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    1. What's your game that you'd really like to see made?

      For me, that'd be a multiplayer war sandbox. Take a big map, plop down resources, population centers and factories, spawn a lot of players who then have to organize to fight a war. To add...

      For me, that'd be a multiplayer war sandbox. Take a big map, plop down resources, population centers and factories, spawn a lot of players who then have to organize to fight a war.

      • To add espionage, you'd not hard-code a lot about the way teams organize(think removing the guild mechanics from WoW), so one could sign up with one side, then run to a different side (who do not know you already signed up with the first) and do ye olde double agent.
      • Research could be modelled as being done by NPC civilians, which produces documents detailing the results. These documents must be on-site whenever the research is being used (i.e. present at factories), so it could be stolen.
      • No need to go factorio on the production chains. Their purpose is mostly to enforce cooperation to reach better hardware for the guys in the field.

      So, what's your crazy dream game that's never going to be built?

      37 votes
    2. What do you guys think about Sacha Baron Cohen's "Who Is America?"

      IMDb YouTube Teaser So far I haven't been able to see anything except what's visible on YouTube. Like all of his content, the show has SBC put people into bizarre situations. But it seems to me...

      IMDb YouTube Teaser

      So far I haven't been able to see anything except what's visible on YouTube. Like all of his content, the show has SBC put people into bizarre situations. But it seems to me this show is more about the bizarre world we're already living in than it is how strange SBC can act.

      27 votes
    3. General plans for the week

      For my fellow Canadians, Happy, uh... Regatta Day / Terry Fox Day / Saskatchewan Day / British Columbia Day / Natal Day / Simcoe Day / New Brunswick Day / Colonel By Day / Heritage Day / Joseph...

      For my fellow Canadians, Happy, uh... Regatta Day / Terry Fox Day / Saskatchewan Day / British Columbia Day / Natal Day / Simcoe Day / New Brunswick Day / Colonel By Day / Heritage Day / Joseph Brant Day / Benjamin Vaughan Day. For everyone else, Happy Monday.

      Here are my overall plans for this week, in no particular order:

      On Friday, your own user page had topics/comments views added, and has been paginated. Sometime in the next few days, I'm intending to extend this to other users' pages. I haven't finished deciding yet which privacy options (if any) will be available as part of this, so feel free to add your input in that thread if you haven't already.

      There are multiple open-source contributions for features in progress, so there should be a few more things coming in shortly from there. I'll make separate changelog posts for anything particularly major, but one that was added over the weekend (contibuted by @what again) was some special appearance/behavior for "nsfw" and "spoiler" tags on topics. They'll stand out more, always be displayed at the start of the tags list, and the "spoiler" tag makes sure that text posts don't have their excerpt displayed in the listing (but can still be clicked to expand).

      @cfabbro did a massive rework and update of the Docs site that I want to get applied this week. There's a ton of new information in there that should help a lot as we keep bringing more people into the site.

      On that note, there's also a new official invite-request thread in /r/tildes on reddit, so we'll probably have a decent number of new registrations this week as that gets worked through. I've also topped everyone back up to 5 invite codes (available here: https://tildes.net/invite), so please feel free to invite people yourselves as well (and as always, if you need more codes, just send me a message and ask).

      I think that should cover the main plans, any extra time I find above that will probably go into various random things on the backlog (and if I have time to work on a major feature, probably basic search).

      Thanks for being here, and please let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions.

      42 votes
    4. Should we allow movie trailer posts?

      EDIT: Alright, this ended up veering off in the direction that I was hoping it wouldn't. My apologies if I pushed things in the wrong direction from the outset. I want to make very clear from the...

      EDIT: Alright, this ended up veering off in the direction that I was hoping it wouldn't. My apologies if I pushed things in the wrong direction from the outset.

      I want to make very clear from the outset of this post that I am not calling anyone out for posting this type of content, and I do not want to criticize any individuals for making such posts. This is intended to be a high level discussion of what general types of content are worthwhile here, to see if we can define some of the community specific goals about relevant content. And I know this comes at the risk of being yet another meta post about tildes content (feel free to move this post elsewhere if others think it is better suited, I mainly chose to post here to work on being more community specific about our goals).

      This question comes up because a quick glance at the current ~movies page shows a whole bunch of movie trailer posts. The majority of them have zero discussion. Of the ones that do have discussion, most of that is pretty low effort. So part of the question to address is: do movie trailer posts ever generate good discussion in the first place? Looking at reddit, the answer is almost always no, and the posting of movie trailers is often a race among karma farmers with little actual interest in what they are posting. Part of the problem I see there is that it primarily leads towards a discussion of the movie itself rather than the trailer. Since the movie hasn't come out yet when the trailer is posted, that discussion is entirely speculative, and leads to some sticky situations like with the Ghostbusters remake, where more outrage was generated over the female leads casting than any discussion of the film's own merits.

      There are, very occasionally, trailers that are in and of themselves interesting pieces of artistic expression; so part of me says that a universal ban on trailers being posted would be overkill. But in those cases it may be beneficial to enforce that the discussion should focus on the presentation of the trailer itself. Though countering my own argument, trailers are fundamentally designed to draw attention towards the movie, so perhaps isolated discussion does not make sense. But that would again point to a desire to simply omit all trailers being posted. Possibly unless it is for a movie that has already been released, in which the trailer could serve as merely a marker to open discussion on the movie itself.

      So what does everyone else think? I'm totally okay if everyone says they like seeing the movie trailers on here, but I thought it would be a good time to discuss it.

      12 votes
    5. Weekly Programming Challenge - making our own data format

      Hi everyone! There was no coding challenge last week, so I decided to make one this week. If someone wants to make his own challenge, wait few days and post it. I'm running out of ideas and I'd...

      Hi everyone! There was no coding challenge last week, so I decided to make one this week. If someone wants to make his own challenge, wait few days and post it. I'm running out of ideas and I'd like to keep these challenges running on Tildes.

      Everyone here knows data formats - I'm talking about XML or JSON. The task is to make your own format. The format can be as compact as possible, as human-readable as possible, or something that's really unique. Bonus points for writing encoder/decoder for your data format!

      How do you handle long texts? Various unicode characters? Complex objects? Cyclic references? It's up to you if you make it fast and simple, or really complex.

      I'm looking forward to your data formats. I'm sure they will beat at least csv. Good luck!

      8 votes
    6. Recommend a show based on a person's Anime List

      Quite a simple concept I've seen done on a multitude of anime forums and communities that I feel would fin in great on Tildes. I'm very excited ~anime is finally a thing and we can start filling...

      Quite a simple concept I've seen done on a multitude of anime forums and communities that I feel would fin in great on Tildes. I'm very excited ~anime is finally a thing and we can start filling it with more casual topics and get to know the fellow weeb Tildoos better.

      So the idea is pretty straight forward. You create a new comment branch by posting a link to your Anime List (be it MAL, Kitsune, AL or whatever else) and people who are interested are going to look through it and try to recommend something you might enjoy but haven't seen yet. The hope is, people who get replies on their posts can sort of "pay it forward" and reply to some of the other comments.

      But more than anything else, let's have some fun with this. I'm relatively free today so I'll try to look through as many as I can! :)

      14 votes
    7. how do you jot down ideas for a film, sculpture, or painting?

      hey all! i'm a fan of keeping an idea journal. little snippets of poems or hastily written descriptions of d.i.y. projects that you can go back and pick up once you get some free time. how do you...

      hey all!

      i'm a fan of keeping an idea journal. little snippets of poems or hastily written descriptions of d.i.y. projects that you can go back and pick up once you get some free time.

      how do you keep an idea journal for visual projects? like if i have this visualisation in my head of a bit of video, or a sculpture, or a painting i want to create, what's the best way to write that down and still be able to come back to it later?



      4 votes
    8. Introductions | August 2018

      Hi all! I'm new to Tildes and thought it'd be a great idea to get to know the other Tildes users. Just post something about yourself. Maybe where you're from, what you do for a living, a hobby you...

      Hi all!
      I'm new to Tildes and thought it'd be a great idea to get to know the other Tildes users.

      Just post something about yourself. Maybe where you're from, what you do for a living, a hobby you have, anything!

      50 votes
    9. The first time I have seen a locked post on tildes and frankly Im scared it's the start of the 'reddit-fication' of Tildes

      I just saw this post: NY Times defends hiring of editorial writer after emergence of past racial tweets. Now the article is a whole discussion in itself and just to openly reveal any bias I might...

      I just saw this post: NY Times defends hiring of editorial writer after emergence of past racial tweets. Now the article is a whole discussion in itself and just to openly reveal any bias I might have I personally do think the comments that were made are very much racist as they generalise a large group of people based on their skin colour in a negative light. I also consider myself a centrist (That's in UK terms, very much a supporter of the democrats in the US), although this information isn't crucial and not strictly relevant I feel biases should be known and taken into consideration.

      My issue with the post wasn't with the article that was good and provided good discussion that I feel suites Tildes perfectly, it's a controversial and divisive subject and generally online this would be a atrocious thing to debate. Yet I view Tildes as a place of openness and willingness to debate that doesn't resort to generalisations and sweeping statements. This is the kind of post that would be great for Tildes as it would allow discussion that wasn't a complete mess, it's a rare place where you are able to talk about such topics that are debates not fights.

      11 Hours after the post went live it was locked by Deimos.

      This is frankly shameful and appalling. Now I don't blame Deimos. As far as I'm aware he's the only one currently moderating so I can only imagine the difficulty to moderate such a topic, yet I feel rather disappointed, I don't see any justification or reasoning for the post being locked and in future I would like some statement explaining why. In a perfect world I would prefer no post to be locked but I'm aware that's difficult with lack of moderators. No post should ever just be locked with no reason given.

      Now, I must confess I am unaware of any comments being removed and I must assume there must of been to lead to the post becoming locked which would help be understand as to why it happened, this is purely speculation and would greatly appreciate a direct statement from Deimos explaining why even just a sentence saying there was lots of hate.

      Although I think this is a issue I can understand why this happened in the early days of Tildes, it's still being developed on and I get the vibe he enjoys creating a community and a place for discussion not moderating and removing comments. Later on I do not expect or want this to happen.

      My main issue though arises from the users. Looking in the comments there was a specific comment that stood out as being especially un-Tildes like:

      I think Ms. Jeong's tweets about white people are hilarious. The fact that she annoys conservatives is reason enough to hire her.

      Although the first half I disagree with it's the user expressing their opinion, that's OK. My main issue is the second half "The fact that she annoys conservatives is reason enough to hire her" that one sentence alone infuriates me. It's such a ignorant statement. The comment provides little input into the discussion and just feeds the us vs them mentality of politics which thrives in today's political debates everything is now a black and white issue. I view Tildes as a place that looks past meaningless statements like this, the comment also had 7 votes. Thankfully the response criticising this had 20 votes which does suggest the majority of the community dislike the comment as well.

      Although I selected this comment as I felt it best represented the problem but there were a noticeable presence of low input comments which merely just resulted in people passively aggressively arguing with each others comments and very little comments focusing on the actual article itself.

      Perhaps this is what people want, but it's the first time on Tildes I have seen a noticeable presence of low effort and poor comments. Admittedly maybe I just have the wrong opinion on Tildes and I'm in the minority but to me it felt very much unlike what Tildes should be. It feels there's a growing minority of Reddit like comments. I must acknowledge that a lot of the comments I disagree with had few votes and perhaps there just wasn't enough comments to drown them out, low effort comments are easier to make and more frequent than good quality comments, and maybe once the user base increases so will the high quality comments.

      In summery I think locked posts should be clearly shown why they are locked, perhaps it's time moderation increased to prevent this in the future, this is a whole issue in in itself. More crucially I think we need to keep an eye on users that post low quality comment and call them out on it for being un-tildes like, If nothing is done It's a threat to the quality discussion that tildes is based on.

      33 votes
    10. Can anyone explain The Apparition?

      I just went to see the Apparition (recent French film about a journalist investigating visions of the madonna). I couldn't make head or tail of it. Has anyone got a coherent theory of what was...

      I just went to see the Apparition (recent French film about a journalist investigating visions of the madonna).

      I couldn't make head or tail of it. Has anyone got a coherent theory of what was going on, or is it just a shoal of red herrings that doesn't make any sense?

      3 votes
    11. Is the Tildes section model compatible with injokes and microcultures?

      Something you see frequently on Reddit are subreddits that have developed their own slang, jokes and references. That's part of the reason why Reddit feels like a collection of communities more...

      Something you see frequently on Reddit are subreddits that have developed their own slang, jokes and references. That's part of the reason why Reddit feels like a collection of communities more than one website divided into sections, which is what Tildes look like right now.
      The question is, do we want that sort of stuff here?

      10 votes
    12. modii.

      bishop. mi odii out of habit moaned your name out like an addict and the shock went through my body got me feeling like i had it and i guess that's all i needed just to keep a baby feeling any...


      mi odii

      out of habit moaned your
      name out like an addict
      and the shock went through
      my body got me feeling
      like i had it
      and i guess that's all i needed
      just to keep a baby feeling
      any will to keep on breathing
      in this world without you in it
      all of these abandoned memories
      our hot, deviant fantasies
      the shit you'd say on top of me
      the only thing that's stopping me
      could keep the knife away from me
      i'd do some things unsavory
      if you could come over and bring
      a little bit more pain to me

      wore my heart upon my arm
      you wore me upon your chest
      i been wishin on the stars
      to hear you say under your breath
      "honey come lay next to mama,
      you could use a little rest.
      take your shirt off baby boy,
      and i'll take care of all the rest."
      wrap your hands around my neck
      always took away my breath
      wanna hurt me when youre angry
      and i love when youre upset
      i miss when we were crazy
      drank the koolaid, diving in
      tell me that you lust for blood
      i'll carve your name into my skin

      this is bloodlust
      black metal loving out in public
      you're a drug
      and this is real love

      tell me that you hate me
      wear me down until you break me
      this is real love

      scars on my back
      a little makeup on my neck
      and that's your soft touch

      say you never loved me
      make me beg for you to hold me
      this is real love.
      this is bloodlust

      i guess youre never coming home
      got me feeling all depressed
      you made me feel some shit
      that i take drugs just to forget
      but all the dagga in the world
      cannot compare to how your lips
      send a wave throughout my body
      tear my heart up into strips
      girl you can be my queen
      and i'll just be your little pawn
      you can pull my puppet strings
      give me a reason to go on.
      i can give you full control
      babe i dont wanna be in charge
      give you everything i am
      if i can only have your heart

      i just need somebody there
      i hate waking up alone
      i have no idea why i
      try to check my phone
      like somebody gonna text me
      talkin "babe you wanna go?
      you been on my mind
      and now im thinking we could roll
      a little blunt, and maybe cuddle up
      in my bed if you want"
      just want somebody to act like
      maybe imma prize for once
      tired of working every day and
      always planning nights for one
      if i just knew you didnt hate me
      id stop staring at my gun
      how'm i meant to walk
      when the ground i knew is gone
      id so much rather wake up by your
      side than write these songs

      but this is bloodlust

      this is bloodlust
      black metal loving out in public
      you're a drug
      and this is real love

      tell me that you hate me
      wear me down until you break me
      this is real love

      scars on my back
      a little makeup on my neck
      and that's your soft touch

      say you never loved me
      make me beg for you to hold me
      this is real love.
      this is bloodlust

      6 votes