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    1. Moving post comments to the top

      For smaller threads, this isn't much of an issue, but once a thread reaches ~30 or so comments you have to scroll to the bottom before posting a comment. As tildes begins to grow this problem will...

      For smaller threads, this isn't much of an issue, but once a thread reaches ~30 or so comments you have to scroll to the bottom before posting a comment. As tildes begins to grow this problem will only get worse and worse.

      Is there any way this could be moved to the top of a thread? This would fix this problem.

      6 votes
    2. Abortion: Sanctity of Human Life and the Rights of (wo)Man

      Yesterday, Ireland passed a referendum that will repeal a constitutional amendment that banned abortions. The government of Ireland will now have the explicit authority (as soon as the results are...

      Yesterday, Ireland passed a referendum that will repeal a constitutional amendment that banned abortions. The government of Ireland will now have the explicit authority (as soon as the results are certified) to legislate matters of abortion directly. This seems likely to lead to a substantially less restrictive stance toward abortion in one of the most restrictive member nations of the EU. It would still likely end up being slightly more restrictive law than in the United States.

      Ireland's history regarding abortion's legality is explicitly tied as a counter-reaction to Roe V. Wade, the American supreme court case that found abortion legal until the third trimester under a rights-balancing test under the 9th and 14th amendments (which--implicitly--enshrines a right to privacy and--explicitly--expands that right to the state level, respectively). While this balancing test was later changed to a standard requiring "fetal viability," states and activists through the United States organized against the Supreme Court's decision to create new limitations on abortion.

      So today, I'm seeking to sidestep some of that history to wrestle with the core underlying balancing test Roe v Wade and other similar legal frameworks have tried to answer: when is a pregnant woman's rights more or less important than the life of the living being growing inside of her? In what circumstances (if any) should a woman be allowed to choose to end her pregnancy?

      19 votes
    3. Some spare Steam keys

      Hey friends. I've got some spare Steam keys for games that I already own (being subscribed to Humble monthly leads to a bunch of this ha.) First come first serve if anyone is interested. Moon...

      Hey friends.

      I've got some spare Steam keys for games that I already own (being subscribed to Humble monthly leads to a bunch of this ha.)

      First come first serve if anyone is interested.

      Moon Hunters - haven't played this yet but I've been wanting to for a while. It has online co-op so maybe whoever picks this up, we can play some time.

      Also some stuff I don't want that I'd love to get rid of:

      NBA 2k17

      EDIT: Well that went fast, ha

      20 votes
    4. Regarding making design choices understandable

      Programmers write documentation for their software which serves as a resource for why critical chioces were made and why they were chosen over other options. Would it be an idea for Tildes to...

      Programmers write documentation for their software which serves as a resource for why critical chioces were made and why they were chosen over other options. Would it be an idea for Tildes to reference to the best arguments for features implemented like the discussion we had on anonymitity some days ago? That way all the users can read why a choice made it into the site and see the process behind the choice.

      7 votes
    5. The future of moderation on Tildes

      It seems like a large percentage of us that are also moderators on Reddit-- myself included. It seems that there's a generally negative attitude toward moderators on Reddit, which I totally get....

      It seems like a large percentage of us that are also moderators on Reddit-- myself included.

      It seems that there's a generally negative attitude toward moderators on Reddit, which I totally get. Moderation on Reddit is flawed. Community members feel a sense of ownership in the community (which they should have), but bad moderators can ruin that. How do you guys think moderation should be handled here?

      Here's a link from the docs that describes current plans: https://docs.tildes.net/mechanics-future

      It highlights plans for a reputation system, which I think is the right way to go.

      I also just realized that the same discussion was posted 18 days ago, but perhaps discussion with some of the newer users is worthwhile nonetheless:

      31 votes
    6. Imagining Others Complexly

      I really like the vlogbrothers on YouTube and wanted to shared. To me the channel is about 'imagining others complexly'. So often it feels like my various feeds are full of surface level...

      I really like the vlogbrothers on YouTube and wanted to shared.

      To me the channel is about 'imagining others complexly'. So often it feels like my various feeds are full of surface level assumptions without really interrogating the world around us. To me, vlogbrothers is an exception.

      They walked through the candidates tax plans in the last election. Not to show how bad they are, but to really try to understand them.

      Hank wrote a song about quarks, and I think it is really fun. It helps demystify something that can seem scary if you don't have the right background.

      9 votes
    7. So thinking ahead... how do we stop bots?

      They've ruined reddit and Facebook for me. I can't help but to double guess every divisive or snarky comment on those platforms. I've heard as much as 1/3 of Twitter are bots. Does Tildes foresee...

      They've ruined reddit and Facebook for me. I can't help but to double guess every divisive or snarky comment on those platforms. I've heard as much as 1/3 of Twitter are bots.

      Does Tildes foresee an API (or does one exist already)? I honestly don't know much about how bots operate but figured APIs were the obvious route.

      29 votes
    8. Alts?

      So at the moment I'm guessing most people probably have just a single account, but eventually people are going to start wanting multiple accounts. How is this going to work? Only when public...

      So at the moment I'm guessing most people probably have just a single account, but eventually people are going to start wanting multiple accounts. How is this going to work? Only when public signups are allowed or can we use our invitations to invite ourselves in as it is? (since they're specifically allowed in the Terms of Service, but there's currently no way to get them except by invitation)? Are we going to require a certain amount of reputation to allow alts? Or will we introduce a nicknames or "identities" feature on top of a single account?

      13 votes
    9. Any Pirates out there? (Sea of Thieves)

      I've been really enjoying Sea of Thieves lately, and I'm pretty enthusiastic about the new update coming on Tuesday. Anyone else feeling the same? I've only got a couple people who I play with...

      I've been really enjoying Sea of Thieves lately, and I'm pretty enthusiastic about the new update coming on Tuesday. Anyone else feeling the same?
      I've only got a couple people who I play with from time to time, so if anyone would like to crew up, just add me. My Xbox tag is the same as my Tildes username.

      10 votes
    10. Can a solution to massive carbon emissions include nuclear energy?

      One of my frustrations with political threads generally is that they are often too broad to be meaningful in terms of policy discussion. So I thought I'd narrow the topic of discussion. I am quite...

      One of my frustrations with political threads generally is that they are often too broad to be meaningful in terms of policy discussion. So I thought I'd narrow the topic of discussion. I am quite interested in political discussion and this seems a fine enough place to have it as any.

      So let's talk: Nuclear energy policy!

      With the Paris accord attempting to have countries pledged to reduce their carbon footprint to keep the globe from warming past 2 degrees above industrial era temperatures, it seems like a lot of countries have a whole lot of work to do in a rather short period of time. Maybe the US decides to commit to some informal reduction in carbon emissions eventually. Maybe it doesn't. Here we're talking about shoulds.

      So for non-US people: how should a given country go about meeting their commitment to the Paris Accord?

      For the US peeps: 1.) should the US bother trying to reduce carbon emissions and 2.) how should it go about doing it?

      For everyone: What place does nuclear energy have in an energy portfolio that reduces carbon emissions?

      24 votes
    11. Suggestion: show a "this tilde doesn't exist yet" page instead of a 404

      (Apologies if this has already come up) If I click on a link to a non-existent tilde e.g. https://tildes.net/~photography it shows a plain 404 "not found" page. Instead there should be a more...

      (Apologies if this has already come up)

      If I click on a link to a non-existent tilde e.g. https://tildes.net/~photography it shows a plain 404 "not found" page. Instead there should be a more informative page which says something like "this tilde doesn't exist yet".

      This could eventually be used for a mechanism for users to vote for/suggest a new tilde.

      18 votes