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    1. LFB (Looking For Band) Thread: Make music with other folks on Tildes

      Inspired by the recent LFG thread I figured it would be good to start a thread to get some musical collaboration happening. :) Reply with your instruments and skills, preferred musical styles, and...

      Inspired by the recent LFG thread I figured it would be good to start a thread to get some musical collaboration happening. :)

      Reply with your instruments and skills, preferred musical styles, and availability.

      12 votes
    2. Who are your favorite LGBT musicians/bands?

      I'm in a bit of a personal musical renaissance at the moment and am actively seeking out new music after having listened to the same albums for years, effectively playing them out. One of the...

      I'm in a bit of a personal musical renaissance at the moment and am actively seeking out new music after having listened to the same albums for years, effectively playing them out.

      One of the areas I'm interested in exploring is LGBT artists out there making good music, especially because it seems like so many have entered the scene in recent years. Let me know if you have any recommendations! I'm open to any genre.

      12 votes
    3. Do you separate the art from the artist?

      I'm having a hard time with this. I stopped listening to some bands because of what they did, do or not do. The guy from Inquisition turned out a pedophile. Mgla, while not a nazi band per se, are...

      I'm having a hard time with this.

      I stopped listening to some bands because of what they did, do or not do.

      The guy from Inquisition turned out a pedophile.

      Mgla, while not a nazi band per se, are at least nazi sympathizers. So i stopped listening.

      Vektor: the guy is a wife beater, but there are is some controversy.

      And i absolutely loved these bands. While i can find similar bands, it's not the same.

      But what i am doing not listening to it? I'm the one not listening to it and that's it. I will never give them money (i threw my Mgla shirt away) because i obtain the music by another means.

      I am not helping with their popularity because i'm the only one in my circle that listens to these subgenres of metal and i mostly do it alone.

      So... what's the point of depriving myself of music that i like? They are the ones who suck, not me! But at the same time i feel bad listening.

      What are your thoughts on this?

      23 votes