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    1. I want to experiment with writing for video games, can you help me find a starting place?

      Hi there, I enjoy writing! I find all formats fun to play with from short stories to screenplays. One thing I've never really written for is video games. I love the idea though. All the world...

      Hi there,

      I enjoy writing! I find all formats fun to play with from short stories to screenplays. One thing I've never really written for is video games. I love the idea though. All the world building, lore notes, dialogue, weapon descriptions, codecs, bestiaries and on and on. There's all sorts of ways to tell a story through a video game and I want to try my hand at it!

      Problem being though, I'm not particularly interested in game design. I'm not NOT interested, but it's not where my passion is. I am willing to learn what I need to, so don't shy away from suggestions that would require me to learn some on the design side.

      Really the only ideas I've come up with are using the mod creator in Neverwinter Nights 1/2 or something like RPG Maker? Are these overwhelmingly difficult to get started in? Could I write in all the things I mentioned from dialogue to weapon descriptions?

      Or perhaps trying to find someone NOT interested in the storytelling side? Someone who wants to focus on design but would love some storytelling in their project and would welcome the addition?

      Or even starting with TTRPG modules maybe. Video Games and TTRPG modules seem to have some similar storytelling elements.

      Does anyone in the profession have thoughts? Does anyone not in the profession have thoughts?

      anyways, bye love you

      17 votes
    2. Which recreational and/or illegal drugs have you tried? Why and how did it happen?

      This topic allows no mention of means to obtain drugs or endorses the use of it. It only asks for people who have experiences they are willing to share. I'm referring to recreational and/or...

      This topic allows no mention of means to obtain drugs or endorses the use of it. It only asks for people who have experiences they are willing to share.

      I'm referring to recreational and/or illegal substances.

      43 votes
    3. Tips for moving to a new country?

      For the first time in my life, I'll be living somewhere other than my hometown— going half the world away to London! Having never moved further than like an hour away from where I grew up, I'd...

      For the first time in my life, I'll be living somewhere other than my hometown— going half the world away to London!

      Having never moved further than like an hour away from where I grew up, I'd love to hear about experiences, tips, things to keep in mind when moving to a totally new place. Anything centred on London/the UK is of course very welcome, but I'm also really into hearing from people more generally :)

      42 votes
    4. Recommend summer anime

      Behold, we have received a new season of anime. So, I thought it'd be nice to have a place where people can recommend what they're checking out. For me, I think this is actually a pretty strong...

      Behold, we have received a new season of anime. So, I thought it'd be nice to have a place where people can recommend what they're checking out.

      For me, I think this is actually a pretty strong season, with lots of promising shows. As for what I've seen so far:

      Hormiya: the Missing Pieces - this is basically a lot of the content that the original series cut out in its speedrun through the series. While I would have preferred that they'd just adapted it at a normal pace originally, I'm happy that they're revisiting this series to give it its due.

      My Tiny Senpai - Fun to see this webcomic turned manga (that also has a sequel manga) get adapted. If you like fluff romcom slice of life, this is your jam.

      The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses - This is an interesting one seeing adapted. I enjoy the manga well enough, but I do feel like it'd be more suited as a short than as a full length anime (5 or 10 minute episodes would very much fit the content better, drawing it out did make some moments a bit cringe). That said, they did some incredibly ambitious stuff with cgi in the first episode that made it incredibly interesting just from a visual perspective. If you're a manga reader, do brace yourself for the art style and character design shifts, as I found them more than a bit jarring. Another fluff romcom for you fans out there.

      Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon - Oddly enough, I just started reading this light novel series a month ago with no knowledge it was getting an adaptation. I know any sane person's reaction would be that isekai has truly reached the bottom of the barrel, but this will surprise you with its quality, I guarantee it. The source material is a comedy isekai with truly interesting characters, and I think the first episode was a mostly well executed adaptation (LN adaptations tend to lose the main character's internal dialogue which I find important, but here it's included because it's very necessary).

      Now, here's some recommendations of stuff I haven't seen yet, but am familiar with source material I'd rec:

      The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen - Yes, I know I know, Villainess Otome isekai is the new overpowered mc isekai, a dime a dozen. But trust me, this is a good one. A stellar cast of characters, and yes, while it follows the tropes of the subgenre, I think the stories it tells are incredibly interesting. I started with reading the manga (cancelled due to artist poor health), and then jumped to the original LN, and I have to say this is a series that has just consistent quality across the board.

      My Happy Marriage - While I've read a bit of the manga and own the LN's, I haven't read the LN's yet. However, if you like dramatic romances though, this one's for you. It's not quite a "I will fix her", type series, there's elements of that due to her past. But really both of our main characters need a lot of growing to do, and they'll do that together. Expect a slow and dramatic pace.

      The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today - Like silly slice of life? This one's for you kids. The manga is a fantastic slice of life following an OL and her rescued cat who really rescued her. The cat's also like 6 feet tall and cooks.

      Tenpuru - This is a manga series from the artist, not author, of Grand Blue Dreaming. However, it also has a very similar vibe in general if you enjoy that series, but even sillier if that's possible. I guy trying not to be a playboy like his family is, and flees to a Buddhist temple full of women. Expect absurdity, and yes, definitely a harem, whether he wants it or not.

      Saint Cecilia & Pastor Lawrence - A slow paced slice of life with romance undertones. A lazy saint and the pastor that takes care of them, their budding romance, and the friends they make along the way.

      Hyakushou Kizoku - this is an odd one to recommend, because I've only actually read a chapter or two of the manga. However, this is from an author you'd all know Hiromu Arakawa, known for such minor series as Full Metal Alchemist and Silver Spoon. This is an autobiographical series of her time growing up in Hokkaido on a farm (experiences that very much inspired and informed Silver Spoon).

      Anyways, these are just some of my own thoughts on this season, I'd love to see yours.

      24 votes
    5. What have you been listening to this week?

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something! If you've just picked up some music, please update on that as...

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something! If you've just picked up some music, please update on that as well, we'd love to see your hauls :)

      Feel free to give recs or discuss anything about each others' listening habits.

      You can make a chart if you use last.fm:


      Remember that linking directly to your image will update with your future listening, make sure to reupload to somewhere like imgur if you'd like it to remain what you have at the time of posting.

      31 votes
    6. Nuclear fusion discussion

      I'm a big fan of nuclear fusion as a concept and hope to shift toward doing active research in the field at some point. I'd like to open this discussion to talk about topics regarding nuclear...

      I'm a big fan of nuclear fusion as a concept and hope to shift toward doing active research in the field at some point.

      I'd like to open this discussion to talk about topics regarding nuclear fusion as a future energy source. To start, I'll lost a couple of ongoing fusion efforts I'm familiar with.

      ITER:Of course the biggest fusion project is ITER, the massive multinational collaboration which is building a massive tokamak reactor in France. Unfortunately ITER will never produce power for average people, as it's purely a test reactor with no plans to be connected to the grid. The following effort to build a functional grid connected reactor, DEMO, isn't set to be built until at least 2050. This has resulted in a considerable number of private ventures trying iut experimental alternative approaches.

      HELION:At the time of writing this, there's quite a bit of buzz surrounding Helion energy, both because of the ambitious timeline theyve recently proposed as well as the investment of Sam Altman of OpenAI fame. Helion uses an FRC topology, which I personally think is a really cool idea. Basically it's a tokamak without the physical shell around it, and is kept sustained by the internal plasma physics. Helion also has another interesting quirk, they are not pursuing the typical DT fuel strategy, but are instead planning to use DD fusion to breed He3 and use DHe3 fusion as the primary energy source. I think this is a good idea because DHe3 fusion is "aneutronic", whereas DT fusion produces high energy neutrons that are somewhat of an unsolved problem to deal with. I wonder though, how they intend to deal with the inevitable tritium pollution that DD fusion creates, and how they will separate that out before Iit creates neutrons anyway.

      TRIALPHA:In addition, another major company TriAlpha Energy, also pursued FRCs, hoping to use an alternative proton-boron11 mix to achieve aneutronic operation. I think they've sort of pivoted toward being more a neutron source than working toward breakeven.

      HB11: A recent proposed approach is HB11, which is also going for proton-boron fusion. Now with Tri Alpha this seemed really dubious, because hydrogen boron has a much lower cross section for fusion than other options, even the DHe3 that Helion is doing. In addition, boron has way more electrons than hydrogen, so a proton boron plasma has more electrons with causes more bremsstrahlung loss. HB11, however, thinks they can overcome this through high energy laser acceleration. They want to use a high power laser to shoot a fuel pellet into a target. This supposedly will work much better than heating the stuff, because the laser will impart a specific impulse and thus the thermal spectrum of the impact will have a much higher Q factor centered around the cross sectional peak. I'm not really convinced on this, just because I feel like that thermal spectrum would only last for the first few atomic layers of impact before it doesn't really matter amymore.

      CFS: The next option I would consider to be one if the most popular fusion startups is Commonwealth Fusion Systems. They have what I'd consider the most conservative approach, they are attempting to build a Tokamak design like ITER, but hope to reduce the size considerably by taking advantage of advances in superconductor technology with REBCO tapes.

      W7X:The next reactor type I'll mention was in the news a lot a few years back, the Wendelstein-7X in Germany. This is a stellarator design, the crazy twisted car wreck of a thing you may have seen before. The stellarator is shaped that way so that it doesn't require an induced current like the tokamak to have magnetic helicity, because the shape does that automatically.

      ZAP:Another well liked dark horse is Zap Energy. They're not as flashy as the other reactors but seem to be working off solid physics that have been proven out over many years. They're trying to do sheared flow z-pinches, which is basically creating a lightning bolt that's perfectly straightened out and super dense.

      DPF:One more somewhat obscure option is Eric Lerner's Dense Plasma Focus approach. I'm a little puzzled by this option because it seems to be the exact opposite of Zap, where they make an incredibly twisty lightning bolt instead of a straight one.

      FUSOR/POLYWELL:There are a couple reactor types that get mentioned often but are more or less obsolete are the Fusor and the Polywell. A Fusor is a neat device that can be built to fit on a desktop and still produce actual fusion reactions, but has a fundamental design flaw of a physical electrode inside the plasma that introduces too much conductive heat loss. The Polywell is a more advanced concept thay tries to create a "virtual" cathode with orthogonal magnetic mirrors, but I think after many years of experimentation researchers were unable to validate the formation of such a virtual cathode.

      NIF:One option that is sort of tangential is the NIF, which you might have heard technically produced more energy than it produced. I dont think its necessarily going to go anywhere, mostly because it's more a weapons program than an energy program, but I think the chirped pulse amplification technology they use is really cool.

      GENERAL-FUSION:And finally I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the very highly funded and publicized General Fusion. I definitely give them points for pure childlike wonder. The original pitch was they were going to take a giant swirling tornado of molten metal, fire a ball of plasma into the eye of the storm, then smash the whole thing from all sides with a hundred giant hammers. To be honest is such a wild concept that I don't really know if it really makes any sense or if it's a fever dream. It's undergone a few revisions after finding out that certain parts of its concept just weren't going to work. This doesn't inspire a ton of confidence, but also shows flexibility in their thinking.

      There's definitely lots of other companies with other variations, but this gives a general idea of the huge range of ideas and approaches being pursued. I think it's a really cool field to explore and I'd love to hear all your thoughts about it.

      48 votes
    7. How has the Reddit drama affected the quality of conversations on here?

      I think we all know how redditors can be negative nancies looking for the next user to argue with, so I'm curious to know from the peeps that were here before the redditors: has the quality of...

      I think we all know how redditors can be negative nancies looking for the next user to argue with, so I'm curious to know from the peeps that were here before the redditors: has the quality of conversation and sense of community changed (either positively or negatively) since us redditors showed up?

      80 votes
    8. Anyone here like e-scooters?

      The cost keeps dropping and the specs keep getting better and better, but they seem pretty dangerous, mainly because you have to share the road with cars. Still, for the price of an ultra cheap...

      The cost keeps dropping and the specs keep getting better and better, but they seem pretty dangerous, mainly because you have to share the road with cars. Still, for the price of an ultra cheap beater car, less than $2000, you can get an electric vehicle with 50+ miles of range and 30+ mph speeds, that you can fold and carry with one arm (if you're kinda strong).

      I've got a basic one and its great. My only gripe is that I don't feel comfortable locking it up on a public street due to theft, so if I want to scoot to a store, I have to bring the scooter in with me. Would be great to see this mode of travel widely adopted, with some decent infrastructure like rentable lockers and more bike paths that aren't just the shoulder of a street full of cars.

      14 votes
    9. TV Tuesdays Free Talk

      Have you watched any TV shows recently you want to discuss? Any shows you want to recommend or are hyped about? Feel free to discuss anything here. Please just try to provide fair warning of...

      Have you watched any TV shows recently you want to discuss? Any shows you want to recommend or are hyped about? Feel free to discuss anything here.

      Please just try to provide fair warning of spoilers if you can.

      9 votes
    10. I want to learn more about linux

      I know the basics commands, command substitution, redirection, pipelines, and I know about .bashrc, .vimrc etc. but I feel like I still don't know a lot and I feel a bit lost as to where to learn...

      I know the basics commands, command substitution, redirection, pipelines, and I know about .bashrc, .vimrc etc. but I feel like I still don't know a lot and I feel a bit lost as to where to learn more. I know I'm being a bit vague, but that's on purpose, I don't really know what's possible. feel free to suggest any book or resource that you think would help me learn more about linux (I also haven't been keeping up with it lately, so any new stuff like what's NixOS would help)

      41 votes
    11. Loona "smart" robot

      I recently got a Loona, one of those "smart" robot pets. My kid isn't great with real pets yet so we're trying to ease into things, sort of like exposure therapy. But we're having major problems...

      I recently got a Loona, one of those "smart" robot pets. My kid isn't great with real pets yet so we're trying to ease into things, sort of like exposure therapy. But we're having major problems with it. This post is part first impressions and part asking if anyone else has experienced this and maybe has figured out solutions.

      Now, my kid loves it, a lot. So it's not a complete flop, thankfully. But wow is it ever the opposite of smart. Kind of like how Google, Alexa, etc have "command phrases" to let them know you're wanting to talk to them, Loona has "hello Loona". But it only triggers listening mode like 20% of the time. Doesn't seem to matter if you talk slowly and enunciate or if you talk normal, it's just really bad at listening.

      Even once you have it listening to you, it only recognizes your commands maybe half the time. The booklet it came with seems to say it sends audio to Amazon for voice to command translation, so I'm assuming it's bad at listening to commands because:

      1. The microphone is mediocre and isn't picking up all the words correctly.
      2. Amazon's public voice to command service isn't great for general use.
      3. A little of both.

      On the one hand, I get if you're looking to leverage existing technology and not reinvent the wheel. On the other hand, if it can't even detect "hello loona" locally, then everything it hears would go to Amazon. That terrifies me, given their privacy track record. It's also just plain frustrating to try getting it to play a game or go to sleep when it's constantly ignoring you.

      Beyond that, it almost feels like the camera is for gimmicks rather than a functional component. It's constantly running into things like walls, chair legs, human legs... It's always running into you when you try to interact with it and it frequently moves violently; fast and without regard for its surroundings. I assume it makes no attempt to map out even just its immediate surroundings because of how it always runs into the same stuff over and over again.

      And one feature I was looking forward to is that the robot is supposed to be capable of getting itself back to its charging dock, and yet not once has it ever attempted to do so. Not when it's low battery and not when we tell it to. But it also, for no great reason, assumes that it should just wake up when it finishes charging, so if you start charging it in the evening and forget to manually turn it off, the thing starts yelling and ramming into stuff in the middle of the night; it's insanity.

      Anyway, I would not recommend it from personal experience. But if you have one or know someone that does, and you aren't having these issues, please share your wisdom with me.

      17 votes
    12. How are you actually supposed to network / LinkedIn?

      I've been having a particularly rough time finding a new job in the field I graduated in. I'm doing pretty much everything most job sites have told me but networking is kinda hard. I don't...

      I've been having a particularly rough time finding a new job in the field I graduated in. I'm doing pretty much everything most job sites have told me but networking is kinda hard.

      I don't currently work in my field so I don't know anyone that would be particularly useful. Everyone I know is already aware of my situation and some of them have even found leads for me but no luck yet.

      I have gone to events related to organizations I'm interested in and spoken to people there but it feels super weird to just approach people and tell them I'm looking for a job.

      Similarly Linkedin is super foreign to me. This post is literally the most I've ever interacted with a social media site. What do I do once I open that app? Am I supposed to just stalk people on there that might hire me someday? I tried joining a "group" but it's been pending for a week now.

      59 votes
    13. What is the general reception of anime in your country?

      I've been curious about this for a while now. I'll start: The Philippines has a fair number of weebs. It helps that the local networks have been reshowing shows like Slam Dunk, Yu Yu Hakusho, One...

      I've been curious about this for a while now. I'll start:

      The Philippines has a fair number of weebs. It helps that the local networks have been reshowing shows like Slam Dunk, Yu Yu Hakusho, One Piece, etc since forever. We even have vehicles called jeeps that have murals painted- it's unsurprising to see an anime character or two there.

      Of course you still get people who think animation is lame, those are never gonna disappear. But it's not hard to find someone who is familiar with a classic show or two (high chance it'll be One Piece).

      21 votes
    14. Label for appreciated course corrections

      With Tildes having a distinctive approach to content and comments I found that I was missing an option. Without calling out anyone someone posted a submission today that was simply an image...

      With Tildes having a distinctive approach to content and comments I found that I was missing an option.
      Without calling out anyone someone posted a submission today that was simply an image collection. I did invite them to also post a bit more about as a comment starter, which they did.

      I naturally gave their comment an upvote. But I found myself wanting to reward them a bit more for their recognition. I could go for exemplary as label, in fact I did. But I can't help but feel that I am missing a meta label that is positive but doesn't weigh as heavy.

      How do other people look at this?

      21 votes
    15. I'm a little concerned with the prevalence and popularity of topics and videos seemingly designed to upset people and "get people fired up" in social media

      I was part of the reddit exodus, and I just discovered that when I sign out of my account, I'm still able to browse RIF from my phone. But my feed was no longer curated by me, so I saw what most...

      I was part of the reddit exodus, and I just discovered that when I sign out of my account, I'm still able to browse RIF from my phone. But my feed was no longer curated by me, so I saw what most people see when they visit that site from the "sort by hot" option of browsing.

      I was a bit shocked. Almost every other top post was something ragebait-y. Something filmed to get you upset, to get your heart rate up and release something pleasurable in your brain. The comment sections followed suit, with folks bashing people in the videos(deservedly most of the time) and hundreds of upvotes following.

      I believe what I'm witnessing is the real life version of the "10 Minutes Of Hate" described in Orwell's 1984. People enjoy getting mad. We've all felt it - an increase in heart rate but something, maybe dopamine being released at the same time, and a need to share that anger with others.

      I don't like it, and I don't see it stopping. An entire generation has been raised on videos and stories designed to upset them and evoke this feeling.

      156 votes
    16. I have severe and persistent mental illness. I now work as a public mental health professional. Ask me anything.

      Symptoms from my diagnoses of bipolar 2 and social anxiety disorder kept me from working, socializing, forming relationships, and living independently for more than a decade. I worked my ass off...

      Symptoms from my diagnoses of bipolar 2 and social anxiety disorder kept me from working, socializing, forming relationships, and living independently for more than a decade.

      I worked my ass off to improve my wellness, and for the past 6 years I have worked as a Peer Support Specialist for 2 different public agencies. I tell my story to other people with mental health and substance issues as part of my work. If anyone’s interested, I’d love to share it here too.

      41 votes
    17. What's something you want to understand the appeal of?

      Is there something you just don't get? Something that you have no idea why people like it? Something that baffles you personally, but clearly not everyone shares your neutral-to-negative feelings?...

      Is there something you just don't get? Something that you have no idea why people like it? Something that baffles you personally, but clearly not everyone shares your neutral-to-negative feelings? Now's your chance to ask.

      Here's the way it works:

      1. Someone names something they want to understand the appeal of.
      2. People respond, doing their best to convey why they (or others) like it in a way that's understandable to a skeptical audience.

      This can be anything: musical genres, food combinations, personal habits, life experiences, etc.

      Importantly, this is NOT meant to be a thread about grousing about what other people like. Think of it less as "telling people to get off your lawn" and more "why do those people like to spend time on my lawn in the first place?"

      109 votes