. My old computer is fine, but the Oculus software has recently pushed an update where it no longer starts up, attempting to repair the software uninstalled it, and the install errors out...

      Hey all. My old computer is fine, but the Oculus software has recently pushed an update where it no longer starts up, attempting to repair the software uninstalled it, and the install errors out despite clearing out the install cache and existing files while running it in network capable Safe mode with Defender off as recommended.

      Eventually I narrowed it down to this error. https://forums.oculusvr.com/community/discussion/71083/cant-install-software-exiting-with-code-18 and since I'm using an old HP xw8400 build with two Xeon 5355 processors, it does kind of check out that this latest update finally became incompatible with my processor and it may be time to upgrade anyway. To my knowledge, there isn't really a way to get a more modern processor onto the motherboard, and I'm not going to rage at Oculus for not supporting hardware they were never supporting in the first place. (Auto Update and being unable to downgrade is meh, but I'm not going to win that fight.)

      So what would you guys recommended for a new processor/ram/motherboard combination? My Graphics Card (RX480) and hard drive is still fine, and I'd like to keep it on the cheap for as much as we can do with VR.

      6 votes
    17. Help! I'm indecisive and I want a keyboard.

      I know there are at least fifteen threads on ~comp alone about mechanical keyboards, but, this one is mine. I recently had a run in with tendinitis, which taught me the importance of ergonomics,...

      I know there are at least fifteen threads on ~comp alone about mechanical keyboards, but, this one is mine.

      I recently had a run in with tendinitis, which taught me the importance of ergonomics, but I still wanted the clickety clack of a mechanical keyboard, so I decided to consider buying an ergonomic mechanical keyboard.

      The first one that I looked at was the ErgoDox EZ (it was the first one I saw). It had a split layout, open source firmware, and a positive review from Linus Tech Tips.

      The second one was the Ultimate Hacking Keyboard (I saw the Hacker News thread). I was interested in it for the Trackball Module.

      These two keyboards are different enough from each other, so it's hard to compare them.

      In conclusion, why should I choose one over the other?

      14 votes
    18. Any literary translators here? What programs do you use?

      I've started doing this amateurishly a few months ago, translating a novel slowly, and nowadays I'm thinking of going to a few publishers and asking for actual contracts. Currently, I'm using an...

      I've started doing this amateurishly a few months ago, translating a novel slowly, and nowadays I'm thinking of going to a few publishers and asking for actual contracts. Currently, I'm using an Org mode file in Emacs to do the translation, but I'm not sure that this is the most optimal way to do it. I was doing it using paper for a while, but editing and commenting is more flexible in Org mode. Yet it is also rather cumbersome the way I do it:

      <<pageNo.paragraphNo.sentenceNo>> Text, text text
      some text with a comment
      # comment about the part between this comment and the above empty one
      more text, more text. <<...>> Another sentence

      I'm thinking of adding some code to make this a bit prettier, though.

      But are there anything that's better out there already. My preference hierarchy: Emacs mode, yayyy! > Open source app, that's fine > Proprietary app, shit! but better than nothing.

      I'm not sure if this should go under ~comp, ~tech or here (~books).

      8 votes
    19. Looking for a phone that doesn't follow recent trends

      I am generally dissatisfied with my phone options today. I want a phone that meets these requirements: microSD card slot 3.5mm headphone jack Unlockable bootloader without having to ask the...

      I am generally dissatisfied with my phone options today. I want a phone that meets these requirements:

      • microSD card slot
      • 3.5mm headphone jack
      • Unlockable bootloader without having to ask the manufacturer (i.e. fastboot oem unlock)
      • Either LineageOS support or Android 8+
      • Screen smaller than 6" (preferably smaller than 5.5")

      I'd also prefer not to have a notch but it's not a dealbreaker. I don't really care much about having the thinnest phone, or the biggest screen, etc. I'd much prefer having more control over my device and the way I use it.

      Does such a phone exist, or do I have my standards too high? I haven't seen a phone like this that came out 2017 or later.

      21 votes
    20. Anyone with a CAT phone?

      I currently have a Nexus 6P whose battery dies at 35% and unfortunately nowadays with unreplaceable batteries, that means I have to replace the phone (sigh). For my next phone, I'm seriously...

      I currently have a Nexus 6P whose battery dies at 35% and unfortunately nowadays with unreplaceable batteries, that means I have to replace the phone (sigh).

      For my next phone, I'm seriously considering a CAT S61.

      CATs (caterpillars) are a line of smartphones made for heavy-duty blue collar work. They're built to withstand shocks, drops, accidents and various intense situations. The S61 is a high end hybrid which pulls in USB-C, NFC and various other modernities. This makes it very tempting. The big pros for me are shock/drop resistance+waterproof and a headphone jack, microSD slot, no stupid notch, and a superb battery.

      Where the CAT loses is on display resolution, camera quality and probably CPU/graphics card but having never owned one, I don't know how bad these are. It's also much thicker but that I really don't care about. It also doesn't seem to be compatible with lineageOS (and even if it were, I don't know that there's drivers for the various custom hardware bits such as the thermal imaging camera).

      Before I drop $1k on one of these, anyone here got any hands-on experience with the CAT line?

      11 votes
    21. What's an easy to get in to hobby?

      Hi. I recently realised that I don't do much is a sense that I only do two or three things all the time while on my free time, and those are usualy just watching youtube or browsing interenet in...

      Hi. I recently realised that I don't do much is a sense that I only do two or three things all the time while on my free time, and those are usualy just watching youtube or browsing interenet in general. I am the kind of person that finds anything interesting when I start, but I usually drop it if there is a learning curve right at the start (eg. lockpicking). So any of you have sort of a hobby that would suite me?

      36 votes
    22. Most useful Chrome extensions

      What are the most useful Chrome extensions that you have come across? I use this extension called Workona, which has been just amazing at dealing with my obsession with having hundreds of tabs open.

      19 votes
    23. Halloween game sales are live. What are your Horror/Halloween-themed recommendations?

      What horror or dark-themed games would you recommend, and why? No spoilers please. Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/sale/halloween2018/ GOG:...

      What horror or dark-themed games would you recommend, and why? No spoilers please.

      Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/sale/halloween2018/

      GOG: https://www.gog.com/games?page=1&sort=popularity&tab=on_sale

      Humble store: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/promo/halloween-sale/

      25 votes
    24. Good whodunnit/crime investigation books?

      What are for you the best modern whodunnit/criminal investigation books? I'm interested in books like Sherlock Holmes where there are clever deductions but also books where everybody knows who the...

      What are for you the best modern whodunnit/criminal investigation books? I'm interested in books like Sherlock Holmes where there are clever deductions but also books where everybody knows who the criminal is but they need to find evidence and the bad guy seems to always be two steps ahead (kind of like Daredevil season 3 with Wilson Fisk).

      10 votes
    25. In search of the dark mode holy grail

      I've been thinking a lot about dark mode lately, now that macOS and Windows 10 both officially offer some implementation of it. I think dark modes make a compelling case for eye strain prevention,...

      I've been thinking a lot about dark mode lately, now that macOS and Windows 10 both officially offer some implementation of it. I think dark modes make a compelling case for eye strain prevention, but the dealbreaker for me is revealed when switching between apps and one of them isn't dark. That jarring flash of bright light completely ruins whatever gentleness the dark environment provided in the first place. So despite my curiosity I've kept everything in light mode for years, tempered by f.lux to keep myself sane after sundown.

      Anyway, now that there's official OS support I'm reconsidering. I think there's a growing pro-dark movement that was just waiting for that formal recognition. Today the programs I use most all offer dark modes so I'm taking an experimental plunge. My goal: 90% elimination of white flashes while in my normal workflow.

      The biggest obstacle is, not surprisingly, the web. There are some beautiful dark browser themes available but that really only affects the UI elements around the page, not the page itself. I want to darken the web too. I have a few thoughts about this:

      • Plugins like this one try to automate a dark mode for every site you visit. This is hit-or-miss, resulting in ugly color combinations, sometimes unreadable text. Some methods just invert the page colors, which can lead to all sort of other visual wonkiness. I haven't found a plugin like this that isn't fiddly and annoying.
      • This plugin looks interesting. From what I can tell, it uses some kind of server-side heuristics to determine the optimal way to darken every page you visit. I haven't actually tried it because I'm concerned about the privacy/security implications of sending all my web activity to this unknown third party. Or what kind of performance hit that would involve. Also, they bury this information on their site, but this is a paid service with an annual subscription.
      • I'm aware of Stylish and its huge library of user-maintained custom site styles. This seemed like a good approach, except that following a recent acquisition, the new owners of Stylish betrayed their users' trust in a very shady way so I'm afraid to go near it now. If there's a credible alternative with a decent style library I'd love to know about it. Especially if there's a way to automate style application so I don't have to manually activate it for every site I visit.
      • Tangentially, the W3C is having an interesting conversation about adding CSS media query support for recognizing user dark-mode preferences. This could absolutely be the future of the web(!!), but I suspect it won't because it puts the responsibility on designers to basically double the amount of work they have to do. Speaking as someone in that field, I would not want to have to add this to my already-long list of design considerations.

      Are there any other good web darkening methods I've overlooked? How do you deal with the white flash problem? Should I just give up and go back to black-on-white? Interested in any and all thoughts on the matter.

      24 votes
    26. China Miéville

      Is anyone here familiar with his work? Perhaps you could recommend a starting point for someone more inclined towards exploring darker urban / sociopolitical realist "fantasy"; not so interested...

      Is anyone here familiar with his work? Perhaps you could recommend a starting point for someone more inclined towards exploring darker urban / sociopolitical realist "fantasy"; not so interested in escapism for the sake of escapism. LeGuin over Tolkien, etc.

      10 votes
    27. What are some of your favorite tools that have given individual games a new life?

      I grew up playing DOOM, but if I were to boot up the original game I would find it frustrating to play by modern standards (e.g. mouse movement?!). Thankfully, there are a ton of source ports that...

      I grew up playing DOOM, but if I were to boot up the original game I would find it frustrating to play by modern standards (e.g. mouse movement?!). Thankfully, there are a ton of source ports that modernize the engine and make the game more accessible to current gaming sensibilities (e.g. WASD-movement). They're basically community remasters of the game.

      It got me wondering about what other games have strongly benefited from tools that exist outside of the game itself.

      Examples of what I mean:

      1. Source ports (e.g. DOOM)
      2. Community bugfixes (e.g. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines)
      3. Restored/extended content (e.g. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II)
      4. Significant mods (e.g. Frostfall for Skyrim)
      5. Rulesets/challenges (e.g. Nuzlocke Challenge for Pokémon)
      6. Anything else that doesn't fit the above categories
      15 votes
    28. Favorite recent fighting game that is not well known?

      I really like the "idea" of fighting games, as I like playing against others and outplaying them, guessing their moves and the mind games etc. But the only fighting game ive legitimately enjoyed...

      I really like the "idea" of fighting games, as I like playing against others and outplaying them, guessing their moves and the mind games etc. But the only fighting game ive legitimately enjoyed was Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, and id like to play something more recent.

      It had alot of personality, each character felt different enough despite the size of the roster, and it was easy enough for a casual like me to get into while still not feeling too easy. Out of the new fighting games ive tried Fighterz, but it doesnt have enough character variety (not a dbz fan), the new MvC has a bad roster, Street fighter was too technical and idk boring? MK is very clunky, ive tried tekken but it didnt really grab me, and skullgirls hasn't either.
      I want a game I can stick with and get good at, but the mainstream titles don't really appeal to me, does anyone have a suggestion?

      10 votes
    29. Looking for artists/bands/albums that feature a piano

      I just love good piano, whether alone, with vocals, or with other instruments. Two of my all-time favorite artists are Vienna Teng and Regina Spektor, both of whom use it to great effect in their...

      I just love good piano, whether alone, with vocals, or with other instruments. Two of my all-time favorite artists are Vienna Teng and Regina Spektor, both of whom use it to great effect in their music. Anyone have any good recommendations? I'm open to any genre.

      Edit: Awesome suggestions, everyone! I've got quite the playlist right now that I plan to explore over the coming week. Thanks all!

      14 votes
    30. Web serial recommendations

      Is anyone else here into web serials or serial fiction more generally? I was first introduced to the medium through Worm, probably the most well-known web serial out there at this point, and I...

      Is anyone else here into web serials or serial fiction more generally? I was first introduced to the medium through Worm, probably the most well-known web serial out there at this point, and I loved it. (Well, okay, if we're getting technical I was probably first introduced to it through fanfiction, but it didn't register to me then that this was a medium used by original works as well.) I've worked my way through a few other serials since reading Worm, and I've continued to enjoy the format. Does anyone have recommendations for web serials (or printed serials!) they like?

      For me, I'm currently reading Hate Would Suffice, a story about a teenager and a world frozen in ice. It updates almost daily with chapters around a thousand words long, and while it's a pretty new one I'm thoroughly enjoying it so far.

      6 votes
    31. Do small capacity, fast flash drives even exist?

      I've been trying to find a small capacity (64GB or less) flash drive with decent read and write speeds, but haven't been able to find anything. I'm looking for something in the 200-300 MB/s...

      I've been trying to find a small capacity (64GB or less) flash drive with decent read and write speeds, but haven't been able to find anything. I'm looking for something in the 200-300 MB/s read/write range, but I can't seem to find anything that reliably breaks the 100 MB/s mark even in larger capacities. The SanDisk Extreme Pro 128GB seems to have adequate performance, but at $65 is a bit out of my price range since I'd like to purchase a handful of drives.

      Does anyone know of any other smaller flash drives with SSD-level performance?

      10 votes
    32. A friend an I are going on vacation in Oxford (UK) next week, with an option to stay longer and travel through England. What places should we visit/things should we do under all circumstances?

      Our current plan is to stay in Oxford for three days, and "go with the flow" for the next four. In Oxford, we have a few plans, but still a lot of free time. For the remainder, we have no fixed...

      Our current plan is to stay in Oxford for three days, and "go with the flow" for the next four. In Oxford, we have a few plans, but still a lot of free time. For the remainder, we have no fixed plans other than to do the WB studio tour in London. Mobility wise we are pretty much entirely free, though ideally public transportation as opposed to renting a car would be good.

      Do you have any suggestions for what we should do in those free days?

      15 votes
    33. What have been your favourite threads on Tildes so far?

      They don't have to be significant in any way; just threads you personally enjoyed. The ones that immediately come to mind for me are: Chasing the American dream has got me jaded - started by...

      They don't have to be significant in any way; just threads you personally enjoyed.

      The ones that immediately come to mind for me are:

      Chasing the American dream has got me jaded - started by @dodger.



      grab some tea baby, it's midnight. this is today's slam thread. - led by the fantastic @earlgreytea.


      Neither of them had hundreds of comments, and neither of them were particularly active; I just find myself particularly fond of them for whatever reason.

      25 votes
    34. Fun, relaxing, singleplayer games

      Hello, I am fairly new to the gaming world and I am looking for just some fun and relaxing games to play by myself. I play almost exclusively FPS and action games and I want to branch out....

      Hello, I am fairly new to the gaming world and I am looking for just some fun and relaxing games to play by myself. I play almost exclusively FPS and action games and I want to branch out. Although, I found Civ V which is super addicting and I love it.

      Anyways, thank you!

      26 votes
    35. What's the Best Horror book you've read in the past year?

      I finished The Little Stranger last week. While I found the pacing very compelling, I felt some pretty palpable dissatisfaction in how everything ended. I can't quite put my finger on it...

      I finished The Little Stranger last week. While I found the pacing very compelling, I felt some pretty palpable dissatisfaction in how everything ended. I can't quite put my finger on it...

      9 votes
    36. Personal Wikis

      I have been looking for some software where I can brain dump all the things I need to remember on a constant basis so I can easily find it again in the future. A personal wiki basically. I am...

      I have been looking for some software where I can brain dump all the things I need to remember on a constant basis so I can easily find it again in the future. A personal wiki basically. I am wondering what any of you tilderians are using?

      The things I am looking for:

      Absolute requirements:

      • Open Source: I want to be in control of the data myself, and I want to be able to hack on it myself as the need arises.
      • Self Hostable: Goes hand-in-hand with with open sourceness, I want the data to live on the server in my apartment, under my own control.
      • An API of some sort so I can programmatically add/read/modify data.

      Nice to haves:

      • Revision history of some sort.
      • Common/simple data format for easy backup and longevity.
      • Web interface, with mobile compatibility.
      • Lightweight as possible, so I can run it on a low powered server.

      Does anything know anything like that?

      Options I have heard of:

      Here is a previous discussion on the topic @ Lobste.rs

      25 votes
    37. Which headphones do you recommend below 100€?

      I'm looking into the ATH-M40X, which seems to be the best below 100€, but i would like to know other tilders opinion :) EDIT: preference to over ear and portable (portable is not a key feature...

      I'm looking into the ATH-M40X, which seems to be the best below 100€, but i would like to know other tilders opinion :)

      EDIT: preference to over ear and portable (portable is not a key feature that i'm looking, but it would be nice to be easy to carry around)

      17 votes
    38. FOSS Alternatives

      I got into FOSS recently and have been researching replacements for common proprietary software. Along with reddit (r/privacytoolsio) I have used alternativeto.net & privacytools.io. I would love...

      I got into FOSS recently and have been researching replacements for common proprietary software. Along with reddit (r/privacytoolsio) I have used alternativeto.net & privacytools.io. I would love to make a list on Tildes for anyone that is also interested in this stuff.

      Telegram -> Signal: signal.org
      Discord -> Riot: riot.im (surprised this isn't as popular)
      Google -> FindX: findx.com (there are many others but this is my favorite)
      .................searX: searx.me
      Reddit -> Tildes: tildes.net (obviously)
      Chrome -> Firefox: mozilla.org (there are many others but this is my favorite)
      LastPass -> Bitwarden: bitwarden.com (my personal favorite but there are others)
      Photoshop -> GIMP: gimp.org
      FireAlpaca -> Krita: krita.org
      Microsoft Office -> LibreOffice: libreoffice.org
      Windows Media Player -> VLC: videolan.org (Best FOSS ever)
      uTorrent -> qBittorrent: qbittorrent.org
      ...................Deluge: deluge-torrent.org
      Adobe Illustrator -> Inkscape: inkscape.org
      Adobe Premiere Pro -> Blender: blender.org (mainly 3d stuff but can be used as animation)
      Windows -> Linux: ubuntu.com (ubuntu is just one distro, there are so many)
      Adobe Audition -> Audacity: audacityteam.org
      ..............................Ardour: ardour.org
      Github -> Gitlab: gitlab.com
      Trello -> Taiga: taiga.io
      Fraps -> OBS: obsproject.com
      Gmail -> ProtonMail: protonmail.com
      Youtube Client -> NewPipe: newpipe.schabi.org
      Outlook -> Thunderbird: thunderbird.net
      Adblock+ -> uBlock Origin: (you can get it in your browser's addon store)
      Unity -> Godot Engine: godotengine.org
      USD -> Bitcoin: bitcoin.org (I would suggest an altcoin like Stellar though)
      ... anything else? any programs you don't know a FOSS alternative to that I can find?

      66 votes
    39. Any good text adventures?

      I've been starting to play some interactive fiction and I was wondering if any of you have any suggestions for good games. So far I know about Zork and Anchorhead.

      10 votes
    40. Need advice about Tomboy notes and note apps in general

      I'm looking for some advice on what note programs people recommend. Not a basic text editor, but something capable of doing some basic categorizing, chronological sorting, that sort of thing. I've...

      I'm looking for some advice on what note programs people recommend. Not a basic text editor, but something capable of doing some basic categorizing, chronological sorting, that sort of thing. I've used Evernote most recently, but I'm becoming less and less of a fan. I don't need cloud sync necessarily, although device sync could be handy. A pleasant UI (not fettered with extraneous crap) would be nice, but aesthetic appeal takes a backseat to navigation and stability. Target OS is mostly likely going to be windows 10.

      What are you experiences with note apps, what are your favorites?

      (A bit of context for anyone interested)
      Years ago, I used tomboy notes in Ubuntu for keeping track of timesheets/daily logs. It seemed like a good program to set up for my step dad to use as well. A few years later, Tomboy notes petered out without much fanfare. I've kept his laptop running with that setup for as long as I could, but the hardware is just getting worn out (it's about 10 years old now).

      So! Time to get him an upgrade. This time around, I don't think I'm gonna set up up with Linux. He isn't really up to the task of doing his own troubleshooting in linux (i.e. when an automatic update breaks something), and I haven't even been keeping up on Linux for the past few years myself. So I'm probably going to set him up on a Windows machine.

      I should be able to export the tomboy notes database fairly easy, but it would be a huge load off my mind if I could settle on a decent program to migrate to first.

      Thanks in advance for any input!

      11 votes
    41. Mobile games?

      Curious if anyone has found any mobile games that are fun, and are not destroyed with microtransactions.

      9 votes
    42. What games make good use of rogue-like elements? Which games try but fail?

      Rogue like elements are used by lots of games. I'm interested to know which ones you think work, which ones you think don't work, and why. Feel free to interpret rogue-like however you want. In my...

      Rogue like elements are used by lots of games. I'm interested to know which ones you think work, which ones you think don't work, and why.

      Feel free to interpret rogue-like however you want. In my mind I have procedural generation, perma-death option, and some kind of turn-based strategy.

      19 votes