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    1. Looking for food related YouTube channel recommendations

      I've really enjoyed Kenji's channel as I find it informative and not oversensationalised like the vast majority of food YouTube channels. Are there any others that have got that magic mix of...

      I've really enjoyed Kenji's channel as I find it informative and not oversensationalised like the vast majority of food YouTube channels.

      Are there any others that have got that magic mix of giving the food science and practicality, while avoiding the clickbait and sensationalism stereotype?

      33 votes
    2. What's your favorite cult classic movie?

      I love hearing about obscure or forgotten films that people are passionate about. I was in a thread on Reddit, IIRC, and someone mentioned The Man From Earth. I just watched it for the first time...

      I love hearing about obscure or forgotten films that people are passionate about. I was in a thread on Reddit, IIRC, and someone mentioned The Man From Earth. I just watched it for the first time and I can see its appeal.

      I'm sure you have more than one. For me, a couple of favorites off the top of my head are Wristcutters: A Love Story and Wings of Desire. And some old timey classics that I rarely hear mentioned anymore are I Know Where I'm Going and The Lady Eve.

      69 votes
    3. Please post your podcast preferences

      I'm always in the market for new podcast recommendations, so here are some of mine. All available via your regualar podcasting app, probably. No Such Thing As a Fish, the QI podcast. Odd facts and...

      I'm always in the market for new podcast recommendations, so here are some of mine. All available via your regualar podcasting app, probably.

      No Such Thing As a Fish, the QI podcast. Odd facts and trivia. Rarely do I hear things I already know on this one. Obviously it's no Answer Me This but what is?

      A Problem Squared, comedian Bec Hill and stand up mathematician Matt Parker answer listener questions, usually in excessive and fascinating detail. The presenters are good friends in non-podcast life and it shows in their chemistry.

      The Guilty Feminist, a great mixture of standup comedy and discussion on a wide range of topics. Great selection of guests.

      Lateral, Youtuber Tom Scott hosts a panel quiz where lateral thinking is rewarded. Fairly lightweight but still fun.

      A Podcast of Unnecessary Detail, the Festival of the Spoken Nerd team do a podcast (Steve Mould, Matt Parker, Helen Arney). It is as you might expect, nerdy facty sciency stuff.

      Wheel of Misfortune, comedians Fern Brady and Alison Spittle take listener submissions on unfortunate or embarrassing events and discuss their own misfortunes with a guest with a different topic each episode. More funny than perhaps it sounds.

      49 votes
    4. Japanese karaoke song recommendations

      Every now and then, my Japanese class and I head out to sing karaoke. I've never really been a fan of karaoke, but perhaps that's because most karaoke libraries don't really have any of the songs...

      Every now and then, my Japanese class and I head out to sing karaoke. I've never really been a fan of karaoke, but perhaps that's because most karaoke libraries don't really have any of the songs I've learned and/or want to sing.

      So does anyone have any recommendations for Japanese karaoke songs? I'm not mentioning my personal music taste to keep the topic general, but feel free to ask if you're interested in helping me in particular.

      10 votes
    5. Tildes post please ignore (no seriously, use the ignore feature!)

      A lesser known feature of Tildes that is VERY useful: You can ignore any topic on Tildes! There are two ways to do it: From the main page, click Actions ▼ then Ignore this post From the topic...

      A lesser known feature of Tildes that is VERY useful:

      You can ignore any topic on Tildes! There are two ways to do it:

      • From the main page, click Actions ▼ then Ignore this post

      • From the topic itself, click Ignore

      The topic will leave your feed, never to be seen again (unless you want to or made a mistake, in which case you can see it under Your ignored topics on your user page and remove it from your ignore list).

      Use this to cut down on clutter from your feeds by eliminating high-activity topics you are not interested in.

      It will also mute notifications from that topic as well, so it’s a good way of disengaging from a conversation if you wish.

      I saw a few longtime users in other threads who were unaware of this feature until today, so I figured I’d make the PSA.

      Go ahead everyone, try it on this post!

      Ignore it, PLEASE!

      86 votes
    6. Low/no latency wireless headphones for PC - Recommendations

      I need to replace my Logitech G935s, the plastic on the top broke on me. Ideally I would replace with something with: more battery life better sound stage well built/premium feel It's very hard to...

      I need to replace my Logitech G935s, the plastic on the top broke on me. Ideally I would replace with something with:

      • more battery life
      • better sound stage
      • well built/premium feel

      It's very hard to tell what is good out there - with so many options, and my concern is if I just buy any bluetooth enabled headset it will introduce audio latency which isn't something I can live with in games. But I cannot stand having a cord attached that gets all twisted up.

      I'm not tied to it having an attached mic, as I can buy one separately but its a plus.

      Anyone out there have any good recommendations? What does everyone else use?

      19 votes
    7. High quality USB-C in-ear monitors or good aux-to-USB-C adapters?

      I recently upgraded my phone and to my dismay everyone followed apples moronic choice to remove aux ports. I want to keep using my KZ in ears, and while they have bluetooth adapters I rarely like...

      I recently upgraded my phone and to my dismay everyone followed apples moronic choice to remove aux ports.

      I want to keep using my KZ in ears, and while they have bluetooth adapters I rarely like how bluetooth sounds and also don't want to worry about having to charge them either.

      Both adapters I've bought either buzz like crazy or my phone is convinced is constantly disconnecting and pausing my music. Anyone know of anything in the budget range thats as good as KZ or good adapters?

      14 votes
    8. Lazy userscript

      Just a hack job, but I'd seen some comment about it being inconvenient to ignore posts so I made a quick userscript (tested with Tampermonkey on Firefox) that adds hotkeys for...

      Just a hack job, but I'd seen some comment about it being inconvenient to ignore posts so I made a quick userscript (tested with Tampermonkey on Firefox) that adds hotkeys for bookmarking/ignoring/voting on a post. It can also navigate to the link or comments or prev/next pages (/). Only implemented for posts 1-9 at the moment.


      i+2 ignores and hides the 2nd post (or restores, if ignored)

      ? shows a summary of hotkeys

      // ==UserScript==
      // @name         Tildes
      // @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
      // @version      0.1
      // @description  Quickie convenience hotkeys for tildes.net
      // @author       TT
      // @match        *://tildes.net/*
      // @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=tildes.net
      // @grant        none
      // @require      https://unpkg.com/hotkeys-js/dist/hotkeys.min.js
      // ==/UserScript==
      (function () {
          "use strict";
          let Action;
          (function (Action) {
              Action[Action["Invalid"] = 0] = "Invalid";
              Action[Action["Bookmark"] = 1] = "Bookmark";
              Action[Action["Comments"] = 2] = "Comments";
              Action[Action["Ignore"] = 3] = "Ignore";
              Action[Action["Open"] = 4] = "Open";
              Action[Action["Vote"] = 5] = "Vote";
          })(Action || (Action = {}));
          const regex = /tildes\.net(\/~(?<group>\w+))?/gi;
          let match = regex.exec(document.location);
          //In a group if I wanted to support hotkeys there?
          if (match.groups.group) {
          else {
          function routeAction(action, event, handler) {
              //Grab index.  Zero-index?
              let indexText = handler.key.substring(2);
              let index = parseInt(indexText) - 1;
              if (isNaN(index))
              actOnArticle(action, index);
          function actOnArticle(action, index) {
              //Get article for index
              let article = document.querySelector(".topic-listing").children[index].children[0];
              //Do the thing
              switch (action) {
                  case Action.Bookmark:
                      if (article.style.borderStyle === 'solid')
                          article.style.borderStyle = 'none';
                          article.style.borderStyle = 'solid';
                  case Action.Comments:
                      article.querySelector(".topic-info-comments a").click();
                  case Action.Ignore:
                      //Hide vs blank?
                      if (article.style.visibility === "hidden")
                          article.style.visibility = "visible";
                          article.style.visibility = "hidden";
                      // article.style.display = 'none';
                  case Action.Open:
                      article.querySelector(".topic-title a").click();
                  case Action.Vote:
          function addArticleNumbers() {
              let titles = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".topic-title a"));
              for (let i = 1; i <= titles.length; i++) {
                  let title = titles[i - 1];
                  title.text = i + " - " + title.text;
          function addMainHotkeys() {
              //Set up handlers
              const handleBookmark = (event, handler) => routeAction(Action.Bookmark, event, handler);
              const handleComments = (event, handler) => routeAction(Action.Comments, event, handler);
              const handleIgnore = (event, handler) => routeAction(Action.Ignore, event, handler);
              const handleOpen = (event, handler) => routeAction(Action.Open, event, handler);
              const handleVote = (event, handler) => routeAction(Action.Vote, event, handler);
              hotkeys("shift+/", (e, h) => alert(getHelpText()));
              //Page nav
              hotkeys("left", (e, h) => Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".pagination a")).find((e) => e.textContent == "Prev").click());
              hotkeys("right", (e, h) => Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".pagination a")).find((e) => e.textContent == "Next").click());
              for (let i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
                  hotkeys("b+" + i, handleBookmark);
                  hotkeys("c+" + i, handleComments);
                  hotkeys("i+" + i, handleIgnore);
                  hotkeys("o+" + i, handleOpen);
                  hotkeys("v+" + i, handleVote);
          function getHelpText() {
              return `
          ←/→ = navigation
          b = Bookmark, i = Ignore, v = Vote,
          c = Open comments, o = Open link,
          Action+[1-9] calls that action on the corresponding article`;
      13 votes
    9. Under what group would, for example, cars or motorcycles go?

      For many they are considered ~hobbies so ~hobbies.cars and ~hobbies.motorcycles would be a logical place. I don't know if ~transport would be a suitable main category for this since then trucks,...

      For many they are considered ~hobbies so ~hobbies.cars and ~hobbies.motorcycles would be a logical place. I don't know if ~transport would be a suitable main category for this since then trucks, tractors, trains and boats could also go there without bloating hobbies' sub-groups too much.

      I'd like to hear your input on this, cheers.

      23 votes
    10. Do you think there should be more customization of user profiles on Tildes? If so, what should be added?

      When talking about adding new features to tildes, many people talk about adding more ways to customize your profile, since right now we only have the username and the user bio. The most common way...

      When talking about adding new features to tildes, many people talk about adding more ways to customize your profile, since right now we only have the username and the user bio. The most common way other sites do this is by having profile pictures, but considering tildes is text based that wouldn't work out well.
      Another way of doing this would be signatures. Not only would that distinguish tildes from reddit and HN, but it would be text based and look ok on the tildes layout. But what do you guys think? Would it be neccessary?

      Edit: u/TooFewColours said this and i think it seems good. I've also heard about allowing your username to be a certain font:

      I'd be opposed to profile pictures, but maybe simply being able to choose a single colour that decorates your profile page in a simple way would be a cute addition. Given the colours in the logo, I think it would be on-brand.

      32 votes
    11. How do you keep track of your medication refills?

      Every person in my household takes a daily regimen of prescription medication and/or supplements. We keep ending up in situations where we run out of something because we don’t have a good way to...

      Every person in my household takes a daily regimen of prescription medication and/or supplements. We keep ending up in situations where we run out of something because we don’t have a good way to keep track of our remaining supply of each thing. We need a better system for managing this!

      We each use a 28-day (4 week) pill dispenser box which helps somewhat. I refill the dispensers when they are empty. The problem is, some of the medications run out in the last week of the dispenser. At the time I fill it, it’s way too early to call the pharmacy for a refill. But by the time the supply runs out I’ve forgotten about it and have to scramble to get more. I hope I’m explaining that clearly. It’s complicated because every medication runs out on a different schedule.

      If you’ve got a solution to this problem please share it!

      15 votes
    12. Prevalence of AI generated text in Tildes

      I've recently noticed that some particular users, who post/comment quite often, frequently contribute with high quality content across an impressive spectrum of themes. These posts/comments...

      I've recently noticed that some particular users, who post/comment quite often, frequently contribute with high quality content across an impressive spectrum of themes. These posts/comments usually go into great detail, an approach suitable of a "semi-expert", that honestly baffles me.

      This lead me to think that Tildes users might be using AI language models to aid in the writing of their posts/comments. This possibility is quite disheartening since I found Tildes to be an extraordinarily engaging community, with a distinct human element that I haven't seen in other bigger forums. The possibility of a significant portion of Tildes content being generated by AI makes this sentiment a mere illusion.

      So here are my questions:

      1. Is there any reasonable way of determining which posts were written with the aid of AI?
      2. Is the Tildes community okay with the content being generated partly, or entirely, by AI?

      Please forgive me if I'm being a cynic, I've spent too much time in forums with significantly lower quality content than Tildes.

      Edit 1: Just wanted to cite this paper to somehow justify my uneasiness when it comes to writing texts with AI in command. As I've commented below, LLMs might get in the way of learning the person's true idea/opinion.

      Edit 2: As I've said in the comments below, I had no intention of accusing any particular user with this post. Clearly, I've failed to convey my intent so I'll try to clarify my original idea a bit more:

      Because I'm new to Tildes and haven't got any other forum experience besides Reddit, I was amazed with how much and how fast some users post extremely high quality content, since this was certainly not the norm in Reddit. As with many other online platforms, spammers armed with AI can be a difficult problem to deal with, so I've made this post with the intent of starting a discussion about this matter and to understand the Tildes community stance. My relatively negative view of the use of AI is due in part to my experience with such spammers in the past. Forgive me if I've assumed the worst...

      From the little time I've spent in Tildes, I'm quite sure the community grew to know each other and I'm hopeful that my post will not cause undue witch hunts. And I've also learned that because people got to know each user's stylistic voice, it's fairly easy to spot a possible AI spammer.

      Thank you for the insightful discussion so far !

      62 votes
    13. What was the most valuable technique you have learnt to manage or improve your mental health?

      A recent thread had me reflecting on my own mental health journey and what really made a difference for me, I was interested in opening a discussion about what other people found most valuable...

      A recent thread had me reflecting on my own mental health journey and what really made a difference for me, I was interested in opening a discussion about what other people found most valuable too. I'll add my own as a comment.

      49 votes
    14. What's on your spice rack?

      Very basic question, what are the herbs/spices/seasonings that are the staples of your cooking? Are there any that you use that are under-the-radar that you recommend? I ask because I have gotten...

      Very basic question, what are the herbs/spices/seasonings that are the staples of your cooking?

      Are there any that you use that are under-the-radar that you recommend?

      I ask because I have gotten into cooking a lot more in the last six months or so and am looking to restock a spice rack I have had for years with things I will use. So nothing is too simple (salt/pepper) I'm just looking for ideas and looking to see what flavors the rest of Tildes enjoys!

      28 votes
    15. Pokemon Go forums outside of Reddit?

      I noticed that r/pokemongo and r/TheSilphRoad are down because of the blackout, so now I'm not sure where to go for information. The actual Silph Road forum was shut down by Niantic, and ones like...

      I noticed that r/pokemongo and r/TheSilphRoad are down because of the blackout, so now I'm not sure where to go for information. The actual Silph Road forum was shut down by Niantic, and ones like Pokemon Go Hub aren't as focused on PvP or have the kind of discussion that the subreddit did. Does anyone know of other forums out there?

      11 votes
    16. Your favorite reviewers/critics?

      Books, films, foods, gadgets, games, etc. A good review/analysis can enhance our understanding and appreciation of the works or products. Let's give them some shoutout. Edit: add analysis (can't...

      Books, films, foods, gadgets, games, etc. A good review/analysis can enhance our understanding and appreciation of the works or products. Let's give them some shoutout.

      Edit: add analysis (can't believe I forgot one of the big categories like this) facepalmed

      22 votes